So due to some general life stuff that has come up, I'm going to end up closing this event week from today on Friday 26th (sorry!!!). So this is going to be a last call. There are three fic slots left open, so if you would like a fic from this event, please feel free to send in an ask using the stuff above. Thank you again for helping me reach this follower count!!!
1 fic left!
600 Followers Event: "Once Upon a Time..."
Books have a certain magic about them that can transport the reader to an entirely other world, where they can live out the adventures of the protagonist from the safety of their favorite chair. However, what of a magic book that really can transport you, and perhaps even a companion, to another world entirely so you really can experience such a magical tale?
Sit back and experience such a story of your choosing. All you need to do is choose that special book and start reading. And how do such tales start?
Ah, yes. "Once Upon a Time....."
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600 Followers! And I’m actually ready for an event this time! In celebration and as a thank you to everyone, I came up with this event. You can send in requests by choosing a fandom, story type, and book from the lists below and I'll write a corresponding fic! I’m aiming to do six fics total and I'll provide a countdown with scored out numbers to show how many fic requests are left. I look forward to your requests and hope everyone enjoys themselves!
Choose a Fandom:  Twisted Wonderland or Genshin Impact
Choose your Story:
A Martial Legacy  
A High Fantasy Adventure
A Gothic Romance 
A Seafaring Voyage
A Charming Fairytale
A Courtly Drama
Choose the Book:
A softly bound leather book that falls open the moment you pull it from the shelf. 
An aged tome with a heavy metal clasp that holds it tightly shut.
A book that has been lovingly re-covered in now sun-faded fabric.
A thick, newly printed novel whose story is yet to be told.
A freshly printed hardcover with blood red pages.
A tome whose binding is slowly unraveling as the cover attempts to fall away and reveal the yellowed pages beyond.
 A timeworn novel whose title is unreadable from the number of hands who’ve held it.
6 fics left! 5 fics left! 4 fics left! 3 fics left!
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Genuine With You - Kalim
Author Notes: Someday, I will feel comfortable writing Kalim, but today is not yet that today. In all seriousness though, I wrote this while listening to "Romantic Flight" from the How to Train Your Dragon OST. I really can't quite decide how I feel about this fic, but I sort of thought it was time for me to post it. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral/ fluff/ romance
Word Count: 881
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It wasn’t the first time you’d taken Kalim’s hand to join him on a magic carpet ride through the night sky. But something about it felt different this time. 
When your hand had slipped into his warm one and he’d tugged you through your window and onto the surprisingly soft fabric, you’d felt strangely shy. 
Kalim seemed like his normal self, though, if perhaps a little quieter, as he steered the carpet to take you up higher until you were sailing above the clouds and could see the moon in all its pale glory.
You wrapped your arms around yourself in a feeble effort to protect yourself from the cool night air, “Does it ever get old?”
Your eyes were stuck on the moon even as Kalim looked over at you with a surprised expression that soon melted into one of understanding, “Never. It’s just as magical everytime.”
You smiled, oddly comforted by his words. Somehow, being up in the sky with Kalim by your side made everything feel just a little bit simpler. Your problems seemed distant and far away, with even the school itself appearing tiny.
But perhaps distance had a way of putting things into perspective. While NRC often seemed larger than life, it was just a small part of this great, big world.
Amusingly, you never felt closer to anyone than when you were with Kalim, sailing through the sky high over the sleeping campus. There was a strange serenity, and though Kalim was always joyful, his happiness seemed easier and more relaxed when it was just the two of you.
It wasn’t like you thought he put on for others, but he did seem a little more genuine when it was just you and him. After all, it was only when it was just you and Grim around that you’d ever truly heard him voice any sort of complaints.
“It’s funny; you’re easy to be around,” Kalim’s voice interrupted your musings and spoke your thoughts aloud. You turned to look at him with no small amount of surprise, and he had the good grace to look slightly embarrassed, “I know it's an odd thing to say…. But I really do feel that way.”
You felt a smile creep onto your face at his words, feeling both touched and relieved that he felt the same way. “It’s not odd; I feel the same way about you.”
Now it was his turn to stare at you with wide, disbelieving eyes that had you letting out a laugh, “Is that really so surprising?”
He let out an almost sheepish chuckle and actually nodded, startling you even as he began to explain, “Yeah, it is. A lot of people seem to think they have to put an act around me because of who I am. Even Jamil….” 
He trailed off, looking down as the smile on his face faded at his friend’s name. You’d known for quite some time that the events of winter break…. Jamil’s overblot was still weighing heavily on Kalim’s mind.
And though you entirely understood why that was the case, it pained you that everything that had happened during that time still bothered him so much. But you had no words to comfort the young man, even though you desperately wanted to. So instead, you decided to distract him by continuing on with your previous vein of thought.
“I’ve never felt that way,” You responded honestly and almost immediately regained Kalim’s attention. He no longer looked as sorrowful as before, and the longer you continued speaking, the happier he looked.
“I’ve always thought you’re one of the most comfortable people to be around at this school. I’ve never felt like I needed to be wary or put on an act around you. I can just… exist.” You glanced back at him, a smile on your face as you awkwardly lifted a shoulder.
“You just strike me as a really genuine guy, and I guess I want to be just as genuine with you as you are with me.”
It was like your words had opened some sort of door for Kalim. His eyes shone with both unshed tears and joy, and the next thing you knew, all the cold air that had been blowing around was blocked by his body as he tugged you into a tight embrace.
Because, despite the fact that Kalim was a carefree boy who seemed to do little work, he was by no means small or weak.
You let out a tiny, half-startled laugh as you wrapped your arms responsively around him and received a tiny squeeze in return as you reciprocated his affection.
“Thank you, Y/n; that means so much to me.” The young man leaned bac and you wished you’d had time to brace yourself for the unadulterated affection that shone in his garnet-colored eyes.
“I feel the same way. It’s easy being with you, and I’m so glad you’re here. Even if you aren’t originally from Twisted Wonderland, you mean the world to me.”
He held your hands in his, maintaining eye contact in a way that felt incredibly meaningful, even though you could never read the myriad of emotions that floated through his gaze, though you did catch a few.
Gratitude, honesty, joy, and pure, unfiltered love.
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Hours In The Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 6. Shatter to a Billion Pieces
Summary: Questions always came with answers, and sometimes they were answers you wouldn’t like. But sometimes it's hard to realize quite how bad a situation is until something smacks you in the face with the reality of it all. And reality can be the harshest thing in the world even when you're surrounded by creatures that ought to be pure legends.
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire, Blood
Word Count: 1570
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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Despite Rook’s suspicions, the murders continued even after my run-in with the vampire woman and her subsequent death. 
And the matter had gotten far worse than it had been. While there had previously been no incidents, murder or otherwise, around where I lived, that had changed swiftly and to a degree that had been beyond upsetting.
Especially since I’d stepped out of my apartment building to head off to work one morning only to find officers across the road talking to the crying Felmier family.
It hadn’t taken me long to trot across the street, immediately wrapping my arm around Granny Felmier and softly questioning her while the officers talked to Epel’s distraught parents.
“What happened?” I’d looked down at the old woman worriedly as she’d hugged me tightly, pressing her face into my shoulder, before she at last pulled away and looked up at me with teary eyes.
“Epel’s gone.”
Her tear-choked words had almost caused my heart to stop right then and there as I went cold all over.
Epel. Epel was missing.
By now, it was a well-known fact in the neighborhood, with missing-person signs hanging on almost every wall. Constant reminders that my young friend had disappeared amid all the bloody murders that had been taking place.
I sighed slightly as I took the bags that Rook had insisted on carrying for me after he’d bumped into me at the store. A ‘pure and joyous coincidence,’ as he’d put it. But he and I both knew that wasn’t the case. 
I’d been seeing more and more of Rook since Epel went missing, which only made me feel more and more like the recent attacks in town had some sort of connection to the fact that vampires were after me. 
The only question was, why now? What had changed?
I was still living in this same area that Vil had declared his zone, so if this was a vampire, they weren’t afraid of challenging Vil at the very least.
There was something going on in the neighborhood that Rook wasn’t telling me. And with the knowledge that he was a vampire hunter, whatever Rook was hiding couldn’t be good.
I could only hope that his suspicions and my fears weren’t true. Because if the vampires were the ones causing the numerous missing persons along with the murders, then Epel…..
The thought of him being attacked by vampires sent a pang of worry coursing through me. 
It was probably for the best that I’d bumped into Rook, though. Vil probably would’ve had something to say if he’d found out I’d been out shopping after dark on my own, despite the potential risks.
I glanced at Rook clandestinely, wishing I could ask him about everything but knowing he wouldn’t answer. Rook had many secrets, only one of which had been his status as a vampire hunter.
“Thanks again for carrying my bags, Rook, though you really didn’t have too,” Despite my words, I knew exactly what response was coming as Rook looked over at me fondly.
“Non, non, Trickster! I could never let you carry your own bags when I am here,” He smiled blissfully, and I shook my head slightly at his grandiose words. So like him in an undeniably comforting manner. Almost like he knew exactly how much time I’d been spending preoccupied with my own fears and concerns for Epel.
I waved slightly before turning to go and head into the apartments. But I only made it a little ways before I froze in place without even rounding the corner and coming into sight of the doorway to the apartment building. 
I stared wide-eyed at what, or rather who, was kneeling by the wall, trembling from the cold with a blood-stained scarf wrapped around his throat.
I would recognize that soft-looking, pale purple hair anywhere.
I breathed out his name in both relief that the missing boy had been found and fear that stemmed from the sight of blood on his person, “Epel.”
He flinched and looked up slowly, a glazed look to his large blue eyes that had me going tense all over. Something was definitely wrong. Something that had me feeling oddly chilled to my innermost core. But all I really knew was that he needed help.
I dropped my bags and dashed towards him, “Epel! What happened? Are you hur-”
My words ended harshly in a shriek as I was yanked backwards, just in time to be pulled away from Epel’s sudden wild dive. He stopped short, staring at me with bared fangs as he hissed, his fingers curling into his palm in an almost inhuman way.
And I stared in horror, my eyes wide as I gazed at him. But this wasn’t the Epel I knew… The short-tempered but sweet young man who was always holding open doors and greeting me with a wide smile.
This one was…
Rook’s solemn, almost cold words said it before I could even finish the thought, “He’s not human anymore, Trickster… And he’s at his limit.”
My blood had turned to ice in my veins the very instant I’d registered the fangs that now replaced the boy’s once-human canines. And yet a part of me still didn’t want to believe the truth, even as it stared me in the face, “But he…”
I trailed off, my voice cracking slightly, and Rook’s grip on me tightened slightly before he gently turned me so that I was no longer facing the once-human boy. 
My eyes were wide, even though the only thing I could see was the fabric of Rook’s coat as he rubbed my back soothingly and murmured words that I hardly even noticed.
 I was oddly unable to cry. Instead, that frigid numbness that started in my veins now seemed to spread throughout me in an almost condemning way.
Epel was a vampire now. And even though I didn’t know how, some small part of me whispered that it was my fault. 
I’d known that vampires were after me, and yet I’d still lived so close to other people. Rook had told me that vampires were the ones causing the murders, but I’d stayed. I’d let myself believe that Vil’s words would be enough to drive away other vampires. And now it was my fault that Epel was cursed in such a way.
“Y/n?” I froze at the quiet, hesitant voice that I recognized all too well. Rook’s motions had stopped, and he let me turn but kept a steady grip on my shoulder as I made eye contact with the now-lucid-looking Epel.
“Y/n… I didn’t…?” He trailed off, his voice cracking weakly as he looked down at his hands with wide, too-wet eyes.
My heart began to break as tears began to trail down his pale face, and he shook his head, burying his face in his hands as he broke.
His muffled sobs were like reality’s way of smacking me in the face. There was no going back after this. My life was that of someone who was surrounded by vampires and who knew what other monsters. 
Even those who were close to me weren’t safe.
I attempted to start forward, to go and comfort the crying boy, even though it was my fault he was like this, but Rook wouldn’t let me go. Instead, he held me tightly to his side as he responded in a quiet, remorseful tone, “They are unhurt, Monsieur Cherry Apple. You did not bite them.”
The young man lifted his head, sniffing slightly, “That’s good, I thought…. I was afraid….” He trembled slightly before crumpling forward.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n…” His voice broke even as he continued to speak. Apologies spilling from his mouth even though I was the one who was truly at fault here, “I didn’t mean to, I’m just…. I’m so hungry, but I can’t… I won’t…!” 
He shook his head, his hands curling into trembling fists on the pavement as I attempted to swallow the raw feeling in my throat that was slowly trying to choke off my ability to speak.
Rook inhaled slightly but nodded, rubbing my shoulder and giving it a squeeze before at last letting go, “He hasn’t lost his way yet, but… He needs to eat. I'm going to take him with me.” 
Rook’s green eyes met mine, a concerned and serious look in their green depths that told me he’d had the same thoughts that were currently threatening to overwhelm me. Epel hadn’t been a target. He’d just been unfortunate enough to live near me.
When Rook spoke again, his voice was solemn, “You need to go inside and not let anyone enter, Trickster.”
He carefully knelt, carefully collecting Epel, even though he was putting himself at risk by bodily supporting a starving vampire. But he hardly seemed concerned about that; instead, his eyes stayed on mine, “I will send Roi du Poison to you. Until then, stay inside and stay safe.”
His gaze softened slightly as he glanced down at Epel and then back to me, “He will be alright. I promise you.”
I distantly nodded as I let that numbness swallow me whole. Freezing my emotions and allowing my brain to take over.
 I would handle my grief and guilt later, when I was alone. When Epel wouldn’t see me shatter to a billion pieces over the horror I’d brought into his life. 
His now immortal life.
If you would like to read more:
Next: Coming Soon!
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Hours In The Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 5. Far More Charming
Summary: In a lot of ways, you couldn’t blame Vil for being annoyed with you, even though getting attacked hadn’t really been your fault. Nonetheless, you also weren’t simply going to let him fuss at you just because he could, and you had some questions for him anyway.
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1174
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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“You got attacked?” That question, bitten out with a special sort of venom, was how Vil greeted me that evening.
I stepped back from the window, letting him enter the room even as I sighed slightly to myself. Because there was no questioning it now. He was mad.
I could only assume that Rook had told Vil, and a tiny part of me was almost tempted to fuss at my friend the next time I saw him. But in the end, I knew it was for the best. Especially since Rook had just told me that one of the reasons he’d introduced me to Vil was so that I would be better protected.
Which was something I really didn’t want to think about. 
The fact that I apparently needed protection was beyond concerning, even though I’d already known vampires were a little overly interested in me. This new information only emphasized how bad that could be, though.
My voice was calm as I responded, attempting to calm Vil’s annoyance, “Yes, but it’s okay… I didn’t get hurt and now I even know about Rook’s secret.” 
My attempt at lightening the conversation fell flat, and Vil’s eyes were still hard with anger that wasn’t entirely directed at me. Though it did feel distinctly like my words had upset him further rather than calming him.
“And what if it hadn’t been okay? What if you had gotten hurt?” His voice was hard and I let out a sigh as my arm fell away from where it had been wrapped around me.
“Vil, you know what-if’s don’t help anything. I got attacked. It happened. There is no changing it now. But everything turned out alright and that’s what matters.” I held his gaze, fully understanding that this was just one of his ways of showing concern, but also refusing to let him run me over in such a fashion.
He stepped closer, closing the distance between us with a simple motion, “Why did you go in that building?” His voice was quieter now, more controlled than it had been but that irritation was still there in his eyes.
“Because I wanted to talk to the driver of the delivery truck and I thought I’d seen him standing there.” My voice held a levelness that was similar to Vil’s. Carefully firm but not argumentative.
Vil let out a sigh, running a hand through his carefully done hair in a way that threatened to actually send a few locks out of place.
And I felt myself frown as I watched him, letting my stalwart position crumble just a little bit as I stepped forward to catch hold of his arm, “Vil… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put myself in such a situation, but-”
“It’s alright,” He cut me off, surprising me as he looked down at me. A frown was still present on his face, but there was far less annoyance in his expression, “It wasn’t your fault just… Please, be more careful.”
A faint smile worked its way onto my face as I looked up at him, “I’ll try.”
His lips twitched up into their own smile, his hand coming down to hang by his side, “Hopefully more than you have been. Your track record is hardly the best.”
On the contrary, my track record up until today had been pretty good. I hadn’t seen a vampire other than Vil for quite some time. But what Rook had said today about that vampire having a hand in the murders was worrying. Enough so that I did understand Vil’s concerns and even felt a little guilty for worrying him.
I frowned for a moment as I continued to consider what all Rook had told me today, “Vil, when Rook introduced you to me….”
Vil sighed as soon as I trailed off, nodding as he looked away from me, “Yes, one of the reasons he did so was so that I could protect you.”
He paused, an amused grin working its way onto his face as he seemed to remember something, “As I recall, I told him that I didn’t need any new friends, and that I certainly didn’t need one that was going to require my protection.” 
A distinct gleam entered his purple eyes as he continued to look back towards me, that smile still curving across his face, “I wonder if he knew I would accept after meeting you?”
I grimaced slightly at the memory of our first meeting, with me waiting until Rook had excused himself before immediately accusing Vil of tracking me down like food while brandishing a knitting needle like it was a knife.
I could still see his expression as clear as day. Purple eyes had rolled before he’d stared me down and spoken, “Please. Vampires don’t eat potatoes like you. I have no interest in attacking you.”
Judging from the way Vil was grinning at me, he knew exactly what I was recalling. I shook my head slightly, as if to clear my thoughts, before speaking once more, “Why did you decide to stick around?”
Vil blinked down at me in silent surprise before a smile crossed his face, “Do you remember what you said after I told you that I wasn’t after you?” I nodded slowly, because of course I remembered. I’d told him that if he was after Rook, I wasn’t going to stand by and take it before I’d asserted, with some impressively false bravado, that he would regret it if he crossed me.
“Your threat caught my attention. I suppose you could say I was intrigued.” I all but gaped at both his words and his reasoning for sticking around. Conversely, Vil just smiled at me in amusement. Either at my reaction or the memory of our meeting.
I slowly recovered, mumbling to myself petulantly, “And here I’d thought it had been because of my numerous charms.” 
He laughed at me, causing me to scowl up at him as he spoke in a teasing tone that I often wondered how frequently he used when he was with others, “Rook is far more charming than you.”
I eyed him as I crossed my arms in an almost defiant manner, hardly able to resist when he left me with such an opening, “True… Perhaps I should spend more of my time with Rook  than I do with you then.”
Vil snorted with a surprising degree of inelegance at my words, seeing through me in a second even as he played along, “Well, I suppose I don’t have to come by as often if you wish, Tater tot.”
The endearment rolled off his tongue in an almost mocking way, and I frowned, “You know I don’t mean it.”
He nodded with no small amount of smugness even as he turned to head back out the way he came, throwing a smile over his shoulder at me right before he disappeared through my window and often into the night, “Tomorrow night then?”
I smiled despite myself at him and waved, “Sleep tight.”
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Hours in the Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 4. A Vampire Hunter or Something
Summary: Faced with your old friend rescuing you and killing a vampire, you were left with more than a few questions. Some of which having to do with his actual reasons for befriending you…..
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1141
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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It was a little bit before I was able to manage any words. But after a moment, I finally made an attempt.
“Rook, you-” I trailed off as my friend leaned against a wall, panting slightly as he continued to look at me.
“Ah, you caught me, Trickster. Would that I could’ve kept the secret a little while longer,” Despite the energy he’d just exerted and the fact that he’d just killed a vampire, his words were as blithe as ever, if a little weary. But there was remorse in his eyes as I stepped closer to him, watching as he pushed himself off the dusty wall and knelt to pick up the ring that the vampire had left behind when she’d died.
“Are you alright or-” Rook’s hand caught mine, stopping me just short of reaching his arm as he smiled at me.
“Oui, I am unhurt. As are you, and that is what matters.” He straightened, his hand squeezing mine slightly, before he let go and instead offered me his arm, “If you would, I would feel more comfortable walking you the rest of the way back to your apartment after what just happened.” 
I nodded silently, accepting his arm and falling in step with him as we exited the building and started off down the street. Apparently pretending that I hadn’t just been attacked by a vampire and then promptly saved by Rook, who seemed to have been just a little too prepared for this to have been a total coincidence.
To a degree, my heart was still pounding after what had just occurred, but before I could say or do anything, Rook spoke, “I would avoid dark areas from now on, Trickster. It seems that there are vampires who are foolish enough to attack you even during the daytime.”
I nodded, staying silent as my brain raced back through the events that had just occurred, replaying them like a horrible movie for my personal viewing.
I’d had no idea that stepping into the shadowed building would result in a close encounter with the fanged creatures I’d been avoiding.
Well... save for Vil. I could hardly say I was avoiding him when I was the one who’d invited him out for a nighttime stroll through town just last night.
“Why did you go in there?” I glanced over, my gaze meeting Rook’s as he gently questioned me, and I exhaled.
“I came to check on the delivery truck for the Felmier’s, and, when I got here, the driver was nowhere to be seen with the truck just sitting there on the side of the road. I happened to see movement in the shop and… Well, it looked like the driver had gone into the building to get out of the wind or something while he waited.” 
I paused, swallowing as the image of the man slumping to the ground, revealing the vampire who’d just feasted on his lifeblood, surfaced in my mind. Shaking my head, I continued, “When I went in…..”
I trailed off, but Rook finished for me, his voice as calm as ever, “The vampire was waiting for you.” 
I nodded, affirming his words, before forcing myself to loosen my grip on his arm, which I’d only just realized I’d been clinging to as I looked his way uncertainly, “What about the body?”
 He held my gaze, a carefully neutral expression on his face, before he looked away once more, his voice quietening, “The police will find it and there will be news of another murder.”
I nodded again, words leaving me as I fully released him and wrapped my arms around myself. Not actually cold from the wind, but rather what had just happened.
It wasn’t my first time being attacked by a vampire, but it was the first time it had happened in quite some time. 
It had already been reasonably rare before I’d met Vil, since I’d learned how to avoid them by that time. And since I’d befriended Vil, it hadn’t happened at all.
“How long have you known about them?” A small smile made its way to Rook’s face at my quiet question.
“Longer than you have, Trickster. I’ve known about them since long before we met each other. And I knew you were being followed before you did. Had I known it would get worse then…..” He trailed off, shaking his head slightly as the smile disappeared from his face.
I found myself bumping him with my shoulder and causing him to look my way. I smiled slightly as his gaze met mine, “It’s okay, but I have to ask. How did you know she was there?”
He tilted his head, almost as if he were trying to get a better look at me, before he responded, “I’d been pursuing her for quite some time now. I think she may have, in part, had a hand in the recent murder cases.” 
I frowned at his words. Pursuing meant he’d been following her, and then with the wooden stake….
“So you….?” I trailed off, not entirely sure how to phrase my question.
He chuckled slightly at my hesitation, finishing my sentence for me before going on to answer, “Hunt them? Yes, Trickster. You could say it’s been a life’s pursuit of mine.”
I frowned slightly, only more confused by his admission that my suspicions were correct, “Then why did you introduce me to Vil?”
His expression softened almost immediately at my question, “Because you needed more protection than I could offer, and he needed a friend. I told you when I brought Roi du Poison to meet you, I thought you would like him.”
I smiled at him because it was such a Rook thing to do. Always worrying for others and taking care of them.
“Okay, one more question.” He nodded immediately at my words, eyes bright as he awaited what my question would be. “Did you befriend me because you knew vampires were following me, or whatever it is they’ve been doing?” It wasn’t a question I’d entirely wanted to ask, but it would make sense if that were the case.
Rook merely shook his head, though, his hair swaying with the motion as he answered. Unconcerned as ever, “Non. I befriended you because I wanted to. You are a charming person, Trickster. I needed no reason to wish to be your friend other than your personality.” 
He smiled, reaching out and taking my hand so that he could pat it affectionately as he finished his explanation, and I found myself smiling, despite everything that had just occurred, in return.
I tilted my head slightly though, “So you’re like a vampire hunter or something? Kind of like from Dracula?”
He grinned, a distinctly playful gleam in his eyes that had narrowed in amusement as he nodded, “Oui, I am.”
If you would like to read more:
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Chapters: 13/19 Fandom: Twisted-Wonderland (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Vil Schoenheit/Reader, Rook Hunt/Reader, Epel Felmier/Reader Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Reader, Rook Hunt, Epel Felmier, Leona Kingscholar, Dire Crowley, Sam (Twisted-Wonderland), Heartslabyul Dorm Students, Savanaclaw Dorm Students, Octavinelle Dorm Students, Scarabia Dorm Students, Pomefiore Dorm Students, Ignihyde Dorm Students, Diasomnia Dorm Students, Vampire!Vil - Character Additional Tags: Vampires, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Hunters, Reader-Insert, Alternate Universe, gender neutral reader, Vampire Vil Schoenheit, Soft Vil Schoenheit, Romance, Fluff, Slow Burn, Some angst, Fluff and Angst, Drama, Comedy Series: Part 1 of Hours in the Moonlight Summary:
It’s been approximately a year since vampire’s had first taken a shine to you around last Halloween. Since then, you’ve become more prepared for handling your undead admirers and have acquired a certain talent for avoiding them. Save for the one you have befriended. Changes can happen quickly though. Who knows how long this peaceful time will last for something such as yourself when your hours in the moonlight with your vampiric friend are constantly ticking by. Life as someone who attracts vampires is never easy, and apparently the world has decided it’s time that your life take a turn from its peaceful dullness to something more chaotic.
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Do you have any headcannons for how Rook would react to MC!S/O joining the free Science Club but Crowley uses his administrative power to kick them out and use their free time for various tasks?
(I have a vendetta against the Crow)
Hello and thank you for the request! Fair warning ahead of time: I have my own personal headcannon that Crowley actually slotted the Prefect into the photography club (Ghost Camera and all that jazz) and sometimes has them help with the school newspaper (The birthday interviews). I don’t usually write headcannons, so this was a bit different for me, but do hope you enjoy!
So Crowley kicked you out of the science club for varying reasons and it’s been a bit of a downer for everyone involved. 
Rook, in particular, is sad. 
He had really been looking forward to discovering new forms of beauty via science with you at his side. He could just imagine all of the new and more explosive ways the two of you would have had fun together while also bonding!
But, but, but! Rook has never been one to mope around and you need not worry. He’s already figured out a solution.
Just because you aren’t part of the science club doesn’t mean you can’t take part in the experiments when you have time. After all, there are people who play spelldrive but aren’t part of the spelldrive club (Case in point: Malleus).
Rook’s solution is really quite simple.
You’ll carefully get all your work done ahead of time (possibly with some help but hey, who’s asking? Not Trey, any of the Pomefiore dorm, or Science club. They’re all looking the other way) and then, boom, you can join the club for their activities and Crowley really can’t kick up a fuss.
And that’s even if he knows. Nobody will even tell what’s happening so he’ll have to find out on his own.
Even Crewel is keeping this one a secret.
It essentially becomes one of the most widely known secrets on campus. The only one who MIGHT not know is Crowley.
And, honestly, as long as you're getting everything he wants done, I don’t actually see Crowley even kicking up a fuss.
So yeah, all's well that ends well, and the Science club becomes even more fun because now your participation without a membership is a pseudo-secret, and secrets from the headmage are always fun.
Cue the students having way too much fun ‘hiding’ you when they think Crowley might even be walking by and Rook finding even more amusement in his nickname of ‘Trickster’ for you.
After all, you are living up to it and ‘tricking’ the headmage.
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it-happened-one-fic · 12 days
A Cinderella Fairytale - Deuce
Author Notes: @miriamladyvoid So this is the selection from my 600 followers event that corresponds to the book you chose (A book that has been lovingly re-covered in now sun-faded fabric). i wrote this while listening to "Lavender Blue" from Disney's Live action Cinderella (2015) OST. I kept this one as a female reader as well since that was what was in your request. I hope you enjoy!
600 followers event!
Type: female reader/ fluff/ romance/ charming fairytale in a book that has been lovingly re-covered in now sun-faded fabric/ Isekai
Word count: 2416
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I exhaled, scrubbing the floor that magically seemed to gain more filth each time I blinked.
Never had I so regretted touching a book as I regretted touching the one that had transported me into this fairytale world that was a little bit too much like Cinderella for my liking. Especially considering I was the one in the role of Cinderella.
I should've known to be wary of the enchanted books Crowley had told me to take to the library for safe storage. If I had, then maybe I would have found myself getting transported to a magical world that wasn’t my own or Twisted Wonderland.
Of course, I hadn’t exactly been planning on opening one of the books. One of them had just slid off the top of the stack and fallen to the ground, opening as it did so.
I’d frowned at the book covered in sun-faded fabric that obviously hadn’t been original to it as I sat down on the other books before kneeling and slowly picking the book upright as Deuce had come into the room behind with yet another stack of books. 
I’d barely even gotten a chance to glance up at the young man as a flash of light sparked out from the book, causing the young man to shout in surprise before everything had faded into darkness and I’d woke up here.
I hadn’t woken up with no clue as to where I was. The enchantment on the book had been kind enough to give me all of the information regarding my character’s backstory.
And it was almost exactly that of Cinderella. Meaning that I was essentially trapped in a retelling of one of the world’s most famous fairytales known to man.
The only real comfort was that, at the very least, Deuce had no doubt seen me get sucked into the book.
He would go and get help; I knew he would, and as soon as they could figure out how, I trusted that my friends would get me out of this book and back into Twisted Wonderland.
But up until then, my best options seemed to be filling my role and playing the part of Cinderella. Which included servitude to my apparent stepfamily.
“You still haven’t finished cleaning the floor, Ashes? You won’t be able to go to the ball at this right!” My supposed stepsister trilled at me from the upper staircase, and I twisted to look up at her.
I had to hand it to her and my stepmother, who stood behind her with a faux-disappointed expression; they weren’t going with the classic nicknames of ‘Cinderella’ or ‘Cinders.’ Instead, they referred to me as ‘Ashes.’
I watched as my stepmother shook her head, her lips pulled together in a pout, “Really, dear, I would have thought you would know this by now. If you try to clean the floor while covered in filth, then you’re only going to spread filth around.”
I glanced down at my clothes, which were not, in fact, covered in filth but were considerably stained. I nodded nonetheless, my fingers curling into the filthy rag I was using to clean, “Yes, ‘Mother.’”
I heard the tapping of heels, and then my chin was lifted by a fan so that I was looking up into my stepmother’s face, which was just a little bit too red to be colored by blush alone, “I told you to call me ‘Duchess,’ Ashes.”
I pulled my mouth up into a fake smile, “Yes, of course, Duchess.”
She let out a hum before twisting to look up at the clock and tutting lightly, “It is far too late for you to join us at the ball, Ashes. I’m afraid you’ll have to stay behind tonight.”
I twitched slightly at her words, indignant on my character's behalf. For tonight, she said. More like for the rest of your existence.
I wasn't particularly looking forward to meeting the prince charming of this story, but I was looking forward to my entrance at the ball. At the very least, I would get to see her shocked and dismayed face then. Though that was only a little comfort, considering it wasn’t actually going to be ‘Ashes’ who finally bested this woman.
The fan was yanked from under my chin, and she made sure to drag its sharp corner along my skin before finishing pulling it away as she smiled at me, “Be sure to finish your chores, ‘Dear.’”
She stepped away, turning in a swirl of rich but gaudy fabrics as I watched her stalk out of the kitchen and to her smirking daughter’s side, “And remember, tomorrow the prince will be visiting to declare his intentions to my daughter.”
My daughter. Not your sister.
But that was fine. In no way did I want to be accused of being related to the caution orange monstrosity of tulle that was the wicked step-sister of this tale.
I bowed my head, idly wondering what my fairy godmother would look and be like as I murmured my response, “Yes, Duchess.”
The two women left, trailing shrill laughter behind them as they swept out of the room, and I sat back.
As I recalled, the fairy godmother usually showed up right after Cinderella’s heart was broken, which did make me wonder if she would even show up.
According to the plot, she should, but I was hardly heartbroken.
But that was fine. I’d found a dress in the attic that was a perfect match for my size that was no doubt left by the previous lady of this house.
Ashes’s mother.
Changing didn’t take long, and I glanced at the clock as I walked through the house. The only question now was how, exactly, I was going to get to the palace without a pumpkin carriage to take me there.
I stepped out of the house, glancing around and feeling my eyebrows raise as I spotted a carriage that was parked right outside the house. A little bit too handy to be a coincidence, as the man in front waved me over.
“You must be a lady of this house. We’ll have to hurry to get you to the ball on time, my dear,” He smiled warmly, and I felt myself grin back at him before clambering into the carriage and sitting as it took off.
I frowned at the box next to me, though, immediately suspicious as I leaned out the window, “This box… Are you delivering it?”
The man shook his head, “No, ma’am, that would be for you. Some faerie stopped by and left it here, saying the lady who took this carriage to the palace would need it.”
I frowned at it, feeling my eyebrows lift before I carefully opened the box to reveal delicate glass slippers.
I felt myself laugh slightly; I supposed it wouldn’t really be a Cinderella fairytale without at least one gift from a fairy godmother after all.
And, just like a perfect fairytale, they fit like a dream and were impossibly comfortable despite their design.
I found myself shaking my head and smoothing back out the full, layered skirts of my dress, idly wondering about what this prince charming was going to be like.
Probably perfectly handsome, in a brilliant white suit, and totally at odds with the young men I’d gotten so used to being around at NRC. And there was nothing wrong with that. In fact, that would make him someone that I’d want for this story’s protagonist. 
Ashes deserved someone who would be good to her in ways that she had experienced since her childhood, when her father and mother were still alive.
It didn’t seem like I’d been in the carriage hardly anytime at all when it rolled to a stop and the coachman leaned around, a smile on his face that somehow reminded me of Cater, even though he looked nothing like the ginger-haired young man, “Here’s your stop, ma’am. And good luck on winning the prince’s heart.”
I felt myself smile at him as I stepped out of the carriage, noticing that its roundness really did make it appear like a pumpkin.
“It looks like I’m going to be fashionably late,” I was surprised to find that I felt oddly nervous as I looked up at the grandiose staircase that led up into the sparkling palace just ahead.
He leaned down, winking at me lightly, “All the better for making an entrance, I say. Now, farewell, my lady.”
And with that, he snapped his reins once, and the carriage pulled away as I started up the staircase, at first slowly and then trotting, as my skirt fanned out around me.
Sets of doors after sets of doors were opened for me as I hurried through the palace, idly checking clocks as I went. Even I knew that the magic would wear off at midnight, and if I wanted this story to move forward, I needed to meet the prince before then, at the ball.
And right now, even as I filled the role of the princess in this story and even looked the part for once, ending this story was still my best chance of returning home outside of relying wholly on my friends to get me out.
I found my pace slowing, though, as I approached a particularly ornate set of double doors in front of which two men stood. Both of them looked my way and nodded slightly before they opened the doors silently for me. Revealing the glittering spectacle of a ball that was spread out in front of me as I walked out on a dais from which two sets of stairs fanned out.
I could see the musicians getting ready, but they obviously hadn’t started playing yet, which meant I’d made it before the prince had made his choice of partner.
I swallowed thickly, letting one hand rest on the stair’s gently curving rail while the other reached to lift my skirts, just enough for me to slowly step down the stairs and the rest of the way into the brightly lit ballroom.
I exhaled softly, bracing myself to meet Prince Charming when I saw him, and somehow, instead of being surprised, I only smiled.
His eyes were wide as he took a few, almost hesitant steps towards me before he smiled in return from across the room.
Guests parted around him, their confusion evident as he walked towards me at my quick pace and heads turned, their eyes landing on me as he slowed and came to a gentle stop right in front of me, “I finally found you.” 
His voice was so soft, and I laughed slightly, shaking my head in slight disbelief until I found my voice, “Deuce… I didn’t even know you were here. Did you get sucked into this story at the same time I did?” 
He nodded, glancing down and making a slight face before he looked up at me once more, “Yeah…  I’ve been looking for you ever since so we could get out of here, but I’ve also been getting forced to act like a prince…..”
He trailed off, and I laughed slightly, tilting my head at him, “Well, you look like a perfect prince.”
He brightened at my words, though he also looked a little bashful before he nodded slightly, “And you look like a real princess, Y/n!”
He reached out, taking my hands in his, and I heard music start up almost immediately, causing my eyes to widen and glance over towards the musician right as one of the men from the top of the staircase spoke up, “His Highness has chosen his partner!”
I looked back towards Deuce, only to find him looking around just as startled as I was, “I don’t know how to dance though….”
I squeezed his hands lightly, pulling his gaze back to me with just that slight gesture, “Hey, we’ll do it together.”
I watched as he blinked at me slightly before nodding, a determined glint entering his gaze, “Right, together.”
And with that, we shifted, spiraling across the floor with unpracticed motions that somehow seemed oddly perfect. They fit the two of us. Two people who weren’t originally from this story but had still ended up swept up in the tale.
As the music trailed off, we came to a slow stop, with his arms wrapping around me as we both laughed slightly. Perhaps from the giddiness of having danced in front of an entire group of people, or maybe from the ridiculousness of us being in a fairytale such as this one.
And then, as I leaned against him, the lights seemed to brighten and turn the entire ballroom white.
I closed my eyes, pressing my face into Deuce’s shoulder as his grip on me tightened until, at last, I chanced opening my eyes only to find the glittering spectacle of the ballroom gone.
I sat back, startled, and my motions caused Deuce to jolt slightly, his own eyes opening as we looked up at the Heartslabyul students around where we knelt on the floor of the school’s library.
“Guys! How-”
“We just closed the book,” Ace was shaking his head at us, his arms crossed as he looked down at us, and I blinked as his stare shifted over to Deuce and he snorted.
“Next time, instead of diving in after the Prefect, use your head, and maybe they won’t be trapped in a book for so long.”
Deuce frowned, straightening from his seated position, “Hey! I had to do something!”
And just like that, the two of them started bickering. But I felt a light tap on my shoulder that had me turning as Cater smiled down at me, “So what was being a princess like?”
I blinked at his words before a smile slowly started to crawl across my face, half in amusement and half in genuine happiness that I’d gotten to experience such a magical little story.
I looked over at Deuce as I smiled, realizing I’d probably never get to see him dressed up like a prince or dance with him like that ever again. And those, at the very least, were two memories I’d treasure for the rest of my life.
And when I answered Cater, I was still smiling, half-wishing we could have made it to the end of the story. It had felt like we’d only just gotten to the good part after all. 
“Like a fairytale.”
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it-happened-one-fic · 12 days
Hi, there! :D
I saw the new event once a book and I thought it was interesting, If it's not too much trouble I would like to request:
Fandom: TWST (Silver x Fem reader) Story: Charming Fairytale the Book: A book that has been lovingly re-covered in now sun-faded fabric. <3
If my order does not convince you, you can discard it without problems, but if not, take your time and without pressure. Thank you. The new event made me excited, you are one of my favorite twst writers and I am happy to finally place an order here
Oh my goodness! I’m so touched that you like my writings and I’m thrilled to write a fic for you. In all honesty, the book selection actually serves as the character selection, but since I didn't clearly indicate that int he even, I've written two fics for you. One for Silver and one for the book you chose. The one for Silver is below (which was written and edited while I listened to “Entendez-Vous” by Cécile Corbel, but I’ll make sure to link the other one to you as well! I hope you enjoy your tale(s)!
600 Followers event!
Happily Ever After - Silver
Type: Female reader/ fluff/ romance implied/ charming fairytale/ isekai
Word count: 2465
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I had to give it to the enchanted book I'd been sucked into; I had been given a very simple role. Find the lost prince and return him to his home so he could save the land from the rule of an evil witch.
It was a pretty basic fairytale plot, and I could only hope that finishing the story would result in me going back to Twisted Wonderland. If it didn’t, I really didn’t know what I could do other than place all of my hopes in Silver.
After all, he had been in the room with me when I’d opened the enchanted book that had, quite literally, pulled me into its story.
I scrambled up onto a rock, glancing around in search of some place that looked even vaguely like where I thought a lost prince might hide or be hidden.
To be honest, I fully suspected that he’d been locked away more so than he had been lost, since that seemed far more in line with what I’d expect from a fairytale about a supposedly lost prince.
But then, this particular fairytale had already surprised me in that there was a dude in distress with a lady savior rather than the usual damsel with a male hero. But then, I quite possibly wasn’t actually the hero of this story like I’d been thinking I was.
But no matter exactly what my role was, I was the one attempting to find the lost royal that the country was counting on to save the day.
I felt my eyebrows lift as I spied a shadowy castle that wasn’t terribly far from where I currently stood and did look almost exactly like what I’d expect from a place where a royal in distress would be kept.
I nodded slightly to myself before setting off, my pace fairly leisurely as I made my way towards the dark castle that looked like it had seen better days.
I almost smiled as I noticed the bats fluttering around the towers that stretched up towards the sky. A nice, almost gothic touch to the overall villainous aesthetic of the castle.
What made the place even better from my point of view was that the massive gate was open, and I had no difficulty getting in. In fact, I quite literally just walked into the place.
I did have to admit, though, that the fact that I’d gotten in so easily did beg the question of why this lost prince hadn’t simply escaped or come home on his own?
There was, of course, the possibility that I’d wholly misunderstood this situation and that I was dealing with a runaway prince rather than a hostage situation.
A runaway prince who was plot-ordained to save the country would make for an interesting tale, though it certainly wouldn’t be that of your typical fairytale.
More of a subversion than anything.
I frowned slightly as I walked around the seemingly abandoned castle that looked like it was steadily crumpling into nothing.
It was the sort of place Malleus would like, but that hardly helped my current dilemma.
Because if this prince was a runaway, he would probably be hiding from me. But if he were instead a hostage, like I’d initially suspected, then the first place I’d look would be in the dungeons or the tallest tower.
I glanced up at the towers, grimacing slightly at the thought of going into the mass of rocks that looked like they were about to collapse the very second a wind blew through.
I paused in my survey of the castle, though, feeling my eyebrows arch as I caught sight of a door that looked far heftier than any of the others. And it wasn’t just that either; that section of the castle also seemed far sturdier than the rest.
I rolled my shoulders and braced my hands on the dark wood before pushing, only for nothing to happen, causing me to frown at the weight of the door.
I inhaled deeply, though, and leaned fully into my shove as I dug in with my heels. I breathed through my motions as I slowly started walking forward, pushing the door open slowly but surely before I stumbled to a stop and looked up into the room beyond. 
It was mostly dim, with only a bit of sunlight filtering in through the damaged roof above and spotlighting a single area on the dais. But otherwise, it looked wholly uninhabited, and no one was obviously hiding in it either.
I hesitated, though, frowning as I listened closely to a distant sound that slowly became clearer until I could identify it. Footsteps.
I glanced around, my eyes searching for the person, until a figure became visible as it approached the dais.
I felt my eyes widen as he stepped into the light that made his pale hair shine in perfect opposition to the darkness that was all around.
And he looked like a perfect prince. A dark uniform with silver epaulets and a sword hanging at his side. It was almost like I was looking at a picture out of a storybook, and I blinked up at him, hardly believing my eyes as my words failed me.
At odds with my speechlessness, he spoke in an almost tired tone, “Y/n… I wondered where you were.” 
I blinked, almost like I was snapping out of a spell at the sound of his soft voice, and my voice returned to me, “You’re the lost prince??”
I openly gaped up at him, but I couldn’t help but be shocked that all of this time I’d been looking for him. Somehow, it seemed oddly fitting. I had gotten the strange sensation that I’d been searching for him my entire life before, but I’d always shaken it off and refused to ask him if he’d ever had that same sensation.
Despite my surprise, Silver was just like he always was. Utterly stoic and seemingly unbothered as he nodded at me. 
I could only assume he’d gotten used to his role in this book just I like had, but I still found myself walking towards him with surprise still rolling through me, “You got sucked into the book too?”
It was another rather obvious question, but if he was bothered, he certainly didn’t show it. Instead, he just nodded before calmly walking down the stairs and meeting me in the middle of the room.
“Have you been in this place the whole time?” I found myself scanning him for injuries or anything else of the sort, but he seemed wholly unharmed.
“Yes, this castle seems to be cursed to keep from leaving,” He explained calmly, turning and walking over to the still open door only to be stopped short of exiting by a wall that shimmered into place.
I had been right. He wasn’t a runaway prince at all. He was being held hostage, no doubt by the witch that was currently ruling the country.
I felt myself frown as he stepped backwards, causing the wall to disappear once more as he turned to look back at me.
On the bright side, I now knew why it had been so easy for me to get into this place. But on the down side, I had no idea how to get him off here if this castle was specifically enchanted to keep him in.
And to make matters worse, if I couldn’t get him out, then we were stuck just in here, but in this story, and since he was in here, no one back in Twisted Wonderland would know where we were.
But then, I also didn’t know if finishing this story would get us out. For all I knew, we might be trapped in an endless rotation of the same story over and over again.
I glanced over at Silver before walking over to join him by the open door, “Do you know if finishing the story will get us out of this book?”
I watched him closely and prayed he knew the answer, only to sigh as he shook his head, a slight frown of his own appearing on his face, “No. I’d heard of enchanted books from Father, but he never mentioned how one got out of such a book.”
I watched him silently for a moment before inhaling and turning my gaze back to the door, “Well, working with the idea that finishing the story will get us out. We have to get you out of this castle first.”
I paused, glancing back his way before I continued, “Do you know anything about the curse on this place that’s keeping you inside?”
Again, I was desperately hoping he did because, despite all of the information I had received the very moment I’d woken up in this tale, none of it had anything about cursed castles.
A smile briefly flickered across Silver’s face as he nodded, shifting slightly to better face me, “Yes, ‘Only through the help of another who truly cares can the lost prince escape his home of old.’”
He spoke like he was reciting something, though I didn’t know. Perhaps a prophecy his character came pre-downloaded with or something.
I felt myself frown as I echoed his words, “‘His home of old’?? Was this the old royal castle or something?”
Silver shook his head, the motion disturbing his hair so that it was laying more like it usually did rather than the way it had been carefully placed beforehand.
I let out a hum, abandoning my questions about this story’s plot in favor of focusing on the rest of what Silver had said.
Only through the help of another who truly cares.
It sounded suspiciously like an explanation for how to break a curse since most fairytales usually include some sort of way to save cursed individuals.
Though, admittedly, that usually involved a kiss. A thought that had me avoiding looking at Silver and instead staring out the open door.
After a brief moment, I glanced back over his way once more. At the very least, I did care about Silver. I had for quite some time now, even if I often did my best to avoid thinking about it in favor of not messing up the friendship we currently had.
But, since I cared, that meant that I should be able to get him out of this castle.
I smiled at him slightly and held out my hand, watching as he glanced down at my palm before he reached over and carefully took my hand in his and looked my way expectantly.
I held up our conjoined hands between us, “Trust me?”
A smile flickered across his face at my light teasing before he nodded, and I grinned, “Alright then….”
I trailed off as I lowered our hands and tightened my grip on his hand as I turned to face the door once more. I inhaled, bracing myself before taking a step forward with Silver at my side, following my motions perfectly and even matching my stride as he stepped forward with me.
And at first, there was a strange sensation of being engulfed. Almost like something was pressing in on us from all sides.
And then, as quickly as breathing, it was over, and we were outside. But we weren’t just outside the room. We were also outside the entire castle, and I found myself glancing behind us in surprise.
“I can’t believe it worked…” My words were barely muttered, but were wholly honest. I really had expected it to be harder to actually get him out of the castle.
I turned to look at Silver, only to feel myself go still as my gaze collided with his, and I saw the way he was smiling at me. With gentle fondness. Just like he had ever since I’d gotten to know him.
And though I’d already thought it, I couldn’t help but wonder at how he really was the perfect choice for a fairytale prince. Almost unfairly so.
“W- Well, I guess now all that’s left is to get you back home,” I managed a smile despite the way my voice wavered.
Something flickered in his gaze that bordered on amusement. Almost like he knew exactly what effect he had on me, but he didn’t say anything about it. Allowing me a small bit of dignity even as he squeezed my hand lightly, causing my eyes to widen as he spoke, “And to get both of us back to Twisted Wonderland.”
I blinked slightly before feeling a genuine smile stretch across my face and I nodded, “Yeah.”
I gazed at him for a brief moment longer, letting myself relax now that I wasn’t alone in this storybook and had him by my side. But then something shifted.
He noticed it at the same time I did, his gaze sharpening before he whirled. Putting me behind him as he reached over and grasped his sword.
I stepped closer to him, glancing around warily, “What's going on?”
He shook his head, his voice solemn and lacking all of the warmth it had just previously held when it had just been the two of us standing together, “I don’t know. Something’s wrong.”
His words were the only warning I was given before the world bled away into white, slowly absorbing everything else into it. The last thing I saw was Silver whirling to look back at me with a determined expression before even he disappeared from sight, and all of the whiteness that threatened to blind me turned black. 
I twitched slightly, and then my eyes flew open as I inhaled sharply.
The first thing I really registered was Sebek’s voice bellowing “HUMAN!!” as Lilia leaned over me with an amused smile.
I blinked up at the fae in alarm as he titled his head, his eyes glittering with amusement, “Looks like you both made it home just fine.”
I almost frowned in confusion as my brain fought to slowly catch up to reality before I realized that we were in the school library. I shifted before freezing as I realized something was wrapped around my waist that shifted with me.
I slowly twisted, my eyes widening as I made eye contact with Silver, who smiled at me slightly in an almost apologetic fashion as I realized what, or rather, who, I was sitting on.
“Do you know how this story ends, Malleus? It is a Briar Valley classic, after all,” Lilia’s tone was beyond amused as he spoke from behind me.
I heard Malleus hum in response as I sat, frozen in mortified embarrassment, in Silver’s lap. And somehow, Malleus’s response just made it all the worse, “Of course, how could I not? ‘And so they lived happily ever after.’”
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it-happened-one-fic · 12 days
Congrats on your milestone! I'll put in a request. I chose Twisted Wonderland, a courtly drama and a tome falling apart to reveal its yellowing pages.
Good luck on your writing and I'll see you at your next milestone!
Thank you so much for the congratulations! I was so excited to see your name pop up in my inbox! It’s always so lovely to see anything about you in my notifications and to read your comments. I ended up writing this fic while listening to “For the Love of a Princess” from the Braveheart OST and, fair warning, I played a bit with accents which might be one of the reasons this fic ended up quite so long. I hope you enjoy your tale!
600 Followers Event!
Underneath the Highland Moon - Silver
Type: Gender Neutral reader/ Fluff/ romance implied/ 600 follower event/ courtly drama & A tome whose binding is slowly unraveling as the cover attempts to fall away and reveal the yellowed pages beyond/ isekai
Word Count: 3419
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I was barely able to react as the light flashed up brilliantly from all around. Blinding me as I dropped the weighty book from my hands in favor of shielding my eyes.
Distantly, I remembered Trein saying something about how books could be enchanted, and I almost cursed myself for being quite so foolish. To be fair, though, thus far all of the books I’d encountered in Twisted Wonderland had just been normal books.
But if the flash of light hadn’t been enough evidence of the less than average nature of this book, then the sinking feeling followed by utter darkness was.
And when I opened my eyes, I was no longer in NRC’s library.
Instead, I was lying in a plush, four-poster bed that had curtains hanging all around it. And was utterly covered in thick quilts with spiraling celtic patterns.
I blinked, immediately frowning as I sat up, sending rich fabrics everywhere with my motions as I heard a woman’s voice speak from beyond the curtains in a thick, undoubtedly Scottish accent, “Ma liege?”
I reached over, pulling back a curtain, only to find myself peering out at a young woman who was quite obviously dressed as a maid, with her plain dark dress and white apron decorated lightly with pale green embroidery in the corners. 
I stared at her, my eyes widening as she smiled sweetly back at me, “Ah, good. Yer up. Today is th‘day th’knight sent by th’royal family is coming.”
“The knight?” I faintly echoed her words as my eyes darted around the lavishly decorated but wholly unfamiliar room.
But, somehow, in some way, I knew exactly where I was.
This was my room. But it was also the room of the oldest child of a noble family connected to an ancient clan. And that person’s memories were wholly unfamiliar, but also bouncing around in the back of my head like a poorly buffered last-episode recap.
“Aye, ye know, th’wan th’royal family ha’ sent to keep ye safe? Come noo, ye must finish waking up so we can get ye ready! Ye’ll want to look yer best with yer history wi’ him after all!”
I was tugged out of the massive bed, stumbling to my feet as the maid pulled me along and sat me down, chattering away all the while as if all was as it should be, “ ‘At Duke is also coming today. I bet e’ll be right surprised to see a knight here to keep ye safe! It’ll probably ruin whatever schemes he’s cooking up in ‘at nasty old head of his.”
Slowly, the pieces began to fall into place as I dimly recalled more of Trein’s words from class: “For a period, there was an entire genre of enchanted books that were particularly popular simply because they allowed readers to live out and experience stories in real time. The book would pull you and perhaps a companion, if they were close enough, into the story itself and assign roles.”
I all but grimaced as memories came flooding back of the ancient-looking, painfully large tome of a book whose binding had been slowly unraveling when  I’d picked it up simply to snicker at its title while also wondering how such a book had ended up in a school library of all places.
‘Underneath the Highland Moon.’ It had doubtlessly been a romance of the particularly tropey variety.
It made sense for it to be at the school if it were a magical book, though. It was probably something that had been purchased for some form of test or experiment.
But now, through pure chance, or perhaps bad luck, I’d found myself transported into yet another world. But this time it was one within a book where I was apparently filling the role of a landed noble whom the royal family wanted to keep safe for inexplicable reasons that probably had some form of plot relevance.
And, if I had to make a guess, this knight was probably supposed to be my character’s love interest. A thought that had me grimacing.
But I had greater concerns to deal with beyond the appearance of a love interest. Namely, how I was going to get out of this book.
I hadn’t questioned Professor Trein about the specifics of the enchanted books, but if I recalled correctly, there was something to do with the plot of the story. Like it had to be completed, interrupted, or something along those lines.
“Ye just aren’t yerself this morning. Are ye feeling weel?” I blinked, snapping myself back into the moment as I glanced at the maid, who was eyeing me worriedly.
Now that I really looked at her, she might actually be the main character of this story. She certainly could fit the part with her sweet face, but with the amount of backstory that was flitting around in my mind and clogging my thoughts, the character I was subbing for had to be important.
Either way, though, I could tell the maid was genuinely worried, and if these character’s memories were anything to go by, we were close.
I shook my head, pasting on a reassuring smile, “I’m just distracted…. Why do you suppose the royal family has sent us a knight anyway? I would think they would want to keep all of their people closer than that…”
I trailed off, hoping to glean more information about the plot of the story I was in.
The maid smiled, almost sympathetically as she nodded, “Thought ‘at might be on yer mind.”
She sat down next to me, her hands taking one of mine into hers as she twisted to face me, “What with ye being the last member of yer clan and wan of the few nobles to hev come from a clan, Yer important to this country. I’ll bet that the royal family recognizes ‘at.”
I blinked at her words, that so perfectly matched my backstory information but also sounded disappointingly like the backstory of a main character.
Her gaze swiftly turned frigid though, and I felt myself tensing before she continued in a far colder tone than before, “But ‘at’s also why so many are after ye. For the power ye hold.”
She shook her head before straightening in a huff, “Lek ‘at Duke. But he won’t be able to do anything. No’ with ye having a knight of yer very own.”
Her tone was so final that I barely had any words. Especially not after the lengthy exposition she’d just given me about my entire situation in this book.
And I stayed silent for most of the rest of the time she bustled around, adjusting my clothes and cooing reassurances that all would be well now that the knight was coming and that I had absolutely nothing to worry about.
By the time I finally escaped what had felt like dressing room hell I was both up to date on my situation and exasperated with the plot of this book.
Evidently enough, I was supposed to be a shrinking violet who’d already been kidnapped once and held for ransom.
For reasons unknown, the royal family had, inexplicably, taken action and had been rescued before declaring that the situation was far-too risky to be left as it was and that they were going to send a knight to guard me.
Even as I went down the massive flight of stairs with my maid by my side she continued to coo over my apparent rescuer from that time, “I do hope this knight will be th’same wan who rescued ye. He was so... so…”
I smiled, cutting in before she could utter the word dreamy once more, “Yes, I also think it will be reassuring if it’s the same man.”
She giggled at my words, shaking her head and adjusting her plaid shawl in a manner that almost had me arching an eyebrow at her.
“Ye were quite taken wi’ him, weren’t ye? I dae no’ blame ye, o’ course. He did rescue ye after all,” She was all but beaming at me as I kept the same polite smile on my face.
Oh yes. This knight was definitely going to be the romantic lead of this plot. 
If I were lucky this wouldn’t end up with a love triangle situation. I wasn’t sure if I could handle that along with trying to figure out a way out of this book.
Especially considering my current run of getting out of worlds that I'd randomly been sent too.
Not that I could say that I regretted my time in Twisted Wonderland. I’d grown quite close to the people there. Like Silver, who’d been in the library with me when I’d been sent here.
Everything seemed to come screeching to a halt as I recalled the young man who’d fallen asleep after helping me carry books into the library. 
I’d been about to wake him to show him the book I’d found to see if he’d had any idea as to why such a book would be in the school library when I’d opened the tome and ended up here.
“Ma liege!” I blinked at my maid’s voice, briefly searching the room only to find that she’d moved on ahead of me to peer out the window.
Her eyes were bright as she pointed out the window, bouncing up and down on her toes in a way that had me frowning as I walked towards her.
“It’s him! It’s him! Th’knight who saved ye!” Her voice was pitched higher than it had been in excitement and I hummed. Leaning over to peer out the window and see who this love interest of mine was going to be only to go still. My eyes widening as I look at the knight who came riding up the rocky path on a magnificent, glossy black stead. A perfect opposite to his pale beauty.
I dashed to the side, my hands flying to the door handle as I yanked it open and I rushed out onto the porch right as he reigned the horse to stop.
I could hear my maid behind me shouting my name in surprise, but my eyes stayed on him as his gaze slowly lifted to meet mine.
“Silver,” I barely even whispered his name as I stared at him, neither of us moving as the wind blew. Causing leaves to dance through the air as it toyed with his hair.
And it really was a perfect scene from a historical romance and he dismounted and took only two steps towards me in utter silence before kneeling. One knee hitting the earth as he looked up at me, “I have come to guard and protect you, Y/n.”
I faltered before blinking myself to reality and nodding, “Please, get up. There’s no need for you to kneel like that.”
As I spoke I came off the porch, bending and taking his hands in mine before I straightened. Pulling him up with me and twisting to look back at my maid, “Could you prepare us something to drink?”
It was the first thing I could think of to ask her to do that would send her away and give me some time to confer with Silver.
If I was lucky he would know a way for us to get out of this book since the best I’d come up with so far was to finish the story, which would be difficult considering I had no idea what the plot might be.
Stories like this could get tangled up in their own drama so quickly that it was difficult to predict where this tale might lead us if we were going to have to follow it all the way to its end.
My maid curtseyed before zipping off into the house, and I could hear her giggling all the way. The sound of it making me sigh slightly as I turned to look back at Silver.
His horse was already being led off by a man whom I could only assume was a stablehand.
“Any idea what’s going on?” I questioned him, hopefully only to feel my hopes flag as he shook his head. Utterly calm despite the situation we were in.
“Only that we’re in an enchanted book,” He paused, tilting his head slightly, before he continued, “Do you know anything about the plot we’re in?”
I sighed, turning and heading back into my house, which I now noticed was quite large. In fact, it was probably better to say that I was living on an estate more than anything.
“My character is some sort of noble lady that your character apparently rescued by order of the royal family,” I started in a surprisingly weary tone, but it already felt like it had been a long day even though I’d only just woke up.
“Yes, you’d been kidnapped and were being held for ransom. My character saved yours and brought you back home,” Silver clarified, and I nodded. His story matched the backstory I had received upon waking almost perfectly.
I could only assume he’d also received a backstory for his character.
“And now the royal family has sent you to guard me because of something to do with my character being the ‘last member of my clan and one of the few nobles to have come from a clan.’” I quoted my maid directly as I slipped into what was the sitting room.
“You’re also distantly related to the royal family, which means a lot of people are after you for your position, power that comes from your family line, and relation to the royals,” Silver again clarified, but this time his words had me turning to look at him with a slight frown.
So my character was related to the royals? That was something I hadn’t realized, but it was also something that rang true with my character’s backstory that seemed to be continually updating itself in my head.
I sat down quietly and watched as he did the same across from me before I continued, “Just based on our current backstories and the title of this book, I suspect this is a dramatic romance. Probably of the variety that deals with court drama since I’m related to the royal family.”
Silver nodded, his gaze turning thoughtful as he blinked, his eyes growing steadily more hazy in a way that told me he was about to drift off.
“Do you know anything else about your character?” I questioned him again, my words snapping him back awake and causing him to nod as he focused.
“Yes, I volunteered to come and protect you on the basis of having already rescued you once,” I felt my eyebrows lift at his words and met his gaze directly.
“If this is a romance, then do you think you’re….” 
I trailed off, not quite able to finish only for him to finish for me with a nod of his head, “The love interest? If Father’s stories are anything to go by, then yes.”
I wrinkled my nose slightly and looked at him in confusion, “Your father reads romance novels?”
Silver shrugged slightly but remained silent, and mere moments later, my maid entered the space with tea.
Her gaze flickered between me and Silver, and she barely hid her smile as she bustled about, already beginning to question Silver as she looked towards him, “Do ye think ye’ll be able to-”
She was cut off by Silver darting across the room and tackling me to the side right as the window broke, causing my maid to shriek as I grabbed a hold of Silver in alarm and a startled sound squeaked out of me.
I stared in alarm over his shoulder as he slowly leaned back to glare out the window, but my eyes were on the arrow sticking out of the couch cushion where I’d just been sitting.
“Ma liege, are ye alright?!” I continued to stare wide-eyed at the arrow as my maid rushed to my side, grasping my arm before she leaned over before hugging me tightly. 
Instinctively, my arms curled around her, almost as if to reassure myself as I dragged my stare away from the arrow.
But in no way had I been prepared for such an attack. At the very least, I hadn’t been expecting for this book to be that sort of drama.
After another brief moment, Silver turned and yanked the arrow harshly out of the seat and frowned at it before his gaze lifted to meet mine.
Evidently, this story was going to be a little bit more action-packed than I’d initially expected.
Despite her genuine sweetness, it was honestly a relief when my maid finally left us once more after we all relocated to another room. This time one with no windows.
I glanced over at where Silver stood by the doorway with his arms crossed. Almost like he was ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
And I couldn’t blame him; after all, I was still startled by what had just happened, though a numbness had now set in that kept me from panicking.
I started in a quiet voice, “The only two things I can figure out to get us out of this book are to either finish the story or to run its plot so off the rails that the book kicks us out.”
Silver nodded, his gaze shifting as he obviously considered my words and met my gaze, “Which option do you think is better?”
I shifted, leaning against the table in front of me as I frowned thoughtfully, “Finishing the plot could be risky if there are more action scenes like what just happened, plus we don’t know where the story is going….”
I trailed off, glancing his way and setting back in my chair as I started to nervously toy with my fingers, “Throwing the story of its rails might be a bit easier…. Especially if this is a romantic courtly drama.”
He nodded, “What do you want to do?”
I faltered slightly when he put the decision in my hands, but then I straightened. Steeling myself even as I made my decision, “If we shove our two characters into a relationship earlier than expected, then that will probably do.”
I stood, glancing at him and waiting for a sign of refusal, but he didn’t move. His expression was as stoic as ever, and I inhaled and called for my maid.
She came rushing in hurriedly, her face slightly flushed as she looked at me half-expectantly and half-worriedly. I couldn’t blame her, though; there had just been an attempt on my life.
My gaze flitted over to Silver as I balked, wondering exactly how he’d react but suspecting this would be the best and easiest way to derail the plot.
I squared my shoulders and looked back at my maid, “Please send out letters announcing my wedding to everyone of any importance.”
She stared at me like I’d lost my mind, looking around in an obviously lost fashion, as I did my very best not to look at Silver even as I felt myself warming from embarrassment.
“Yer wedding, ma liege?” She even sounded lost when she spoke, but I nodded firmly. Praying this would work and not land me in an even more awkward situation than filling the role of an utterly foreign character.
I couldn’t help but let my gaze flicker over to Silver in an apologetic fashion, and I could see in his eyes that he already knew where I was taking this as he straightened right as I spoke, “Yes. My wedding to Sir Silver.”
I’d barely even finished speaking before light flashed forth, utterly blinding me and blotting out the entire room before everything went black.
I opened my eyes hazily to find myself sprawled on the floor of the NRC library with a book on my lap.
Silver was sitting up from where he’d been at a table, his gaze resting weightily on me in a way that had me looking down at the book and away from him to avoid any further embarrassment.
And there it was, resting as innocently as could be on my lap, “Underneath the Highland Moon.”
And me and Silver hadn’t even made it to the moonlight hours before I was declaring our wedding.
I could only hope that I would make it through the rest of the day without dying from sheer embarrassment.
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it-happened-one-fic · 12 days
Hello!! I hope you have a good day... Actually it's my first time here at Tumblr and my first time for asking a request.... So if possible can you write an oneshot about azul x freader..Where Azul is in conflict with his feelings bc he's in deep love with the reader but confounded of that, he thinks that the reader is a boy, But the truth is that the reader is a girl that hides her gender
I hope you are comfortable with this request and if it is full of fluff and heavy against I would be very grateful(Sorry for my bad English)
Hello Anon and welcome to Tumblr! There's no need to apologize for your English and I was both thrilled and flattered to receive your request! I must admit that I hadn't ever written anything quite like it before, but enjoyed myself while working on your request. I apologize for the wait and I hope you enjoy your fic!
Secrets - Azul
Type: (secretly)Female reader/ Fluff with angst/ romantic
Word Count: 2406
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Azul was confused, to put it lightly. He had been for quite some time now. In fact, he had been since his overblot. But his confusion had nothing to do with his experience overblotting. Instead, his confusion had everything to do with you. 
Simply put, you had somehow charmed him, which was the last thing he’d ever expected to occur when he’d first come to this school or when he’d first seen you.
For one thing, you were one of the most ridiculously effeminate young men he’d ever seen, and all of the teachers favored you. And, in all his years of going to school, he’d never been overly fond of teachers’ pets. 
Instead, it had always been his experience that teachers’ pets were competition, and unfair competition at that. Because the teachers would and could play favorites when it came to their beloved favorite student.
But perhaps what was worse was how he couldn’t seem to get close to you.
Oh, it wasn’t that you pushed him away or anything like that. In fact, you were quite kind. Frustratingly and endearingly so. Rather, it was that he couldn’t get close to you because of how staunchly protective of you Deuce and Ace were.
No matter what he tried, the two of them seemed to always be popping up and eyeing him suspiciously before asking you if all was well.
It was a stark contrast to how they’d all but cowered before him when he’d had them under employment by contract.
And what was all the more frustrating was how, time and time again, you chose to rely on them instead of him.
Which was utterly ridiculous. He had more connections, more know-how, was a better magician, and had been the one to help you during the entire mess at the Scarabia dorm.
But, without fail, you’d turn to one of them when something came up. Which told Azul everything he had already known and suspected, even if it hurt. 
You preferred them over him and trusted them in ways you didn’t trust him.
And it stung. Especially after you’d seemed to accept him—tentacles and all—after his overblot and didn’t obviously seem to fear or be wary of him or the tweels. It was just that you didn’t want him.
Not to lean on, not to spend time with, and not to whisper about secrets with that would have one of your chosen friends nodding their head before you stepped out of the classroom while they whispered something to the teacher, who would inevitably accept the excuse because you were, for better or worse, all of the teachers’ pet.
Floyd and Jade had, of course, been amused when they’d first discovered his plight. Smiling smugly down at him before exchanging a shared glance.
“What makes you think that our dear little Prefect is a favorite of the teachers? They have to do just as many chores in regards to keeping the classroom clean as everyone else,” Jade didn’t even try to hide his smug amusement.
Azul felt himself scowl up at his vice-housewarden, immediately annoyed by how obviously mocking the words were, “Because. They get to skip out on P.E. classes when no one else does every month. And it can’t have anything to do with not having magic. It’s just them making use of the fact that Vargas favors them over everyone else.”
Floyd outright smirked at Azul’s annoyance, “Maybe it’s something to do with a health issue. Shrimpy is kind of small after all, and Mackerel is always talking about how he’s worried about them on those days and that he’s gonna check up on them.”
Azul felt himself prickle at the sound of Deuce, immediately ignoring the sting of jealousy as he snapped back, “It’s not a health issue. They are as healthy a young man as anyone else is. They’ve probably just fooled Deuce somehow. Though why he has to check up on them is beyond me, they’re hardly helpless.” 
And evidently enough, he surprised them as both of the twins' eyes went wide at his words and they looked towards each other. Something unspoken passed between them before a perfectly evil grin curled across each of their identical faces.
“Why, Azul, you sound jealous of this ‘young man.’” Jade all but cooed the words as Floyd nodded.
At odds with Jade’s more subtle harassment, Floyd held nothing back, “Or maybe he’s jealous of Mackerel~”
Azul regretted it the moment he twitched because the tweels grinned almost at the exact same time. Latching on to that subtle cue as to his true frustrations the second it reared its head.
“Oh, Azul. Don’t tell me you want to be the one taking care of the Prefect?” Jade was outright chuckling now as Azul glowered up at him from his seat behind his desk.
Floyd snickered, “Of course he does. He’s got a crush on lil ol’ Shrimpy. Don’t cha’?”
Azul’s left eye twitched, his voice coming out low and only barely controlled “I don’t have a ‘crush’ on anyone, Floyd. Much less him.”
Jade’s long fingers tapped against his cheek, “Oh yes, certainly not ‘him.’”
Floyd giggled at his brother’s words as Jade looked knowingly over at his twin. Their actions cause Azul’s eyes to narrow.
It was strange how they kept emphasizing words like ‘him’ and ‘young man.’ Almost like they were dangling something over Azul’s head, just a little too far out of reach but low enough to catch his attention.
“You know, they skipped out on class today as well… Why don’t you go and see them yourself. Maybe you’ll be able to find out whatever secret it is that they have that causes the teachers’ to favor them over others,” Jade’s words had Azul’s eyes widening.
Go visit you…?
It was something that he’d considered in the past but had never actually done so. After all, he wasn’t a glutton for punishment. If you had chosen Ace and Deuce over him, then so be it.
But it was true that he’d never been one to turn down finding out another person’s secret. And if, by some strange occurrence, there was something wrong with you, then it couldn’t hurt to see how you were doing.
And so Azul went, wondering all the while if this was some horrid mistake.
It was obvious that the tweels knew something that he didn’t, though what that might be, he didn’t know.
He could only hope that neither of your friends would be around to get in the way when he got to your dorm.
And luck was on his side, because neither of the Heartslabyul freshmen were visible when he arrived at Ramshackle dorm. Plus, he didn’t have to worry about you not being there since he could clearly see a light on through the window.
Azul squared his shoulders as he stepped up on the rickety porch, resolving to get to the bottom of why you were treated as so special by the teachers.
He knew you were special, but something told me the reasons for his fondness for you had very little to do with the teachers’ behavior.
And if he’d been wrong and you did have some form of health issue… Well, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to offer you some help.
At least then, you might realize that he was just as worthy of our trust and time as your friends. Though he wasn’t exactly aiming for the position of friend, per say….
But at least being a little closer to you might not sting as much as his current position.
He knocked on the door, the rapping of his knuckles on the wood sounding just a little bit too loud to his own ears and making him wonder, for what had to be the thousandth time, if he were making a mistake.
What if you didn’t want to see him? Just because Deuce always came to check on you didn’t mean that Azul would be just as welcome…. If that were the case, coming to visit certainly wasn’t going to endear him to you.
Before he could even think about retreating, the door cracked open, and you peered. Your appearance causing Azul to blink in surprise.
You looked exhausted and were hunched over, a hand pressed to your stomach as you blinked up at him with weary eyes.
“I already told you, Deuce. I’m fine. It’s just the usual monthly-” You cut off sharply as your gaze collided with Azul’s startled one, and your eyes went wide.
“A-Azul!” You all but stammered out his name as you pulled backwards, hiding yourself behind the door in a way that made Azul frown as you cringed. Almost as if moving too quickly had caused some sort of pain.
You were in bad shape. Horrible even, if simply moving agitated whatever state you were in.
He reached, putting his hand on the door and lightly trying to open it so he could better see you, as his tone shifted into something far more concerned, “Angelfish, are you-”
“I’m fine!” Your words came out too fast, and your smile looked almost desperate.
They were actions that Azul recognized all too well from his experiences trying to get information. You were hiding something. Something you desperately didn’t want him to find out.
What was strange, though, was that you weren’t scared.
Despite your determination to keep this secret, whatever it was, in no way were you afraid of Azul or even him finding out whatever it was you were hiding.
You let out a weak laugh, adjusting your grip on the door and keeping Azul from opening it any further, “Really, I’m fine, Azul. Thank you for coming by, but you don’t have to worry. Ace and Deuce already stopped by and even made me lunch.”
You couldn’t know that mentioning them was a mistake, but it quite simply was. Because it confirmed what he’d already suspected and chaffed old wounds to both his pride and unspoken feelings.
Just like the tweels, Ace and Deuce knew your secret too.
And it was infuriating. 
Just how many did you trust and tell your secret to outside of him? Was Azul the only one you felt you couldn't trust?
Why? He might hold information over other people, but not you. Especially not when it was something that was obviously compromising your health.
“Angelfish…. Whatever’s wrong, you can tell me. I came here to check in on you and…” Azul paused, all but frowning at his own timidity, which was so at odds with his frustration.
He didn’t know what was wrong, but the longer he looked at you, the more worried and frustrated he got.
He shook his head, making a decision that he didn’t know was for the best, and Azul knew it was unlike him. Because normally he’d err on the side of caution and respect your secret-keeping. But he couldn’t this time. Not if you were in trouble or pain.
He inhaled deeply, letting himself openly frown as he straightened and picked back up where he left off in a more resolute tone, “And I’m sorry, but I’m not leaving until I know you’re fine. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
He pulled open the door, causing you to stumble forward in surprise, your foot catching on the door frame and sending your tumbling forwards with a tiny shriek of surprise.
And Azul caught you easily, despite his surprise, which was when he felt it as you fell against him.
Something that was soft, answered a lot of questions, and completely gave away your secret.
He blinked down at you as you straightened, your arms crossing nervously in front of your chest as you looked away from him.
“Angelfish, you-”
“I’m a girl,” You cut him off quickly, avoiding eye contact and looking most anywhere but him until you winced and your hand went back to your stomach.
Azul felt himself frown, his confusion only growing until you at last met his gaze weakly, “I’m a girl, and all that’s wrong is I’m cramping….. My period just started for this month.”
At first, all he could manage was a soft ‘Ah,’ as he stared at you before all the pieces clicked together in his head.
That was why the tweels had reacted the way they had to his words describing you as a young man. They’d known you were a woman because they could smell the changes in your hormones.
“Then Deuce and Ace-”
“Already know,” You finished lightly, stepping back and letting Azul finish entering the space, even as he frowned at you slightly.
You shifted, sighing slightly, “They found out early on… But I’ve kept it a secret from everyone else.”
Azul blinked down at you quietly before softly voicing his next question, and perhaps the most important one of all, “Why?”
You met his gaze, your expression perfectly exhausted, “Because Crowley said it might be easier for me that way since this is an all-boys school. If I’m not a girl, then there’s no chance of anyone being weird because I’m a girl.”
Azul nodded, still frowning, before shaking his head, “Do you need to sit down? You look exhausted.”
A feeble smile crossed your face as he gestured towards where he knew your living area was, and you nodded.
He cleared his throat lightly as he walked with you, “And you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone. I won’t-”
“I know you won’t, Azul,” He froze at the way you smiled at him, blinking as you laughed lightly at his startled expression. “You might use a lot of people’s secrets against them, but I know you won’t use this against me. Not when you came to check up on me and make sure I was alright.”
Azul had to fight the urge to get defensive, fluster at your soft words, or protest against the implication that he cared.
After all, it was painfully true that he cared. But enough secrets had been revealed for now, and Azul was willing to simply rest in the knowledge that it wasn’t necessarily that you’d ever favored or trusted anyone over him. It was just that they’d already found out about your secret, and he hadn’t.
So for now, he would keep his silence and reveal his secret to you later.
Even if Floyd had already called him out on his crush.
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it-happened-one-fic · 12 days
Dancing With Visions - Not Like Running With Lupical - The Shag - Razor
Author Notes: I have now learned that it is incredibly difficult to write for Razor. I listened to "Running with the Wolves" by AURORA while writing this which did help some, though. Just like the rest of this series, reader is female. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more of this series, the fics can be found here: Dancing with Visions Masterlist.
Type: Female reader/ dance/ fluff/ platonic
Word Count: 1075
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I walked alongside Lisa, listening to the woman carefully as she explained her situation, “...Yes, Cutie. I thought learning how to dance might be good for Razor, but it seems like everyone is too busy to be his partner.”
She looked towards me with a knowing expression, shaking her head slightly as I smiled and nodded, finishing her sentiment, “So you came and got me. I understand and I don’t mind at all. But what dance did you pick for him to learn?”
Her green eyes met mine, and she made a slight face before sighing, “The shag. It’s such an easy-going dance that I thought it might be a good fit, but he seems to be getting confused by the motions.”
I frowned slightly as we drew closer to the room Razor  was waiting for us in, “So he hasn’t finished learning or…?” “I think he just needs practice with someone that he’ll be comfortable with,” She smiled at me gratefully as I bobbed my head understandingly. Touched that she’d thought of me as someone he would be comfortable with, but also wondering exactly how this was going to go over.
Because, while she was right, the shag was an easygoing dance, it also wasn’t what one would call an easy dance.
Its motions were simple enough, and when described, it sounded like it would be no big deal. But when everything was put into practice, it was very easy to get tangled up as you slid along the floor to the rhythm of whatever song you were dancing to.
I wasn’t surprised that Razor was getting confused by the motions; most everyone did when they were first learning the dancing, myself included.
I could still hear Venti laughing at me as he’d been teaching me. He’d gained boundless amusement from my frustration.
A part of me wanted to ask if Lisa had considered Venti as a good instructor, but it was quite likely that she couldn’t find him. That bard was, after all, a free being who seemed to come and go with Mondstadt’s ever-changing breeze.
So I remained silent as I entered the library and saw Razor sitting on the floor in a cleared-out section of the room. 
Lisa smiled, patting me on the back as Razor looked up at me with an almost hesitant expression as his teacher left once more. Leaving the two of us alone so that I could help Razor practice dancing.
In many ways, I could understand why Lisa thought teaching Razor a dance might be a good idea, but I also felt like it was unnecessary. 
While it was true that Lisa was helping him integrate back into human life, dancing felt like a little bit of a leap for him. Especially when plenty of people made it along just fine without ever actually knowing the steps to any dance.
Nonetheless, I smiled at the young man and walked over, holding out my hands to help him up from his seated position on the polished floor, “Hi Razor.” 
He nodded, blinking up at me in quiet surprise, “Hello. Looking… for me?”
I smiled and nodded, “Yes, Lisa asked me to help you practice dancing.” I almost laughed aloud as the young man wrinkled up his face in distaste.
“You don’t like dancing?” I tilted my head as I questioned him softly, and he glanced at me almost hesitantly before nodding in agreement.
“Dancing is… hard. But I need to do it. Like talking.” His speech was, as always, stilted and faltering, but I could tell he was improving. And I was proud of him. Razor had come far from when I’d first met him, and he was becoming more and more comfortable around people as he got steadily better at talking.
It made sense why Lisa wanted to take the next step, but I still felt hesitant. Because, in truth, I didn’t want Razor to feel like dancing was a chore.
Dancing was something that, to me, always seemed like it ought to be joyful, not hard or unpleasant, even if it might not come naturally at first.
I swung our conjoined hands between us, and Razor tilted his head almost questioningly at me as I smiled, “Do you know why people dance, Razor?”
Razor frowned almost immediately at my words, like he was thinking hard before he answered, “Teacher said… people dance at parties.”
I nodded, agreeing with Lisa’s words, “We do, yes. But dancing happens on other occasions too. People dance when they’re happy.”
Razor blinked at me, his warm red eyes bright as he gazed at me, “Like how you… You hum?”
I laughed slightly, nodding my head, “Yes, like how I hum when I’m happy. When people are happy or excited, when we’re celebrating something, we’ll sometimes dance.”
I sighed slightly, tilting my head at the young man, “Lisa told me you know all the steps, but dancing is something to be enjoyed just as much as it is something to be learned.”
Razor was silent, glancing down at our hands before he nodded, meeting my gaze with a resolute stare, “Razor understands. Dancing is like running.”
I grinned outright at him, nodding my head once more, “Yes, so are you ready?”
He bobbed his head in a quick, short motion before a smile appeared on his face, “Yes. Razor is ready. Razor is happy.”
His motions were awkward, those of a brand new student, but it hardly mattered as he smiled. Relaxing as he held my hand and we slid along the floor in the slippery-looking steps of the shag.
In no way was any of our dancing perfect in the technical sense, but it was perfect in the sense that as we danced, Razor enjoyed himself.
He looked just as happy as he did when he would be running freely through the woods, as I’d seen him in the past.
After a while, we stopped dancing. Both of us sitting down on the shiny floor to rest, and though I was slightly out of breath, Razor seemed perfectly fine.
“Dancing is… It is fun. Not like running with Lupical… but fun. With you.” I nodded at his words, smiling brightly at him. 
“We’ll have to show Lisa when she comes back in. She’ll be proud of you,” I nudged him lightly with my shoulder, and he nodded. Brightening slightly at my praise.
“Yes. We should dance…. more. I like it.”
If you would like to read more:
Next: Coming Soon!
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it-happened-one-fic · 19 days
Hi, sorry to bother you but I would like to ask for a post from Leona, where Cheka is trying to get her two favorite people married (ie Leona and the reader)
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to respond to your ask! I had a bit of trouble writing this one, but over all I had fun too. I hope you enjoy!
Duly-Noted - Leona
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ sfw/ featuring Cheka/ request
Word Count: 1790
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Leona huffed out a sigh as he watched Cheka play with you on the floor of the Ramshackle dorm from his relaxed lounging on the couch.
It hadn’t taken him long to figure out his nephew’s scheme when, as soon as the little fuzzball had appeared, he’d cheerfully stated that he wanted to come and play with you. Of course, Cheka had given himself as soon as he’d included his demands that Leona come along with him, even though he’d been to visit you at Ramshackle dorm plenty of times on his own.
Cheka was definitely fond of you, and Leona couldn’t really blame the kid considering how you patiently played along with the child. But that wasn’t what was really going on here.
What was going on here had more to do with Cheka’s pressing questions about why Leona so often told family members that he wasn’t particularly attached to anyone at school.
He could still see Cheka’s bright eyes looking up at him with an insistent frown on his face, “You know that is true, Unca! You like Y/n!”
Leona had snorted at his nephew, shaking his head at the child and, for once, was genuinely amused, “And what makes you think that?”
“You look at them the same way Papa looks at Mama. And Y/n likes you too! Why don’t you just take them home with you? Then you don’t have to worry about leaving them here while you visit us!” Cheka was as determined as Leona had ever seen him, but it was a drastic misreading of the situation.
Leona had plenty of reasons to not want to visit home, and none of them had a thing to do with you. But the moment he’d told the child that, Cheka had smiled. 
He’d been all but beaming up at Leona from where he sat on his lap, hands fisted in Leona’s shirt like he thought his uncle would run away, “But you do like them.”
There were moments, like right then, when Leona almost wondered if Cheka was more intelligent than his father. Perhaps he’d taken after his mother in that sense. But then Cheka’s hare-brained plot for tricking you and Leona into a relationship certainly hadn’t been well schemed.
After all, Leona wasn’t the only one who'd caught on. You had, too. Though, to be fair, Cheka wasn’t exactly being stealthy with his questions about how, “Wouldn’t it be great if we all lived together?”
Leona had fully planned on handling it, but you'd only smiled, shaking your head and saying you’d talk to Cheka about it, “He’s just a kid after all, and he doesn’t mean any harm. There’s no need to come down on him so hard.”
Leona had only eyed you with rising eyebrows before shrugging, “Have it your way. But he won’t drop this easily. He’s a stubborn little thing.”
You’d snorted, elbowing him lightly as you went by to rejoin his nephew, “Must run in the Kingscholar family.”
And that had been that.
Truthfully, Leona hadn’t known what you’d told his nephew, but Cheka had fallen largely silent on the matter of a possible romance with you after that. 
In hindsight, though, Leona really should have known better to think that was all there was going to be to it. Nothing was ever that simple. Especially when you or his nephew were involved.
He had to hand it to Cheka, though; he’d been completely caught off-guard when the child had suddenly questioned him about his wedding plans. Especially since it happened during a trip to Sam’s with Ruggie.
Cheka held up the little ring-shaped lollipop, and before Leona could even start to refuse to buy the treat for him, the child spoke with innocent curiosity, “What kind of ring are you going to get for Y/n when you two get married?”
Leona blinked, his eyes widening as he stared at the child who just stared up at him while Ruggie did a spit-take and Sam’s eyebrows lifted. The only sound that broke the silence was the occasional beep as Sam continued to scan items.
Leona finally frowned, crossing his arms as he eyed the child, “What makes you think I’m going to marry the Herbivore?”
Cheka frowned almost immediately, as if he were trying to mirror his uncle’s expression, “Y/n and you like each other. But Y/n said they couldn’t move in with us until you two had gotten married. They said people would talk since we’re royals and they aren’t if you didn’t.” 
Cheka’s expression slowly shifted to one of concern, his tiny hand reaching out and grasping Leona’s pants leg, “You are going to marry them, aren’t you, Unca? Y/n’ll be sad if you don’t.”
Ruggie only barely managed to contain his laughter in an ugly-sounding snort that had Leona shooting him a look while a smile began to creep across Sam’s face.
“Did they?” Leona’s gaze shifted back to his nephew as he spoke, his tone careful as he eyed the child. But he was already putting two and two together without Cheka having to say anything.
You certainly had talked to Cheka about it, but now Leona was going to have to talk to you about this.
Ruggie wiped his eyes lightly before kneeling, humor still flooding his voice even as he eyed Cheka, “Well, marriage is a pretty big deal, Cheka. Leona can’t just go proposing without putting some real thought into it.”
Cheka frowned, but Ruggie only titled his head, reasoning with the child easily, “Y/n deserves the best, don’t you think?”
Leona watched, eyebrows raised, as Cheka frowned thoughtfully before his tiny face cleared like a sun coming out from behind clouds, and he nodded, smiling widely, “Oh! I see! Leona wants to sweep Y/n off their feet like those princes in the stories Mama likes so much.”
Leona didn’t even bother hiding his groan as Ruggie snickered mischievously, nodding and egging on the child, “Exactly, so you’re going to have to give him some time to do just that.”
Ruggie paused, glancing up at Leona with a grin that had Leona glaring at him warningly. But the hyena beastman was hardly even phased as he looked back at the child seriously, his eyes sparkling with poorly disguised mischievousness, “We’ll both have to support him, Cheka.”
Cheka’s expression turned determined as he nodded before looking up at Leona, “Good luck, Unca!”
Leona sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out an annoyed, “Uh-huh,” as he watched Ruggie lead his nephew out of the store.
 He would get Ruggie for what a mess this was inevitably going to end up being, as well as deal with whatever the little mercenary wanted in exchange for his assistance later. First, he had a certain herbivore to find.
And he couldn’t complain that you were hard to find. But then you never were.
You were, as ever, at Ramshackle. Working on upkeep for the run-down building on your day-off, just like you usually did on the weekends when you weren’t working at the Mostro Lounge.
Leona didn’t even have to call out since Grim handled letting you know he was here for him.
You turned, blinking up at him in surprise, before a smile split its way across your face. Leona wasn’t really looking at you, though. Instead, he was staring at the busted chair you were apparently working on with a frown. 
How the crossbar had wiggled its way out, was beyond him, but that was evidently enough, what had happened.
“Leona! No little prince with you today?” Your voice was bright, and Leona found himself looking back your way as he propped himself in the doorway.
He crossed his arms as he looked down at where you were seated on the floor, tilting his head at you, “Nope, but a certain little prince did tell me what you told him the other day.”
You blinked in confusion before your eyes slowly cleared, and you let out a small chuckle, shaking your head slightly, “Oh, that. He bought the marriage excuse pretty easily, and at least that way I didn’t have to lie or something like that to him.”
Leona felt his eyebrows rise at your words as you twisted to go back to work on the chair, seemingly unconcerned by what side effects your words might have had.
“Yeah, but now that he’s found out we’re dating when no one else has, he’s going to report directly back to either Falena or his wife,” Leona pushed himself off the wall as he spoke, walking over to where you were.
You simply shook your head at his disgruntled words, a smile on your face, “I still don’t see why it would be so horrible for them to know. But even if he does tell them, they probably won’t believe him. Not if Falena is as concerned about your love life as you say he is.”
Leona frowned as he watched you before kneeling and reaching around you to help you support the chair while you fought the crossbar into place, “No, he’ll call and ask all sorts of questions or, worse, have his wife ask me all sorts of questions.”
You hummed, tilting your head slightly, “You’ll be able to handle it if it comes to that. But, like I said, I really don’t see why it’s a big deal if they know or not. I’d like to meet your family.”
Your words caused his eyebrows to lift once more as he glanced over at you, watching as a frown crossed your face.
You glanced over your shoulder at him, confusion accenting your voice as soon as you spoke, “How did you find out what I’d told Cheka anyway? Did he just tell you?”
Leona let out a huff, his ears twitching as he glanced off to the side, “He saw one of those lollipop ring thingies at Sam’s and asked me what sort of ring I was going to get you for the wedding.”
You laughed aloud, earning yourself a look even as you shook your head in light-hearted amusement before glancing at him, “Hopefully nothing like a Ring-pop. That would be hideous.”
Leona grinned, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, “You don’t want something big like that?”
You snorted, shaking your head, “No. I think a rock that size, even a fake one, would be a little heavy.”
He let out an amused huff, turning his eyes back to the chair as he idly considered what sort of ring might actually be best, “Duly noted.”
After all, your thoughts on it all mattered too, even if you didn’t know that held actually had been looking at some rings already.
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it-happened-one-fic · 19 days
600 Followers Event: "Once Upon a Time..."
Books have a certain magic about them that can transport the reader to an entirely other world, where they can live out the adventures of the protagonist from the safety of their favorite chair. However, what of a magic book that really can transport you, and perhaps even a companion, to another world entirely so you really can experience such a magical tale?
Sit back and experience such a story of your choosing. All you need to do is choose that special book and start reading. And how do such tales start?
Ah, yes. "Once Upon a Time....."
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600 Followers! And I’m actually ready for an event this time! In celebration and as a thank you to everyone, I came up with this event. You can send in requests by choosing a fandom, story type, and book from the lists below and I'll write a corresponding fic! I’m aiming to do six fics total and I'll provide a countdown with scored out numbers to show how many fic requests are left. I look forward to your requests and hope everyone enjoys themselves!
Choose a Fandom:  Twisted Wonderland or Genshin Impact
Choose your Story:
A Martial Legacy  
A High Fantasy Adventure
A Gothic Romance 
A Seafaring Voyage
A Charming Fairytale
A Courtly Drama
Choose the Book:
A softly bound leather book that falls open the moment you pull it from the shelf. 
An aged tome with a heavy metal clasp that holds it tightly shut.
A book that has been lovingly re-covered in now sun-faded fabric.
A thick, newly printed novel whose story is yet to be told.
A freshly printed hardcover with blood red pages.
A tome whose binding is slowly unraveling as the cover attempts to fall away and reveal the yellowed pages beyond.
 A timeworn novel whose title is unreadable from the number of hands who’ve held it.
6 fics left! 5 fics left! 4 fics left! 3 fics left! 2 fics left! 1 fic left!
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it-happened-one-fic · 19 days
Hours in the Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 3. The Same Red
Summary: Having lived for over a year, you really should’ve been more prepared for a vampire attacking you. But then, nothing could have really prepared you for an old friend appearing and saving you. Perhaps there was more to this situation than you had initially realized….
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire, Blood
Word Count: 1381
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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The morning that followed Halloween started rather abruptly, with my phone ringing. It was Epel’s mother, the woman who ran the shop right across the road, where I often helped out when I had the time.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry to call this early, but we’ve been waiting on a delivery since yesterday evening, and it still hasn’t come. We just got a call that there was a wreck involving a delivery truck not far from here this morning, and… Well, I would send Epel, but what with these murders of late and people going missing…..” 
She trailed off, the hesitancy in her voice clear, and I let out a sigh before responding with the question that I didn’t entirely want to ask, “Where’s the accident at?”
“Oh, Y/n! You’re such a dear!” With new vitality to her tone, she proceeded to give me directions, numerous apologies for the trouble, statements of how she owed me, a slew of “thank you’s,” and at least three promises of free apple juice when I next came by the shop.
But I honestly would have been worried if that hadn’t been the case. That was just the way Mrs. Felmier was, and her nature was no doubt the reason that Epel was so polite despite his rough streak.
And I couldn’t blame her for not wanting to send Epel. Her fears were well-founded. There had been a recent uptick in the number of murders and missing persons. 
I didn’t know the reason for the increase in crime. But I suspected that was the same reason Vil had scolded me quite so much last night. Which did imply that vampires were involved. But it was day, so there was little to be concerned about with this incident.
I was relieved, though, when I reached the road Mrs. Felmier had directed me to and saw the familiar delivery truck was not in a smoking heap. In fact, it didn’t even look like it had been involved in an accident. It looked more like it had broken down.
I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets and trudged over, hunching my shoulders against the cold wind.
Frowning, I noted that the hood was raised and the driver’s door was open, but that the driver in question was nowhere to be found. 
I turned a full circle, looking around in confusion, until a slight motion, visible through the windows of the building closest to where the truck was parked, caught my eye. I stared through the windows, recognizing the jacket as that of the one that was worn by the group that did deliveries for the shop, before making up my mind.
I didn’t know why he’d gone inside unless it had been to escape the wind or get better reception on his phone, but at the very least I could ask him if he knew how long he’d be stuck here.
The door to the darkened building swung open with a pleasant jingle, despite the fact that the store appeared to be largely abandoned and cast off in the shadows of the street. 
I stepped in, glancing around to find exactly where the driver was as I began speaking, “Excuse m-” 
I froze, my eyes widening as the delivery truck driver fell to the ground from where he had appeared to be standing in front of the window. 
The body dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, totally lifeless. A woman wiped her mouth, leaving an ugly red smear across her face as she looked my way from over the body. My breath caught as I realized that the same red that was on her face also decorated the man’s neck.
I didn’t bother screaming when she smiled,  and her beauty was clear even as her fangs flashing slightly in the shadows that I now realized were probably the only thing keeping her alive. 
A small, logical part of me acknowledged that screaming would have just dragged some other hapless person into this mess for her to kill, and I even went so far as to silently question how a vampire had gotten herself stranded out during daytime hours.
The more frenzied part of me that followed my instincts had me turning to run as I felt adrenaline shoot through me at high speeds, kicking me into action despite my shock at what I’d found.
But this wasn’t my first time encountering a vampire. If I could just get out and into the sunlight, I would be fine, and then I could figure out some way to keep anyone else from going in there. 
The vampire released some sort of horribly cry behind me before taking off, slamming the door that I’d just tried to exit through shut with a loud bang as I fumbled backwards, my legs working overtime as panic fully seized me. Making my motions sloppy even though I desperately needed to be at my very best if I wanted to survive.
I’d barely even made it two inches before she’d reached where I’d stood, hissing at me like an insane person as she made to grab my shoulder. I pitched myself to the side and hit the ground hard.
I barely even heard her outraged shriek over the sound of breaking glass that filled the air. I rolled to look up at what I’d expected to be my last sight before death, only to find a familiar form slam into the woman with a power I hadn’t realized my friend possessed.
Rook grappled with the woman, her fingers tearing through his coat as if the fabric meant nothing to her. 
He grunted slightly as her hands clawed their way down his arms in a bruising manner, but he persisted in shoving her backwards as he struggled against her inhuman grip and fought to shove a pointy piece of wood downwards and into her chest.
I scrambled backwards, my widened eyes never leaving the scene before me as I dug my way back up to a standing position. 
The vampire shrieked, straining to either bite Rook or free herself, but was apparently incapable of either.
Rook, on the other hand, wore an expression of singular determination as he ignored her crushing grip and the way she snapped at him. Instead, focusing on killing her.
 It wasn’t the behavior of someone inexperienced, nor did he seem surprised at all by the situation at hand.
But then, I suppose I couldn’t entirely talk. While I’d been surprised to see a vampire during daylight hours, seeing one wasn’t actually odd considering my history. Though this was the first time I’d been attacked in quite some time…. 
Apparently, having been under Vil’s protection had inadvertently led to my becoming unprepared for such situations, even despite my past.
I found myself running forward, reaching around my friend to grasp the wooden stake and add my strength to Rook’s. 
I gritted my teeth, doing my best to ignore the shrieks of the woman that somehow drew no attention to the darkened building that now housed the three of us.
It felt like hours had passed in the span of mere seconds, but with a final shove, the wooden stake plunged forward and directly into the woman’s chest and I looked away. Blocking the sight with Rook’s back even though I could clearly hear the sickening squelch.
My throat was tight as I stumbled away from both Rook and the vampire.
I’d seen a lot and done a lot, but helping kill someone, even if that person was a vampire, was easily enough to have my hands trembling and my throat constricting.
The vampire gaped down at the wood that stuck out of her chest before looking directly up at the two of us and turning to ash right before our very eyes. The only thing she left behind was a signet ring that sparkled dully in her dusty remains.
Rook fell against a wall, his chest heaving slightly as his green eyes turned to look my way, and the reality of everything that had just occurred began to sink in.
I’d been attacked by a vampire during the day, and Rook, my longtime friend who had introduced me to my nightly vampire visitor, had just saved my life.
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it-happened-one-fic · 19 days
Hours in the Moonlight: Fairest Midnight - 2. Getting Late
Summary: Halloween was always special, because you could spend time with Vil without worrying about anyone asking questions about his cape or fangs, should they glint in the moonlight and give away his undead nature. But nights wear unsympathetically on, and for better or worse you were a person who lived their life in the light of day. 
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Fluff / Vampire AU/ romantic
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1082
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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Vil was far too smug for my liking as I gradually got more tired while the night wore unsympathetically on, “All that chatter about us going out and you’re already tired.”
Despite his tone, there was a distinctly affectionate gleam in his eyes as I shot him a look, “Hey, you were sleeping all day. I was busy doing other stuff.”
His eyebrows arched in a still more amused fashion, “Such as?”
I straightened, rolling my shoulders as I glanced up at him, “Helping out Epel with moving some of the apple crates.”
Vil nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face, “Epel… He’s that boy that lives close to your apartment, right? Works at the Felmier Apple Store? Short, purple-haired, delicate face….”
I nodded, smiling slightly to myself at the description Vil gave of the young man. It wasn’t inaccurate, but… Well, Epel wouldn’t like it, to say the least. After all, he was determined to become manly as soon as possible.
I shivered, despite myself, as the wind kicked some of the fallen leaves into the air. It was Halloween though; it ought to be chilly…..
I barely got to complete a single shiver before a perfectly familiar cape fell over my shoulders, causing me to look up at the man next to me, who was frowning slightly as he adjusted the heavy fabric around my shoulders, “You should’ve worn a heavier coat.”
I grinned up at him as I grasped the edges of the cape and pulled it slightly tighter around my person, “And miss the chance to wear your fancy cape? You can’t expect me to deny myself such a pleasure, Vil.”
He snorted in response to my teasing, his eyes flicking up from his busied hands that were fastening the clasp to where my eyes were, “Perhaps not… But I can expect you to dress yourself properly.”
I rolled my eyes as he stepped back, at last finished with his work. I shifted slightly, striking a pose with my hands on my hips, “Well, how do I look?”
Vil tilted his head and crossed his arms as he scanned me, “Like someone wearing a cape that’s too big for them.”
Despite his harsh words, there was a smile on his face, half-amused and half-pleased looking as he gazed at me under the streetlights. But after a brief moment, he glanced away, looking over towards where a clock hung with a slight frown on his face, “It’s late, you should be getting home. I’m sure you have plans for tomorrow, after all.”
I nodded, sighing slightly with the motion, but agreeing with his unfortunately accurate assessment, “True that….”
I couldn’t deny that I didn’t want the evening to be over yet, but I also didn’t complain as Vil linked his arm with mine and began to walk me back down the street that would bring us back to my apartment.
“You don’t have to walk me back…..” My words were silenced by a glance from him.
“Didn't you promise me that you’d be more careful?” I shifted, letting my hand slip comfortably against his elbow, so it looked like I was being escorted back home by some poshly dressed male model.
“I did, but you’ll also need to get back before the sun comes out.” My eyes met his as I tilted my head, “You need to be careful too, you know.”
He looked away before I could see if he’d rolled his eyes and nodded, his tone one of grudging agreement, “Very well, I’ll walk you to the street your building is on, and then I’ll be on my way.”
On his way to wherever it was he called home and spent his daytime hours asleep. I had pictured him sleeping in a coffin like in those cheesy horror movies in the past, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to believe that was the case.
I also couldn’t deny I was curious, though, since Vil was ever secretive about anything to do with the vampire side of his life. 
All I knew was that the other vampires in the area either feared or respected him enough to respect his declaration that my apartment complex was officially on his turf.
Though that made it sound like vampires were gang….. But I supposed that could be true. I didn’t know much about them after all. Only that they really liked bothering me for some unknown reason that I really preferred not to ponder.
Vil’s steps slowed as we reached the street I lived on, and he turned to look at me, “I suppose this is farewell, Tater tot.” 
I glanced towards the building I would soon be entering, relieved to see it since I really was tired while also feeling a little sad. I’d enjoyed my evening out with Vil, and these little outings didn’t occur very often.
I started to tug the cape off, only for him to stop me with a gentle hand, “It’s fine, I can just get it tomorrow evening.”
His words, assuring me that he would visit tomorrow evening, brought a smile to my face, and I bobbed my head in a quick nod, “See you tomorrow then. Don’t let the bed-bugs, or coffin-bugs, bite.”
Vil snorted in amusement but stepped away. Raising his hand in farewell before turning to go. He strode down the street as if he were a famous model rather than an undead creature of the night. But that was just the way Vil was. Ever destroying others' expectations. Including mine.
I turned, toying with the edges of his cape as I took off to head back towards my own abode, only to bump into someone almost immediately.
I stumbled backwards, going wide-eyed as I looked at the other person who carefully caught me by the harm to keep me from falling, “I'm so sorry! Are you-” I trailed off as I looked at the young man, because nothing could have prepared me for what greeted me.
An incredibly handsome young man with pale purpley-blue eyes and hair that was almost pure white. He met my gaze with a stoic expression as he let go of my arm, “It’s alright; I should’ve been looking where I was going.”
With only those words, he gave me a polite head nod and continued on his way, leaving me standing there gaping like a fish on land. And here I thought I’d grown used to attractive men from spending time with Vil and Epel.
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it-happened-one-fic · 19 days
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
Most believe that vampires do not exist. That their just an old tale that has been reused countless times in the forms of horror in romance. But you know otherwise. After all, vampires do have a special affection for you for reasons unknown. Delving into the world of the night is something totally different though. Especially for someone who’s been trying to avoid these creatures that practically hunt you.
But then, one step closer in the form of a vampire you accidentally befriend and the slope becomes slippery.
It’s time you learned what happens during hours in the moonlight by the side of vampires who come in the form of friends, allies, and potentially foes.
Here it is! My Twisted Wonderland Vampire AU! I hope you all enjoy!!
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Vampires Don't Eat Potatoes
Getting Late
The Same Red
A Vampire Hunter or Something
Far More Charming
Shatter to a Billion Pieces
Coming Soon!
If you would like to read more fics like these, my Twisted Wonderland Master-List can be found here: Twisted Wonderland Master-List.
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