chart types -
relationship charts
synastry chart, synastry chart w/ outer circle, and natal w/partner outside.
These three options are all the same. The only difference is a prefrence for how you observe the chart. A synastry chart is a combination of two individuals natal chart. Putting one on top of another to see how two individual's interact and how one perceives the other. Here you can easily observe where your partner's planets land or fall in your chart and vice-versa. This may help you determine if someone perceives you romantically, platonically, professionally, or familiarly.
composite midpoint and composite reference place method
A composite chart is a theoretical chart. It is how two or more individuals function as a whole, as a unit, or as a team. This is a great chart for observing marriages or business partnerships. Interpreting a composite is slightly different than Interpreting a natal. Here you must think of the the first house in terms of the individuals or relationships persona, the fourth as the shared intimacy, the 7th as outside the relationship (us verse them) and 10th as relationship goals.
The midpoint composite literally calculates the midpoint or median between the natal sun and the other's natal sun sun position as so on. Example: The composite Sun or a natal 0° Aries and 0°Libra will give you a 0°Cancer composite sun. and so.
The composite reference place method however uses the geographical locations to determine the midpoint positions of each position.
Davidson chart, corrected and not corrected.
The Davidson chart is another hypothetical chart that calculates the midpoint of one natals time and place of birth and another. The "corrected" Davidson accounts for adjusting the MC to the meridian which sometimes cannot otherwise be possible given the midpoint of time and place. Some say that thecdavidson is best for considering transits and progressions because it can exist in time and space unlike the midpoint chart.
more can be found on the sites FAQ
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okay .... so my astrology posts never go through...I made several attempts. I've shortened them and left out all photos and gifs, leaving it to text only. I've tried saving periodically o
and simply just posting with out saving first and my work never gets saved or posted. It's been six frustrating for me that I never log in anymore. I keep contemplating moving to you tube?....I don't know if I should delete my tumblr....
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Currently Reading...
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Written in 1818 by Mary Shelly. It was her first book at only, 20 years old?
Oddly enough, I kept hearing about this book over and over for weeks. I finally made it to a used book store, hunted it down, and now reading through it slowly. I find the style to be a vary relaxing read.
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hiddenscorpioopposition page update:
posts have been slow due to busy mom life. My only free time is generally during school hours which tends to get eaten away by responsibilities as it is. Where I live in the midwest temps have hit:
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We have already hit our max on cancelled school days and have been getting hit with tons of snow.
That being said I am thinking of creating a third tumblr for my parenting. And perhaps share any self-love empowering posts on both pages. This way I am not spamming followers with undesirable posts. And I can have three pages for each niche. My main page @hiddenscorpioopposition for astrology and spirituality. @mrsgordo730 for fandom. And a third for parenting that I have yet to name.
Hopefully this sounds good to all my followers. As always feel free to ASK ME or comment any astro/tarot related material or questions as you wish.
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🌟Easy astrology Mural Idea🌟
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Find a standard astrology themed (or what ever theme you like) monthly calendar. Etsy's, Ebay, or Amazon are all good places to look.
Separate the pages and put adhesive on the back.
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Arrange in any style you like. Mine are temporarily tacked until I find a backdrop I want.
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Venus in Taurus, for anyone wondering 😉
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Astro 101 Tips
Astrodiscent Edition
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I still come across many astrology students who are not familar with astro.com. Or perhaps they are, but find the site intimidating.
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Yes, Its chaotic looking. The site has a lot to offer. Many articles, many horoscopes.
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Once you have created a profile (on the top right hand corner), and perhaps browsed some, You'll want to find The Extended Chart Selection. It tends to located three different spots on the home page. If you click on the Free Horoscope tab you will also see it under Drawings and Calculations (like the image above. It looks like this:
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Under Birth Data You can store as many friends, family, or celebrities as you wish and find them in the drop down menu.
Under options for Zodiac and Houses you can change your prefrences for chart styles. On the right side we have Zodiac. Here you can choose between Tropical, sidereal, and draconic. This has to do with how you look at the calender year. Tropical is used most often and is based on the season equinox. Sidereal astrology is the equivalent to eastern or hindu astrology and based upon the Earth position and distance from other astral bodies. While the draconic chart is more of a theorical chart taking into account the moons true north node 0°Aries and repositioning it as the new rising. It is theorized to be a soul chart.
One the left side of Options for Zodiac and houses. We have House systems.
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These tend to be named after the astrologer who designed them. Let's go over the basics. The Whole House system divides each house into 30° equally. It is a theoretical system designed to make chart reading a little easier. The Equal house system is similar only differs in that it factors in the ascendant as the starting point rather than zero. Unlike these placidus and others are based on the degree the eclipse moves.
*If this all too detailed you can always stick with the default settings. Tropical zodiac and placidus house system.*
Then we have Display and calculation Options. This is just a fun little section that can help you design your charts they way you wish to view them. Not everyone wishes to include the other planets because they move so slow, you can remove them here by checking the box. If you don't want to see aspect lines? No problem If you wish to remove minor aspect lines, no problem. Here, you can also increase or decrease the orb allowance which will control aspect lines. This only really useful if you wish yo include fixed stars and astroids. Which can be done by clicking additional options at the very bottom. When ready to view your chart just click Click here to show Chart.
*In my next post Asro 101 Tips - Astrodiscent. We will explore the Chart Types under the sections- round tab.*
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Your Feedback Welcome
If there is any material you’d like to see more of please let me know
If you have chart suggestions, please let me know
If you want input on chart reading, tarot reading, dream reading or personal advice ask me.
Suggestions Welcome!
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Dream Journal
January 15th, 2019
Last night I drempt of changing my clothes and waiting for my mom to go to work.
Then, my uncle came to stay from out of town. I felt a disconnect between us with nothing to talk about. I tried finding something on tv he might like to watch. There was a issue with my roku player and DVD player. Finally, I decided to stick to South Park.
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In the next sequence I was touring Seattle with him. I recall seeing a piano sculpture in the middle of a cobble road. Next, I go into a clothing store. The store open release a wall opening and the store becomes much larger. On the other end I am in a book/coffee/new age shop. I start to look around for stones I need.
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I skip the small Lapis Lazuli and look for a large cleansing stone. Instead I find a animal stone carving. A mother and baby wolf heads facing opposite directions laying on a flat surfacing just larger than my palm, made out of a blueish dalmatian stone.
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January 14th
I am in a small apartment with my ex-best friend and her other best friend. They confess to taking large sums of money from me and promise to return it. For some reason I am frying meat and meat substitute in her living room as we celebrate a holiday. In this dream I am also running errands of some kind.
January 13th
My son and another little boy are running around. I realize that this other little boy w(who looks like my friends son) is actually my son whom I have been neglecting all time. He looks to be about 6-8 months old.
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I start to wonder who his father is, when he was born, what his name is. etc. I try hard to cling to him to make up for all the neglect. I realize he has a spine condition creating a hunchback and again I wonder how all this has slipped my mind for so long.
January 10th
I am living with my mother in a cute cottage in the city. I realize my son is late for the bus. I open the door to our house and there are yellow bike parts in the way. I grow frustrated. Unsure how I am going to get my bicycle and trailer up the stairs through the mess and get my son to school without losing time.
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My mother then tells me the bike is no longer mine its hers and I have no proof of how I acquired it. We appear to be in city building, probably the school, and I am furious that my mother is trying make up lies and stories and take advantage of me for selfish reasons. I go into a public outrage and try to convince my moms sister that I am the one telling the truth. Though I look reasonably insane and can't control myself.
The dream with my uncle reflect upon his recent promises to come visit. I admired my uncle some much as a kid but now we no longer talk or see each other. There is a true disconnect there. South Park is one of the things we watched repeatedly the last time I visited him. The Piano and the Wolves I believe is a representation of how I associate to my uncle and his city. The disconnect I feel. The baby wolf and dalmatian stone speak to the child longing within to connect again.
In the following dream regarding stolen money and cooking meat could suggest change in financial matters and an improvement on current conditions. Because the dream featured a confession and amends. Coincidentally, I had came into a nice chunk of change before the dream occurred.
The dream regarding the neglected baby with a physical ailment I imagine is similar to the many times I've dreamt of neglected pets. In this case it could be my subconscious telling me to be more and revealing about my journey into motherhood especially regarding my sons special needs which I do not always feel understood by.
Interestingly enough the negative aspect of yellow can indicate betrayal. In the dream my mother is betraying me and behaving selfish. The transportation for my son and I have been taken away. It would not be a stretch to say I feel my mother has been a hindrance on my families independence and my son's education. The dream is allowing me to act out my emotions subconsciously when it would be inappropriate to do so in reality.
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I just may have to try this today
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I am
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Your Feedback Welcome
If there is any material you'd like to see more of please let me know
If you have chart suggestions, please let me know
If you want input on chart reading, tarot reading, dream reading or personal advice ask me.
Suggestions Welcome!
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Astro 101
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Evaluating Birth Charts...
For my First chart example I decided to focus on Kurt Cobain. Yes, his chart comes up lot in zodiac circles but I chose him because 1. He shares my sun sign. 2. He is one of the most fascinating celebrities I know of, and know more about than any other.
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I do not claim to be a Cobain genius. I just find him to be a interesting study. And due to his tragic death you might say there is a limited yet vast amount of what you can learn about his life as well as a open interpretation into his death.
Cobain's chart
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Some Notes
Kite configuration with Pluto and Uranus as the apex.
A grand Water Trine.
Third quadrant emphasis
Sun and mars are in the first decan of one degree
Moon is in its ruler in the critical degree.
Chart ruler is Mercury. Mercury is detriment but in its natural ruling house.
There is a mutual reception between mercury and Pluto.
Pluto and Uranus are conjunct the Ascendant.
6th and 7th are the most active houses.
Mars is in the 2nd, sun in 6th, Jupiter in 11th.
7th house stellium of chiron, venus, and Saturn.
Moon is in 10th.
Uranus is in 1st.
There is a fire and air void.
Sun and moon are unaspected
Sagittarius and Gemini are on the midhaven axis.
Key aspects
mercury conjunct venus and pluto
mercury opposite A.C., Pluto, uranus
Venus opposite Uranus pluto
Sun square neptune
mercury square jupiter
midhaven square mercury, Uranus, Pluto
sun trine mars
mercury trine neptune
venus trine jupiter
venus trine neptune
Kurt Cobain is a pisces sun virgo rising. Which is not always obvious in ones appearance but I think can be seen within him. At five foot nine kurt is often depicted as short with a slouch or rather spineless stance such as the fish. And the iconic "grunge" style Kurt is often depicted wearing is nothing other than turning a conservative virgo look and flipping it on its side. The Uranus rising influence or hard chart opposition perhaps. With Uranus on his first house ruling his 6th house. He was very self aware. Rebellion suited him. He may have felt outlasted at an early age.
In Cobain's early years his parents were divorced. His father remarried and his mother troubled. Kurt spent some of his teen years being fostered or moving place to place. In the birth chart it has been noted that the sun and moon or mother and father show no relation. Instead sagittarius marks his fourth house. Which might explain the nomad tendencies and occasional religious upbringing. In favor of Kurt's father the moon lies in the 10th house and there is a positive aspect between sun and mars.
With Mars in 2nd, Sun in 6th, and Jupiter in 11th. There is no surprise that Cobain became a world wide success. Sun and Mercury in 6th demonstrates a strong work ethic and focus on everyday affairs or goals. With Mars squaring Jupiter there is a natural ability to overcome obstacles to reach personal goals. Jupiter in eleventh knows what those goals are and Mars in 2nd won't stop working towards success. The second house ruler tells us he may of required his success through the relationships he had. Moon in 10th also puts is private life on public display.
The midhaven is in Gemini. Both the A.C. and M.C. ruler is shared by Mercury in its ruling house. Mercury co ruling with Pluto shows an equal influence of communication and power. The midhaven form only three squared major aspects. It squares Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. This adds to the controversy Kurt Cobain experienced thuroughout his life. The public eye may have viewed his progressive thinking (Uranus and Mercury) as transformative (pluto) his generation. He often felt misunderstood. Was forced into the role of being a voice of a generation. A role he didn't want.
We see a focal point opposition on his ascendant axis. The outer planets on his rising - how people view him - and his personal planets in his 7th. As a high pisces influenced individual Kurt is sensitive especially to those around him. It is within the pisces nature to lean towards escapist tatics under pressure, In his case heroin addiction. Kurt claimed abnormal stomach pain had drove him to his addiction. Uranus his 6th house ruler sitting on his ascendant could support either case. His 8th house mars in scorpio could also indicate his interests in delving into drug use and becoming fixated. Especially the semisquare to Uranus.
In the 7th house we find Chiron, Venus, and Saturn with Mercury conjunct. In other words Kurt spends a lot of his energy on relationships. He wants peace and balance with those around him. But because the two karmic astral bodies Saturn and Chiron are here conjunct venus this tells us Kurt had a lot of turmoil regarding his relationships with women. Saturn is here to teach us life lessons. In this case lessons in relationships and contracts. His marriage did not end well. And Chiron shows us where our personal wounds are. If we are lucky we can transmute these wounds and heal others. Chiron being conjunct Mercury could be why people found healing In his art, in his lyrics. The 7th house ruler Neptune might also suggest deception from his romantic life. Though he needed his partners to believe in him, and support him. The opposition here shows us how his relationships always had to juggle issues of Nonconformity/rebellion and power.
Kurt as we know really struggled with his public image and depression. Being a heavy water person, his chart had no grounding energy. He went with the tides of his emotions. Without fire energy he struggled to crawl himself out of depression. Without air he struggled to balance out his feelings with logic or reason. With earth the traditional grounding element being placed in non grounding planets had little help. Only his Mars and Neptune were in fixed signs (only his beliefs and his instincts/impulses remained ridged). With Mars ruling his house of death we might conclude it to be the planet describing his demise. Though the Mars placement had drive and focus it was constantly being challenged. This placement I imagine can make you feel hopeless when you work hard and something always in the way (there I said it). If you consider that, with a history of depression, and drug use, mars in a fixed placement, and the unpleasantness of Uranus going against the grain we might start to understand where the suicidal ideation came from. I don't wish to say that Kurt's death was 100% suicidal without an outside involvement, nor do I conclude a birth chart could provide us with such absolutes. Only saying we can understand the possibilities of his final days.
R.I.P. Kurt Cobain
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Candle Color Correspondences
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{white} unity, purity, cleansing, peace, balance, spirituality, healing, concentration, balancing aura 
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{red} passion, vitality, strength, survival, fertility, courage, sexual potency, mercy, action, danger, war, fire element, conflict, sports, Independence, assertiveness, competition
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{blue} communication, will power, focus, forgiveness, good fortune, truth, fidelity, patience, domestic harmony, organization, sincerity, astral projection, water element
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{yellow} abundance, prosperity, understanding, divination, luck, solar energy, positive energy, health, attraction
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{green} prosperity, abundance, physical and mental healing, growth, luck, earth magick, acceptance, envy/greed/jealousy 
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{purple} wisdom, influence, spiritual power, drive away evil, independence, break habit
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{pink} love, compassion, nurturing, romance, partnership, spiritual and emotional healing, self-improvement, maturity 
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{orange} creativity, self-expression, success, ambition, vitality, fun, action, opportunity, celebration
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{brown} concentration, stability, earth element
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{black} grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, banishing negative energy, defense
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I am a used Book Store lotto Winner!
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It is happening again...
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Insomnia, that is...
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Its after 4am and I keep thinking about...
My plans for tomorrow (making a list of the same errands again and again).
The denial letter I received to get approval for a safety lock on my front door, so my special needs son doesn't escape.
How do I go about fighting it?
Can I borrow a camera and just film my life for a day? I think this could come in handy in a multitude of ways. Otherwise I have this little snap shot to look forward to.
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(just like our clinic visit today.)
3. As a parent people either see you in one of two ways; too careless, or too controlling. it's a double edge sword, I tell you.
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It's nearly 5am and I've has about 30 minutes of sleep tonight during the midnight veil...
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Current thoughts include...
My goals of wanting to finish school and all the obstacles standing in the way that have me feeling defeated...
How I should spend my time catching up on things now that the holidays are almost over. How can I improve my appearance. When can I go bike riding again? How I should limit my alcohol intake.
The changes I've gone through with friendships. Childhood memories. High school memories. Where are they now? Why did we loose touch?
What was is like for my grandma raising nine children? Why is there no one I'm close too? What's up with my cousins that I grew up with? What would it be like to connect with them?
Why has everyone from my past separated themselves from me? How can I learn to feel fulfilled on my own? Isn't the point of going through life sharing your experiences with others?
How is my Scorpio/Cap dominance different than the mutable moon people I know? With my north node in pisces, is it possible I need to soften up and loose than exoskeleton? I thought I was already soft.
How can I possibly find the time to do everything I need to do when I am burnt out and have no time to plan or focus on what I need to do. i.e. parenting. Where do I even begin to ask for help?
The year 2026 will mark 20 years since I graduated. That is 7 years from now. My son will be 16. Mind Blown.
How can I make this next year better? What's in store for my next solar return?
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❄❄❄Happy Holiday's Tumblr Community❄❄❄
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Personally, I am very eager to say good riddance to Demember. This month has kicked my butt, Which explains my delayed posts in recent weeks.
Here's to 2019!!!
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