ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
Sorry ya'll. I got an account that relates to this so I gotta speak up. Feel free to unfollow.
Regarding the game.
Yes, she will get money. Yes, she's already been paid. The developers have been paid already too. Boycotting the game isn't to not give her money (she's gonna end up with some anyways, unfortunately), it's to discourage corporations from working with her and taking away her influence. Choose wisely.
I understand this is hard because I have been waiting for this game for YEARS. It REALLY REALLY hurt me to have to say no because I was SO excited for this. But I have trans siblings... It is just NOT something I can financially support. Money is power is influence. Please make sure people know you aren't giving any to someone who thinks the lives of my siblings aren't valid.
Thanks ya'll, please don't buy the game.
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
I will say, what is a headcannon is that everyone refers to the Thunderbird dorm as “the Roost”. “The Den” for Wampus, probably something cool like “the Nest” for Horned Serpent, and no one really knows how Puckwudgies (the animals) work so Puckwudgie Dorm goes by pretty much anything and Puckwudgie aren’t really particular enough to complain about that
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
how fun would it be if the thunderbird dormitory was, like, physically a roost on the top of one of the school towers? not really a head cannon but imagine having a giant cocoon of like giant trees or something making up your dorm? could be cool
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
so there’s this ghost that haunts the skywalk to the Horned Serpent dorms named Leopold; kid literally fell off the railing while reading a textbook so now his ghost kinda just wanders through there with that same textbook; he’ll occasionally yell random test questions at students that pass by but most people get them wrong (because he died like a hundred years ago and his knowledge is seriously outdated) and he’ll pour water on, throw things at, or chase after students when they do. He has a crush on the Horned Serpent house ghost, though, so he usually behaves when she’s around.   
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
I’ve been asked about Hogwarts/Ilvermorny house equivalents so here we go
I guess I should start by saying that I think Ilvermorny sorting and Hogwarts sorting are just a little bit different in that one of them kind of sorts what qualities you hold dear (I) while the other sorts your spirit or who you are (H). Subtle difference but it’s like the difference between traits and personality. One is more external and the other more internal. This also supports the canon that an Ilvermorny student can be selected by multiple houses! A person can hold multiple qualities dear, but it is a bit rare for someone to hold them all equally (ahem, Seraphina Picquery)
That being said, I don’t think if you are in one house at Hogwarts that that automatically puts you in what my HC is for Ilvermorny’s equivalent. These are more just approximate, like you have a 60-70% of being in here if you were in there. So, without further ado:
Gryffindor/Thunderbird: gOtTa bLAsT | “Is that something that would get me into trouble? Yes? Aight, les gO” | Does-backflip-to-impress-friends-breaks-arm-in-process kind of stupid |
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Hufflepuff/Pukwudgie: Wholesome | Soft | Will stab if you hurt friends | Likes food | “am baby”
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Ravenclaw/Horned Serpent: “Study?” “Why I’d love to, my good sir.” “Murder infadels?” “I’d be delighted.” | Books are babies | Maiming is the price to pay for speaking too loud in the library |
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Syltherin/Wampus: house pride but it’s only mildly elitist | easily offended | competitive but also a sore loser | travels in packs | DO NOT play Uno with either
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I did not take these photos but I did make these edits, so lmk if you wanna use pls :>
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
I think Ilvermorny does actually have a Homecoming and Spirit Week and NOTHING is more chaotic than these 5 consecutive days. 
Can you imagine. CAN YOU IMAGINE. the absolute chaos of Meme Day?? Or Dress Like A Teacher Day?? don’t get me started on Dress As Your Favorite Character. I feel like straight up Crazy Hair Day will have someone with a real mini-kraken on their head that other students will actively have to fight off in the middle of class.
Like you’re minding your own business, reading the textbook during study hall, then a goddamn tentacle slithers onto your desk (Sarah, your next-desk neighbor, decided to do the kraken for CHD) and you have to start fighting it over your textbook that it wants to eat then suddenly like 3 more tentacles join in so you get your wand and start beating it back and then it goes for Peter who sits in front of you and the two of you are struggling before it starts screaming and flinging things around the classroom and everyone’s either ducking or fighting and there’s screams of “Relashio” and “Stupefy” all over the place then some kid uses “Incendio” and half the room and Sarah’s hair (she has her airpods in so there’s no use trying to get her attention) are on fire before the professor finally comes back from lecturing a student (who decided to do an actual fight scene from Pirates of the Caribbean on their head) and uses Finite and there’s just this awkward silence as finally Sarah takes the airpods out and everyone’s staring at her and you’re holding onto the shreds of your textbook ready to cry when suddenly there’s a fucking explosion from the class next door and the chaos starts again like Spirit Week is FUCKING INSANE DONT GET ME STARTED
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
I am 100% convinced there is a Starbucks on campus and it’s the subject of an active turf war between the Horned Serpents and the Thunderbirds. 
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
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Ilvermorny | School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
Professor Howard Noyade (Jason Jules) - Transfiguration
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Personally, one of my favorite OC Professors I’ve come up with. Professor Noyade is very popular as he is the Head of Thunderbird House and is notorious for being one of the easiest teachers. He has a patient and fun teaching style and he really lives by the “no student left behind" ideal. Thunderbirds love him because he almost always joins in on the crazy parties they throw, and he is the star of the cafeteria during lunchtime due to the stories he will tell about his travels the summer before.
Height: 6′3
House: Thunderbird (CAW!)
Wand: Maple Wood, Thunderbird Tail Feather Core, 15 inches, Fairly Bendy
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Let me know if you want to use him :)
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
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Was with my friend in the car when it was raining and thought how cool it would be if - with Ilvermorny being on a mountain - the school was only accessible during cloud coverage? Like, a portion of the mountain is invisible on clear days, so only on days with heavy cloud coverage - when most No Majs wouldn’t be up in the mountains anyways - can you reach the portion of the mountain that holds the school.
Picture is called (to the best of my knowledge): Tunnel View by Tanner Wendall Stewart. I got it from this tumblr:
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
Professor Famulus Faust (Ben Desombre) - Headmaster of Ilvermorny
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One of Ilvermorny's two heads, he is very kind and patient, with a flair for the dramatic, a cheeky sense of humor, and a profound way with words. Considered one of the most popular headmasters in Ilvermorny's history, he has been serving for almost 20 years as the headmaster, where before he had been Ilvermorny's favorite History of American Magic teacher. He likes poetry, playing tricks on students (usually harmless), and dueling. He is also good friends with Albus Dumbledore.
Age: 87
Height: 5′11
House: Thunderbird
Wand: Applewood, White River Monster Spine Core, 14 1/4 Inches, Reasonably Supple
(Once again, if he invites your fancy enough to use in a fic, just let me know and you’re free to.)
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
Professor Leonard Alaric Mallam (Adrien Brody) - DADA
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Alaric (as he prefers to go by), was the first OC teachers I made up for Ilvermorny, because - let’s be honest - what kind of magic school would this be without Adrien Brody as a teacher?? 
He’s pretty tragic, previously having been a formidable auror, his career ended when he used the cruciatus and killing curse on the Death Eater that had killed his wife, Selene. He went to prison for many years before he was released on probation - by the ministrations of his friend, Headmaster Faust - under the condition that he became the school's new DADA teacher. He is generally feared due to his morose nature and reputation for being strict, though in reality he is deeply loyal to the school and to teaching students. His previous incarceration is a secret.
Age: 40
Height: 6′1′’
House: Wampus
Wand: Ash Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, 13 1/2 Inches, Unyeilding (very, very stubborn)
(If you’re interested in using him in any fics just give me credit and he’s yours :) )
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ilvermornyhcs · 4 years
Hello All!
To remain anonymous you can call me Scinni and if you must know I’m a Thunderbird!
I made this page because I have lots of ideas/OCs for Ilvermorny and I wanted to share them. :)
I guess, for starters, I should try and explain my vision for this school? First off, to set the record straight, this would have to be a campus not just a measly castle (@JK Rowling). I understand that, realistically, there should be many schools across North America to cater to different countries and cultures. I do, however, really like the idea of just one big college that actually embodies the idea of being the most progressive, diverse, and accepting Wizarding school in the world, and has a wonderful mix up of cultures and peoples. So, working with that idea, we can move forward to the population issue. There would just be wayyy too many students for them all to fit into a castle, and there would have to be so many different departments to cater to the needs of students from different countries (given that, you know, the US is not the sole country of North America, and English is - by far - not the most spoken language on the continent [again, @ JK Rowling. just... why]). So I kind of envision it as a small town built around a college-like campus, with shops and such actually in the school like a mall! So like, the equivalent of Diagon Alley is actually right outside/part of the campus.
[Also, I hate the idea of this being in New England - as I am from the desert and winter already sounds miserable at this school - so I hope it’s not too problematic to envision the school somewhere nice like Colorado or something. The Rocky Mountains would be a perfect location for the school to move to later on in time and as the attendance grows. A castle in NE just sounds bad all around.]
Second, the amount of teachers needed here would have to be astronomical. I did some of them dank calculations and if Ilvermorny followed the same ratio as Hogwarts of magical students in a school to the population of the countries the students come from then there would be around 2,500 students attending Ilvermorny, at least! So. It would need lots of teachers, and the structure of the school would have to be run wayyy differently. In an attempt to keep a healthy learning environment (and to keep myself from exhaustion by making OCs), I worked with the idea of the teachers following the students through their years, (kind of like Hogwarts?) so that if you had Professor Noyade (OC) in your first year for Transfiguration, you’d have him all the way up to your seventh year just teaching higher level classes as you went along. That would mean there’d be seven rotations of teachers that follow their kids up to graduation, and you know who you’re having for your classes your whole attendance. That sounds like a better structure to me than most American schools now where you switch teachers every year. It also means Ilvermorny’s professors would have to be highly specialized and paid well! (LIKE ALL TEACHERS SHOULD BE, especially if you’re handling kids through puberty.)
Next, the houses. This can still be applied to the crazy number of students, though I understand that this too is not realistic. Please bear with me, friends! I think the main difference I have here from canon (which we all know is trash, let’s be honest) is that the students would have dorms by house and each dorm has seven stories, each for a different year. They are separated by male-identifying and female-identifying, and our agender/gender non-conforming friends get to choose either depending on the friends they want to stay with, lucky! Under the assumption that the school has already gone through its “weeding-out” of the racists, sexists, and homophobes this shouldn’t really be a problem. Ilvermorny is the most diverse and accepting school in the world, right! So, that aside, I imagine the sorting is still the same as JKR depicted with the dias and the roaring statues and all. Classes are mixed like they are at Hogwarts – to promote house unity – and during lunch time there’s a massive cafeteria/food court that people can mingle in. 
As of right now, these are probably the only base headcanons I need to address. I have many more though, and will probably post them but feel free to ask me either way! Now away with OCs and headcanons and such - I will try to reference OC castings in each picture I post to the best of my ability.
Feel free to call me out on any shit that’s incorrect, thank you!
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