intubatedlover · 3 days
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Go to sleep, all will be fine.
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intubatedlover · 6 days
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intubatedlover · 6 days
O Tempo Não Para - Marocas in coma
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intubatedlover · 6 days
Mia in ICU
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"Has she been drugged? Well, you did the right thing. You need to immediately connect her to an artificial apparatus. So, Mia, it looks like this is the end of your story.”
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Doctors put her on a ventilator to ensure adequate oxygen supply to her brain and other vital organs. Resuscitation procedures were performed in time, but the patient fell into a coma. Doctors monitored her vital signs and supported her body functions with the help of medical equipment.
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Dr. Cohen certainly enjoys his work. She realizes that a girl who knows so many secrets can be a risk. The stories that the girl publishes on the site, although they remain unpopular, contain information that can be dangerous. Dr. Cohen knows the importance of maintaining confidentiality, which is why she is keeping a close eye on the situation to prevent any potential disclosure.
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Mia, who is in a coma, remains in stable condition but is still dependent on artificial ventilation. The woman, intubated and catheterized, is in a state of complete dependence on medical devices.
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Mia woke up, but her body still wouldn't obey her. She lay still, able only to listen to the sounds that surrounded her. The noise of medical equipment, footsteps of staff, quiet conversations – all this came to her like an echo from another world. The valve on the ventilator connecting the hose to the tube in her throat was the only physical sensation she could recognize. She knew she wasn't breathing on her own – the machine was doing it for her, keeping her alive while her own body remained powerless.
"It's scary to be so helpless, dependent on a machine for every breath. It's like I'm in a dream where I want to scream but can't say a word. I can hear everything around me, but I can't answer. I feel my consciousness floating in the dark, waiting for the moment when I can regain control of my body.”
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Her consciousness was like an island in a great, dark ocean of the unknown. She could not speak, could not move, but she could think and feel. Mia faced the harsh reality of her condition. She was aware that if the life support systems were turned off, her life could be in danger.
Dr. Cohen faces a difficult choice. She knows Mia is no longer a threat, but the decision to turn off life support cannot be taken lightly. Doctor took a deep breath and walked over to Mia's bed. She looked at the monitors showing the woman's vital signs and said quietly: “Mia, we are at a crossroads. You were strong and you proved you could fight. But now that you're no longer a threat, we must decide what to do next. I want you to know that every decision I make is an attempt to do what is best for us.”
After such a decision, Dr. Cohen may feel a mixture of emotions — from relief to hesitation about the ethics of his actions. She carefully turned off Mia's life support machine and waited, watching the monitors showing her vital signs…
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intubatedlover · 12 days
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Employee Retension Scheme
The Directeur doesn't appreciate staff quitting. They become a security risk for the Institute once they get out. So when the new scrub nurse tendered her resignation, he made plans to retain her in other capacity. But he didn't tell her his plans as he knew she would not agree. 
He threw a farewell party for her just before she left. She was unsuspecting coming into the party.  Her drink was spiked and as the party proceeded, she became increasingly intoxicated. When she realised something was wrong, she was already on the floor trying to stay conscious. As she was being transferred onto a gurney by her co-workers, she heard her co-worker saying, “Don't worry dear, you will be well taken care of.”  
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She was drifting in and out of consciousness. She had fragmented memories of being changed out of her scrubs into a patient’s gown. In another, she was being transferred to a hospital bed in a ward and secured to a bed. And finally, blurry image of a co-worker injecting into her saline IV bag and telling her to relax and sleep and that she “will be ready soon”… 
She came to on a gurney as she was wheeled into the operating theatre. She recognised the familiar scene in her daily work, pushing patients into the OT for various procedures, except this time, she was the one strapped to the gurney. She knew she was in deep trouble when she saw the entire surgery team there. She started to panic when she saw the operating table and the gleaming stirrups at the end.
No one acknowledged her. Everyone was cold and referred to her as a patient. 
“The patient is here.”
“Premedication for the patient has been administered.”
“The patient's reproductive system has been primed.”
“Let's get the patient on the operating table.”
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When she recognised the Directeur, she tried to plead and begged but it was no use. The Directeur has never let a “volunteer" go. She has witnessed how the “volunteers” were “recruited” and helped processed them.  That was the main reason why she wanted to leave. 
As she was transferred to the operating table, she started to struggle for her life. She did not want to be part of the Breeder’s Programme. She did not want to be a surrogate strapped to a hospital bed pregnant as the embryo grew in her womb. 
But the team at hand knew the protocol. They descended on her together, as if to show the Directeur their commitment to the Institute. She fought against the hands grabbing her hands and legs but they were too strong. She flailed and kicked and refused to lie down after they set her onto the operating table. She knew that this was her last chance and once she was strapped down, she had no hope. Hands around her tried to force her down but she resisted with all her strength
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Then instead of pulling her down, a hand cupped the back of her head and pushed her forward. She turned and saw that it was the anesthesiologist, and on his other hand, was a gas mask! She tried to back away but his hand was firm and she looked in horror as the mask approached her face. It was coming so close she could see nothing but the mask. It was hissing right in front of her like a cobra ready to strike. She coiled in horror but the anesthesiologist was too strong for her. He expertly aligned the mask over her nose and mouth and firmly sealed in against her face. She gasped in surprise and had a first taste of the sweet pungent gas at the back of her throat. 
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She tried to hold her breath but as she fought the hands holding her, she couldn't help letting the pressured gas mask force more gas into her lungs. Her vision clouded and she sqinted her eyes as the room became increasingly bright. Her pupils were already dilating. Her world was spinning and her struggles were becoming weak and sporadic. The sevoflurane was entering her system. She was becoming sluggish and feeling sleepy.  There was a ringing in her ears and she was thinking how quiet the room had become. She could no longer resist as the anesthesiologist slowly laid her down on the table. At the same time, she felt her legs floating towards the ceiling before being hooked to the stirrups.
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From the corner of her eye, she watched with some detachment the scrub nurse placing her arm on the outstretched arm board and secured it with a thick black restraint. On the other side, someone was injecting a white substance into her IV. 
“Propofol. Once we have this in the patient's system, there is zero chance of the patient running away,” she recalled the anesthesiologist telling her once during a procedure…
She tried to say, “no”, but it came out guttural and unintelligible.  She felt the warmth of the drug flowing into her veins and spreading across her chest. She was just laying there passively, staring into space, totally helpless.
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The anesthesiologist lifted her head back to make sure her windpipe was not obstructed and started to pump the gas mixture into her lungs. She tried to focus on the anesthesiologist's eyes above the mask they were coming in and out of focus.
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Just before she blacked out, the Directeur came into her line of sight and he said, “Glad that you decided to stay with us and continue your service to the Institute.”  
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She tried to response but she was just starring into space now.
“Let's get going to impregnate our patient,” said the Directeur. She knew she should be concerned and run but she didn't react. She just breathed as she was told and even that was beyond her control now. 
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And then there was darkness and the beeping of the monitors became increasingly distant, until there was nothing left…
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intubatedlover · 17 days
Beware - @mrgalink is spreading actual child porn please report this account ASAP please
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intubatedlover · 18 days
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intubatedlover · 18 days
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intubatedlover · 18 days
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Black bras are my favorites, specially when they’re wearing it on resuscitation scenes. What about this?
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intubatedlover · 26 days
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intubatedlover · 26 days
Finally got a good clip of me with my anesthesia circuit hope people like it!
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intubatedlover · 29 days
The Intern
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She thought she scored an internship at the Institute and flew all the way in. But upon arrival, she was told she would be quarantined. She was given a battery of tests and was given multiple shots of "vaccines" throughout her stay.
On the special morning, she was given another one of those "vaccines" but it was a sedative for the unsuspecting intern. She soon passed out and was prepped for surgery.
She was selected for her outstanding academic results as well as her sporting achievements. But she was not here to work. She was here for her genes. Her earlier vaccines were in fact hormonal shots to prep her ovaries. She was deemed ready and was scheduled for the egg retrieval.
Her induction was started just as the sedative was wearing off. She struggled but the drugs quickly rendered her helpless as the gas mask muffled her cries. Once she was out, the egg retrieval proceeded. Then the bidding for a chance to procreate with her excellent genes could begin and appropriate surrogates would be found.
But her "job" did not end there. Some clients wanted the real deal. Not just her egg, but to directly inseminate her and for her to carry their baby to full term. Of course this demanded a certain premium as we would keep her under close supervision and professional care at the institute throughout her pregnancy.
Soon enough, the baby would be due. And for the really decerning client, only a cesarean delivery would do to not give any stress to the baby...
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We are ready to go. Then the Intern can start her internship all over again.
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intubatedlover · 1 month
The Machine - Whump Concept
CW: Medical torture, intubation against will, restraints, forced sedation, forced feeding, restraints, intimate whumper, noncon touch (non sexual), explicitly discussed loss of bodily control 
This feels stronger than what I usually write, but I was inspired by this by @shameless-whumper 
I can’t in good faith recommend this if intubation is a sensitive topic for you. 
Whumper had threatened the Machine many times, but hadn’t gone through with it. Whumpee had rolled their eyes every time, doubting the existence of such a thing. No one would make it, no one – not even Whumper – would be so sadistic as to use it.
Keep reading
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intubatedlover · 1 month
Leah in ICU
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Leah lay in a coma for more than a week. She is connected to an artificial breathing apparatus. A long plastic breathing tube is inserted into her throat. Large medical devices are located near it. Nurses visit her ward regularly, taking care of her condition.
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Leah sometimes listens to everything around her. Leah was in a coma, but she was thinking a lot. She was scared. She could feel the medical devices, their noise.
Dr. Iris often talks next to Leah. The doctor talks about her condition, discusses treatment plans and follow-up.
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"Your body is going through a difficult recovery process, but together we can do it. We are here to help you.”
So, Iris regularly checks into Leah's room to make sure everything is going according to plan.
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Later, surprisingly, Leah came out of the coma. Her eyes opened and she saw the world again. But her body has not yet fully obeyed her. She could not speak, because she was connected to an artificial breathing apparatus. Leah felt weak, but inner optimism helped her.
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Leah will be connected to a breathing machine for a long time. She had a new surgery, and she has a tracheostomy. Iris explained that a tracheostomy can make the process more comfortable. Leah still feels doubt, fear and limitations. But maybe now she's finding happiness in the small steps toward recovery.
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intubatedlover · 1 month
Girl in ICU
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The girl ended up in a coma. Her body was severely damaged, and doctors decided to connect her to an artificial device to keep her alive. Now she lies in the hospital, helpless and connected to tubes and hoses, her mind remaining transparent in this world between reality and dream.
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Dr. Cohen was standing by the bed where the girl was lying. Her eyes were closed, but she could feel the doctor's presence. The artificial device that kept her alive hummed quietly nearby.
Dr. Cohen began, “I know you can hear me. Your body may be helpless, but your mind is not.”
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The girl did not move, but her consciousness was on guard. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't. Only darkness.
"This is not just a coma. You are in a special state. Your mind is a window to another world.”
The girl felt her heart swell with emotion. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't. The tubes in her throat prevented her from speaking.
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“I'll be here to help you. We will find a way to get you out of this state.” - said Dr. Cohen.
The girl felt tears running down her cheeks. She could not move, but her mind was alive.
Days passed, and the girl remained in a coma. Dr. Cohen researched her condition by reviewing medical studies and reports. She believed that the answer to the riddle lay deeper than just physiological processes.
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One day, when the window near the bed was open, the girl felt a breath of wind. He brought the smell of flowers and fresh rain. She felt her hand tremble slightly.
The girl tried to answer, but the words did not come out. She concentrated on the warmth of the wind, on the smell of flowers, on the voice of the doctor. Her mind was bright and sensitive, as if it opened new horizons. The girl felt her heart pound with hope. She could not move, but she believed. She believed that Dr. Cohen would do everything possible to save her and that she would be able to feel the sunlight and the wind on her face again.
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This is how the girl's unusual journey began - a journey into a world where the boundaries between reality and dreams were blurred, where words had power and hope was her wings.
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intubatedlover · 2 months
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Lil self care day, kinda need those sometimes
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intubatedlover · 2 months
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