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II was fairly true, that the had a misconstrued idea of what justice really was. All he knew, was that Iblis was causing the destruction of his world. In a way, Silver was blind. He didn't realize that just by getting rid of Iblis, that wouldn't cause the planet to heat. It would would take at least fifty years of hard work to get it back to a fraction of what it was before Iblis burned everything to the ground.
"It feels like too much to ask for."
Smile faltering, Silver's imagination runs wild. What was the world like? The real world? Not this Hell he'd grown up in. He'd have given just about anything for the chance at just one day in the world before Iblis. Deep down, there was a power within him. A power he wasn't even aware of yet.
The power to manipulate time itself.
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"I'll never stop looking. Everyone else has given up hope, but I refuse. I refuse to let all the hatred get to me. Nothing could make me give up."
What was it about her? This bizarre feeling he felt. Granted, he'd never been around any humans for long periods of time, other than Claire. But she hadn't given this sensation.
"It'll be okay. Even if I never learn to read, I can be happy."
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"After all. I've gotten to meet cool people, like you! It hurts, that everyone's suffering, and I'm not going to pretend I'm not scared. But if I let Iblis take away my hope for a brighter future, that's when Iblis will have truly won."
Silver's smile was so bright as he spoke those words.
Raising both hands, they began to glow. A magic show he promised, a magic show would be given. The entire room shines teal, and in actuality, there was a cooling effect. Some might have found it strange, but Silver's psychokinesis would actually cause a bit of a chill. Nothing drastic, but enough to take note of.
Shapes began to fly around the room, things he'd seen in old picture books he'd salvaged. One of them, was his absolute favorite of them all. it was an old nature text, and while he couldn't read any of the words, he'd spent literal years memorizing the pictures. In mere seconds, there were a very recognizable instance.
Butterflies made of psychokinetic energy were flying all around. As he waved his hands, they flew. Oh, the fun he was having right now. When you lived in a destroyed world, you had to take your fun where you could get it. Moments pass, and a butterfly landed on Tempest's nose, before everything went back to as it was.
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"What did you think?"
Genuine curiosity. His smile was still as bright as the sun, and his golden eyes were equally bright.
"Something feels different about you. I hope we can be friends."
And that reason- even if Tempest didn't know this Silver- was precisely why she was being so cagey. The human had seen how far her own Silver was willing to go to destroy Iblis- and she wasn't sure if he would be able to separate that she was not, in fact, the fiery creature- merely its vessel...and that destroying her would do nothing but unleash a second Iblis onto an already-war-torn world.
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"Well...I'd teach you how, but." Tempest shrugged lightly. "-I'm not sure if the writing system I use is the same." Technically the truth.- Another world, another place, but without outright mentioning it. She hated dancing around the issue- but the fact she was stranded for the time being meant she had to be careful. "I could take a look and see if it is? And if so, I could try to teach you how to read from there. Though- I probably wouldn't be a great teacher."
She'd never had to teach anyone how to read before, anyway. Tempest, herself, had become something of a code-breaker in her own world- a translator of ancient texts and a bit of a cipher nut- but there weren't a lot of ciphers left in her world that were all that useful. Those that remained didn't want to focus on the past or dig it up, as Tempest did- they buried it, wanting to forget.
She honestly wouldn't be surprised if a group of wayward mobians were spotted at some point, trying to burn her house to the ground. She'd wish them the best of luck- everything from the foundations to the roof was fireproof for a damn reason.
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"Well...I hope such a machine does exist. Besides- you never know. There could be a hidden passageway somewhere that you haven't discovered, yet." She briefly wondered if the Iblis Screamers- and other such beasts- would leave her alone if she dared to tread the smoky world below. The thought was almost instantly discarded. That might give her away entirely.
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"If you want to show one, I'm more than content to see one." But she'd have to start searching for a way out- and soon. She couldn't stay here in Silver's base forever, and she sure as Hell couldn't stay on this planet forever. Iblis' influence outside of herself was strong- and inside, it was causing far too many unwarranted emotions to swirl. Things she almost never felt, twitching and writhing deep in her brain.
"After all- may as well have a hint of levity, right?"
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I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @emxrald-cores? (for Blaze <3)
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"I guess accepting who you are can be hard even for people without any special power to use."
It was something he struggled with sometimes, given how often he'd been treated badly. But there were people who treated him like friends, and those positive memories were much stronger than any of the negative memories. Accepting the person you were, the person you may have become in the future.
It was all part of growing up. The core difference was that Silver grew up in a world that had been destroyed.
"I've heard lots of people say how cool it would be to control time. But I don't think it's cool at all." Silver shakes his head. "Sorry, I'm rambling again, aren't I?"
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"Well that's a pretty cool name!"
Supernova. Maybe asking someone you didn't actually know a question was strange, but the curiosity had been eating him up for nights on end. Even those that were cloudy. Silver's sleep schedule was all over the place. He tried to be awake when the sun was up, but as there was no sunlight in Crisis City, he'd learned to rest when he was on the breaking point of exhaustion.
That was how things worked there.
"Sorry for just coming up to you like that."
In the midst of the moon, due to the color of his fur, the hedgehog appeared as a moonbeam personified. Such a bright smile on his face, and in the moonlight, he almost emitted a glow, even without his psychokinesis.
"My name is Silver, and thanks for answering my question. What's your name?"
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Well that was an interesting hello. Radeon straightened up from where he'd been crouched a little off to the side of the sidewalk, checking things in a small backpack and turned to face the person who'd asked the question. "Well kid, it all really depends on the star's life-span I guess. I'm not an astronomer, but I'm pretty sure a Star's light take a long time to reach the planet." Radeon paused, trying to remember what he'd read on the subject. "Most of tha' time that means that when a star explodes, or has a really big solar flare, that it takes almost a lifetime fer the...effects? Ta reach us. Basically a twinkle is either a Star goin supernova or flarin' up." The Hybrid's brows furrowed, before tacking on an addendum. "I think. Don't quote me on that."
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"If there is, I don't know how to do it. I'd seal Iblis in my body in an instant if it were possible. I'd go somewhere he could never hurt another living soul. But I don't know what to do when his spirit begins hovering his center point."
As he walked, it was pretty clear, the passion in his voice. Not a hint of doubt in that selfless sacrifice he made claim to. Justice was justice, and Iblis deserved to be somewhere devoid of life. If that meant Silver had to go with him, then... he'd do it. For the sake of those people. For the sake of the Earth.
He'd do it.
The mood was lightened, in spite of how small the body of water was in comparison to what he'd imagined. Leaning over, he placed a hand upon the ice, quickly withdrawing it.
"It's so cold! Even colder than the snow! But... it doesn't seem wet."
Accessing his psychokinetic abilities, he created something he'd seen in a book. Since he couldn't quite read just yet, it was that of a picture book. A teal dragon, flying around and reflecting just as much against the beautiful ice. That only brought a bigger smile to Silver's face.
"I guess even winter has its good points. I like ice."
Without even thinking, he stepped on it. Thankfully, it was thick enough to support weight, but that didn't stop the chain reaction. The dragon disappeared, due to lack of concentration, and...
Silver slipped, falling flat on his rear. How bizarre!
{➹} – SPIRITS WERE TRICKY things, and the hero's only real experience with them was Tikal. And she was the furthest thing from a world-destroying demon made of fire. She didn't really have a physical form either she was only solid at times thanks to being condensed, concentrated energy.
If Iblis was the same way, that was a problem. Energy was hard to destroy and that much the hero knew for a fact. Had seen how hard it was firsthand, and just how easily things could go catastrophically wrong even trying to get it to stay in one place. He had been in the middle of such a failure, and it had changed everything.
But he still had to ask as they came to the lake.
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"An' you can't contain him somehow...? If he was released that means he came from somewhere, and that somewhere might just have the means t' keep him there as long as no one meddles with it."
It was a wild guess on his part, but worth mentioning. He didn't want to stress the young hedgehog out more than they clearly already were, however, and just turned towards the lake with a content little smile after a few moments.
It wasn't a large body of water but it was frozen over entirely, and the ice was nearly untouched, making it look like a mirror that reflected their surroundings and the sun. Just like Silver described.
"Unfortunately that's winter for you. Just about every kind of plant either dies or goes t' sleep when the snow comes. 'S hard for some life t' survive out here in the cold."
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"Well... not really. What I learned about machines is limited. Doesn't mean I don't think all this is cool."
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't on edge. Though it looked very different, this was still a lab. Still the kind of place Silver had spent the first ten years of his life. Thankfully, the other doesn't seem insistent on figuring out Silver's power. A way to harness it for his own personal gain.
Though he tried to understand, Silver didn't get a single word of what was said. The concept was fascinating, but he couldn't even read properly. Just the act of turning lines into letters, into spoken word was like magic to him.
"So I'm guessing that means everything is safe? Sorry for just barging in. Sometimes I don't know where those disturbances in the time stream will take me."
It was a Silver; one that he wasn't exactly familiar with, obviously. Another time traveler from another timeline, and he somehow landed... in this one. Tails couldn't help but smile upon seeing the hedgehog again, as it had been some time since he'd seen even the one he was familiar with.
Hands slid into his pockets, he follows Silver around the lab floor. "Understand it? I built all this myself." he replies with a smile, running a hand over the keyboard gently. "Y'know... barring the parts I bought premade online. I didn't exactly go through the trouble of creating my own custom screens, even if I could." He chuckles.
"I don't have a color lock system in place, it'd be too easy to crack." he admits. "The systems in my lab run through multiple encryption methods that all randomize at different rates. You have to solve them all at the same time in order to properly access my most secure data... or, you know; just have direct access."
He taps a finger to his own forehead, and as he does, the computer screen changes from the schematics it was previously displaying to now showing a picture of him and Sonic, both a bit younger than Tails was now, just having celebrated another of the blue blur's birthdays.
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"...I understand now."
Those were the first words spoken, upon being given the paper. He couldn't read the actual words, but he recognized the colors. Too young to get what they were really talking about, Silver hadn't understood the significance of them. To this day, he still didn't understand the true significance.
After a short glance at the paper, he entered the code.
Blue. Black. White.
The main records hall held the same code. There was some kind of special meaning to the order of the colors, it was entering those colors in his present, alongside Blaze, that had taught him his age, and his birthday. While Silver couldn't read any of it himself, his best feline friend was able to read everything just fine.
The machine powered down. Robots were no longer being produced, and it appeared as though the alarm system had entirely gone out. All that was left were a few lights. The Chaos Emerald itself fell to the ground. Taking a deep breath in, the hedgehog took a grab for it. When he felt the energy coursing through his body, he focused hard.
The glow from Silver's entire form, his psychokinesis, lit up the room better than any light.
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Concentrate... Don't let the power overwhelm you...
With nothing more than a wave of his hand, the cage holding the Flickies opened. No loud noise made, nothing. The emerald remained in his right hand, and Silver still continued to glow. But he was more in control now than he had been previously.
"I think we need to take these little guys to the surface before we do anything else."
The blue hedgehog was startled by the loud sound, which weren't helping his nerves. He looked over to see the countdown had been reduced to 2. Thankfully no badniks showed up, although he was expecting them at some point. It was just how these things went.
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"Is there anything that could jog your memory a little? Perhaps there might be..."
The hedgehog would stop when he noticed some notes by a nearby workstation. They didn't make any sense to him, but perhaps they would have for Silver. He would scoop them up and rush over to Silver to hand them to him.
"Maybe there is something in here that might give a clue? I don't understand most of this, but you might be able to recognize some of this?"
Meanwhile the smaller hedgehog would keep a lookout for anything else. Badniks, other clues, anything. It was keeping his mind off the fact they were underwater at least.
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I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @powered-by-prower?
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"Gosh, the stuff in here reminds me a lot of the government back home."
Never mind the fact he'd just entered without permission. Silver was... still sort of learning the rules of etiquette when it came to life in the past. In Crisis City, you could enter any building you wanted to, not like anyone lived in any of them anymore. It was in a random building, that he found the violin he became a master at playing. It was so high up, in a tall skyscraper, that the flames hadn't consumed it.
As tempting as it was to touch buttons, Silver would refrain for now.
"These don't seem like what I saw back in the G.U.N. laboratories. I guess that's a good thing."
An ear flicked, and he turned around. A smile was soon to follow.
"Say, do you understand any of this?"
He didn't look like any Mobian the hedgehog had ever seen, but he wouldn't be judging someone by appearance.
"When I was a kid, I used to figure out color combinations that would unlock certain rooms. I'm not sure if things work the same way here."
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I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @corroded-away?
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"Why do stars sometimes twinkle, and sometimes not?"
Seemed like an innocent question. He'd noticed it just the previous night, that the stars were twinkling, rather than giving off consistent light. Inquisitive as he was, he had to ask the next available person about this. He didn't even realize the sun itself was a star, he saw it as a planet of light.
Of hope.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to come out of nowhere. It's just that I can't figure it out."
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I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @charlotte-liddel?
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Nothing short of magic.
It was a clear sky, and the sun was just beginning to peek overhead some mountains. The sky was that of pure gold. Silver couldn't get tired of this view, no matter how many times he'd seen it. Words couldn't describe, when you came from a world of desolation. From a world that didn't even have the sun.
While it was still probably up there, the sky was thick black smoke clouds. Not a ray could shine through them.
Well. Couldn't sit here forever, Maneuvering his right leg, Silver rises to a standing position, only to notice another figure walking in his direction. Maybe she'd come to enjoy the sunrise as well? Which was why the hedgehog smiled, and waved. Steps closer are taken, until he feels he's close enough to be heard.
"The morning sun gives me the energy I need to tackle the day."
That little smile turned into big one.
"There's something about the feeling of the sun shining on your face, but I don't know how to place it..."
A shake of the head.
"Anyway, I'm Silver. Were you going to watch the sunrise too?"
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"That's all I ever hear. The claim of myths, and legends. I never get any actual facts about what might have happened to my timeline."
The hedgehog glances over. Had that old woman been... a friend, to the owner of this flower shop? If so, he couldn't imagine the sense of loss. Silver himself had lost someone once. The very person who taught him about kindness, and love for other people.
Claire. But there were no records of her, no pictures, nothing. She existed now, only in his memory...
"I'm not entirely sure what spices are. If it's anything like that purple goop that scientists invented to put on food, I can understand why people would buy it."
Silver didn't even know its name. But it made things taste... almost good. In a world like his own, that was seriously saying something. As she further spoke, she... actually resparked his hope for what he was doing. She was right. As long as he believed in it with everything he had. Everything he was. The world would be saved one day.
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"Sorry for being so gloomy, and uh... thanks for the assurance. I think I feel a lot better now."
Gentle smile across his face, the hedgehog's hands go behind his back.
"My name is Silver. What's your name?"
"Considerin' that flowers are miraculous things, I don't think it's too odd of one."
She'd never laid eyes on the white hedgehog before in her life, and his question wasn't too odd. However, it depended solely on what kind of miracle he was referring to. Relationships were usually the sort of things her blossoms helped repair, but the more he spoke, it seemed like his definition wasn't her usual.
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"I've heard the same sort of thing, but most consider them to be the stuff of legends or myths. It is, though it wasn't always a flower shop. Used to be a spice shop when that lady was still alive."
A single hand points towards the portrait that is hanging near the front door of The English Garden; a large one of the woman who still inspired her to this very day.
"If ya believe in a thing with your whole being, that doesn't make it silly! That just means you'll do anythin' to make somethin' others don't believe in possible."
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"I promise you, it's okay if you need to stay for a while."
He fully understood her feelings, and to be fair, he'd have felt the same way in a stranger's shelter. But ever since that human girl... Ever since Claire had shown him such intense kindness in a world full of hate. It filled his heart with the exact opposite. It thawed the ice that had once been his heart. It filled his heart with love, for everyone.
Except Iblis, of course.
Oh, how he missed her. But there was no going back.
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"I'd love to do more research into how Iblis was released. I think G.U.N. still has documents from all those years ago, but..." This was embarrassing to admit. "They never taught me how to read. I can access files no problem, it's all done by a color coded system. After all those years I spent sneaking out of my containment cell, I've memorized most of the combinations."
Silver was illiterate. He couldn't read, he couldn't write, and he found it absolutely magical how people of the past were able to turn lines into actual physical words.
"If I could have anything, it would be to go back in time. I've heard so many legends, I want to see if any of them are true." Staring off to the side, Silver shook his head, a slight sigh escaping his nose. "But that's impossible. If G.U.N. had a time machine, I would have found it a very long time ago."
Still, he couldn't shake this feeling. This feeling that there was something different about her. He couldn't shake it off, but he didn't want to risk making her uncomfortable by bringing it up. There didn't appear to be any danger, after all.
Closing his eyes, Silver smiles again.
"Want to see a magic trick?"
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"Ah..." No. Extensions of Iblis...there was no telling how they'd react to her presence. Hopefully, they'd treat her like any human in this place- and attempt to murder her. That would make everything so much easier...but she couldn't just not tell Silver, forever. A part of her wondered if he'd try to kill her...or just be in shock. She took in a breath, the smoke of the air rapidly becoming a familiar burn in her lungs.
This world destroyed all it touched.
"I hopefully won't stay long enough to dig into your supplies." And she had no intent to. Tempest knew she couldn't forego her basic functions forever- but she refused to take from a survivor in such a harsh environment. Not until it was a matter of life and death.
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"...time...is definitely crazy....thank you for your kindness, Silver." She ran a hand through her hair, feeling the black strands stick up a bit while she sighed. "...you wish you could travel back in time...?" Would it really be that dangerous to tell him?- Well. He might try to kill her. He probably could. Tempest was no Iblis, even with her world's version blazing in her soul- she was still just a human.
"...have you ever tried to research into such a phenomenon?" Depending on how this went...maybe she'd be able to explain sooner than she thought. This place...it made her uneasy. The dull throb at the back of her consciousness- the way her emotions flickered, dancing at the edges of her mind when they were usually borderline nonexistent...this place wasn't good, not for her- but really, not for anyone. "...have you ever thought about potentially meeting someone from the past? Or the future, for that matter?"
That may have been too heavy-handed...but hopefully, she just seemed intrigued, at best. Even if it was hard to convey.
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"Yes, and no."
To explain Iblis was no problem for this hedgehog. He'd been fighting the beast for years. He'd heard stories and legends, and now, he'd been able to travel back to the past. Not that anyone seemed to know anything about Iblis. That would make Sonic the first to sort of recognize what Iblis was.
Silver walked, and the tone in his voice was nothing less than serious.
"Iblis is a fire demon. He was released into my world in centuries past." No, he didn't know how long a century was. He was going off of what elders had told him. "I can temporarily destroy his physical form. That's when he becomes a fire spirit. But there's nothing I can do about his spirit, and within a little while, Iblis comes back, as strong as ever."
Ice was cool. Literally. Just absolutely amazing, how water could become so cold, it became a solid instead of a liquid. But it didn't seem to have a taste any different to water. He had to remember, that Sonic was right. As guilty as he felt, enjoying these kinds of things while the people in his present suffered... he needed to take a moment to enjoy life, too.
"In the sun, it glitters." Silver is soon smiling again. "In the moonlight, it glows. The only thing that could make it better are trees, that don't look so... dead."
{➹} – FOR SOMEONE WHO had grown up in a village with four notable seasons the accented hedgehog was used to just about every type of weather. That wasn't to say he enjoyed them all, he actually didn't like the cold at all, but he could appreciate what each brought to the table. Even with their individual dangers, there was beauty to all of them.
But Autumn would always be his favorite.
Still, he took a moment to run through the offered name a few times, only some small recollection in his eyes before he frowned slightly.
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"No, but I've heard of them before...'s some fire spirit or another, right?"
Okay, it had actually been many years since the hedgehog had heard the name brought up, but if memory served him right there was a reason it was associated with flames in his mind. That or he had gotten it terribly mixed up with something else, which wasn't the most unlikely thing. If he had, Arrow was willing to bet Silver would explain as the hero started leading them to the lake, but not without a little laugh at the pause first.
"Appreciate it, Kid. C'mon."
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An ear flicked.
Silver had always been sensitive to other peoples emotions. He couldn't quite place what the other was feeling, other than it was something negative. That part of his psychic ability was so underdeveloped. The hedgehog himself wasn't too worried. To create a bubble of psychokinetic energy took no effort for him. At least, not usually.
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"Not yet. I'm trying to think really hard on what combination lead to what room."
It had been almost ten years since he'd been in the facility he grew up in. He knew it was a three color combination, it was a matter of figuring out the colors. Delving deep within the recesses of his mind, as best he could, he made his first attempt.
Green, red, violet.
The loud sound was enough to cause Silver to cover his ears. Clearly, this was the wrong combination. The number went down to two. In all fairness, each combination had a special meaning, at least in the facility. Green, red, and violet were the combination to the kitchen.
Green for what plants had been saved. Red for meats. Violet for any kind of special concoction they could create to add a good flavor to the mix.
After a moment to look around, it was clear that the loud buzzing hadn't alerted anything. Nothing came through the door, even minutes afterwards.
"I guess when you're in the dark, you can't expect it to go right first try." A short sigh through his nose. "I'll keep thinking, and if you find anything, let me know!"
"Then we better make sure that we get this right then. After all...I don't want to risk getting into a fight and well..." His thoughts drifted to the outside of the confines of the walls of this facility.
The vast ocean...
He couldn't let his thoughts dwell on that matter. Not now. Although, the merely brief moment was enough to rile up his anxiety again. He tried his best to keep his mind off of it and at the moment. After all, it wouldn't be helpful for Silver if they both started to freak out. Although the distraction wouldn't be enough to hide the anxiety he felt. He just hoped Silver didn't mention the cause of it.
The hedgehog would begin to search around for clues, something they needed to stop the machine. A color combination? Perhaps there were notes left behind or something they could find that had the combination stored. But perhaps it wasn't in this room. Perhaps it was in another room. This place seemed to be desolate of anything so far, but the sight of the Flickies was enough to remind Lil' that there was indeed activity in the facility. Badniks were bound to be around the place, and the person running this operation.
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"Are you having any luck?" Lil' would ask the other, still looking himself as he spoke.
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I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @greatfcx?
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This hedgehog is laughing.
But in a good way! He's swirling and twirling, hands aglow as he's surrounded by butterflies, all created out of psychokinetic energy. Spring was here, he'd recently learned the name of the season. The season when all the flowers and trees came back to life. What could be better?
Boots gently pressed against the field of flowers you could find him in. When it came to being an artist, Silver was incredibly gifted, both in skill, and just general creativity. It was a part of who the hedgehog was.
Moments pass. He almost doesn't hear the sound of another's footsteps.
Curious, his hands went behind his back. He'd never seen a fox with one tail. New experiences seemed to be happening every single day. He had to be wary of strangers, yet he also wanted to believe in the good in others. How to approach the situation?
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"You didn't see any of that, did you?"
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"I think I can understand that."
Weird. An emerald that had such an extreme power. The power to amplify his psychokinesis to an extreme degree, without even taking off his cuffs! Ideas were already swirling in his head, and he wanted to know more. What if this emerald... what if its power, could help save the world? If it could do this, what if it was able to help him further his ability to traverse the time stream?
Walking up to the machine, it was once again, something he recognized. Color coded buttons, just like the ones in G.U.N.'s lab, when he was under the age of ten. Difference was, he wasn't quite sure the combination to this one. He took a moment to think, he certainly recognized the number above the colored buttons.
He knew from experience. That meant, he had three chances to get it right. Failure to do so would result in the alarm going off. He'd set off many an alarm as a young child, and was always thrown back in his containment cell. They didn't want to outright off him, not when his powers were such an anomaly. Not until he was ten, when they essentially threw him to the wolves.
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"I think I can turn it off... I hope."
Being so close to the emerald, Silver's entire body was glowing teal. The power was overflowing within him, though now that he understood what to expect, he could, to some degree, control his focus. Especially now that he had a task at hand. Having something in particular to focus on really did help him control his psychokinesis, it was when his mind wandered that he began lifting things unintentionally.
"It's a color combination. I've seen them so many times when I was younger, G.U.N. still uses this technology in the future, too. I could try on my own, but I think your idea of looking around, possibly for a combination, would be a better idea. We have three chances to get it right."
"It's like a natural power source? It's hard to explain really. It lets people do things they normally couldn't do. Your telekinesis, for example. Some people have a natural affinity for being able to use Chaos Energy, while others need a conduit to channel it."
At this point, the purple streaks along Lil's quills and body were beginning to dimly glow from being around the emerald as well. Granted, he didn't feel overloaded like Silver had, but it felt the presence. It was unsettling to him, but right now they had bigger fish to fry. They had to shut down the machine.
"That's a good question...We might be able to access a terminal to this machine to shut it down so we can get the Flickies out safely...Worst case scenario, we just start breaking stuff...After the alarm gets set off, so let's try not to do that if we can."
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"I honestly don't know. Normally the emeralds don't do anything when being taken out of things like this. Someone or something has to actively use it as a conduit...But I am sure the machine is setup to set off an alarm if we try to take it out, as is. Shutting down the machine might turn off the alarm as well. Maybe there are some clues to how this thing works around here somewhere. Let's try to look around."
The hedgehog would be able to start doing that, before he paused and looked at the silver hedgehog.
"Oh, and be careful. If you see any badniks around...Try to dispose of them quickly or quietly, otherwise we'll be fighting our way out of here, if we have the choice of avoiding that outcome that is."
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I thought I saw the sun once... I don't know, maybe it was just wishful thinking Do you believe me, @championofdarkland?
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"I don't want to sound boastful, that's just not the kind of person I am. But I think I'm getting a better feel for how to travel through time."
Goodness knew it wasn't easy. Finding out he had such a power was a total fluke in and of itself, and why he was able to do so was near unexplainable, he felt. But he could, and he could use that power to save his world. That meant more to him than anything. Even the most beautiful flower.
"I know you said you're alone most of the time. But, I've been thinking, and..."
With a smile, he extended his hand.
"Will you be my friend?"
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Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
He'd never felt such a surge of energy, not without taking his cuffs off. But Lil's calm voice went a long way in helping him process the energy. Slowly, his hands didn't glow anymore, though it was clear he was still struggling. At least things weren't lifting off the ground, as they were about to do. That probably would have set off some kind of alarm.
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"...Chaos Energy? What is that?"
It felt... okay to reveal this, as this was a secret to everyone but G.U.N. back in his timeline.
"I feel a huge surge of power when I take these off."
Silver pointed to his golden cuffs. You could see the power surging through them in the line of teal energy that was a ring around the pure gold.
"It wasn't as strong, but... it was kind of like that. It makes my head really hurt."
Rubbing his head, a look of determination comes back across his face.
"I'll be okay, but I want to learn more about that... Chaos Energy thing. Later. Right now, we have a job to do. I already know how to free those animals, it's as simple as bending the bars. That's nothing for me, and it shouldn't alert anything."
He turns his attention back to the Chaos Emerald.
"But how do we get rid of this machine safely? Won't the... jewel, do something?"
Lil' looked upon the contraption with disgust. This thing, creating machines out of these beings. It was appalling to him. He was making sure they left with the Flickies. And this place wiped off the map. But now he had more important things to deal with. Like a freaking out hedgehog with what appeared to be a Chaos Emerald.
"Calm down, it's a Chaos Emerald. Freaking out is going to make it harder to control."
He would do his best to calm the hedgehog down, but he was still worried about being stuck in an underwater facility himself.
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"You can use Chaos Energy, yeah? Your hands, they're glowing from the energy it's providing. You can use it for your abilties, but don't push yourself, alright? Too much energy at once, when you're not prepared, is a fickle thing."
His attention turned back to the machine.
"We need to free these creatures and take out this machine for good. It's doing nothing good."
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