itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
After being fired from the biggest food processing company in town, one man decided to go into business himself. He never envisioned that it would grow into one of the most dominant food companies in history. This is the story of Lay’s chips.
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
In unserer heutigen Zusammenstellung werfen wir einen Blick in die Zukunft, denn es warten unglaubliche Erfindungen auf dich, die ein ganz neues Niveau erreicht haben!
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
“Luân hồi tái sinh - đầu thai chuyển kiếp” từ lâu không còn là câu chuyện xa lạ đối với nhiều người. Từ quan niệm tín ngưỡng tôn giáo của nền văn hóa Á Đông cho đến những bộ phim viễn tưởng phương Tây, chắc hẳn ai trong chúng ta cũng từng nghe đến thuyết luân hồi bí ẩn.
Đó có thể là câu chuyện từ trí tưởng tượng được phóng đại trên phim ảnh hay những câu chuyện mơ hồ khó phân biệt thật giả. Nhưng nếu luân hồi được phân tích dưới góc độ khoa học, bạn có sẵn sàng bước vào hành trình khám phá câu chuyện tâm linh đầy hấp dẫn này?
“Những đứa trẻ nhớ được tiền kiếp” (tựa gốc: “Children who remember previous lives”)là quyển sách tóm tắt công trình nghiên cứu nổi tiếng về hiện tượng luân hồi của Tiến sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa Ian Stevenson. Ông đã dành hơn 40 năm để nghiên cứu và xác minh gần 3.000 trường hợp trẻ em có ký ức về những trải nghiệm ở kiếp trước.
Từ những trường hợp được coi là bằng chứng về sự luân hồi này, Tiến sĩ Stevenson đã chọn lọc ra 14 câu chuyện điển hình đại diện cho chín nền văn hóa khác nhau trên thế giới. Mỗi chủ thể trong câu chuyện là một đứa trẻ. Các em lần đầu tiên nói về ký ức tiền kiếp ở độ tuổi khá nhỏ, khi mà tâm trí chưa tiếp nhận thông tin về người đã khuất (tức kiếp trước của mình) thông qua các kênh thông thường...
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
How Jack Welch Created $400 Billion of Value By Transforming General Electric National Bestseller.One of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time “Facinating… There is at least as much to be learned here as from reading Peter Drucker John Kenneth Galbraith or Michael Porter.” –Boston Globe Acknowledged as the outstanding business leader of the late twentieth century, Jack Welch made General Electric one of the world’s most competitive companies. This dynamic CEO defined the standard for organizational change, creating more than $400 billion in shareholder value by transforming a bureaucratic behemoth into a nimble, scrappy winner in the global marketplace. Here, Tichy and Sherman extract the enduring leadership lessons from the revolution Welch wrought at GE. Of these, the most essential is the limitless power of learning. Leadership has its mysteries, but it is a skill that anyone can acquire and enhance. Above all, great leaders select great people and lure them into an endless process of learning and adaptation.
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
How do we raise self-reliant kids who have initiative, are resilient and can be problem solvers? In her talk, Tameka Montgomery gives us five strategies for raising kids who can think and act entrepreneurially. Tameka Montgomery is a former presidential appointee who served as an executive at the Small Business Administration that oversaw entrepreneurial development programs for the nation. She is the founder and host of the podcast Raising Entrepreneurs, where she discusses parenting strategies and tactics that foster an entrepreneurial mindset. She organizes an annual county-wide business fair for kids while also homeschooling …
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
Why Kids Should Start a Small Business? Starting a small business at a young age teaches children the importance of money. Earning their own video game and treat money allows kids to appreciate the Money directly. They also learn a variety of new skills that introduce the concept of startup thinking and Modifies Their Money-Consciousness. Kids can make money from Hobby and much more. Today we will discuss 10 business ideas for teenagers and kids.
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
The million-dollar kids - the youngsters with big dreams and even bigger success stories. Starting with nothing from as young as 8 years old, they’ve overcome massive hurdles to build their own businesses – and they’re booming! They have big dreams and even bigger success - find out how you can too.
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
Axel Prahl - Polonaise Internacional lyrics sono cosmopolitano isch binne internacional oggi bin isch in palermo und morgen wolfsburg, scheißegal ob es nun geschäfte mit schiiten sind russen, türken, israeli, briten sind unsere geschäfte, ist nun mal total global you must know our philosophy has not much to do with democracy we believe in money and dow jones wohl bekomms jawoll!
früher war isch immer einsam heut bin isch gottlob schizophren diese krankheit war sehr heilsam hat misch befreit von die problem immer misch zu fragen wie´ s andern geht denen das wasser bis zum halse steht habt ihr keine arbeit? seid doch froh! dann habt ihr zeit! könnt mit eure freunde um die häuser ziehn saufen und tanzen bis die sohlen glühn fasst mir an die schultern und singt mit
wir tanzen alle jetzt die polonaise internacional friede, freude, tanz auf dem vulkan kommt, kinder tanzt kinder tanzt, kinder tanzt kinder tanzt auf dem vulkan
geld alleine macht nischt glucklisch sagt alte kluge deutsche wort darum kinder seid vergnuglisch schmeißt euer geld doch einfach fort schmeißt es gleich am besten in mein Portemonnaie und ich schaff es dann für eusch nach übersee bring es nach piräus, nach schanghai oder madrid ihr bekommt dafür ein schönes fläschchen wein und könnt endlisch ganz in ruhe glucklisch sein fasst euch an die schultern und singt mit
wir tanzen alle jetzt die polonaise internacional friede, freude, tanz auf dem vulkan kommt, kinder tanzt kinder tanzt, kinder tanzt kinder tanzt auf dem vulkan
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
Environmental degradation. Poverty and malnutrition. Disease and illiteracy. As the world's human population skyrockets and resources grow scarce, the multinational corporation—with its ability to mobilize massive human and capital resources across geopolitical boundaries—may be mankind's best defense against an onslaught of social ills. Many companies have already joined the fray, launching ambitious global corporate citizenship programs designed to improve the quality of life in the communities and nations in which they operate. Their activities, the focus of this groundbreaking work, are precursors to a new age of enlightened capitalism, and their bold break with tradition is putting them now, more than ever, in the public eye...
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
1992 TV documentary about the Reincarnation research by prof. Ian Stevenson
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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itsnothingbutluck · 17 days
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