icantiminlawschool · 8 months
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studycore but make it films/shows
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icantiminlawschool · 8 months
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current journal (a paperblank flexible notebook), new pencil pouch and current read: Jane Eyre☕️🫶🏻
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icantiminlawschool · 8 months
study like paris geller
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start early
to get as much done as possible, you may need to start waking up earlier. this can be hard, but once you start, it will get easier and easier until it is part of your routine. wake up earlier, start earlier, get it done.
try not to see others as competition, but use them as motivation
while paris saw rory as competition at first, she finished knowing that no one could compare to her and just because rory was also very intelligent, it doesn’t mean that she wasn’t. there will always be others that are getting better grades than you or studying better than you, but try not to get caught up in that. she’s top of the class? use her to motivate yourself to do better. if you’re feeling low and comparing yourself to others, there’s probably a reason for that. find what it is within yourself, fix it, and come back better than ever.
use all resources available to you
paris wouldn’t let one opportunity to better her education or further her intelligence pass, and neither should you. use every resource and opportunity handed to you and work for the ones that aren’t.
stay determined
there will always be times where you don’t feel like studying or you’re feeling discouraged, but do not let these moments or days keep you from doing what you need to do. it’s okay to rest your brain when needed, but never quit. your future self will thank you for it.
have a plan and stick to it
take time to make a plan that will work realistically and effectively for you. once you have your plan, stick to it. again, there will always be times where you aren’t feeling like it, but don’t let these moments negatively impact your habits and goals. stick to your routine and you will get to a point where you don’t even think twice about it anymore.
go above and beyond
when it comes to studying, it isn’t always enough to just do the bare minimum. most of the time, it will benefit you far more to put some extra time and work in. research further than just a chapter of a textbook or a few slides of a powerpoint. you will never regret being more well-read.
get out of your comfort zone
paris knows that to be the best, you will have to do some things that you have never done before. you will have to talk to new people, present your research to a big group of strangers, travel if needed, learn things you never thought you would have to learn, etc. your comfort zone will be your downfall. realize that you will have to do things you aren’t enthusiastic about, and that’s okay.
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icantiminlawschool · 9 months
Stay Productive and Achieve Your Goals During the Sunny Season
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As the days grow longer and warmer, the arrival of summer brings with it a sense of renewed energy and possibility. It's the perfect time to bask in the sun's rays and make the most of the season. Let’s explore how you can stay productive and focused on reaching your goals during the summer months. Let's make this summer a time of growth, accomplishment, and making unforgettable memories.
Set Clear Summer Goals: Define Your Objectives Before diving into the summer season, take some time to reflect and set clear goals for yourself. Identify what you want to achieve, whether it's personal, professional, or a combination of both. Break down your goals into actionable steps and create a plan to keep yourself accountable.
Create a Summer Schedule: Balance Work and Play Craft a summer schedule that balances productivity with leisure activities. Allocate specific time slots for work, study, or pursuing your goals, while also carving out time for relaxation, socializing, and enjoying the outdoors. Finding the right balance will help you make progress while still embracing the essence of summer.
Prioritize Daily Habits: Consistency is Key Maintain consistency in your daily habits to support your productivity. Whether it's waking up early, exercising, journaling, or practicing mindfulness, establish a routine that aligns with your goals. Consistency breeds discipline and sets the foundation for accomplishing your objectives.
Focus on Time Management: Optimize Your Efficiency Time management becomes crucial during the summer when the temptations of vacations and outdoor activities are abundant. Use time-blocking techniques, prioritize tasks, and minimize distractions to make the most of your working hours. Be mindful of how you spend your time and ensure that your activities align with your goals.
Embrace the Power of Visualization: Picture Your Success Visualization is a powerful tool for achieving your goals. Take a few moments each day to visualize yourself accomplishing your objectives. Imagine the feeling of success, the steps you took to get there, and the impact it has on your life. This practice will fuel your motivation and keep you focused during the summer months.
Stay Flexible and Adapt: Embrace Opportunities and Challenges Summer is a season of spontaneity and unexpected opportunities. Stay flexible and be open to new experiences that may arise. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. By maintaining a positive mindset and adapting to changing circumstances, you can make the most of the summer and continue progressing towards your goals.
By staying productive and aligned with your goals, you can make this summer a transformative period of success, joy, and fulfillment. 💕
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icantiminlawschool · 9 months
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look at how pretty this book print is 😍💛🤍
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icantiminlawschool · 9 months
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icantiminlawschool · 9 months
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icantiminlawschool · 1 year
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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After 4 years I finally got my bachelor cum laude! 💙
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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May page 🐝
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
𝑊𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑎 𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑠:
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Persistence is not ‘new’ thing. We have persisted everything we believe is true for a whole entire lives. It’s a thing we do everyday. It’s easy. Persisting is choosing to know what you say is true without any evidence. You persisted every dominant thought you have. You have persisted in your faith, your sexuality, gender, how you think your favourite tv show is the best tv show and you don’t care what anyone else says.
See? You don’t need proof why you think that tv show is the best ever, you just trust and persist in that faith no matter what anyone has to say about it. What im saying is, persisting is not a ‘magical’ thing, it’s just what humans do. They persist in thoughts and create dominant thoughts and beliefs around their own perspective.
So affirming and persisting for your desires shouldn’t be seen as task or hard to do it’s just about knowing deep down that your desired assumptions are true. Persisting isn’t doing 15672 affirmations and mentally draining yourself, it’s a state in knowing that what you believe is true. That’s how a lot of people get their desires just by ‘knowing’ it’s theirs. Because they’re are stubborn in that belief. Just like if you believed in god you wouldn’t spend 20 hours day affirming to yourself he’s real bc you already know deep down??
If you have a hard time with doubts and they are always telling you the opposite of what you want to hear, talk to them as if you are defending your favourite show or even your crush. If someone was shitting all over your favourite show that you truly love and think is the best, you wouldn’t be like ‘Yeah… i guess you’re right.. i’ll go find something else’ Bitch, no. I wouldn’t. I’ll be like ‘Well i don’t fucking care what you think, i like it.’ So do the same to your clown ass thoughts because no one likes them. They need to leave. Cut ties with them and live your best life bae<3
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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more grinding. spring break next week!
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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my insta is almost to 500 followers! I am so excited to share my love of learning with others and see how everyone else studies and copes with law school. So grateful!
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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follow me on insta y’all @icantiminlawschoool
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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this community really keeps me straight... thank y’all
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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icantiminlawschool · 2 years
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back to it y’all
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