just-illegal · 2 hours
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my fav ♀️villagers
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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Starting to get my artfight references whipped up 🤠
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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just-illegal · 2 hours
Just called the Combos I picked up from Quiktrip my “snarks” instead of “snacks” and the cashier got angry at me
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just-illegal · 2 hours
(if you want to give a more specific answer or if this poll is over when you read this, i made a google form! i just also made a poll because i know those get more votes)
Edit: i don't wanna be one of those people, but the google form also has extra questions (including the one i probably should've made this poll), so please take it
Also, this is just meant to gauge consensus
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just-illegal · 2 hours
I miss the days, way back when before October 7, when I felt like I was part of leftist circles. I miss feeling energised by leftist slogans because I thought they included me, instead of targeted me.
I miss hearing “eat the rich” and not hearing it as a dog whistle for “kill the Jews.” I miss feeling inspired by phrases like “our struggles for liberation are all connected,” instead of hearing its real meaning, “the Jews are the evil puppet masters behind everything and the world must unite against them.” I miss believing that when leftists talked about punching up at their oppressors, it wasn’t just an excuse to punch down at more vulnerable minorities that they decided were their oppressors despite all evidence to the contrary.
I miss the days when the left poured into the streets to protest cops and corporations instead of protesting Jews. I miss updating myself on those protests so I could join them, instead of to know which areas to avoid because they’ll be Judenrein for the day.
I don’t wish my eyes hadn’t been opened. I’d much rather see the truth no matter how painful and disillusioning it is, because the alternative isn’t actually “bliss.” It’s having a perpetual nagging feeling that something’s off but I can’t put my finger on it, or if I can then I must be overreacting or imagining it’s worse than it is.
But that pain and disillusionment is very real. That loss is very real. It was a community I thought I belonged to, a community I put a lot of work and energy into for many years, and there is grief at the loss of it. Grief that it’s gone, grief that it never was what it claimed to be in the first place. I guess I’m grieving the loss of that part of my identity. And grieving the loss of how people I thought were my friends and allies perceive my identity. Grieving the illusion that they were ever my allies at all, that they ever would be my allies if I needed. Because I haven’t really changed, but the way my former circles look at me completely changed. People who thought I was a good person and a good ally on October 6 decided I was the devil incarnate very literally overnight.
The person who privately reached out to me a few years ago to thank me for a Facebook post I made defending sex workers, because as a former sex worker they appreciated it. Now they’ve been posting antisemitic blood libel, the kind of rhetoric that’s already gotten Jews killed, for six months straight. I tried to tell them how much pain it causes me as a Jew to see their posts, and they only doubled down. It truly is their loss. I was a good friend and a good ally, and they threw me away because I’m a Jew. But it’s totally not because I’m a Jew, it’s because I’m the evil kind of Jew, the kind that just so happens to be the profile of ninety percent of the Jewish population.
I’m grateful I have such a strong sense of Jewish identity, because otherwise the loss of identity in this other way would be far more destabilising. I get why so many people cling to their political identities no matter how much cognitive dissonance they have to wave away; why they insist their ideology is righteous no matter how much evidence to the contrary. Without any other solid identity they would feel too adrift. But that doesn’t excuse their behavior. It’s not ok to jump on a bandwagon to persecute and kill Jews because you want to belong to something that badly, because you can’t handle your sense of self evolving with all the growing pains that come with it.
So many progressive Jews like myself have described ourselves as “politically homeless.” (Specifically in the diaspora; I know the political framework in Israel is completely different.) We can let ourselves sit in that grief. Being homeless is painful and uncomfortable, but it’s better than staying in an abusive home.
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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This girl has so much problems
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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The Hat-O-Mat Drive-In Restaurant of Niles, Ohio
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just-illegal · 2 hours
Its me, your feral godmother
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just-illegal · 2 hours
New gender binary: either you exist or you don't exist.
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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just-illegal · 2 hours
All but literally one of FalseSymmetry's MCC skins have been found and collated on this spreadsheet! (+ OlympZITS.) If there are any False skins that are not on NameMC or this spreadsheet, please add them to the sheet!
nobody seems to know why exactly this has happened, but if you have skins up on NameMC you want to keep, i'd suggest archiving them sooner than later! especially fan-made skins
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just-illegal · 2 hours
when doctors ask if i have any history of cancer in my family and i have to say that yes my grandmother had 2 types of gastrointestinal cancer and they're like oh wow okay so we'll keep an eye out for that but i'm like no it was probably just all the nuclear radiation and they're like ok hm ok what the fuck do you mean and it's very weird seeing the look on american doctors' faces when you have to explain to them that believe it or not atomic bombs were dropped on this earth 2 generations ago and it did have consequences
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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When will the ableism end for us hoes
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just-illegal · 2 hours
i love your style!! may I please request a false if requests are still open??
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thank you that's very sweet!! a false for you :)
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just-illegal · 2 hours
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