kaiju-tamers · 24 days
Hi everyone. I've decided that with how old this account is, it'd be best to start over with my new sprites and lore. You can check out the new account here
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
excuse me.... may i please receive one (1) spinax? i love your art so much
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thank you so much !!! spinax our absolute beloved... an icon
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
These small and docile reptiles spend nearly their entire lives hanging from the branches of trees, and slowly shuffle about in search of food. They’re one of the few non-kaiju species to still thrive in this world.
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Size: 1-2 meters long, 4-9 kg
Diet: Insectivore
Habitat: Jungles
Scuttlers are small arboreal reptiles found in the canopies of trees in warm regions. These slow moving creatures are classified as biotes, lacking K-energy or any other attribute necessary to be considered a kaiju.
They make use of their long curved claws to effectively climb trees, as well as to tear open tree bark to reach the food beneath. Preying on insects, Scuttlers have narrow beaks they can reach into nest and other insect hiding spots. They use their long and sticky tongues to lap up bugs by the dozen.
The scuttler lives most of its life in a very low energy state, moving between branches at a glacial pace and almost never making it far from the area they were born in. This near motionlessness combined with their color makes scuttlers almost undetectable to their sight-based predators. They’ve managed to survive in this new age of kaiju purely by being too innocuous and unnoticeable to be regularly hunted. Their claws could be used in self defense if needed, but scuttlers prefer to escape predators by putting on an unexpected burst of speed.
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
The final member of the ocean predator trio, these massive fish are the reason many people are afraid of the ocean.
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Species: Megalurk
Element(s): Water/Electric
Rank: A
Size: Titanic (16 m, 45 tons)
Rarity: Ultra rare
Hp: 450, Atk: 60, Def: 30, Lck: 25, Spd: 28
Favorite food: Meat, Hated food: Fruit
"Easily one of the most infamous kaiju to ever swim, the massive Megalurk is an apex predator with a terrible reputation.
These massive fish roam the open oceans, investigating anything they come across. They can sense the faint electric impulses that other creatures emit, letting Megalurks track down prey without sight or smell. Even with this power, mistakes are made often, causing Megalurks to swallow all manner of inedible objects.
Although feared as ravenous hunters, Megalurk's largely keep to themselves and may only feed a few times a month. Attacks on humans are incredibly rare, as Megalurk overwhelmingly prefer large prey like turtles and whales. They have been known to attack boats when mistaking them for large sea creatures.
Their dark and light colors blend seamless with the ocean, allowing them to slowly float about unseen. They prefer to attack their prey from below, charging up towards them to ram at high speeds. Those who survive the brutal collision are met with one of the strongest bites on Earth, which shreds flesh and bone with ease.
Even with their perceived dominance, the Megalurk rarely venture to the surface, or close to land due the their rival predators.
Reptides are small and weaker that Megalurks, but are so fast that they can easily dart in and steal any kill the shark makes. To avoid direct combat, Reptides are even known to use hit and run tactics while targeting a Megalurk's vulnerable gills.
Tankleost have claimed dominion over sea beds and reefs, having armor tough enough to stand up to the Megalurk's bite. While the Megalurk may have much stronger jaws, they're unable to pierce the Tankleost's skin. While the bite of the Tankleost is notably weaker, their larger and sharper "teeth" can easily tear into their larger foe's body."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
Small and crafty little hunters, these high-temperature kaiju are the most common predators to roam the desert.
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Species: Incineraptor
Element(s): Fire
Rank: C
Size: Small (1 m tall, 2.4 m long, 49 kg)
Rarity: Uncommon
Hp: 200, Atk: 42, Def: 25, Lck: 30, Spd: 40
Favorite food: Meat, Hated food: Veggies
"These compact and nimble predators roam the desert sands on slender scaly legs, living for the hunt as they track down prey.
Incineraptors are lone hunters, sprinting down prey before pouncing on top of them. Their small size and delicate jaws means they rely heavily on their claws for combat.
By venting excess heat through their extremities, Incineraptors can stabilize their temperature while super-heating their claws. These glowing hot claws can reach 1000°, allowing the Incineraptor to inflict devastating burns.
Unlike any other predatory kaiju, Incineraptors take the time to cook their prey once the kill has been made. An Incineraptor will stand over their kill, keeping their hot claws deep inside as the meat becomes more tender."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
This literal ton of fur was first brought to Ortus from a neighboring nation to the west. Courageous and loyal, they’ve served as protectors and companions for hundreds of years
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Species: Komight
Element(s): Light
Rank: B
Size: Small (2.2 m tall, 4 m long, 979 kg)
Rarity: Uncommon
Hp: 260, Atk: 32, Def: 33, Lck: 50, Spd: 28
Favorite food: Meat, Hated food: Sweets
"Kept as guardians of homes and temples, Komight are fiercely protective of their humans and make incredibly loyal pets.
These kaiju were some of the first to be tamed in the years after the war. They are the closest thing to a fully domesticated kaiju, and have a friendly disposition even in the wild. In spite of their immense size Komight are gentle and calm, being safe even around small children. Some families even keep Komight to watch over and protect their children.
While on guard, Komight can accurately sense the emotions and intentions of others. They are quick to growl at or chase down any approaching strangers they feel wary of. If no hostility is sensed, the Komight will allow them to approach freely, even becoming playful towards them.
Many consider Komight to be sacred due to their perceived ability to ward off evil spirits. The act of petting or rubbing one is seen as good luck by some eastern cultures. Even today, pairs of Komight can be found guarding shrines and sacred land from both human and kaiju threats.”
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
The second of the ocean’s apex predator trio, the Tankleost is the stockiest and most durable of them all. Their crushing jaws can tear into any rock or creature they come across.
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Species: Tankleost
Element(s): Earth/Water
Rank: A
Size: Titanic (14 m long, 32 tons)
Rarity: Rare
Hp: 430, Atk: 35, Def: 50, Lck: 15, Spd: 20
Favorite food: Seafood, Hated food: Veggies
“The Tankleost is a large, cumbersome fish that slowly wanders the depths of the ocean.
Making their homes around reefs, rock formations, and underwater caves, Tankleost use their rocky exteriors to camouflage while lying in wait for prey. Too slow to actively chase down most small fish, these kaiju prefer to ambush their prey instead.
Tankleost lack true teeth, instead having sharpened extensions of their jawbone for slashing and crushing. These massive points are strong enough to crush boulders and shred through steel plating.
By keeping to the deep waters and far from the open ocean Tankleost can avoid direct competition with the other predators who roam the ocean. The only species to prey on Tankleost are themselves, as their crushing jaws are uniquely suited for breaking through each other’s armor.”
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
The second of the ocean's apex predator trio, the Tankleost is the stockiest and most durable of them all. Their crushing jaws can tear into any rock or creature they come across.
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Species: Tankleost
Element(s): Earth/Water
Rank: A
Size: Titanic (14 m long, 32 tons)
Rarity: Rare
Hp: 420, Atk: 49, Def: 50, Lck: 15, Spd: 16
Favorite food: Seafood, Hated food: Veggies
"The Tankleost is a large, cumbersome fish that slowly wanders the depths of the ocean.
Making their homes around reefs, rock formations, and underwater caves, Tankleost use their rocky exteriors to camouflage while lying in wait for prey. Too slow to actively chase down most small fish, these kaiju prefer to ambush their prey instead.
Tankleost lack true teeth, instead having sharpened extensions of their jawbone for slashing and crushing. These massive points are strong enough to crush boulders and shred through steel plating.
By keeping to the deep waters and far from the open ocean Tankleost can avoid direct competition with the other predators who roam the ocean. The only species to prey on Tankleost are themselves, as their crushing jaws are uniquely suited for breaking through each other's armor."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
Forming swarms large enough to blot out the sky, a loud and droning buzz is a clear sign that Hachira are nearby.
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Species: Hachira
Element: Air
Rank: C
Size: Small (1.4 m tall, 2.2 m long, 3 m wingspan, 70 kg)
Rarity: Common
Hp: 200, Atk: 37, Def: 29, Lck: 40, Spd: 60
Favorite food: Fruit/Sweets, Hated food: Meat
“Living in incredibly complex and well coordinated groups, the unified colonies Hachira form are the key to their continued success. 
These massive insectoid kaiju form their nest deep within forest, where they use wax they secrete to build hives as large as man-made structures. While largely indifferent to other species while out in search of food, Hachira become extremely aggressive to outsiders when in or around their nest. 
The Hachira make use of their claw-tipped legs and venomous abdominal stinger to ward off or inflict heavy wounds to threats. When all else fails, swarms of Hachira dog-pile their aggressor and generate enough heat from vibrating to cook their foe alive.
By traveling far and wide, Hachira gather up enough nectar to create the honey their hive uses for food. With a few hundred Hachira gathering nectar the average hive produces nearly 300 kilograms of honey per year. They remain ever vigilant to ward off Urserkers, as the bears break into their hives to eat both their larva and honey.“
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
Forming swarms large enough to blot out the sky, a loud and droning buzz is a clear sign that Hachira are nearby.
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Species: Hachira
Element: Air
Rank: C
Size: Small (1.4 m tall, 2.2 m long, 3 m wingspan, 70 kg)
Rarity: Common
Hp: 200, Atk: 37, Def: 29, Lck: 40, Spd: 60
Favorite food: Fruit/Sweets, Hated food: Meat
“Living in incredibly complex and well coordinated groups, the unified colonies Hachira form are the key to their continued success. 
These massive insectoid kaiju form their nest deep within forest, where they use wax they secrete to build hives as large as man-made structures. While largely indifferent to other species while out in search of food, Hachira become extremely aggressive to outsiders when in or around their nest. 
The Hachira make use of their claw-tipped legs and venomous abdominal stinger to ward off or inflict heavy wounds to threats. When all else fails, swarms of Hachira dog-pile their aggressor and generate enough heat from vibrating to cook their foe alive.
By traveling far and wide, Hachira gather up enough nectar to create the honey their hive uses for food. With a few hundred Hachira gathering nectar the average hive produces nearly 300 kilograms of honey per year. They remain ever vigilant to ward off Urserkers, as the bears break into their hives to eat both their larva and honey."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
Sacred guardian of the forest, hear my voice and reveal yourself to those worthy of your presence! Behold nature’s purest protectors, the Magicorn!
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Species: Magicorn
Element(s): Light/Mystic
Rank: B
Size: Small (1.47 m tall, 3 m long, 228 kg)
Rarity: Ultra rare
Hp: 260, Atk: 39, Def: 27, Lck: 60, Spd: 40
Favorite food: Veggies/Sweets, Hated food: Meat/Seafood/Junkfood
"Found only in woodlands untouched by human hands, the beauty of these elusive creatures obscures their truly fearsome nature.
In their natural environment, Magicorns act as benevolent protectors of the forest and all of it's inhabitants. Their healing power restores life to barren land, cures illness, and purges pollutants from bodies of water.
Centuries ago, the Magicorn were nearly wiped out by human hunting. Their prized horn's medicinal properties led to them being sought after relentlessly. Even with current conservation efforts the Magicorn remain rare and distrusting of humans.
Magicorns are very rarely tamed, as they will only allow certain people to approach them. With an incredible intuition the Magicorn can determine the intent of any human they encounter. Magicorns will only allow humans of pure intentions to approach them. They are blindingly quick to violently skewer any who foster malicious intent towards the Magicorn or the forest as a whole."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
Feared in the redwoods they inhabit, these large and territorial mammals will attack anything that gets too close!
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Species: Urserker
Element(s): Dark
Rank: B
Size: Medium (3.7 m tall, 1,200 kg)
Rarity: Rare
Hp: 310, Atk: 44, Def: 30, Lck: 37, Spd: 35
Favorite food: Seafood/Sweets, Hated food: ???
"Found primarily in forested regions, the Urserkers are nocturnal omnivores who thrive thanks to their versatility and cunning.
Much of an Urserker's diet consist of fruit, seeds, and plant matter, as they take full advantage of the growing season to gain as many calories as possible. During the colder months of the year, Urserkers take on a considerably more aggressive means of gathering food.
Their imposing size and strength let's them hunt almost any kaiju to reside in the forest. They've even been known to sneak into villages at night before running off with stolen livestock.
A favorite treat of many Urserkers is honey, which puts them at odds with the bee kaiju who make it.
When caught in or around settlements, the Urserker's territorial nature kicks in. Humans who stumble upon them are often quick to receive a violent attack."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
One of the three aquatic apex predators to dominate the oceans, this species is the most lightly built of the trio, and are specialized for incredible speed.
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Species: Reptide
Element(s): Water
Rank: B
Size: Titanic (15 m long, 15 tons)
Rarity: Rare
Hp: 300, Atk: 48, Def: 28, Lck: 38, Spd: 48
Favorite food: Seafood, Hated food: Veggies
"These compact and nimble aquatic kaiju are the apex predators in shallow oceans. Descended from terrestrial predators, their return to the sea has lead to a number of adaptations for the environment they now dominate.
Reptide glide through the water, propelled by large tail fins and steering themselves with their flippers. Their smooth, snake-like skin minimizes drag, and their hydrodynamic dorsal fin helps them efficiently slip through the water
Their striped bodies remain well hidden among the shadows of coral reefs, where they lie in wait for unsuspecting prey. Once they spot a promising meal, Reptide blast towards it at blinding speed before snapping their jaws down, all faster than their prey can even react."
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
One of the few things we know about these mysterious lifeforms is that their biology is unlike all life on Earth. Their fleshy bodies are constantly changing in size and shape.
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Species: Mimitate
Element(s): Neutral
Rank: C
Size: Small (variable)
Rarity: Rare
Hp: 180, Atk: 35, Def: 30, Lck: 40, Spd: 40
Favorite food: Meat, Hated food: ???
"Mimitate are an unexplained biological anomaly unlike all other life on Earth. Their malleable genetic code contains long strands of DNA copied from other kaiju. These foreign genes allow the Mimitate to assume the form of any species they’ve assimilated. Their amorphous physiology allows them to change at will, often switching back and forth between species they’ve sampled before.
This lack of a consistent morphology makes individuals appear wildly different. Mimitate are always able to sense each other however, regardless of what form they're in. When two or more Mimitate meet, they exchange DNA to further each other's shape-shifting abilities.
The Mimitate’s typical hunting method is a cunning display of both intelligence and behavioral mimicry. Whenever a social kaiju ventures too far from their group, Mimitate will seize the opportunity to attack. They consume the wanderer and steal their identity before joining the herd unsuspected. From there Mimitate will live with the group for several months, picking off stragglers in secret while remaining unsuspected by the rest of the herd.
These elusive kaiju are valued by Tamers for the strategic possibility their unique abilities hold. A Mimitate’s natural response to being attacked is to copy the form of their aggressor, making them incredibly versatile allies for unpredictable battles.”
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
In an ecosystem dominated so heavily by the far physically superior Kaiju, the continued survival of these large ungulates has baffled scientist for years.
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Size: 3 m tall (2.2 m at the shoulder), 1,240 kg
Diet: Herbivore (mixed browser)
Habitat: Savanas, grasslands, forest, plains
This it the Allotherium, or just "Allo" for short. These mammalian megafauna belong to the group known as "Biotes", making them distinct from the kaiju they share ecosystems with. Allos lack any of the distinct advantageous attributes found in kaiju species, and are one of the few large Biotes not to go extinct during the reemergence of the Kaiju 1,285 years ago.
These large ungulates were domesticated by humans over 13,000 years ago, They've been the livestock of choice for several civilizations. They were farmed in ancient times, and are still used for their meat today.
Kaiju are not used for meat due to the ethical concerns that arise over their intelligence. This means that nearly all meat consumed comes from Biotes, with Allos being the most prominent.
These ruminants can be found across the world in the wild, but massive populations of them are also maintained in farms, where they are bred to be larger and fatter. Their meat is said to be similar in taste and texture to venison.
As Allos lack K-energy, they cannot be contained by Kaiju Capsules, meaning that these cannot be captured or tamed by Tamers. Not that you'd want one of these anyway, they have no powers at all!
Side note: Any species not facing to the left is not a kaiju, for future notice. That’s a pretty consistent thing!
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
Origins of Kaiju
Across this planet, and even across the universe, most ecosystems are dominated by the incredible lifeforms known as kaiju. But things weren't always this way.
All life began in the category known as "Biotes". These Biotes are largely conventional and unassuming, being mostly akin to the life forms you'd be familiar with. They made up the foundations of the tree of life, and diversified into all species we know today, including humans.
A number of major mutations occurred convergently in several unrelated species starting over 500 million years ago. These mutations led to the single most influential biological change this world has ever seen: K-cells.
Initially simple and unassuming, these cells could produce small amounts of energy, all while requiring no source or input. These thermodynamics-defying cells would only continue to pop up more and more in distinct lineages, continuing to specialize into far more efficient and centralized "K-organs".
This "K-energy" provided an unequivocal advantage to all species who possessed it, leading to an age of Kaiju that spanned nearly 500 million years. They were able to mutate and evolve in ways never before possible, obtaining traits and abilities far beyond any normal biote.
The transmutative properties of K-energy worked both internally and externally, allowing Kaiju to create matter from nothing, as well as incorporate foreign DNA and inorganic elements into their biology.
Due to the unstable nature of K-energy when not contained within K-cells, it takes on one of 13 different forms when interacting with the outside environment.
These "elements" perform in a few ways.
generating a specific form of energy (Fire, Electric, Light)
conjuring specific forms of matter (Water, Earth, Air, Metal, Ice, Toxic)
Generating and manipulating plant life (Nature)
Causing mysterious and unexplained phenomenon (Mystic, Dark)
Or simply further enhancing the physical capabilities of a Kaiju (Neutral)
Every Kaiju species possesses either one or two elements based on their natural affinities. Through human intervention, some kaiju can learn to harness elemental skills other than their own, further showing the greater potential brought out through our coexistence
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kaiju-tamers · 3 years
These are the most common predators in the Netherrealm, once being the top of it's food chain until they were forcefully dethroned by an invasive species from Earth.
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Species: Abbadog
Element(s): Dark
Rank: C
Size: Small (90 cm tall, 1.65 m long, 67 kg)
Rarity: Uncommon
Hp: 200, Atk: 45, Def: 27, Lck: 30, Spd: 25
Favorite food: Meat, Hated food: Drinks
"These prevalent Netherrealm natives are highly efficient hunters, making up for a lack of eyes with strong noses and thermal vision. Targeting sick or dying prey, Abbadogs start eating while their meal is still alive.
Within their powerful jaws lies several rows of constantly growing teeth. These modified scales point inwards, letting Abbadogs easily tear large chunks out of live prey to swallow whole. Abbadogs can easily tear through flesh, and can crush solid bone in their jaws.
Abbadogs bite to investigate unknown objects, using the taste to determine if it's food. They come naturally equipped with small sharp scales to keep their pack members from accidentally biting them.
Abbadogs will group up when hunting larger prey, constantly swarming and biting at openings until the kaiju is worn down and vulnerable. It is often in this situation that their success is interrupted by their sworn enemy.
Lucifires have dominated the Netherrealm since their arrival several millenia ago. They regularly kill and steal food from Abbadogs, leaving the smaller hunters no choice but to flee. Even in large groups, Abbadogs rarely attack adult Lucifire, due to their vulnerability to fire. Abbadogs will take every chance they get to attack juvenile Lucifire, and adult Lucifire return the favor by attacking Abbadog packs on sight."
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