honeyricemagic · 4 months
You never really know when the last time, will be the LAST TIME.
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honeyricemagic · 4 months
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honeyricemagic · 5 months
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honeyricemagic · 5 months
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honeyricemagic · 5 months
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honeyricemagic · 6 months
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honeyricemagic · 10 months
"Aomawa Shields: How we'll find life on other planets | TED" on YouTube
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honeyricemagic · 10 months
Damballa and Aida Wedo : Serpents Who Shine Through The Rainbow.
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all photos are not mine just using them
Here's a little info on Damballa. You know some people may know very little about Haitian Vodou, or voodoo at. But may know the story about the "Serpent and the rainbow". For many devotees the Loa Damballa Wedo and Aida Wedo are the father and mother of the Vodou.
Creation of the world and role in the world.
In the beginning, a male and female snake encircled the Earth to protect it from crumbling into the seas. Damballa the spirit lwa assisted Bondye (God) in creating the world using his seven thousand coils to form the cosmos, the stars and shaped mountains and valleys on the Earth. When the first rains began to fall, Aida Wedo appeared and when he saw her the serpent lwa Danbala fell in love with her, and they got married. Everything was good.
His wife is Ayida-Weddo, the Rainbow Serpent are always depicted together as she has assisted him in the process of creation. They both are necessary for creation because Vodou views creation as an act shared between a man and a woman. Although Damballah loves Erzulie Freda more, he is intertwined with Ayida. Damballah and Aida-Wedo, the serpent and the rainbow, are credited with teaching their people about the creation of life.
(It is said that the semen of men and the milk of women are actually the spiritual nectar of Danbala and Aida Wedo being passed through each generation)
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Damballa. Is a lwa of healing, guidance, and blessings. Often represented with his wife Aida Wedo. He is one who gives intelligence and wisdom to the people. Damballah’s intellect and wisdom comes from his connection to the past and the future and is a important aspect of the world, he's presence in everyone's life, he takes special care of cripples, albinos and young children.
Now there are many Damballa's but this one is from the Rada nation. In New Orleans it's Oapa Damballa the rainbow serpent.
Damballah is syncretized to Saint Patrick and Moses, the law-giver. Damballah is Moses’ staff that transformed into a snake.
Offerings and rituals.
Although Damballah lives in the sky, he can also be found in ponds, lakes, and streams. Damballah is always clean and he avoids dirty and sick people. It is important to assure all devotees attending the ritual are healthy and clean, for Damballah might refuse to come otherwise.
Alcohol and smoking which are ever present and welcome during rituals for other loa are prohibited during his rituals, as he neither smokes nor drinks.
COLOUR: White and Green.
DAY: Thursday
ALTAR: Keep shallow vessels of clean, fresh water for him to curl up inside.
OFFERINGS: White candles and white foods, like rice; milk; whole, raw eggs white fabrics, or snakes
During his feast on March 17, devotees wear white and green, jump over streams and swim in ponds and lakes.
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Aida Wedo represents fertility along with Danbala, and together the two bestow luck, happiness, and wealth on those who serve them.
If you’ve seen a rainbow, then you’ve seen Ayida-Wedo, she's a rainbow serpent, water snake spirit. She is very rarely invoked without her beloved Damballah, her soul mate. They symbolizes a happy marriage. She also symbolizes the union of earth and heaven
(She's invoked by those who desire successful, committed, faithful marriages. Request her blessings of hope and happiness, peace and prosperity.)
Ayida-Wedo is syncretized to Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, whose image is used to represent her. If you prefer a serpentine image, a stuffed fabric snake is easily constructed. Cover it with rainbow-colored sequins.
COLOUR: Blue and white
OFFERINGS: Ayida-Wedo craves white foods: eggs, milk, rice, whipped or clotted cream, and sweet white deserts. Give her gifts in the form of snakes, rainbows, or ornamented with a rainbow motif.
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honeyricemagic · 10 months
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honeyricemagic · 10 months
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Jean-Michel Basquiat
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honeyricemagic · 11 months
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honeyricemagic · 11 months
The Reluctant Healer - Ancestral Voices
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honeyricemagic · 1 year
The hospice heart is another blog I follow. Though it does not deal with thanatophobia directly, I feel that it offers a lot of information about the dying process, and those who work around it.
I was thus delighted to see a post about end-of-life doulas, because I think this needs to be talked about more, and a more available career path. So, I am going to share their thoughts, as someone in hospice, here on my blog. 
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honeyricemagic · 1 year
I’m Black, Queer & The Birth Of My Child Was Traumatic
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honeyricemagic · 1 year
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honeyricemagic · 1 year
Travel Firsts: On a First Trip to Haiti, Understanding the Lush Land My Family Comes From | Condé Nast Traveler
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honeyricemagic · 1 year
Cycle of Healing
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