indigo-altean · 2 days
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guys hlep
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indigo-altean · 7 days
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sleepy team doodle <3
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022, Day 21: "You're Safe Now"
AU where those without the Mark of the Chosen, even non-Alteans, can still encounter the White Lion if he's willing to pay you a visit.
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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Keith signing autographs - Icons (250x250)
The new poster gave me inspiration! Hope you like them ♥
> Like or reblog if you use > Credit is not required but very appreciated! > Please do not edit/claim them as yours
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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shiny chompers ✨
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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i've been so busy this month, i haven't had time to share this
i might stretch my keithtober entries into Nov 🥺
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indigo-altean · 2 years
Keith takes a long walk in the rain.
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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@cherry-luxite requested a reference page for Keith! This is also serving as a thank you for 2000 followers! I really appreciate all the support
Not much to say this time around but making the glow effect on the blades stuff was pretty satisfying. And I know that hypothetically baby Keith probably had shoes on but since there's no clear image of them, I kept him in socks to up the sad orphan energy lol.
click/tap for higher quality
*parts of this design were unable to be confirmed in canon
Because of just how many references were used to create this, here’s a collage of most of the ones I used. They can be found on the blog on their own and episodes are listed for the more obscure outfits that aren’t included here. The official reference image was also used for proportions and posing:
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indigo-altean · 2 years
Keith has a nightmare.
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indigo-altean · 2 years
Keith almost successfully keeps his birthday a secret from the Paladins.  Almost.  Hunk, however, notices, and offers him a quiet surprise.
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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will take any excuse to draw a pretty keith 🎉 🎂
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Keith! - Icons (250x250)
Take a precious smile, multiply it six times, and you have a powerful post that makes people happy just by looking at it* 😉
> Credit if you use > Please do not edit/repost/claim them as yours
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indigo-altean · 2 years
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❤ Happy Birthday Keith ❤
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indigo-altean · 2 years
Oh I see, of course! Not gonna lie, the fact that they're careful about drama and try to keep things healthy is reassuring, they're tempting me haha. Thank you very much for the offer, I'll think about it and get in touch if necessary ☺️
@whump-nutritionist reblogged your post:
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Hey, thank you for your tags! I am very happy that you like it, I hope you’ll find some more positivity around 🙂
Do you make any fan contents for VLD yourself? If you don’t mind me asking (just curious)
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indigo-altean · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Lance (28th July)
Voltron: Legendary Defender
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indigo-altean · 2 years
"Lance is my best friend.
There's no one else I would have rather been roomies with at the Garrison."
– Hunk (The Voltron Coalition Handbook)
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indigo-altean · 2 years
Reblogging because, while it covers just part of the series (it was written after s5 but before s6-8), I think this meta offers still valid truths about Lance and some interesting points. Nice analysis OP.
I am a fan of VLD first and foremost. I love the show and I love the characters. Do I have my favorites? Hell yes. Do some of them get on my nerves? Yah. When they get on my nerves, I take them with a grain of salt in the knowledge that the creators have a plan for them. I refuse to believe it is intended for a primary character to be obnoxious the whole way through. 
So let’s talk about Lance. 
You love him or you hate him. And if we’re all being honest most of the people who hate him do so because of OOC fandom content. Let’s take a step back toward canon and evaluate why Lance is an important character. 
I would like to say I have a lot of analysis on Lance, but I can’t. There’s not much to analyze with him and those who do often end up over-analyzing. Chant with me: It’s a children’s show; not everything is THAT complicated. Lance is a happy character. Not every arc has to be this monumental struggle filled with tragedy and sorrow and a battle between good and evil. Lance’s arc is about growing up. His is the arc that is most relatable and likely to happen in real life. Lance’s story is about figuring out what he wants in life, what is worth hanging onto, and what things he should let go of. 
Something fandom has really clung to in regards to Lance is an interview statement that he will end up somewhere completely different than where he started. Where did Lance start? Wanting to be The Best, to get the glory, to be the hero, to be the leader. And as we’ve moved further into the show he has started to pull away from those tendencies. Lance is figuring out that it is okay if he’s not The Best so long as he is the best version of himself. Not everyone has to be the leader; support is just as vital. 
Lance offers tremendous value to the team, just not in an obvious way that is easy to put on stats. Everyone on the team contributes in their own way: Shiro’s strategizing, Keith’s combat/piloting skills, Hunk’s engineering, Pidge’s genius intellect, Allura’s alchemic talents. All of these things can be quantified and compiled into data. But Lance’s is more subtle. He is emotionally intelligent: caring and compassionate. 
In times where team members are incredibly self-absorbed or focused on missions, Lance is there to focus on his teammates as individuals. Just look at where he is in season 5. Why do you think Shiro felt comfortable confiding in Lance about his confusion? Why do you think Allura speaks with Lance about Shiro’s behavior when she just as easily could have gone to Coran to vent? Lance has demonstrated genuine concern for his team and they appreciate this about him. And yea, Lance hasn’t always approached emotionally charged situations in the best manner, but again, his arc is about personal growth. The point is that he is trying to help to the best of his ability. 
To say that Lance isn’t as important or valuable as any of the other paladins is a discredit to the show and its creators. There is layering to this show that takes time and patience. Things may seem choppy or out of order at this point, but life doesn’t follow a linear plot line. That’s part of what makes VLD so compelling, so real. It would be a disservice to the fans’ intelligence if this show were to follow a simple linear plot line. How boring would this story be if we were to condense things to 1 or 2 major story arcs that we follow without breaking out to study other characters? And in this vein, it makes sense that each character’s arc does not feel proportionate to others. This isn’t a participation game: not everyone gets a trophy, not everyone gets an entire episode dedicated to furthering their personal story. It is appropriate for some characters to get small portions of episodes and snippets and to act as comedic relief; but that doesn’t make them any less necessary. 
If every character were to have groundbreaking moments that shatter everything they know or love, I would not be able to stomach this show. The whole point of characters like Hunk and Lance are to create a dynamic story with variety and ranges of emotions. Yes I want to feel sorrow and heartbreak through struggle but I also want to laugh and smile. Lance and Hunk’s arcs bring stability to a team that would otherwise be incredibly scattered. Their experiences run alongside the others to demonstrate that while there is struggle and grief and war there is also joy and humor. 
Lance is a good character who holds tremendous value. He can be incredibly irritating but let’s not discredit him. He brings unique talents to the team and while those talents are not always obvious, they are vital. Lance doesn’t need a big sweeping arc to be important or interesting. Let Lance be who he is and grow into his own.
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