it is literally hysterical to see the 180 degree shift in the majority of the tumblr marvel fandom from supporting the idea of imprisoning people without trial or due process if they refused to sign on to be part of a tightly controlled paramilitary force without a moment’s thought to claiming that captain marvel is military propaganda b/c it [spins wheel] acknowledges the existence of the U.S. Air Force
that was going on not even 4 years ago till last weekend and suddenly y’all are acting enlightened like “yeah lol military bad”
marvel literally placed an intelligible critique of militarized superheroes in front of ur face in 2015 but you were too busy sucking RDJ’s dick to even acknowledge that, instead subjecting the rest of us to an endless font of “team cap is full of shit” tags
don’t @ me
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Ben Solo stans are the worst. They're like, "He wasn't evil, that was Kylo Ren, he's just misunderstood, and besides, Hux did all those horrible things while Ben never hurt a fly uWu."
At the same time, Hux stans readily accept that their favourite ginger maniac has the highest kill count in galactic history. We don't need to twist ourselves into pretzels and pretend our blorbo never did anything bad to like him.
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Oh! I sorta thought that's what you were referring to, but I wasn't sure
In that case, you are completely and totally correct, they need someone to tell them that
I know I did not just see someone compare racism and transphobia to hating Tony Stark.
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I know I did not just see someone compare racism and transphobia to hating Tony Stark.
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things you should totes not view as positive portrayals of love/romance:
the great gatsby
romeo & juliet
the phantom of the opera
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I don't even know what I just read, wtf
I know I did not just see someone compare racism and transphobia to hating Tony Stark.
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Back on my anti Tony shit
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“Archie can’t handle Betty’s darkness” is one of the most backwards fucked up anti-barchie arguments I’ve ever heard. There’s a reason why Betty said Archie was her light in the dark. It’s the same reason they had Archie sing “from my point of view, you shine” to Betty when he pushed her to be the bigger person and make amends with Veronica. He can bring out the best parts of her instead of letting her drown in the worst parts of her. This only happens when you really know someone. 
If Betty’s darkness is her being obsessed with chasing serial killers, what she needs is someone who’s able to pull her back from her investigations and show her she can do what she loves while also living a happy balanced life. 
If Betty’s darkness is her troubled family past, why would I not want her with someone who’s consistently given her happy memories and provided her safety and comfort among the chaos over the two decades they’ve known each other? 
If Betty’s current darkness is due to her traumatic experience with TBK, Archie shouldn’t nurture it and I don’t see how or why antis believe he should.
The people you should keep around are the ones who love and accept you for who you are without enabling your trauma symptoms. What Betty needs right now is a therapist, just like Archie for his PTSD. The only thing she needs from her loved ones is support. I can’t believe we’re still having discussions about The Darkness in 2021 when everyone should know by now that it’s everything but a personality trait. It’s concerning to me how many kids (and sometimes full grown adults)  romanticize The Darkness as if it’s a pro-b*ghead argument. 
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Thinking about how anyone criticizing how the OT characters were written in the ST was immediately shot down with “happily ever after isn’t realistic!!!!” which like, yeah, okay, that’s not the point. I don’t think it’s unrealistic that Han and Leia wouldn’t stay together forever, since they got together during wartime and their lives changed significantly after that. I don’t think that it’s unrealistic that Luke would have trouble running a Jedi school because he’s literally the only Jedi and his entire education was about beating the Emperor, not any of the other shit Jedi do.
The problem with the way these characters are treated is the bigger problem with the way the entire ST was written: it’s entire plot is predicated on the line “somehow Palpatine has returned” which is perhaps the stupidist line in film history. The problems the OT crew face are BECAUSE of Palpatine, he’s the one who made kylo evil, causing Luke to lose the school and Han and Leia to break up. It’s bad writing all the way down and people are allowed to be angry that lazy filmmaking ruined some of the most beloved characters in any media ever!
Not to mention that they were tossed aside for new characters who were ultimately badly written themselves! Finn and Poe are sidelined for no reason (well the reason is racism, but in the script there’s no reason), Rey turns into a simp for a facist that she ends up making out with, and the facist in question is only liked because people think the actor is hot!
TLDR the sequel trilogy is bad and I will never not be angry about it
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i've seen a lot of people excusing dean and his behavior throughout the series of gilmore girls and i am here to tell you why you are so wrong he was the worst bc i dislike him no no no thumbs down -9283918392731038293729922/10. in the earlier seasons he was okay but i only liked secretive from a far dean once he started being involved and they dated it was a wreck and i hate him and i always will and here is why this time i promise it starts here:
reason #1: he got mad over the basket tradition thingy even though rory told him that her and jess were just friends. he didn't trust her and trust is key in a good relationship
reason #2: when jess came over with food "from luke" when her mom was out of town at the spa, dean didn't trust her and paris had to barge in then and only then for him to believe her. again, the trust issues through the roof
reason #3: he was controlling and i didn't like that about him. controlling significant others make me upset especially dean as a whole
reason #4: he cheated on his wife. if he cheated on his wife in the later seasons, who knows what he could've done while dating rory? he could've cheated on her and she would've never known
reason #5: when he was upset and had his moments he left rory to explain with "he's had a bad day" and just make up excuses for him. his gf shouldn't have to do that all the time
reason #6: who even likes dean? i've never met a dean apologist and i'm not about to find one now (i hope)
reason #7: my girlfriend hates him and if she hates him i'll hate him too bc she's always right
i rest my case. now u know why i'm right and that's it
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Please tell us how sambucky succeeded while stucky crashed and burned
Good evening anon! I hope you're having a wonderful day. <3 Thank you for dropping into my inbox! I love it when people ask me MCU-related questions, and this happens to be a specific one that I've been sitting on for a while.
(Warning: this post is slightly anti-Stucky. Please scroll past if you are a shipper as this post isn't for you.)
Why SamBucky Succeeded While Stucky Crashed and Burned: A Controversial Study in Fandom Drama
The main problem lies within Stucky.
The majority of the problems with Stucky surround the fanbase rather than the ship itself. The ship itself is generally unproblematic--if not tasteless as whitebread--and exactly the kind of ship I’d expect basic fans to be obsessed over. The MCU isn’t the first big fandom I’ve dipped my toes in and it certainly won’t be the last. Stucky fans are what ruined it for me, though. What’s wrong with Stucky shippers you say? I’m so glad you asked.
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I use the phrase “bland gay ship for straight girls” or “shipping two white men” every once in a while, but trust me I don’t throw around the phrases lightly. As someone who was told I was a cringy straight girl shipping two men together when I was like 13, it really rubs me wrong when people generalize all shippers that way. (Especially considering I actually was queer but didn't know it at the time.)
For most queer teens, they find safety and validity in shipping two people that they identify as also queer or as having similar characteristics to themselves. Sometimes two white male actors do have that chemistry and sometime’s the writing is that good.
There is nothing wrong with shipping two white men and people have got to stop calling everyone who ships those kinds of relationships as “ships for 13-year-old straight girls.” Like seriously STOP.
Can queer people please please stop shitting all over m/f ships. I know I know, y’all are upset about the heteronormativity of it all and you hate the “straighties,” but two things: a) when you bash healthy, canonical m/f ships you are shitting all over straight trans people and bisexual/pansexual/polysexual people and b) there is NOTHING INHERENTLY WRONG with m/f ships even--oh god I’m going to say it--even if both characters are 100% cishet.
Is it misogyny? I don’t actually know. Is it a problem I should be addressing in a 1k essay on why Sambucky is thriving while Stucky crashed and burned? Eh, probably not, but it’s worth mentioning. Mainly because as long as we’re going to talk about Stucky, we need to address the fact that A) Stucky fans are hugely problematic (hence the weird hate for Peggy Carter--and I’m not even touching on the Sharon Carter hate rn) and B) they feel like they are owed something by canon.
Let’s be perfectly clear on that last statement, Stucky Fans act like they are owed something.
Controversial take on Tumblr: fans aren’t owed anything by creators.
I’m sure it’s one thing if a creator specifically promises something to their fans, but after sitting through the actual superhell that the SPN fandom became for 12+ years, it has come to my attention that fans are incredibly entitled over what they are “owed”. I understand the disappointment and I understand being devastated by how canon actually turned out, but the amount of hate Peggy Carter received overnight after Endgame (2019) was astounding. Never mind the fact that her arc was actually botched worse than Steve’s, somehow it was her fault that Steve decided to ditch his “one true love” for *checks notes*...his toxic almost date.
Honestly, iwasonceafangirl on reddit wrote a much better post on the issue of Steggy vs. Stucky drama that went down that I highly recommend reading. It sums up my feelings on the matter pretty well.
So to summarize, Stucky fans threw a huge rage fit over the Russo brothers canonically tying Steve’s arc up with a Steggy bow, and are still trying to recover. They throw hate at everyone from Peggy fans for having the canon ship to RDJ himself because they took the “pick a side” schtick from CA:CW too seriously and think it’s a personality trait to be Team Cap.
And, above all else, the MCU is homophobic for not making their ship canon.
The MCU itself is not necessarily homophobic--I would argue that Disney and executives who greenlight decisions in the MCU are homophobic--but for some reason, if you don’t ship Stucky you’re branded as a homophobe? Make it make sense.
I also hear a lot of shit from fans about how Stucky was queerbaited and honestly I don’t see it. I’ve been in fandoms where the queerbaiting was off the fucking charts and in other fandoms where the queerbaiting was just subtle enough to slide under the rug, and Stucky doesn’t lie in either of those camps.
Honestly, it comes across as a friendship between two people who consider each other brothers. You can argue to the end of the day that lines like “until the end of the line” are romantic--and in the right context they are--but the lack of chemistry between the actors and the lack of marketing that would imply the two of them as a ship for views...if there was any queerbaiting it was minimal. Non-existent, if you will.
For the most part, Stucky is just another bland, MCU ship that somehow became the most popular MCU ship besides Stony and Pepperony (according to ship stats on ao3 in 2020).
I would hazard a guess that one of the reasons it’s the most popular is that it’s been around the longest. Well, longest gay ship at least.
If we’re looking at the MCU movie lineup, The First Avenger was the 5th release in Phase One. The first film, Iron Man (2008), featured Pepperony--(a truely underrated ship that doesn’t get enough attention bc y’all can wrap your minds around healthy m/f relationships)--which wasn’t going to get a lot of traction until later movies.
It also set up Iron Husbands, but that ship also doesn’t gain a lot of traction until Iron Man 2 (2010), when they switch out Terrance Howards for Don Cheadle and we get that sweet “married for forty years” chemistry between Tony and Rhodey.
Still, Iron Husbands is a rarepair, probably because it’s an interracial ship. If we’re talking Tony ships, Pepperony is the first in the lineup, which is why I would guess it’s the third most popular ship.
The Incredible Hulk (2008) was second in that lineup and hardly worth mentioning (despite my undying love for Norton, but that’s off topic). We can scrap that film of characters and ships.
After that you get Thor (2011) which featured Fosterson (and Th/orki if you’re nasty) which also wasn’t going to get a lot of traction, not because it wasn’t canon yet, but because it’s a m/f ship.
Then, finally, you get Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) a film that features two white men that we can finally ship without there being technical incest!
So the first MCU film comes out to feature two men that the fandom was okay with shipping.
(Again, nothing wrong with shipping two white men, but it does become a problem when you ignore/bash POC/interracial ships to the determinant of your own white ship.)
Th/orki’s a bust (because again INCEST), Iron Husband’s doesn’t have the chemistry/isn’t white enough for audiences, m/f’s are pushed to the side by shippers, and any other male characters haven’t interacted in canon as of yet.
But what’s the appeal? Why is Stucky the ship of the MCU when we have other noncanonical gems like IronStrange and WinterIron. (Not being sarcastic, those two ships genuinely slap.)
The answer to that is the crux of my thesis.
Why Did SamBucky Succeed While Stucky Crashed and Burned
Well, the answer to that lies in chemistry. I mentioned above that Evans and Stan lacked the kind of chemistry I usually observe in most ships that are queerbaited or otherwise. That isn’t to say that they’re bad actors or their characters don’t come across as friends. They do, however, lack intimacy and passion.
I’m not joking.
Let me ask you this: what do these ships have in common?
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If your answer was "Tony Stark" yes you're right, but no that's not the point. The point is, in all of these very VERY different ships with incredibly different dynamics. The SAME PERSON is in all of these gifs. And yet each dynamic is vastly different and still incredibly interesting. I've said before that Tony Stark is the most shippable character in the MCU, but honestly it comes down to how amazing of an actor RDJ is and how elegantly he's able to convey intimacy, longing, and hate with a single glance.
Stucky...the closest I can come to seeing the chemistry in Stucky is here:
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And that's mostly props to Sebastian Stan for having puppy eyes. Besides a few instances where Evans and Stan manage to convey the kind of intimacy stans say they have in the movies, most of the time Stucky gives us the same, boring dynamic that's tired of itself.
Literally the plot to EVERY SINGLE movie that features Steve and Bucky they have the SAME DYNAMIC and the SAME DILEMMA. Bucky’s in trouble and Steve has to save him.
It is beyond me why Stucky is the most shipped ship in the MCU--literally, the only reason I can fathom it is with my explanation of Stucky being the first white m/m ship in the fandom--when there is literally no chemistry or drama.
What even is their dynamic beyond “yeah we were childhood friends but we never actually talk or act like it” and “Steve has to save Bucky again”? You reach Endgame and the “Steve has to save Bucky again” agenda is on it’s fifth (?) run and then boom! Steve suddenly abandons Bucky in present-day to marry his old flame Peggy Carter and like…
Yeah I can see why Stucky fans are mad bc not only does that not make sense--considering the way previous films with them have gone--but also it proves my point. They have no romantic chemistry.
Stucky crashed and burned because Steve had more chemistry with a married woman he shared one movie with from the 1940s than the guy he promised “to the end of the line” with. There was absolutely nowhere the writers could go with them. What were they going to do? Make another movie where Steve has to save Bucky again?
“bUt tHEy cOUlD haVE mADe tHEm cANOn!?!?11!”
No, they really couldn’t. Besides the fact that Disney is never going to have a queer main character due to being unable to market their films in China and the fact that their executives are homophobic, Stucky was never set up to be canon at any point.
Yes, there are ships that weren’t supposed to be canon that lead to becoming canon because the actors had mad chemistry or that’s where the story led them, but the story didn’t lead to Stucky becoming canon and honestly? They don't have the chemistry.
So why does SamBucky work?
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Tell me their chemistry doesn’t just radiate from the screen. Say it to my face.
Sam and Bucky work because their characters actually have somewhere to go and they feel like actual partners rather than two people canon says are partners. We actually get to see their relationship progress and grow strong. Stucky is a huge fan of tell but don’t show. SamBucky is the exact opposite.
I haven’t even seen TFATWS straight through yet--(honestly I wasn’t going to touch the MCU ever again and I’m not really up to watch military propaganda: mcu edition, but Loki (2021) is slowly dragging me back in)--and I can already tell that the writing, the characters, and the atmosphere is 1000% more interesting than any Captain America movie ever was.
I don’t even have to go into a huge, in-depth analysis on why SamBucky works because compared to Stucky? Any Bucky ship is better. SamBucky just happens to be the closest m/m to canon and we just got new content for it.
(Also Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie have mad chemistry, but y'all can see that from the gifs and if you've watched the show.)
SamBucky works because they have the chemistry and storyline to support their relationship, romantic or platonic. Stucky crashed and burned because it was a stale dynamic that had nothing left to offer.
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Oh wow...
it's time for chanukah ratings! that's right folks, here are my definitive and highly scientific ratings of various chanukah-related decorations and memorabilia I've found on the internet
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starting off strong, we've got a demon-summoning menorah cake from walmart. it feels vaguely appropriate for this year considering the drama in the spn fandom right now. the wobbly menorah arms are a safety hazard. 5/10 not osha compliant.
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this feels offensive and yet I instinctively feel a connection to him. I didn't need or want zeidy santa in my life but now that he's here I want him to pinch my cheek and give me a hug. 6.5/10 I took off points for that god awful tea cozy kippah
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wreaths are not our thing. that's your thing. stop putting our things with your thing. 5/10 at least it's pretty
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this is technically a yom kippur decoration but it has menorahs on it so it counts. it also has a shofar. what holiday is this celebrating? nobody knows. it's schrodingers holiday. 8/10 I want to hang it up in my apartment and laugh at it
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this is definitely offensive. stop it. why is he strapped onto a christmas tree. also he's holding a lit candle like he's gonna throw it at a dart board. and there's an actual candle sticking out of his chest. 1/10 somebody free this poor chassid from the clutches of christian normativity.
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these socks are christmas cosplaying as chanukah. problem is, I absolutely would buy and wear them. 7.5/10 what do matzah balls have to do with chanukah
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oh god. oh no. please stop. a messianic made this I just know it. -493028282928/10 I hate it put it back
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wholesome. simple. not trying to pretend it's jewish christmas. makes me want chocolate. 10/10 would purchase
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Thank you so so much for touching on the Steve-Bucky relationship. The "I'm invisible like you" line has always irked me to hell. I don't believe he's intentionally malicious, but Steve was a disabled, dirt-poor child of Irish immigrants and Bucky acted like Peggy not paying him much attention is on the same level. "It's like a bad dream" brothers/friends or not, that joke was sucky and underhanded.
People like to say that Bucky was "protective" and "jealous" over Steve but literally who in the world "protects" their lover by asking someone else to go dancing?? Should the jealous partner not be all over their own lover instead of the third person?? Bucky didn't even look at Steve. "What are we waiting for" how is him asking Peggy out a sign of his jealousy over Steve??? I DON'T GET IT😭
You're welcome!
Stuckies love to mention all the bad ship about Steggy all while ignoring Bucky's bullshit. How did he thought Steve felt about being invisible and girls not being interested in him?
That sort of behavior is fucked up to say as a friend and toxic as hell as a romantic partner. Like, would that be considered negging? It's also controlling, emotionally abusive, and humiliating for Bucky to try to hit on a woman that is clearly interested in Steve AND is asking him to dance NOT Bucky.
Oh, but it's so romantic because he's jealous and protective.
Steve is showing interesting in a woman who is obviously interested in him and Bucky doesn't give a fuck because he wants to fuck her.
The OTP to end all OTPs!!!
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im honestly anti-betty cooper at this point holy SHIT
like why
im so fucking exhausted with riverdale at this point and i hate ras so much that the rage inside of me has boiled my blood to such an extent that my lil jeronica-heart now pumps scarlette-coloured crystal meth. 
betty cooper needs to sit her ass down. in a coffin. six feet underground. in hell. 
lets list all the reasons why she fucking sucks shall we?
~ she slut shamed veronica- AND KEVIN I SHIT YOU NOT
~ she cheated on jughead twice
~ this white-ass priveledged-ass bitch really felt so entitled to lead a group MADE BY AND FOR NATIVE FUCKING AMERICANS I FUCKING CANT @RAS @RAS WTF R U DOING
~ not only did she cheat on jughead multiple times, but shes yet to break up with a boy WHO SHE SHARES A BROTHER WITH
~ she is incapable of empathy eg:
veronica: i’m feeling so overwhelmed with trying to pay back my dad-
alice: i’ve just been really concerned with your well being betty-
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Just to get one thing clear
1 girl Almost drowning a man who is an ass but hasn’t attacked anyone is not girl power, its assault.
4 girls beating up a man to stop him from raping a girl is not assault, it’s girl power.
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I Want to make it clear; I hate B*ghead.
Not because they’re almost incest.
Not because the show ruined their in comic canon brotp.
Not because they erased jugheads asexuality and butchered his character.
Not even because I fully believe that Barchie is soulmates.
Although all of those are valid reasons to hate this pairing, my main reason; is that it’s toxic.
Betty Cooper spends her life trying to be what others want of her. Jughead is a rebellious phase that she thinks is right for her because he lets her be someone else, a little more dangerous.
But at the end of it all, she’s still feeding someone else’s idea of the perfect Betty Cooper.
For him she’s the good girl he turned bad, and for her he’s an experiment with her dark side.
But she’s still making her choices based around someone else and what she thinks he wants and expects of her.
She’s still a doll with a string on her back, Jughead just dressed her in a new outfit.
And at the end of their relationship; it will be clear that the romantic side of it was built around an idea of who they wanted each other to be And who they wanted to be themselves, in a time of confusion and fear.
It was a distraction, a temporary need in a time of crisis. And that isn’t something that can flourish in a healthy manner or last sustainably.
But of course this is the CW and Riverdale, so they’ll probably stay together and continue to prove they’re wrong for each other and dishonor the comics, and keep promoting unhealthy relationships until the show gets cancelled.
And that’s why I’ll never watch it.
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I’m still very new to this fandom and never knew the context of Savage’s “kissing bandit” quote but holy shit, this is so much worse than I even imagined.
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