isthisalovestory · 25 days
I hope you find the type of love in life that makes you feel at ease. I hope birdsong will sound like music to you again. I hope your home is warm during the winter and cool in the summer. I hope people smile at you enough. I hope you wake up curious for what's to come. I hope you listen to your body's aches as signals instead of mere hindrances. I hope that when you reach out, there's a hand to grasp onto. I hope that when you laugh, bursts of happiness accompany the sound. I hope you live a life where today is just as exciting as tomorrow. I hope you don't feel guilt over moving on from the things that were your fault. I hope you rest well. I hope you eat enough. I hope you hold your hopes tightly. I hope you allow them to transform into dreams. I hope your dreams come true.
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isthisalovestory · 26 days
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history + last words
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isthisalovestory · 8 months
Lacy, oh, Lacy, it's like you're out to get me You poison every little thing that I do Lacy, oh, Lacy, I just loathe you lately And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you
Olivia Rodrigo - lacy
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isthisalovestory · 8 months
Oh, logical, logical, love is never logical I know I could've stopped it all, God, why didn't I stop it all? Oh, logical, logical, love is never logical I know I'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible
Olivia Rodrigo - logical
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isthisalovestory · 8 months
I'm so tired of bein' the girl that I am Every good thing has turned into somethin' I dread And I'm playin' the victim so well in my head But it's me who's been makin' the bed Olivia Rodrigo - making the bed
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isthisalovestory · 8 months
And I try to be tough, but I wanna scream How could anybody do the things you did so easily? And I say I don't care, I say that I'm fine But you know I can't let it go I've tried, I've tried, I've tried for so long It takes strength to forgive, but I don't feel strong
Olivia Rodrigo - The Grudge
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isthisalovestory · 11 months
"The healthiest relationships are the honest ones, the ones grounded in Presence, not fantasy or false hope, and a deep commitment to a living truth.
Where two souls can share their authentic, real-time, embodied selves with each other, reveal their deepest truths – raw, messy, unresolved, unfinished and rough at the edges - and continually let go of their preconceived, conditioned ideas about how they ‘should’ be.
The relationship is continually renewed in the crucible of intimacy. There may be ruptures, misunderstandings, intense feelings of doubt, anger, fear, anxiety and groundlessness along the way, yes, of course, but there is a mutual willingness to face this mess as it arises. To be vulnerable. To say “I hurt. I am in pain. I feel deep sorrow” and not blame the other for that pain. To say “I need some support” but not demand it of the other. To share desires and hopes and longings and dreams and not command that the other see things in the same way, or meet all of your needs. To receive their ‘no’ and their ‘yes’ too, even if it hurts. To stay in the crucible of transformation; to look with wide open eyes together at the present rupture, not turning away, or clinging to ‘the way it used to be’ or follow other people’s ideas about how things ‘should’ be. To let second-hand concepts of happiness burn up. To sit together sometimes in the rubble of shattered dreams and expectations, plans and hopes, and work towards finding a place of reconnection, repair and reconstruction. This is the courageous and often intense work of relationship.
Even if we have to start by admitting deep feelings of disconnection. This is a relationship that is alive. A relationship that makes space for our deepest longings, fears, pains, yet does not expect the other to resolve these, or take the hurt away. That asks the other to be a witness, a midwife for our own healing. And offers the same in return.
To inspire each other to find our own happiness. Even if that means letting go of or 'breaking up' the relationship in its current form. Love holds the other lightly, it does not cling or attempt to control. It only wants the best for the other, only wants them to step into their power, live their fullest life, find their deepest joy, follow their original path, learn to love their bodies and their own deepest feelings, and find new ways to take care of themselves.
“I love you, and I want you to flourish”.
Relationship can be the ultimate yoga, yes, an ever-deepening adventure and rediscovery of ourselves and each other, rediscovering ourselves in the mirror of each other, a continual letting-go and a meeting, a dance of aloneness and togetherness, not losing ourselves in either extreme but playing somewhere in the middle. Sometimes coming together, sometimes moving apart. Closeness and space. Intimacy with other, intimacy with self. Breathing in, breathing out.
Relationship is not a place we reach, a point of arrival, a destination, a 'thing', a dead story; it is alive, and forever a point of departure, a beginning, each day. We can only start together, here, and there is joy in that beginning.
There is excitement in the not knowing. There is life in the continual death of expectations. Staying close to a healthy fear of loss. Staying near to the groundlessness of things without losing ourselves in that groundlessness. Finding safety in the uncertainty. Finding a new ground in the power of love itself. Standing where we stand. Breathing in, and breathing out.
As Eckhart Tolle says, relationships aren't here to make us happy - for true and lasting Happiness lies within us all, that unshakable Presence that nobody can ultimately give us, or take away. We are safe either way.
Others will not complete us. They will not save us, or resolve our deepest inner experience for us. They will, however, give us the gift of exposing our wounds, our inner children, those lost fragments, bringing them to the surface, the places within us that are crying out for empathy, those beautiful orphans of the light.
And then, a risk! To reveal our raw hearts, our loneliness, our vulnerability, our sensitivity, our not knowing, our joy, our ‘shameful’ secrets, to another human being on this small blue planet in the vastness of space. To drop the mask and expose the unprotected, unguarded heart. To risk being rejected, left alone, shamed and ridiculed. To risk a repetition of the old, perhaps.
But a bigger ‘risk’, maybe: To be loved for who we are! To be held in the blinding light of another’s fascinated attention, like a baby held with such tenderness by an adoring, attentive mother. To be met in the present moment, nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. To let in the New. To risk losing the image, the false self, the carefully constructed persona, and to let another embrace the softness here.
This is the highest possibility of relationship - to see another’s exquisitely delicate heart and to let your own soft heart be seen. In the seeing, there can be healing, transformation, great beauty. We can be therapeutic vessels for our brothers and sisters. We can bring each other medicine, encouragement and great companionship on this sometimes lonely path of coming alive before we die.
And maybe it takes a lifetime to discover:
The One you always longed for was actually deep inside of you. And to have that One reflected by another – a partner, a friend, a lover, a therapist, or an animal, a tree, a mountain, the moon or the Vastness of the Cosmos – even if it’s only for a moment…
…well, then you know Heaven on Earth."~
~Jeff Foster
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isthisalovestory · 11 months
“No puede ser  otra vez mis debilidades me toman por rehén.”
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
i am not immune to stories in which characters who have endured harsh, empty existences become absolutely transformed by someone’s sincere love for them and learn to live
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
playlists for when you're
having a sleepover
partying at 3am
in need of good frat party music
dancing in your room
looking at flowers
starring in a bollywood movie
getting ready for a date
falling in love
strutting in your high heels
in need of a hug
trying to study
crying but make it k-bands
missing an internet friend
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
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What is Everything to Everyone about?
The First Shows: Reneé Rapp | Spotify  
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
I can’t control anyone’s loyalty, i just know mine is real
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
one day (2011) - (SPOILERS)
this movie left me in fucking pieces dude-
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literally, the love i have for emma and dex is unthinkable. and who doesn't love a good best friends to lovers with a twist huh?
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
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Gustav Vigeland / Laura Makabresku / Max Švabinský / Stephan Sinding
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
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PARAMORE | C'est Comme Ça
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
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PARAMORE — Running Out Of Time, Grand Ole Opry, 2023
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isthisalovestory · 1 year
2022 desde el amor.
En este año tan intranquilo viví en una constante montaña rusa de emociones y sentimientos.
Comenzó con un corazón roto y la frustración de haber permitido tanto daño a mi vida de alguien que decía quererme, pero que nunca lo hizo. Sin embargo decidí avanzar, y me mentalicé que algo mucho mejor iba a llegar para mí.
A él le agradezco porque me enseñó a amarme a mí misma y a no permitir el más mínimo maltrato.
De repente un día llegó el amor, y me tomó desprevenida. No supe como reaccionar pero al final me dejé llevar y lo denominé con el nombre de mi planeta favorito: Saturno. Él era encantador, y siempre fui fan de sus ojos grandes, brillantes y cafés. Todo fue rápido y emocionante, pero también fue efímero, pues lo nuestro al poco tiempo acabó.
Con él estoy agradecida, pues desde que lo conocí fue mi inspiración para siempre dar lo mejor de mí, y al final, me enseñó que se puede vivir el amor en un pequeño infinito.
Pero la vida no conforme con eso, me trajo a un ser maravilloso también de manera inesperada. En él encontré algo preciado que supe que debía atesorar, y me enamoré profundamente, tanto que me asustó, porque él revivió de manera tan fácil algo que creía muerto. A él lo llamó "serendipia" porque fue un hallazgo afortunado sin buscarlo ni esperarlo.
Lo nuestro tampoco funcionó, pero lo sigo amando tanto como el día en el que ambos nos dijimos "te amo". A él le agradezco porque me enseñó una nueva y mágica manera de amar, porque me enseñó a valorar cosas de esta vida que antes no hacía, porque me enseñó a admirar la vida de una manera más artística, y porque me aportó nuevos valores significativos.
Este año me trajo experiencias inolvidables, y cada momento ahora ha quedo en el baúl de recuerdos que ha quedado sellado, para así darle paso a uno nuevo en este 2023.
Gracias por todo, querido 2022.
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