happyharuppi · 7 years
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Kodama Haruka 21st Birthday Book!
Send a message to us, and we will have it translated into Japanese and printed in a book which will be sent to her.
How to participate:
- Submit or DM to happyharuppi.tumblr.com - Email your message to [email protected]
Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2017
There really isn’t a wrong way to do it! We are collecting messages everywhere, so don’t be shy, just say what you feel. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be perfect. The important thing is that Haruppi feels our love from so far away! Sign it with your first name or whatever nickname you want to use, and say what country you’re from. That’s it!!
Please like or RB to help spread the word!
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happyharuppi · 7 years
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Kodama Haruka 21st Birthday Book!
Send a message to us, and we will have it translated into Japanese and printed in a book which will be sent to her.
How to participate:
- Submit or DM to happyharuppi.tumblr.com - Email your message to [email protected]
Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2017
There really isn’t a wrong way to do it! We are collecting messages everywhere, so don’t be shy, just say what you feel. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be perfect. The important thing is that Haruppi feels our love from so far away! Sign it with your first name or whatever nickname you want to use, and say what country you’re from. That’s it!!
Please like or RB to help spread the word!
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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Happy 20th Birthday Kodama Haruka!
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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Kodama Haruka 20th Birthday Book!
Send a message to us, and we will have it translated into Japanese and printed in a book which will be sent to her.
How to participate:
- Submit or DM to happyharuppi.tumblr.com - Email your message to [email protected]
Submission Deadline: August 26th, 2016
There really isn’t a wrong way to do it! We are collecting messages everywhere, so don’t be shy, just say what you feel. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be perfect. The important thing is that Haruppi feels our love from so far away! Sign it with your first name or whatever nickname you want to use, and say what country you’re from. That’s it!!
Please like or RB to help spread the word!
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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Haruppi’s yearly overseas fan project is underway! We are accepting birthday greetings from everywhere around the world! Everyone is invited to participate and it’s very easy!
Send a message to us, and we will have it translated into Japanese and printed in a book which will be sent to her.
We have received confirmation every year we’ve done this that she’s gotten the book! As you can see from the pictures: the first year, she took a picture with the book. In year two, a friend in Japan confirmed through handshake that she had gotten it. In year three, she posted a picture of the book to her mobame (shown above).
How to participate:
- Submit or DM to me - Submit or DM to happyharuppi.tumblr.com - Email your message to [email protected]
There really isn’t a wrong way to do it! We are collecting messages everywhere, so don’t be shy, just say what you feel. It doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to be perfect. The important thing is that Haruppi feels our love from so far away! Sign it with your first name or whatever nickname you want to use, and say what country you’re from. That’s it!!
Please like or RB to help spread the word!
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happyharuppi · 8 years
Haruppi letter to Sayanee
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2016.05.26. Yamamoto Sayaka’s last Team K stage, where Haruppi couldn’t attend, so she wrote a letter to Sayanee:
To Sayanee
It is unfortunate that I cannot attend today's performance. I am given the opportunity to write this letter as I had things I want to tell you. Please excuse me for a bit.
During a certain interview we had together, despite you told me it was fine to call you Sayanee when I referred to you as Sayanee-san, Sayanee talked to me in keigo (polite form of speech), both of us were too shy at first that the feeling of distance was rather undeniable. However, I felt that we grew closer since we had high-fives on the groove of a song within this performance. I wonder how was it with Sayanee?
Please forgive me if it's just me. I was surprised, given it was a sudden announcement of you to cancel your concurrency. The time I could work together with you felt short, but I feel happy to be able to spend time with you in this team while being surrounded by the captain, kind seniors, and the fresh, young members.
I feel just a bit sad, but I had so many things I learned from being close to Sayanee, and I'm one of those who felt motivated. That's why, although I can't be such an existence, I believe I have to do my best in order to be able to be some kind of strength for this team. It's also because of Sayanee that I have such thought.
Thank you. It'd be great if I could have a chance to sing with Sayanee again somewhere. Well then, please excuse me here. I'm sorry it's just a letter. Please continue to enjoy the performance.
 Kodama Haruka
<3 translation credit: KuroiYuki88
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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Kodama Haruka _ MAKE NOISE
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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「AKB ShortShorts」 Review book  (Dark Lake)
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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" Thank you for all the fans who supported & helped Haruppi in 2015! Please keep support her in 2016!"
- Team Cwush
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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“happy merry Christmas🎅🎄”  - Kodama Haruka 2015.12.24
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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「Dark Lake」 - Kodama Haruka AKB ShortShorts    (January 30, 2016)
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happyharuppi · 8 years
Kodama Haruka Google+ English Translation
2015/12/17  23:13
『初主演映画』 こんばんは^o^兒玉遥です! “First movie role” Good evening^o^Kodama Haruka here!
先日情報解禁されました、 AKB48ショートショートの映画「9つの窓」 It was revealed to the public few days ago, AKB48 ShortShorts’s movie “Kokonotsu no Mado” (TL: The 9 Windows)
10分くらいのお話が9つ収録されていて 私は、「dark lake」というストーリーで 吸血鬼役を演じさせていただきました。 A compilation of 9 stories with approx. 10 minutes length each, Mine is a story entitled “dark lake” In which I was given the role of a bloodsucker.
ジャンルだと、ホラーになります! The genre is horror!
映画は初めてだったので緊張しました。 It was my first movie so it was nerve-wrecking.
今年はお芝居をやらせて頂く機会が多く 自分なりに上手くできないなりの楽しさを感じ 演じるということをもっと追求したいと思うようになりました。 This year I was given plenty opportunities in acting Experiencing in my own way the delight of being unable to do it well (TL note: I don’t think I translate this phrase correctly so please take it with a grain of salt) It made me think of pursuing acting further.
まだまだ、未熟ですが全力でやったつもりですので 皆さん、楽しみにしていただけたら嬉しいです。 I am still green, but I intended to do it with my utmost effort So, everyone, I would be glad if you looked forward to it.
詳しくは⇨http://akb-shortshorts.com/ For more details⇨http://akb-shortshorts.com/
おやすみなさい★ Good night
TL footnote: Translated by request.
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happyharuppi · 8 years
Kodama Haruka Google+ / Dec 16, 2015, 9:14 pm
[That Day was Sudden] こんばんは^o^兒玉遥です。 Good evening ^o^ It's Kodama Haruka. 今日の公演で、梅が卒業発表がありました。 初めて後輩の卒業発表の場を経験。 During tonight's stage, Ume announced her graduation. It was the first time hearing a junior's graduation announcement in person. 実際に立ち会ってみると、卒業といきても 今、その時に、梅がいないHKT48をそうぞできなくて 不思議な感覚でした。 Although I was physically there and I know she's going to graduate, back there and even now, I still can't imagine HKT48 without Ume. It's a strange feeling. 梅が抜けた穴はすごく大きいし、代わりはいないから 本当はいてほしいきもちですが 「シンガーソングライターになる。」と 強い覚悟をもって話している梅をみて 笑顔で背中を押さなきゃ!って思いました。 The void that Ume leaves is immense and there's no replacement for her so I really want her to stay, but seeing Ume declare "I want to become a singer songwriter" with such strong conviction I can do nothing but push her on with a smile. 残りの期間で沢山笑いあえたらいいな( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I hope we'll have a lot of laughter in our remaining time together ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ みんなで、梅の夢を応援しましょう! Everyone, let's support Ume's dream! おやすみなさい★ Good night ★
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Translation credit: Ithebigc 
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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happyharuppi · 8 years
AKB Horror Night - Adrenaline no Yoru ep17 (Kodama Haruka)
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happyharuppi · 8 years
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Kodama Haruka Google+ English Translation
2015/11/16  22:40
『生きる』 こんばんは( ´ ▽ ` )ノ兒玉遥です。 “To live” Good evening( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I am Kodama Haruka.
平和、幸せってなんだろう? Peace, happiness, I wonder what are they?
パリのニュースを見て 今日は、そのことについて考えされられた1日でした。 I saw the news on Paris, And it made today a day I thought about those matters.
今日もどこかで、誰かの命が… ただただ、かなしい。 Today as well, somewhere, someone’s life was… It’s just sad.
最初は、私1人が考えたって…って思っていたんです。 At first, I thought, “to think about it by myself is…”.
でも、こんな風に目を背けていたら世界は変わらない。 However, the world won’t change if we keep turning our back like this.
誰かがじゃなくて、他人事じゃなくて 1人1人が関心を持って行動することで大きな力になっていくのだと思います。 Not someone else, not other people’s problem, I believe we can be a great power if each person holds a concern and acts on it.
今、こうやって私たちが何気なく過ごしていること。 At the time being, we spend our lives in this way nonchalantly.
嬉しいこと、楽しいこと。 Happy circumstances, enjoyable circumstances.
嫌なことがあったり、悩んだり、悲しくなったり、切なくなったり、いろんなことが溢れている毎日。 There were unpleasant circumstances, times you felt troubled, times you felt sad, times you felt miserable, each day is flowing with various circumstances.
そんな中、今この世界で今日を生きている。 この事実こそが幸せなんだって気がつきました。 Meanwhile, today we are living in this world. Realizing it made me noticed how blessed I am.
感謝しようと思いました。 I thought of expressing my gratitude.
では、私が幸せでいることが、平和と言えるのでしょうか? So, could I say it is peaceful if I am happy?
私に、��きることは何でしょう? I wonder what can I do?
考えても考えても、なかなか答えが見つからない。 力になれない自分がもどかしい。 Even as I think about it, I can’t find the answer by no means. I’m irritated at myself who can’t be the strength.
今日を迎えたくても、迎えられなかっ��誰かがいるんです。 There are people out there, who couldn’t see this day even if they wanted to.
それなら私は、与えられた今を一生懸命生きます。 If that’s the case, I’m going to live the present time I was granted with all my might.
そして、世界の実態から目を背けず向き合おうと思いました。 Then, I thought of facing the reality of the world without turning my back on it.
平和の輪がひとつ、ふたつ 消えてしまったのなら、繋がなきゃ。 The wheels of peace, if one, or two of them Vanished, we would have to connect them.
誰かが、私が。 Somebody, me.
おやすみなさい。 Good night.
TL disclaimer: please take the translation of this touching piece by Haruppi  with a grain of salt. I feel inadequate in translating her strong resolution.
TL note: Translated on a special request.
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