what the signs need in a significant other
aries: someone witty. someone who says it as it is. someone who they can aspire to be like. someone they can make laugh. someone who doesn’t take them for granted. 
taurus: someone who treats them like royalty. someone they want to buy things for. someone who is sensitive. someone who remembers their favourite things. someone who brings out their energy.
gemini: someone who could entertain them for hours. someone who treats them with the respect that other’s don’t. someone who only sees them. someone who will go anywhere with them. someone with the same views.
cancer: someone who sees their heart. someone with a wide imagination. someone who always wants to laugh. someone they can sit in silence with and still enjoy their company. someone who believes in them.
leo: someone who is great with sarcasm. someone they want to impress. someone they connect to mentally. someone with confidence. someone who genuinely cares about them. someone who wants to know everything about them.
virgo: someone who wants to show them off. someone who appreciates their mind. someone who they want to look after. someone they can’t stop talking about. someone who defends what they believe in. someone down to earth.
libra: someone with great talents. someone romantic. someone impulsive. someone who isn’t embarrassed easily. someone they could flirt with forever but also talk about future plans with. someone who they look up to.
scorpio: someone who is honest. someone who makes them want to achieve their goals. someone independent. someone who is irresistible in their eyes. someone who doesn’t stand out or show off. someone admirably stubborn.
sagittarius: someone who is infectious company. someone they want to know everything about. someone who sees the best in them. someone unique. someone who is positive and loves to laugh. someone who is a complete nerd.
capricorn: someone who challenges them. someone who they can’t see right through. someone who protects them. someone who has the best sense of humour. someone who doesn’t lie about what they like to impress them.
aquarius: someone adventurous. someone who feels like home. someone who really teaches them love. someone who is always there for them. someone cautious of their feelings. someone who is more like them than their self.
pisces: someone they want to show their greatest achievements to. someone they just want to hold all the time. someone brave. someone empathetic. someone who is passionate about so many things. someone who wants the same things about of life.
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Mercury Signs
aries mercury
taurus mercury
gemini mercury
cancer mercury
leo mercury
virgo mercury
libra mercury
scorpio mercury
sagittarius mercury
capricorn mercury
aquarius mercury
pisces mercury
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The signs as classic TV shows
Aries: The A Team Taurus: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Gemini: Saved By The Bell Cancer: The Addams Family Leo: The Brittas Empire Virgo: Bewitched Libra: Dad’s Army Scorpio: Batman (1966 - 1968) Sagittarius: Only Fools and Horses Capricorn: That 70′s Show Aquarius: Thunderbirds Pisces: Friends
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mtl to win an argument even when they are wrong/have no idea what they are talking about
cancer (shocking, I know)aquarius capricornleoariesvirgotaurusscorpio sagittariusgeminilibra pisces
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The signs as Gothic Novels & Novellas
Aries: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Taurus: Dracula
Gemini: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Cancer: Wuthering Heights
Leo: The Tell Tale Heart
Virgo: Great Expectations
Libra: The Raven
Scorpio: The Turn of the Screw
Sagittarius: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Capricorn: Vampyre
Aquarius: The Fall of the House of Usher
Pisces: Frankenstein
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Her lips are like the Galaxy's edge: Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
And her Kiss the color of a Constellation falling into place: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
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Reblog if you agree with yours! 
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When Ptolomy wrote the Tetrabiblos, or the first modern textbook on Astrology (which is basically the Astrological community’s equivalent to the bible) he described the functions of the Zodiac Signs, Planets, and Houses. He also introduced the theory of “Aspects.”
When he did his work, he did it based on twelve 30 degree sections of the sky (aka Asterisms) based on the 12 Zodiacal Constellations. 
Modern Astronomers and Astrologers decided that since the constellation of Ophichus touched the ecliptic, it should be included in Astrology, since that’s what the other Signs were based on. They argued that due to the Earth’s rotation on it’s axis, the Sun doesn’t pass through the constellations as they did 3,000 years ago. 
This has been widely rejected throughout the Astrological community. They continue to follow Ptolomy’s original works, with only slight modifications and additions (such as the discovery of new planets).
It’s a grandfather clause. Anyone born after 2009 would fall under the new Zodiac system with Ophiuchus included. Which is a tad silly, lol.
The Twelve Zodiac signs have a large amount of balance, coordination, etc, that makes them work like a fine-oiled machine. The addition of Ophiuchus would throw off all that work that that Ptolomy and so many others contributed to this applied science.
The polarities:
Aries-Libra Taurus-Scorpio Gemini-Sagittarius Cancer-Capricorn Leo-Aquarius Virgo-Pisces
They’re opposites because they all lay 180 degrees apart, on opposite sides of the zodiac cycle.
Aries is March 21st - April 20, Libra is September 24 - October 23. 
With Ophiuchus, Aries would be April 18- May 13, and Libra would be October 30 - November 23. They don’t quite line up the same way anymore.
And who would Ophiuchus’s opposite be? There would be 6 pairs - and Ophiuchus. Or 5 pairs, and one trio. Or 6 pairs, and a different sign left out. 
According to this site, Ophiuchus does not have an opposite sign. So, 6 pairs - and Ophiuchus. Balance thrown off.
The Dualities:
Masculine Signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
Feminine Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
Once again, nice and even. Two groups, both with 6. Half displays more extrospective traits, the other more introspective. 
And who would Ophiuchus’s opposite be? There would be 6 pairs - and Ophiuchus. Or 5 pairs, and one trio. Or 6 pairs, and a different sign left out. 
According to this site, Ophiuchus does not have an opposite sign. So, 6 pairs - and Ophiuchus. Balance thrown off.
The Modalities (Quadruplicities):
Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Three groups, each with four, each from one element.
Where would Ophiuchus fall? There could be 2 groups of four, and 1 group of five. There could be 3 groups, and Ophiuchus.
According to this site, Ophiuchus is mutable. So there 2 groups of four, one group of five. Balance thrown off.
That even fucks with the name, since it’s called Quadruplicities because of groups of four.
The Triplicities:
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 
Four groups, each with three, each from one modality.
Where would Ophiuchus fall? There could be 3 groups of three, and 1 group of four. There could be 4 groups, and Ophiuchus. There could be 4 groups, and the removal of a different sign.
According to this site, Ophiuchus is Water. So there 3 groups of three, and one group of four. Balance thrown off.
According to this site, Ophiuchus stands as it’s own element, Ether. So 4 groups of three, and Ophiuchus on it’s own.
That even fucks with the name, since it’s called Triplicities, because of groups of three.
Then, there’s the matter of Planetary Ruler, Seasons, Body part, Erogenous Zone, and lots of other things that have been divided perfectly into 12 sections for thousands of years.
So the reason ophiucus is not included is because of tradition and the need to redesign current astrology norms? That is like denying a new discovered fact because it doesn’t fit our theory. Which is in no way a progress to knowledge :s
Nope! Ptolemy wrote about Ophiuchus - in his Astronomy books, not his Astrological books. So it’s not a “new discovered fact,” it’s as old as Astrology itself - and has never been a part of it.
Astrology has evolved over the ages! Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eros, Vesta, Chiron, Ceres, Pallas Athena, Psyche, Vertex, the Nodes, Lilith, and lots of other things have been added into Astrology as Science has developed. 
Ophiuchus isn’t one of those things, because it literally has no place. The main arguement for Ophiuchus can be summed up with - “it touches the ecliptic.”
The twelve zodiac signs are twelve 30 degree divisions of the ecliptic. They are based around the zodiac constellations, but not dependent on them. Ophiuchus’s “toe” touches the ecliptic - but that doesn’t mean a new division should be sliced out. Plenty of other constellations also touch the eclitpic. (I encourage you to read this)
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Sun x Moon Life Mottos 1/3
Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon: "You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself."
Taurus Sun, Leo Moon: "Don't treat others the same way as you don't like to be treated."
Gemini Sun, Aries Moon: "Go parallel. Support others because there's room for all of us at the top. If you're lonely and at the top, you're on the wrong top."
Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon: "May the space between where I am and where I want to be inspire me."
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon: "We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire."
Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon: "A word after a word after a word is power. Turn soft and lovely any time you have the chance."
Libra Sun, Gemini Moon: "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."
Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon: "Everyday is a chance to be a better version of yourself."
Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon: "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon: "I try not to be hard on myself, but if I'm not doing my very best- I will never be pleased with the result."
Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon: "Each and every person is focusing solely on their self as they walk down the street, don't worry about how they look at you, worry about how you're looking at them."
Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon: "Kindness is the key to fulfillment for yourself and others, unless someone decides to harm you. In that case when you decide to destroy them everyone knows it was justified."
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Aries: Angry aggressive roar Hulk SMASH
Taurus: So hungry I'm going 2 eat this textpost
Gemini: Can't stop talking I'm so full of shit!!!
Cancer: Crai cry baby crying tears everywhere grumpy
Leo: Me me me I love me everyone loves me
Virgo: Obsession..shy...analyze.. OCD stick up mi butt
Libra: Shopping 2 faced hoe everyone jus be frnds!!!!1!1
Scorpio: Sex death body oil ooo so sexy u like that
Sagittarius: Happi all the time also knows meaning of life
Capricorn: So srs so work very reserved, Elsa frm frozen
Aquarius: Aliens...drugs.....no emotions...did i mention aliens
Pisces: Sleepy ponies fairies -6 IQ also crying hiccups
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Elemental Progression throughout the Zodiac
Lavinia Amoun ✶ AstroAlive ✶ Text Post ✶ Find your dominant element
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The Signs as Pirates
Aries: A crew of pirates that hail from a port city overrun with corruption. Their acts of disobedience put the crew at risk of being silenced forever so they escaped to the sea to develop their plan. They deliver supplies to residents of the city in the form of food and basic necessities as well as weapons for the brewing rebellion. The crew is on the run from corrupt officials but viewed as protectors by civilians.
Taurus: No other crew has been at sea as long as this one. This pirate crew is composed of several families that have sailed the same huge ship for countless decades. Their extensive knowledge of the sea is made clear by all the riches they have acquired and the jewels that dangle from their bodies. Other crews regard them with deep respect, making them pseudo-royalty in the seafaring world.
Gemini: A playful crew of master tricksters, sailing the world on a ship unlike any other–the crew constructed and repaired it as they traveled, which resulted in a ship with parts from all around the globe. The eclectic ship suits the crew well because each member joined the crew at a different location, creating a very diverse group. Days on the ship are filled with discussions, pranks, and learning about each member’s past life on land.
Cancer: The youngest known pirate crew. However, what they lack in years they make up for in courage and compassion. This ocean-eyed bunch boarded their ship and sailed away from a tragic past in a destroyed city. The crew protects each other from the dangers of the sea and takes in any lost children they encounter. Often underestimated for their youth and kindness, the crew surprises other pirates by coming to the rescue when another crew is in need.
Leo: These pirates sail in a ship plated with gold, crowned with ruby red sails and led by a beautifully carved marble lion figurehead. On board, the crew enjoys all the riches of the world, from diamond rings to emerald-crusted goblets. Exotic animals roam the deck, tigers and leopards dozing in the open sun and lionesses standing regally at the side of each crew member. It is considered an honor for your city to be visited by these pirates.
Virgo: Pirates that keep their ship docked in rocky caves with crystal-covered walls carved out of cliffs by ocean waves. These secret caves are also home to the crew’s legacy: tunnels leading to rooms filled with books written by crew members long passed, tables littered with hand drawn maps, and unique inventions and creations from all over the world. These pirates are known as the first to map the Seven Seas. 
Libra: Pirates who drifted away from civilization and became overcome by the beauty of the world. The crew can be found on islands with their immaculate ship anchored nearby, dancing in ankle deep water on white sand beaches to music made with their own handmade instruments. Seashells and pearls are tangled in their hair and they sip a beverage similar to wine.
Scorpio: This pirate crew is known by most people as half reality and half folk lore because they are rarely sighted and never communicate with people outside the crew. The dark sails of their ship loom on the horizon every full moon for only a few moments before they seem to disappear without a trace. People speak of their wild eyes and jewelry made of shimmering fish scales, crystals, and dark gemstones.
Sagittarius: A ragtag band of rogues and outlaws, banished from their homeland for refusing to support a tyrannical ruler. They have been given a bad name by authorities but this reputation could not be further from the truth. This crew remains deeply loyal to each other as they travel the sea and find themselves in risky situations. While battling sea monsters and saving stranded refugees, they risk their lives for each other and constantly display their “all for one and one for all” philosophy.
Capricorn: This pirate crew has roamed farther than any other, reaching the Arctic Circle. They’ve adapted to the freezing climate, living in solitude for most of the year and migrating back to the mainland along the equator only when they need supplies. They are industrious inventors and skilled hunters, but record all their secrets in a coded language that only crew members can decipher.
Aquarius: This pirate crew is known for the strange events that seem to follow them wherever they go–hurricanes suddenly calming when their ship approaches, worldly objects disappearing from their homes and reappearing on board the ship, and the strange way the crew abandons the ship for the sea every night, trading their legs for scaly fish tails in the light of the moon… The crew itself is few in number and each member is of the same rank.
Pisces: A pirate crew that drifts from coast to coast in a ship that reflects the sun in a way that makes it appear to be made of silver. The sails seem to be the color of the ocean itself. These pirates let the stars guide them across the sea, stopping in port cities periodically to trade handmade tapestries for supplies. Their arrival is met with anticipation because most people believe the crew has been gifted with the otherworldly power of clairvoyance.
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I keep fantasizing about how cool it would be if humans were supernatural creatures and their powers and physical features were based on their sun, moon, and rising sign.
Hear me out: sun signs determine the basic physical features like nails that are strong like claws or goat horns or gills that can be activated and deactivated. Moon signs determine what powers you have; Aries moon can have pyrokinesis, Gemini moon can multiply, Leo moon can manipulate heat and fire solar beams, etc. And the ascendant can determine your color scheme, physique, and secondary characteristics like hair and eyes. Hehe sorry, excuse my brain fart
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horoscope: sometimes you be breathin
me: okay but how did they know that?
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Zodiac | Are you a x or y person?
Deep ocean: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces Outer space: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
Science: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius Math: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Void: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces Abyss: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius
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Sun in the Signs
Taken from: Gargatholil's Depth Astrology, Vol. 2
Aries: You are what you do
Taurus: You are what you have
Gemini: You are what you know
Cancer: You are what you feel
Leo: You are the role you play
Virgo: You are as you measure yourself
Libra: You are the company you keep
Scorpio: You are what you focus your energy toward
Sagittarius: You are what you understand
Capricorn: You are what you can accomplish
Aquarius: You are what you are not
Pisces: You are All
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