ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
After murdering innocent people in cold blood and pretty much leaving behind a trail of death wherever she went, Gabitch deserves to die in canon. Gabi simps: "She learned from her mistakes." "Sorry" won't bring her victims back to life. Gabi simps: "She'll never die/gets a happy ending/get over it." Doesn't mean we have to be happy about it or forgive her. She was old enough to know what she was doing. In RL murderers get punished for their crimes, and fictional ones should, too.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
Does that include when she FINALLY got turned into a mindless titan and will likely stay that way lol?
My fellow simps:
I cannot believe the blasphemy Iā€™ve encountered. I was informed today that some people believe there is a thing calledĀ ā€œbefore Gabi.ā€ There is only Gabi. There will only be Gabi.Ā 
I hope I havenā€™t upset anyone with this information.Ā 
Now and always,
The top Gabi simp
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
I just started watching the last season, and I canā€™t stand Gabi, and people have the nerve to compare her to Eren and forgiving all her actions, I just saw Gabi blaming that girl without parents because in her eyes sheā€™s some sort of sinner like wtf itā€™s like she canā€™t try to shut her mouth for one second and understand someone that lost her mom to a titan, imo Eren was way more empathic when he was younger, he wanted to save everyone even tho he was stubborn but still he had better intentions and better character development, but Gabi keeps blaming everyone and acting like sheā€™s superior.
Iā€™m going to assume youā€™re an anime-only. Fair warning, she does NOT get any more likable or sympathetic later on. In fact, itā€™s stomach-churning how the story bends over backwards to accommodate herĀ ā€œcharacter arcā€.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
Exhibit B:
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It's funny how the hate for Gabi lived and died with a handful of manga edgelords. Anime reception is way more sympathetic (polls show it clearly) I guess since they drove the point how Gabi mirrors their saint and savior Eren. When Sasha's death came for manga readers suddenly Sasha was their favorite character and how dare this bitch kill an irreplaceable part of our lives šŸ¤£. But that's just my rant. I wanted to ask if you like Gabi and what you think of her fate in 138?
I should think thereā€™s a connection between how quickly it goes for them (anime-onlies) and how accepting they are of having their opinions changed/developed. They donā€™t sit and stew and form their own hard-fought convictions over the span of a month, like we do!Ā 
As for myself, I like Gabi well enough as a piece in a story. Small-scale reversal of indoctrination, innocence of children, dangers of self-hatred, blah blah. Not excellently executed - it was not lost on me that Gabiā€™s conclusive epiphany wasĀ ā€œeveryoneā€™s equally capable of evilā€, as gently explained by the ex-Nazi soldier to the enslaved kid-kapo, and I dislike her use as an extension of Isayamaā€™s purposeful choice to represent the Marleyan side of the conflict primarily through indentured child soldiers of the oppressed race - but a solid attempt by an author who doesnā€™t quite want to achieve what he says he does. although Iā€™ll never get over that Kiyomiā€™s kindness line.
On a personal level sheā€™s not my cup of tea simply because Iā€™m not huge on brash personalities. Rage-y loudmouths with a vendetta are very entertaining and dynamic, but when it comes to me forming an emotional connection with a character, it just doesnā€™t vibe with me. Funnily enough a lot of the reasons Iā€™ve never been particularly interested in Eren equate to my estimation of Gabi! But I certainly donā€™t dislike her - in fact her interactions with Falco and the remains of Squad Levi have been some of my favourite moments recently - and I donā€™t in any way, shape or form understand the vitriol Iā€™ve seen aimed at her. Especially since it often seems to show up directly alongside a flattering appraisal of Eren, Zeke, or even Floch!
Fate, you say?...
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She is either going to end up as a shifter or an Eldian free of the spine-parasite thing. If they donā€™t end the curse then sheā€™s going to inherit one of the shiftersā€™ titans. Simple as that. Sheā€™s too prominent in the protective instincts multiple other characters have demonstrated, including Squad Levi.
Reiner will have a dilemma between saving either his mother or Gabi, Falco doesnā€™t really need explaining, even Pieck has had decent moments with her to justify the sacrifice. There are far too few shifters to go round, and they know perfectly well that the likes of Connie and Jean would have wanted a child to be saved before them. One way or another, sheā€™s going to be un-mindlessā€™d. (This all being provisional on the gang surviving the mindless onslaught in the first place).
Or Iā€™m completely wrong. That happens a lot too.
Thanks for the ask!
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
ā€œAnime reception is way more sympathetic...ā€
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The ratio for stans to haters is much greater than this as well. Stay mad, Gabi simps.
It's funny how the hate for Gabi lived and died with a handful of manga edgelords. Anime reception is way more sympathetic (polls show it clearly) I guess since they drove the point how Gabi mirrors their saint and savior Eren. When Sasha's death came for manga readers suddenly Sasha was their favorite character and how dare this bitch kill an irreplaceable part of our lives šŸ¤£. But that's just my rant. I wanted to ask if you like Gabi and what you think of her fate in 138?
I should think thereā€™s a connection between how quickly it goes for them (anime-onlies) and how accepting they are of having their opinions changed/developed. They donā€™t sit and stew and form their own hard-fought convictions over the span of a month, like we do!Ā 
As for myself, I like Gabi well enough as a piece in a story. Small-scale reversal of indoctrination, innocence of children, dangers of self-hatred, blah blah. Not excellently executed - it was not lost on me that Gabiā€™s conclusive epiphany wasĀ ā€œeveryoneā€™s equally capable of evilā€, as gently explained by the ex-Nazi soldier to the enslaved kid-kapo, and I dislike her use as an extension of Isayamaā€™s purposeful choice to represent the Marleyan side of the conflict primarily through indentured child soldiers of the oppressed race - but a solid attempt by an author who doesnā€™t quite want to achieve what he says he does. although Iā€™ll never get over that Kiyomiā€™s kindness line.
On a personal level sheā€™s not my cup of tea simply because Iā€™m not huge on brash personalities. Rage-y loudmouths with a vendetta are very entertaining and dynamic, but when it comes to me forming an emotional connection with a character, it just doesnā€™t vibe with me. Funnily enough a lot of the reasons Iā€™ve never been particularly interested in Eren equate to my estimation of Gabi! But I certainly donā€™t dislike her - in fact her interactions with Falco and the remains of Squad Levi have been some of my favourite moments recently - and I donā€™t in any way, shape or form understand the vitriol Iā€™ve seen aimed at her. Especially since it often seems to show up directly alongside a flattering appraisal of Eren, Zeke, or even Floch!
Fate, you say?...
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She is either going to end up as a shifter or an Eldian free of the spine-parasite thing. If they donā€™t end the curse then sheā€™s going to inherit one of the shiftersā€™ titans. Simple as that. Sheā€™s too prominent in the protective instincts multiple other characters have demonstrated, including Squad Levi.
Reiner will have a dilemma between saving either his mother or Gabi, Falco doesnā€™t really need explaining, even Pieck has had decent moments with her to justify the sacrifice. There are far too few shifters to go round, and they know perfectly well that the likes of Connie and Jean would have wanted a child to be saved before them. One way or another, sheā€™s going to be un-mindlessā€™d. (This all being provisional on the gang surviving the mindless onslaught in the first place).
Or Iā€™m completely wrong. That happens a lot too.
Thanks for the ask!
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
Iā€™m SO SO SO angry that Gabi never has to face any consequences for her actions. Everything she does, she gets rewarded for it. Just look at Sasha, Gabi LITERALLY killed Sasha and bragged her kill to Sashaā€™s fiancĆ©/boyfriend/husband whatever, and all she fucking got was a punch to her face before EVERYONE seemingly forgives her. Yeah, I get sheā€™s twelve and brainwashed and etc, but that DOES NOT excuse her actions. (1)
People are literally hating on Eren for committing mass genocide to protect his loved ones, but when Gabi kills the members of SC and BRAGS about her kills, sheā€™s ā€œBest Girlā€? Not only that, Iā€™m so frustrated people are defending a terribly written character. Sheā€™s literally a Mary Sue. She faces no consequences, makes impossible and unrealistic shots, and everyone likes her and hails her as some kind of ā€œwarrior.ā€ (2)
Yes, sheā€™s been training for 12 years, but Sasha has been legitimately training since she was 15 and her father was a fucking HUNTER, yet she still misses a few shots. So why is it that Gabi can get away with all these things and still have people making excuses for her.. Iā€™m so sick of the hypocrisy in the aot fandom. I donā€™t hate her for killing Sasha or shooting Eren, I hate her for her Mary Sue like character traits, and just how hard Isayama tries to make her likable and shove her down (3)
-our throats. Sorry for my 4am rant. (4)
Buddy, thatĀ ā€œ4am rantā€ has been a major consensus in the fandom ever since her introduction, and every new chapter/panel with her makes her character go from bad to worse. Iā€™m glad there are still many people who hate her for everything sheā€™s done and how degrading the quality of the series has been with her every appearance, but yes, the blind Gabi simps are still quite annoying and completely fail to understand WHY people would hate a Mary Sue who kills a fan-favorite character and could have easily been replaced by Falco or even Reiner and nothing about the story would be different.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
Gabi shares the same voice as best girl Ochako Uraraka.
I don't really watch BnHA so I don't have much opinion on Ochako, but I am SO sorry your best girl has to share a voice with the literal WORST girl.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
If Garbage has 1M haters Iā€™m one of them. If Garbage has 10 haters Iā€™m one of them. If Garbage has 1 hater that is me. If Garbage has no haters then that means Iā€™m on earth no more. If the world is against Garbage Iā€™m with the world. Iā€™ll hate Garbage till my last breath
If Floch has 1M haters Iā€™m one of them. If Floch has 10 haters Iā€™m one of them. If Floch has 1 hater that is me. If Floch has no haters then that means Iā€™m on earth no more. If the world is against Floch Iā€™m with the world. Iā€™ll hate Floch till my last breath
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
It's such an insult to Sasha's character that she has to die in order for some dumb cunt's character development because she's too dumb to figure things out on her own. Unlike Falco. Forced parallels are also cringey. So she's apparently supposed to be Eren and Sasha now. I am giving up on AoT. I feel betrayed by the author. If he didn't write Gabi as she is, I probably won't hate her as much but no. She never experiences loses unlike survey corps team, and has plot armor
Right? And Gabistans expect us to drop all attachment to the SC, characters we have actually known and loved for years, and suddenly villainize them for the sake of some dumbass kid who barely has any personality outside of bratty and arrogant xenophobia?
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
I totally agree with you! I hate her. Not only because she killed best girl Sasha. She also acts like she has no common sense. Stupid b*tch.Falco, Udo and Zofia deserve a better friend. And when people say that she is only 12? I once was 12 too and guess what? I still knew what I was doing
At some point, age has to stop being an excuse for kids doing awful shit and they need to start being punished accordingly.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
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everything two swipes on tiktok rn is either a sasha memorabilia or a gabi hate speech
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
Lol nope the brat who killed Sasha is still the same unsympathetic POS that she currently is in the manga right now and she deserves to die painfully
Might be controversial, but I think the anime is doing a better job humanizing Gabi. I feel like itā€™s mostly thanks to her brilliant VA. Such a great performance, I canā€™t help but feel for her. I mean I always did, but her point of view is more clear in the anime.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
Itā€™s not so muchĀ ā€œwe donā€™t understandā€, itā€™s more likeĀ ā€œwe donā€™t give a fuckā€. We are perfectly within our rights to forever loathe the brat who killed Sasha for killing one of the most likable and good characters in this series.Ā 
OR, if she had to kill someone, kill Floch. I support him over the Cringevengers, but at least then it would have been a secondary death and still give Garbage room to NOT be Garbage. No forced redemption arc will make her likable or sympathetic.
Those who insult Gabi ... You guys really didn't understand anything, did you?
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
You spelled ā€˜The brat who killed Sashaā€™ incorrectly. Her face makes me vomit, she will never be loved or forgiven for killing Sasha
Anyway, Gabi is best girl. Itā€™s okay to hate a character, but adding dozens of hateful comments to character positive posts makes you a weird and unpleasant person.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
right,,i agree with everything you said. bad enough gabitch killed my girl sasha and didnt feel remorse for what she did, no she is advancing on getting shipped with falco?! that just makes my blood boil. and her being 12 year old just makes me more mad. never have i ever in my 8 years of anime life hate someone as much as i hate gabi.
Now that anime-onlies have seen Sashaā€™s death and are mass hating Gabi as well, it shouldnā€™t be too hard for her to climb the ranks among the worst anime characters ever. I dare say she will eventually surpass Shou Tucker. And THAT dude was twisted.
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
I'm living for gabi slander. makes me so happy to see people hate her
Grab a hankie for Sasha next week, and a bowl of popcorn for the hate Gabi earned for herself
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ihategabibraun Ā· 3 years
@jademix09 no, I donā€™t. I donā€™t have ANY empathy for Gabi. She hasnā€™t done anything to deserve it.
Never forget
One year ago, Isayama did the dumbest thing ever and took away Sasha Braus, the one character bringing a sense of levity to Attack on Titan. One year ago, she was killed for no good reason.
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She was taken from us by the loathsome Gabi Braunā€¦that damn fucked up psychopathic racist worthless needs-her-skull-bashed-into-a-wall goddamn cunt known as Gabi Braun.
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One year ago, one of the worst moments in manga history EVER occurred. One year ago, Isayama broke my trust in his abilities as a writer.
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Sasha Braus, rest in peace.
Gabi Braun, go swallow a knife and CHOKE on it you WORTHLESS SLAG.
Isayama, I hope to GOD you donā€™t do anything after SnK if this is the kind of thing youā€™re going to pull.
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