P O S T # 2
How I define PVMC culture is a mixing pot of “ingredients” which include: fashion, music, art, dance, etc and then is given to the vast majority of people to consume. My frequent interaction with PVMC is mostly likely social media and music. I find myself on social media getting the inside scoop of everything and enjoy seeing others in their environment. With music, I like to always find new music so I can put my friends on it and ultimately love how music makes me feel. Critical means to have all energy towards something and you are invested into, almost like a club. It can also mean that you nit pick everything and are cautious of something. Personally I am critically engaged in the media because I am on social media everyday and contribute to it, but I’m also mindful of what to believe. It’s definitely possible to enjoy popular media while also having a critical eye because there is always controversial topics spoken about on youtube for example and many people contribute to it. But on the other hand there are people who are against it and don’t follow the hype.
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