harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Maybe the Asteri are death gods. Or the Daglan were. And the power Nesta had was derived from them. And that’s why Lanthys was so afraid
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Could Prythian have once been made up of Dawn, Midday, Dusk, and Midnight instead of the courts we see now?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
With the way Rigelus seems not only be the leader of the Asteri but also the one who has spoken so far I wonder if he’s the only one who’s really “alive” in the group.
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Ruhn could have sworn the Hind whispered something in Bryce’s ear… (Pg774)
Told her what/who Hunt is?
Or just that she would do anything to protect Ruhn?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
“Maybe it’s because your scent is wrong, angel.” (Pg767)
Wrong because he’s a god? Demigod? From the planet Thurr?
Has Hunt been able to use his lightning by siphoning off of Firstlight and/or energy the entire time but he’s never realized it?
It doesn’t seem like he was created by the Asteri like how the others were.
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
“Thurr was the last time someone got as far as Danika did in learning about us. It didn’t end well for them. I suppose she wanted to learn from their mistakes before acting.” (Pg763)
Were the Thunderbirds from planet Thurr? And that’s why the Asteri destroyed them? Because they learned of the Asteri feeding on them?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
“If it’s any interest to you, your Starborn bloodline specifically hailed from a small isle a few miles from the mainland.”
“The Midgard shifters were Fae from a different planet. All the Fae in that world shared their form with an animal. The mer descended from them, too. Perhaps they once shared a world with your breed of Fae, but they had been alone on their planet for long enough to develop their own gifts.” (Pg762)
The isle reminds me of the Prison.
Maybe the shifters came from Aelin’s planet. Does this mean the mer are also Fae?
Does this mean the Fae in Prythian could develop gifts allowing them to shift into animal forms?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
“You are Starborn and have the Horn bound to your body and power. Your ancestors wielded the Horn and another Fae object that allowed them to enter this world. Stolen, of course, from their original masters—our people. Our people, who built fearsome warriors in that world to be their army. All of them prototypes for the angels in this one. And all of them traitors to their creators, joining the Fae to overthrow my brothers and sisters a thousand years before we arrived on Midgard. They slew my siblings.” (Pg761)
The prototypes feel like the Illyrians. But could also be the Seraphim or Peregryn. Especially since the Seraphim and Peregryn have feathered wings.
Could the Daglan have created one of those groups? All of them?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Urganis. Children were ideal nutrition. Adults incompatible. (Pg759)
Perhaps the Asteri feed off the Firstlight from dreamers. Or maybe Firstlight comes from dreams/dreamers. And a child might be more of a dreamer than some adults. The Drop would contain a lot of people dreaming of being immortal and the power and life that would come with it. The dead going to the Bone Quarter would dream of life at the end. And then some literally give their Firstlight to make wishes like Bryce and Danika do. To dream of their wish coming true
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
She read the next page, with a drawing of a Fae female. They did not see the old enemy who offered a hand through space and time. Like a fish to bait, they came, and they opened the gates to us willingly. They walked through them—to Midgard—at our invitation, leaving behind the world they knew. (Pg757)
The old enemy makes me think of the Daglan. But even if some on Prythian’s planet went to Midgard not everyone did. And the last line makes me think that everyone on that particular planet went to Midgard. Perhaps it’s only referring to the Dusk Court. Maybe even just the Valkyries.
Perhaps all the Fae on Midgard came from the planet mentioned.
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
She peered at a drawing of a mer beside a sketch of a wolf shifter. The aquatic shifters can hold a hybrid form far more easily than those on land. (Pg757)
Is the hybrid form referring to part mer part wolf? Could the Asteri manipulate, experiment, or create powerful beings because the more powerful the being are the more power the Asteri generate from their Firstlight?
Could Bryce have a wolf form? That’s why the Prime referred to her as a wolf? Or maybe she has ancestors who were wolves?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Six ruled this world, but there’d originally been a seventh. How many existed beyond them? (Pg757)
I think the Daglan might have been a separate group or type of Asteri. And not the kind Midgard has. The Asteri took Dusk and fed off their power and the Daglan fed from Dawn, Midnight, and Midday? Did they destroy Dusk not just for their Firstlight but so that there would seven courts instead of eight? To represent the holy number?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Iphraxia. Conq. A.E. 680. Lost A.E. 720. She read the note beside it and her blood iced over. Denizens learned of our methods too quickly. We lost many to their unified front. Evacuated. (Pg756)
Could this be the planet where Prythian is? Or even Aelin’s?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Dawn. Midnight. Midday. She had no idea what any of the names meant, or what lay behind the door. But one in the center shared her eye: Dusk. (Pg753)
Maybe the power the Asteri hold is the power of Dusk? And there are Asteri with the other powers? Who fed off the other type of powers? The Asteri are beings of light but there is a version that are beings of darkness?
Are they the name of planets? The type of Fae the Asteri found to have the best Firstlight? The Starborn from Dusk. The Illyrians for Midnight maybe.
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
She went rigid as she read the Bright Hand’s screen: Rigelus Power Level: 65%. (Pg750)
This makes me picture a bigger being controlling them. I guess because I can easily imagine someone charging them up like one would an iPhone.
But they could also easily be corrupted Thunderbirds or Starborn. Or maybe even controlled and corrupted.
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
Hesperus. The Evening Star. (Pg750)
Could this Asteri have something to do with the Dusk Court? Could they have once ruled the Dusk Court? Named the Evening Star because they destroyed the Dusk Court and used the energy from all those deaths to become an Asteri?
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harperbrynne · 3 months
CC2 Reread:
If he defected from the River Queen, then he could defect from the Viper Queen one day, couldn’t he? He didn’t ask. Didn’t doubt it as he laid his lips on her wrist, and her blood filled his mouth. (Pg718)
This feels similar to the blood oath the cadre had with Maeve.
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