hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
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Found this on a writing blog
This article is about how to write better male characters
What the actual fuck does this shit mean?!!
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Writing Help Masterlist (Part 2 of 2)
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
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I came up with good links for you to start with.
The Homicide Witness and Victimization
The Effects of Witnessing the Violent Death of a Loved One 
Experience Project: I Was Witness to a Murder
Witnessing Violence and Death
Your Child: Childhood Trauma and its Effects 
Fact Sheet: Witnessing Violence 
Children Who Witness Parental Murder
What I’d like you to do is to research this matter as much as you can in order to portray it accurately. Witnesses of crime often have to deal with a big amount of trauma and fear in real life, and the least you can do is try to depict it as best as you can. 
Best of luck.
Someone just asked about childhood trauma. Another effect can be amnesia. Sometimes a person just forgets a stressful/traumatic event for what could be years until something triggers it. It sets in within a few days of the event. It’s a real thing and normally (upon return of the memory) the person just ignores it’s occurrence and depression can follow. - catcher-in-the-sky
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Character Questionnaire
Here is a detailed character meme to fill in! (If you’re stuck on some of the questions, check the prompts here.)
Full name
[name here]
Preferred name/nickname
[name here]
Generally referred to as
[name here]
FACECLAIM: [Do you have a faceclaim for your character?] SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?] HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?] WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?] BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc] HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?] SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that’s more appropriate for your character!] EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?] MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?] NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?] HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?] FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?] SCARS: [Any visible scars?] CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?] OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features] OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn’t covered by the above.]
VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?] ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?] VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.] LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?] ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?] EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?] LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?] GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?] BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]
FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?] HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?] LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?] EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they’re upset, or laugh and jump about when they’re happy?] HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?] POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?] WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?] SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?] PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others’ personal space?] SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what’s around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?] OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]
DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?] SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?] EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?] ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?] CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?] ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?] MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?] NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?] ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?] ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?] INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?] PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?] OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?] OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?] GENDER: [What is the character’s gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?] SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?] ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?] MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?] PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?] PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?] INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?] PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?] GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?] INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?] ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they’re especially proud of?] ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?] OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?] SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?] COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?] BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?] PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?] TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]
The Past.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?] SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?] ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?] LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?] FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?] FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?] LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.] WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?] BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?] LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?] LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]
FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?] FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?] FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?] NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?] ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?] ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?] MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?] ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?] ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?] STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don’t consider a friend?] FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?] DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?] BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?] LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?] WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?] RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don’t like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]
MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?] COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?] PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?] GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?] OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?] GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?] JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?] TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?] EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person’s feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?] AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?] DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?] ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?] RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they’re wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?] SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?] CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?] HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?] LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?] PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?] PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?] FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?] CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?] INSULTS: [How do they take insults?] EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?] FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?] ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?] SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]
CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?] PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?] BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?] DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?] TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?] POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?] COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?] HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?] DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?] INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?] COOKING: [Can they cook?] BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?] CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?] SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?] DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?] FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?] MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?] KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?] PETS: [Do they have or want pets?] DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?] LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?] COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?] PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?] TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?] MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?] ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?] WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?] PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?] PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?] HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Character Questionnaire --
I’ve recently started filling out character questionnaires and I decided to share one of my favorites. It’s great for writers and roleplayers alike, and aside from being a ton of fun to fill out, it allows you to really get to know your character. Therefore, if you’ve got time, I highly recommend trying it out. Credit for this questionnaire goes to this site, though I added my own questions and changed it up a bit.
Talk about your character’s name. What is it, and how is it pronounced? What does it mean? Does your character have any nicknames?
Post a picture of your character or describe what they look like in detail. Note any distinguishing facial features.
Describe your character’s personality.
What is your character like in relationships? Are they clingy? Faithful or unfaithful? Do they jump from one relationship to the other?
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike?
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies?
What kind of people does your character surround themselves with? Why?
Where was your character born? Where have they lived since then? Where is the place that they call home?
Where does your character go when they are angry?
What is your character’s biggest fear? Who have they told this to? Who would they never tell this to? Why?
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it?
What makes your character laugh out loud? What makes them angry?
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart?
Does your character have any flaws? What are they?
Then dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? On their nightstand?
Your character is walking home in the dark when they hear some noises around the corner. What do they do? How would they react if they heard someone crying out for help?
When your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant?
Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for them to throw out? What is difficult for them to part with? Why?
It is Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If they’re eating breakfast, what exactly do they eat? If they’re stretching out in the backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel do they lie on?
While driving down the road, your character hits a dog and swerves off the road into a tree. Do they get out to see to the car first, or the animal?
Your character is in a relationship and they come home to find their partner in bed with another person. How do they react? How do they feel?
What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
Your character gets into a discussion about death and dying. How would they describe the perfect death? Do they believe in life after? Are they afraid of death?
A friend of your character calls, they want to hang out. What do they do? If they stay home, what will your character suggest they do? If they go out, where will they go?
More of these can eventually be found here.
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Things you should know about each of your characters
These are what I would consider to be the most basic, bare-bones questions of character creation.
What would completely break your character?
What was the best thing in your character’s life?
What was the worst thing in your character’s life?
What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character?
Does your character work so that they can support their hobbies or use their hobbies as a way of filling up the time they aren’t working?
What is your character reluctant to tell people?
How does your character feel about sex?
How many friends does your character have?
How many friends does your character want?
What would your character make a scene in public about?
What would your character give their life for?
What are your character’s major flaws?
What does your character pretend or try to care about?
How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
What is your character afraid of?
What is something most people in your setting do that your character things is dumb?
Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale?
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
Send me some numbers, and I will tell you:
What does their bedroom look like?
Do they have any daily rituals?
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
Intellectual pursuits?
Favorite book genre?
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
Favorite beverage?
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
What is their biggest regret?
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Most prized possession?
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
Concept of home and family?
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
What makes them feel guilty?
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
How misanthropic are they?
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
Superstitions or views on the occult?
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
How do they express love?
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Important Tags
So I see that my blog has gained a lot of followers. There are a lot of good writing resources here and I want you all to be able to find the ones you need as easily as possible.
So here are all the tags I’ve used till now. I’ll be updating this list as I use more tags. Bookmark this post and come back to it whenever you need to look up something on my blog.
B Y   E L E M E N T S  O F   A   B O O K
Character Questionnaires
Character Development
Character Flaws
Side Characters
Male Characters
Differentially Abled Characters
Physical Characteristics
Romantic scenes
Emotional scene
Action scenes
Writing Description
B Y   G E N R E
General Fiction
Word Replacements
Writing Tools (apps, generators and other tools)
Narrative Voice (Tips on writing style, tone, voice, etc.)
World Building
Productivity (Tips for writers to improve their productivity)
Random Facts (That could help you with your story)
Academic (Writing tips that can helps students too)
Inspiration (Just general writing inspiration to make you feel better)
Tumblr Asks
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
OC Questions For NaNoWriMo
Which OC is afraid of the dark?
Which OC loves Scooby-Doo?
Which OC sleeps naked?
Which OC has dated the most people?
Which OC has kissed the most people?
Which OC has slept with the most people?
Which OC loves horror movies?
Which OC is squeamish about blood?
Which OC will eat anything?
Which OC has best fashion sense?
Which OC is the tallest?
Which OC is the shortest?
Which OC posts the most selfies?
Which OC plays an an instrument?
Which OC is closest with their family?
What is _____’s favorite food?
What is _____’s favorite app?
What is _____’s middle name?
What is _____’s star sign?
Does _____ have any scars?
Is _____ afraid of anything?
Does _____ collect anything?
What is _____’s Starbucks order?
What is _____’s favorite genre of book?
Describe _____ by combining 2 fictional characters.
Describe _____ with a song lyric.
Describe _____ in 3 words.
Describe an outfit that _____ would typically wear.
Describe _____’s perfect day.
Would you be friends with _____?
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Gotta Be LGBT+
This is a list of just some of the LGBT+ content out there. Anything on this list was contains LGBT+ characters or was made by LGBT+ creators. All entries on this list were sent in by followers and have not been confirmed by the mod. (Entries with ‘rep not given’ next to them mean that the suggestion did not include what kind of representation is in the content)
They Both Die At The End - Adam Silvera (mlm)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire-Saénz (mlm)
Symptoms of Being Human (genderfluid)
Lily and Dunkin - Donna Gephart (trans/trans woman)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (wlw/bi)
The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice and Virtue - Mackenzie Lee (mlm/gay/bi)
Been Here All Along - Sandy Hall (gay/bi)
History Is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera (mlm/gay)
Blue Is The Warmest Color - Julie Maroh (wlw/bi/lesbian)
Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller (bi/genderfluid)
Once and Future - Cori McCarthy (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/nonbinary)
Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Beck Albertalli (mlm/gay)
Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli (wlw/bi)
Grasshopper Jungle - Andrew Smith (questioning/mlm)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here - Patrick Ness (mlm/gay)
Flying Tips For Flightless Birds - Kelly McCaughrain (mlm/gay)
I’ll Give You The Sun - Jandy Nelson (mlm)
Point Pleasant - Jen Archer Wood (mlm) 
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - Gerard Way (mlm/wlw)
The Wayfarers Series - Becky Chambers (wlw/aro/trans man/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Vesuvius Club - Mark Gatiss (bi)
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller (mlm)
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman (bi/mlm/demi/gay/pan/wlw/lesbian)
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst (wlw/lesbian)
Magnus Chase Series - Rick Riordan (genderfluid)
Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (gay)
This Is Kind of An Epic Love Story - Kheyrn Callender (mlm/wlw)
Gracefully Grayson - Ami Polonsky (trans woman)
If I Was Your Girl - Meredith Russon (trans woman)
Call Me By Your Name - Andre Aciman (mlm)
Red, White, and Royal Blue - Casey McQuinston (mlm)
I Wish You All The Best - Mason Deaver (nonbinary)
Dreadnaught + Sovereign - April Daniels (wlw/trans woman)
The Art of Being Normal - Lisa Williamson (trans)
The Gone Series - Michael Grant (mlm/wlw)
One Of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus (mlm)
Six Of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (mlm)
Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo (rep not given)
The Last Sun - Author Not Provided (rep not given)
Romeo and/or Juliet - Ryan North (rep not given)
American Gods - Neil Gaiman (mlm/gay/bi) 
The Mage Wars Series - Mercedes Lackey (gay)
Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Bryan Lee O’Malley (mlm/gay/wlw)
Boyfriends With Girlfriends - Alex Sánchez (mlm/wlw/bi/gay)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson - David Levithan & John Green (mlm)
This Is Where It Ends -Marieke Nijkamp (lesbian/wlw)
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell (mlm)
Stranger Than Fanfiction - Chris Colfer (mlm/trans man/gay)
The Reader Trilogy (The Reader, The Speaker, The Storyteller) - Traci Chee (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman (trans)
Heartstopper - Alice Oseman (mlm)
The Broken Earth Trilogy - MK Jemisin (trans woman/poly/pan/mlm
A Boy Worth Knowing - Jennifer Cosgrove (mlm/bi/gay)
The Rifter - Author Not Provided (mlm)
Snapdragon - Author Not Provided (wlw/ trans woman)
Welcome to Night Vale (mlm/gay/wlw/nonbinary)
Dreamboy (mlm/gay)
Alice Isn’t Dead (wlw/lesbian)
The Penumbra Podcast (mlm/bi/genderfluid/nonbinary)
My Favorite Podcast (trans men)
Within the Wires (wlw)
The Adventure Zone (mlm/wlw/trans/gnc/nonbinary)
Limetown (wlw/lesbian)
Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness (nblm/nonbinary)
Friends at the Table (mlm/wlw/nonbinary)
LezHangOut (wlw)
Bright Sessions (mlm/demi/ace)
Queer As Fact (historical lgbt)
History Is Gay (historical lgbt)
Always Here (historical lgbt)
And That’s Why We Drink (nonbinary)
Magnus Archives (mlm/ace)
The Two Princes (mlm/gay/bi)
Girl-ish (trans women)
The Bright Sessions (gay/ace)
TV Shows/Movies/ETC
One Day At A Time (Remake) (wlw/lesbian/nonbinary)
Love, Simon (mlm/gay)
A Single Man (mlm/gay)
Brokeback Mountain (mlm/gay)
In The Flesh (mlm/gay)
Weekend (mlm)
RWBY (wlw)
Jessica Jones (wlw/lesbian)
Critical Role (mlm/gay/bi/wlw/lesbian/nonbinary/genderfluid)
Pose (trans women/gay)
Schitt’s Creek (pan)
White Collar (wlw)
Lucifer (bi)
Umbrella Academy (mlm)
Call Me By Your Name (mlm)
Brooklynn 9-9 (mlm/gay/bi)
Steven Universe (nonbinary)
Sailor Moon (wlw)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (wlw)
Sense8 (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian/trans woman)
Doom Patrol (?/rep not given)
Good Omens (nonbinary)
Gentleman Jack (wlw)
American Gods (mlm/gay/bi/two-spirit)
Orange Is The New Black (wlw/trans)
Blue Is The Warmest Color (wlw)
Shameless (mlm/trans)
Euphoria (wlw/trans woman)
Modern Family (mlm/gay)
Daisy Brown ARG (wlw/lesbian)
Deadpool (pan)
Deadpool 2 (pan/wlw)
Alex Strangelove (mlm/gay)
Wynonna Earp (lesbian/gay/wlw)
She-Ra (wlw/mlm/gay/bi/lesbian)
SKAM (rep not provided)
Gotham (bi)
The Prom (wlw/lesbian)
Be More Chill (mlm/bi)
Fun Home (wlw)
Spring Awakening (mlm)
A New Brain (mlm)
Falsettos (mlm/wlw)
Rent (mlm/wlw)
Firebringer (wlw/bi)
A Very Potter Musical (mlm/gay)
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals (wlw)
Bare: A Pop Opera (mlm)
Everybody’s Talking About Jaime (mlm/gay)
Yank! The Musical (mlm)
Octet (wlw)
Ghost Quartet (wlw)
Spies Are Forever (mlm/gay)
Video Games
Fallout: New Vegas (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
When The Night Comes (mlm/nonbinary)
The Arcana (nonbinary)
Dream Daddy (mlm/gay/bi/pan/trans)
Dragon Age (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans)
Smile For Me (wlw)
Undertale (trans/nonbinary/wlw/mlm)
Monster Prom (nonbinary)
Cookie Run (nonbinary/mlm/wlw/bi/pan)
The Missing (wlw/trans woman)
Fable 2 & 3 (wlw/mlm)
Borderlands 2 (mlm/wlw/bi/gay/lesbian)
Gone Home (wlw)
Prey (rep not given)
Dishonored 2 (rep not given)
Deus Ex Mankind Divided System Rift (rep not given)
Assassins Creed Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian/trans)
The Last of Us (wlw/lesbian) 
Mass Effect Series (mlm/wlw/gay/lesbian)
Life Is Strange (wlw)
Overwatch (mlm/gay/wlw/lesbian)
Animal Crossing (pan)
Night In The Woods (pan/mlm/trans woman)
The Elder Scrolls (trans/wlw/lesbian)
Obviously this list is far from complete so feel free to add to it or let me know of anything else and I’ll edit the post to add it as long as you include the category it belongs to! Be sure to include what representation it has though otherwise I can’t add it!
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Recognizing Abuse Masterlist
Signs that you’re living in abuse:
Behavioral patterns of living in abuse
Was I abused? Checklist
Not knowing you are a victim
Signs your family is abusive
Making excuses for your abusive parents
Experience of living in secrecy
What they taught you was abuse
Emotional experiences of living in abuse
Shame and guilt: how abused children feel
What makes parents abusers (actions)
Have I been manipulated into believing abuse was my fault? Checklist
Am I being held hostage by abusers? Checklist
You are not allowed to mention the past
Why you still love abusive parents
Parental behaviour that isn’t normal
Shit parents aren’t supposed to say to you
Experience of “not belonging anywhere”
Red flags for abusive parents
Healthy vs Abusive Chores
Was my childhood abusive or just had some bad parts?
Rules always change (unpredictable environment is abusive)
Breakdown of abusive parent’s behaviour:
“This is my house” rule
Start living in the real life!
Why all the children aren’t abused equally in an abusive home
Common abuser hypocrisies
Do your parents want you to be happy or look happy?
Why do they try to convince you that you’re worthless
Why do they pretend you’re a burden? Controlling behaviour
Why your abusers are not good people
Abusive parents are keeping you in false hope they’ll change
Are your parents preventing you from succeeding?
Abusive parents pretending “it wasn’t that bad”
Double Bind (why every choice you make ends wrong)
Incorporating trauma in raising children
Abusers will not allow you to call them out on abuse
Signs your parents are narcissistic:
Stuff delusional narcissists say
Shit narcissistis parents say
Recognizing emotional immaturity of narcissistic parents
Examples of narcissistic behaviours
Being punished for growing up by narcissistic parents
What children of narcissists go thru
Signs you’ve been thru sexual abuse:
CSA (Childhood Sexual Abuse) Symptoms
Signs you might have endured CSA
Was I sexually abused by adults as a child? Checklist
Signs of abusive friendship/relationship:
How to tell if a friend is not a friend
Am I in an abusive relationship/friendship? Checklist
Manufacturing insecurities
Red flags for abusers
Have I been thru social abuse? Checklist
You can recognize abusers by how they make you feel
How abusive childhood teaches you to stay in abusive relationships
Recognizing abusive friendship
Signs you’re struggling with trauma
Trauma processing information
Experiences of traumatized children
Signs you’re recovering from long term abuse
Things abuse survivors think/say
Thoughts of victims of child abuse
Your brain on trauma
How long term childhood abuse develops into complex trauma (comic)
Ups and downs of trauma
36K notes · View notes
hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Writing Help Masterlist (Part 2 of 2)
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
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hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
Promising young woman trailer
0 notes
hermit-in-da-bog · 3 years
High ground trailer(2020)
0 notes
hermit-in-da-bog · 4 years
Che Guevara’s true legacy
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hermit-in-da-bog · 4 years
Nanno x TK || Thrift shop - Meriya Pepito
Girl from nowhere
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