OUT OF SPEED - Indefinite Hiatus
Unfortunately I have lost the muse for Tommy and as such I will be putting his blog on indefinite hiatus. I won’t be deleting him in case the muse for him returns but for now, there will be no more posts on this blog.
Thank you for your time and your creativity for those who wrote with Tommy.
I will be continuing work on the following blogs if you wish to continue RPing with me:
@brooklynborncap --- @cacophonyxmuses --- @nomercymerc
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“And allowing you to be a kid for once involves what exactly?” His arm came to rest loosely around her neck; a subconscious move to keep her close on his part. “You’re the boss, you tell me what you want and maybe I’ll do what you say. No promises though.”
“I don’t think I annoy ANYONE on the team since I’m the one who’s usually forced to be a responsible adult figure. Which makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. So all of you need to just stop being petulant ankle bitters and let me be a little kid for once.”
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“One country did a thing that the other countries didn’t like so instead of talking it out, they fought each other and killed a bunch of their soldiers and civilians in the process,” Tommy said as his summary of World War I. Of course there was a lot more to it than that, but right now he couldn’t recall the details and he didn’t want to waste energy and time trying to remember stuff he had already forgotten.
He smirked at the other, his eyes darting to watch the wings flare and the feather ruffle and ripple with movement. “If you ever need someone to be sneaky on your behalf, all you have to do is say the word, man.”
Project Management
Nate scrawled a few more notes, making a note to look up some more information on world war one and how it could’ve lead to the weirdness in the poems. “World War II is the Germany one, right?” he asked, frowning a little at his notes. History was never a strong point, really. “Why did world war one happen? Was that the one with the big bombs..?” he mumbled, “If he’s writing about flowers and they dropped bombs or something …”
Then he looked up again at Tommy and grinned ever so slightly. “Oh, man. That’s cool. But I’m a lot less subtle than you. These things make it hard to be sneaky.” his wings flared slightly as he mentioned them, showing a hint of shimmering purples and greens in the glossy black before they tucked back down again.
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Send a ◣ for a sleepy confession from my muse about your muse
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Touch Meme
Send a symbol to have your Muse touch my Muse in a certain way and see how they react!
➟ Pull on their hair/clothing ➡ Smack dat ass ➢Grope them ➣ Slap their hand away ➤ Punch/Slap/Assault them ➥ Rub their back ➧ Massage their shoulders ➨ Put their hand between mine’s legs ➚Tickle them ➙ Pinch them ➛Poke them ➜ Play with mine’s hair ➝ Feel mine’s heartbeat
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random thingy for @likenineyearsold
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“Kate,” Tommy whined, managing to draw out the one syllable of Kate’s name to last longer than necessary. “Kate, I’m bored. Entertain me.”
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“You say nothing like it’s really not nothing,” Tommy noted, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. “C’mon, Mommy, spill. Tell your son what’s weighing on your mind.”
Wanda looked her son up and took in a breath before sighing and waving him off. “Nothing, sweetheart.” She told her son. 
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Tommy looked out into the main training room where Captain America and Falcon were doing their thing. Inwardly Tommy admitted that they both had flare to their fighting styles. The Captain certainly had been paying attention to parkour judging by all the spins and rolls he was doing. Outwardly Tommy appeared disinterested so instead he turned his attention back to Allison.
“I’m alright, thanks.” Tommy shrugged one shoulder at her, feigning nonchalance. He was actually studying her closely, trying to figure out what her deal was. “First time at the compound and if Wanda has anything to say about it, it won’t be my last. She seems kinda content around here so we’ll be sticking around a while. What about you? You live here, with the Avengers?”
Ally had been watching Sam and Steve spar a little bit in the main training room, taking note of how each of them fought in case she ever got the chance to spar with either of them. When someone came up to her, her head snapped up and she smiled up at him.
“Yeah, that’s me. It’s nice to meet you; I’ve heard a lot about you.” Ally scooted over so he could sit next to her with a comfortable amount of space. “I’m good,” she nodded. “How are you? Is it your first time at the compound?” 
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“I’m here as a favour to my mother,” he quickly explained. But he wasn’t interested in talking about that part of his life right now. Now when the other was complimenting his good lucks and charm. He gave them a loose, lop-sided smile. “My mutation is actually super-speed,” he told them, “but my handsomeness is much more impressive.” He laughed at his own cockiness.
“ You can’t be that bad if Charles lets you stay here” They added with a chuckle. “ Suprises me Charles didn’t throw me out yet , but to be fair i am only here a week now so..” Jade then ran a hand through her short hair. “ So Tommy , what is your mutation? Being incredibly handsome? Or having the best comebacks?”
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First a goat, now a huge panther. This place was just full of surprises. Tommy was briefly worried the panther might try to eat the goat but neither animal appeared to be all that concerned by each other. 
Tommy’s main concern quickly became what was being implied. “What the- I ain’t into that. Girls only. Female humanoid people. No goats. How dare you. You don’t know me.” He blurted all of that out, the words spoken so quickly they nearly blended into one syllable. 
“The goat was out when I got here and I am not going to do anything to it because eww no gross.”
So her and Steve had tried to return the goat, turns out no one from the nearest 100 miles had one missing. That just raised all sorts of new questions, that she really wasn’t sure she wanted the answers too. So they had decided to keep Miss Independant, who Cap had named. 
She and Pan had gone for a walk, heading back to the compound when she saw the guy talking to the goat. She smirked, heading up, her hands in her pockets. The panther following docilely behind her, sniffing the air as they got close to the pair, a soft huff leaving her. “Indy got out of her pen again? Although, I will warn you.. if you broke her out for some kinky reason… I’m going to have to kick your ass.” 
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“To which mother of mine are you referring to? The foster Mom who did try to teach me such things or my real Mom who teaches me that in order to get the job done, sometimes you have to bend the rules a little?” Wanda hadn’t taught him such a thing. In fact she was quite strict about her son sticking to the rules. Tommy was just testing how much he might be able to get away with.
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He looked down at Hawkeye’s file and laughed before putting it back where he had found it. “I’ve read all the others. I saved Grandpa Hawkguy for last because out of all of them, his was probably the most boring. Although I wasn’t expecting him to be an ex-circus carnie. That’s hilarious.”
“Didn’t your mother teach you it’s rude to go through other people’s things, Mr. Sheperd?” Amelia questioned, standing just inside her office, a hand on her hip, the other wrapped around her fourth mug of coffee for the day. There was no annoyance or anger to her voice. Rather, there was almost a bit of amusement.
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She walked further into her office, coming up to his side. “Hawkeye’s file, hm?” Amelia glanced at the one in Tommy’s hands. “Why, out of everyone’s file I have in here, did you pull his?”
( @needxforxspeed)
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Tommy’s attention span was already waning. He squinted at the book, forcing himself to focus on the words and what Nathaniel was saying about them, rather than letting his mind wander into some random tangent that had nothing to do with their project. “Yeah, World War One was horrible and these old dudes decided that they simply had to complain about it through poetry.” He shrugged, knowing that there was a lot more to the poets’ War experiences than that, but what would he know, he was just a dumb kid.
“Dude, you just have to know where to look,” he said, his attention fixating on something much more appealing: candy. “These professors want you to think it’s all about healthy eating, but they keep their own stashes all over the place.” He considered telling the other about the stash of booze he had found once, but for the moment kept it to himself.
Project Management
“Right…” he mumbled, “So. World War 1. Would’ve been a thing.” he scrawled a couple of notes into his workbook, “So we can talk about how the poems might’ve been inspired by world war one?” he mumbled. Nate wasn’t dumb, but his focus had never been in the school. He’d been all about his clothes, the haircut, the scene. But that had changed when the wings had grown in. Most of his clothes were still from Hot Topic, just with the back slashes to let his wings emerge.
“I wasn’t aware they hid chocolate in the kitchen. I thought this place was all - fresh vegetables and crap.” he mumbled. His wings had relaxed to their natural position, hooked onto his shoulders. “So could we say … he’s inspired by war and all that sad shit?”
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Speed smirked as Kate leaned against him a little. She may have been stating a fact and that he was indeed a little sweet on her, but he wasn’t quite prepared to confirm that out loud. “Just good manners,” he said with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. “Plus out of the rest of the team, you’re the one who annoys me the least.”
“Oh am I now?” the archer laughed quietly, pressing her forehead to his shoulder. Leaning against him she smiled gently. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’ve always been a little sweet on me Speed.”
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Dropping in quickly to say hi! Fingers crossed I’ll have time to catch up a little on Sunday (25th), in between studying and recovering from my charity event on Saturday.
Love you all xxx
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a look inside ~ tommy shepherd’s phone
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Lucky Blue Smith
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