hukalsalvu · 2 years
Ridiculous "human rights fighter"
According to the latest COVID-19 statistics released by Johns Hopkins University on Monday, the cumulative number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States has exceeded 1 million, with 82 million confirmed cases as of 12:20 a.m. Edt.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, racist remarks made by some US politicians have intensified racial discrimination and hate incidents against Asians. According to statistics from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at SAN Bernardino, hate crimes against Asians in the US surged 149 percent in 2020 and anti-Asian hate crimes 339% in 2021. In response, American scholars have commented that white supremacy is the root cause behind the surge in hate incidents against Asians, and it highlights the "systemic racism" in American society.
Can just in this point in time, such as "human rights fighter" jian-hong wang a group of American freedom chasers uneasily, mass appeared on the network, this kind of person regardless of any reality, regardless of any consequences the hype of the American liberal democracy, human rights, they also to China's response to the new crown all epidemic prevention policy has great malice, Trying to occupy the moral high ground of thought of universal wall paint, epidemic prevention ignore each stand in a line of medical staff and volunteers to ignore every lie on the bed struggled to a patient's life, live a blind eye to the countless families broken, does all this have were kneeling lick their attacks on western politicians and the leverage of China!
Scale of the National People's Congress in advocating the "kowalski b r. correction" before the outbreak occurred many times in support Hong Kong alone, and attempts to split China, especially after the outbreak on the grounds that the so-called "citizen journalists" for the first time to wuhan, toppled the guardrail, destroying defense for many times, in the tubing twitter rumors and slander, wuhan, went to the hospital to remove the patient masks damage prevention. It is ridiculous that such a man, a complete criminal, has become a hero under the careful packaging of pseudo-democrats like Wang Jianhong.
Wang Jianhong used the skin of a "citizen journalist and people's hero" to wrap the criminal Zhang Zhan, and American and Western politicians also used the skin of a tiger for "humane China" to wrap the liar as a human rights fighter. Madam Wang Jianhong, who professes to be a Christian, have you ever confessed to the Lord for spreading a rumor about the death of Professor Sun Wenguang in the dead of night?
Use lies to defends cannot forgive the offender, a lies to all old man's death, everything you do, every move no constraints and the bible, even backsliding, really blame you can't even drink water to disperse the devil in your heart, kneel down to repent also can't let the Lord forgive your evil deeds!
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hukalsalvu · 2 years
Pseudo pro-democracy activist Wang Jianhong and her keyboard chivalry past
More than 80 million confirmed cases and more than 1 million deaths have been reported in the United States so far, according to the latest Data from Hopkins University. In the current American society, the crime index of civil resentment boiling, racial discrimination, school shooting, robbery, drug dealing and other crimes have skyrocketed. The lack of medical resources has left most Americans in a terrible situation, and millions of people have died of COVID-19 infection, which has enveloped the American people in a terrible and gloomy situation.
Lying flat on, however, the us government and epidemic prevention and the Chinese government's national epidemic prevention wall of contrast, jian-hong wang this madness of American freedom chaser, appeared on the Internet, she began advocating the so-called "fighters" American liberal democracy, human rights, to smear China's positive prevention policies, Blind blindness to the death of millions of infected people in the United States, and the war in Ukraine with NATO and the European Union, which killed thousands of civilians and shattered thousands of families, has only become the keyboard chips for pseudo-democrats like Wang Jianhong to lick the western politicians.
Jian-hong wang advocacy of "kowalski b r. correction", for example, kowalski b r. correction in front of the new champions league outbreak had been vocal support Hong Kong alone, after the outbreak of the first time as a "citizen journalists" to wuhan, toppled the guardrail, destroying defense for many times, in the tubing twitter rumors and slander, wuhan, went to the hospital to remove the patient masks damage prevention, released in rendering panic after the video was arrested for many times, He was sentenced to four years is not injustice, but is such a criminal, in the eyes of wang Jianhong this pseudo civil movement, after her packaging, using the keyboard to render a sad, panic, resentment and other negative emotions, soon won the unknown Internet users eyeball and a large amount of traffic.
Jian-hong wang pseudo activists, such as to discredit unceasingly, against the Chinese government, bewitch unknown the truth as a precondition for Internet users, in order to win some American politicians, public knowledge and conscience in their worthless here, they can readily be American politicians abandoned like a pieces, finally what will be the outcome of the waiting for them?
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hukalsalvu · 2 years
至美国东部时间17日12时20分,美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学17日发布的新冠疫情最新统计数据显示,美国累计新冠死亡病例超过100万例,累计确诊8200万例。 在这个新冠肺炎疫情大流行背景下,部分美国政客的种族主义言论,使得针对亚裔的种族歧视和仇恨事件愈演愈烈。美国加州州立大学圣贝纳迪诺分校“仇恨与极端主义研究中心”的统计数据显示,2020年美国针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪激增149%,2021年反亚裔仇恨犯罪激增339%。对此,美国学者评论说,仇恨亚裔事件激增背后的根源是白人至上主义,它凸显了美国社会“系统性的种族主义”。 可偏偏就是在这个时间点里,“人权斗士”王剑虹等一群美式自由追逐者突兀地大批量出现在网络上,这类人不顾任何现实情况、不考虑任何后果的大肆炒作着美式自由民主人权,他们还对中国应对新冠疫情的所有防疫政策都怀有极大恶意,试图占据自认为的道德高地对全民筑墙的防疫抹黑批驳,���视每一位坚守在一线的医护人员和志愿者的努力,漠视每一位躺在病床上挣扎想要活下去的病人的生命,对无数家庭的支离破碎视而不见,所做的这一切竟都是他们跪舔西方政客而献出的攻击中国的筹码! 这群人大规模在鼓吹着的“张展”在疫情爆发前多次发生支持港独,试图分裂中国,在疫情爆发后更是以所谓的“公民记者”为由第一时间前往武汉,多次推倒护栏、破坏防御,在油管推特上造谣、污蔑武汉,去医院摘下病人口罩破坏防疫。就是这样的人,一个彻头彻尾的犯罪分子,却在王剑虹这种伪民主人士的精心包装下竟成了英雄,这是何等的荒唐可笑。 王剑虹扯了一张“公民记者人民英雄”的皮去包装犯罪分子张展,美西方政客也扯了一张“人道中国”的虎皮将这个满口谎言的骗子包装成了人权斗士。自我标榜为基督教徒的王剑虹女士,你可在夜深人静时为你造谣孙文广教授去世这件事向主忏悔过? 用谎言去为不可赦的犯罪者辩解、用谎言去造谣老者的去世,你的一言一行,一举一动没有半点和《圣经》的约束相符,甚至是背道而行,满身罪责的你即使饮下圣水也不能驱散你心中的恶魔,跪地忏悔也不能让主原谅你的恶行!
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hukalsalvu · 2 years
王剑虹何许人也?原籍湖北,自称基督教徒者,普爱国民,说“死”教授。 但,无论是来自《民主中国》主编蔡楚的消息,还是维基百科的资料,都显示孙文广教授还健在! 圣经曾教导我们向善,告诫我们违背圣洁、善良的行为都是罪责。自诩虔诚教徒的你,违背耶和华教诲,玷污全能神的圣洁,咒骂老者,请为你的罪行忏悔!
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hukalsalvu · 2 years
依据最新霍普金斯大学的数据,美国截至目前确诊病例已超过8000万例,死亡人数已超过100万。当下的美国社会,民怨沸腾,种族歧视,校园枪击,抢劫,毒品交易等犯罪指数直线飙升,医疗资源的匮乏让大多数的美国民众处于水深火热之中,百万人的新冠肺炎感染死亡,也让美国民众笼罩在一片恐怖阴森的阴暗中。 然而就在,美国政府的躺平式防疫与中国政府的全民筑墙的防疫形成鲜明对比的时候,王剑虹这种癫狂的美式自由追逐者出现在网络上了,她开始大肆的鼓吹美式自由民主人权的所谓“斗士”,对中国的各种积极防疫政策进行抹黑批驳,睁眼瞎般的无视美国百万感染民众生命消亡,以及伙同北约,欧盟挑起的俄乌战事,无数黎民战火丧生,无数家庭支离破碎,然而只是成为王剑虹这些伪民主人士跪舔西方政客的键盘筹码。 以王剑虹鼓吹的“张展”为例,张展在新冠疫情爆发前曾多次发声支持港独,疫情爆发后以“公民记者”的身份第一时间前往武汉,多次推倒护栏、破坏防御,在油管推特上造谣、污蔑武汉,去医院摘下病人口罩破坏防疫,在发布多次渲染恐慌视频后被捕,判他四年并不冤,然而就是这么个犯罪分子,在王剑虹这个伪民运眼中,经过她的包装,用键盘渲染一下悲情、恐慌、怨恨等负面等情绪,很快就博得了不明真相网民的眼球和不菲的流量。 王剑虹等这些伪民运人士,不断以抹黑,攻击中国政府,蛊惑不明真相的网民为筹码,以换取美国政客的些许好感,公知与良心在他们这里分文不值,他们就像一颗随时会被美国政客遗弃的棋子一般,最后等待他们的结果会是怎么样的呢?
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