kathyablog · 3 years
Plantas Vs Zombies
Plantas vs Zombies es un videojuego desarrollado y publicado el 5 de mayo de 2009 por PopCap Games, este juego está disponible en muchas plataformas, como Microsoft Windows, BlackBerry, Android, iOS, etc. Este juego ha sido parte de la infancia de muchos niños, tal vez lo hayas olvidado, pero en mi caso, lo sigo jugando en mi tiempo libre. | (• ◡ •) |
¿Como se juega?
Bueno, supongo que recuerdas a este tipo, es uno de los "Zombies". En el juego, tu trabajo es salvar a el Loco Dave (quien es tu vecino) del Dr. Zombozz. Antes de convertirse en zombi, él era un científico un poco loco y en un accidente creó un ejército de zombis.
Lo que el Dr. Zombozz quiere es comerse el cerebro de Dave, pero tú, como buena persona, lo ayudarás con el ejército de tu plantas.
(╯ ° □ °) ╯
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Tu ejercito de plantas
Estos son los guerreros que salvarán tu cerebro de ser devorado, existen muchas plantas y cada una tiene una habilidad especial, algunas producen sol (es lo que usas para plantar más guerreros), otras son atacantes y el resto son defensas. Como mencioné antes necesitas sol para plantar, cuando es de día cae sol cada minuto, pero si esto no es suficiente, puedes plantar una que te dé más sol.
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Empecemos el juego
Antes de empezar a jugar debes elegir con qué plantas lucharás, una vez que hayas elegido inicia el combate.
El tablero es simple, la casa de Dave está a la izquierda y los Zombies vendrán por la derecha, te recomiendo que comiences a plantar a la izquierda. Si los Zombies llegan a la última parte del tablero el juego termina, pero oye tienes una oportunidad más, pues en el lado izquierdo tienes 5 podadoras que matan a cada zombi que se cruza en su camino, funciona sólo una vez, así que si lo usas entonces la casa desprotegida los Zombies. \ (° Ω °) /
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kathyablog · 3 years
Plants Vs Zombies
Plants vs Zombies is a video game developed and published on May 5, 2009, by PopCap Games this game is available in many platforms, like Microsoft Windows, BlackBerry, Android, iOS, etc. This game has been part of the childhood of many children, maybe you have forgotten about it, but in my case, I still playing it on my free time.
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How do you play it?
Well, I guess you remember this guy, he is one of the “zombies”. In the game your job is safe Crazy Dave, who is your neighbor, from Dr. Zombozz. Before he become a zombie, he was a crazy scientific and by an accident he created an army of zombies.
What Dr. Zombozz wants Is to eat at Dave’s brain, but you as a good person will help him with your plant’s army. (╯ ° □ °) ╯
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Your plant’s Army
These are your warriors the ones who will save your brain of being eaten, you have many plants and each one has a special ability, many produces sun (Is the one you use to plant more warriors), other are attackers and the rest are defenses. As I mentioned before you need sun to plant, when is the day rains sun each minute, but if it is not enough for you, you can plant one that gives you more sun.
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Let’s start the game
Before you start playing you must choose with which plants will you fight, once you have chosen the combat starts.
The board is simple, Dave’s house is on the left and the zombies will come from the right, I recommend you start planting on the left. If the zombies reach the last part of the board the game ends, but hey you have one more opportunity, cause on the left side you have 5 clippers that kill every zombie that crosses his path, it works just one time, if you use it then the house will be open for the zombies.
\ (° Ω °) /
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kathyablog · 3 years
Hi, your blog looks so interesting and beautiful, I hope that project continues even if you are not in the school anymore and why not the most of your life? It’s amazing the age when you started learning English, I would have loved my parents to do that for me, but anyways, I will be aware for your next posts, see you in the next time.
About me
I am a 17 years old student who lives in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. The reason why I created this blog is because of a project at school. However, I’d like to carry on with the project in the future. 
I’ve been studying English since I was 13 when I got into secondary school. Currently,  I’ve become fluent, and I’d like to use this blog to give you some advice about translation.
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kathyablog · 3 years
Hi, I liked your blog very much, I think that the topic sounds very interesting and I would like to hear more about it. I want to hear more about your future, maybe they will help to get better mines. I will be waiting for your next post, I hope it helps me to develop my translation skills, see you in the next post.
Future plans
Hi! My name is Jorge Anell and this is my first post of my blog, I will be talking about translation and also some information about myself. I want to be an accountant and study in another country, that’s why it is so important to me to be a good translator and obviously speak English perfectly 
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kathyablog · 3 years
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TRANSTALOR? ( ́ס ︵ס`)
Before we go deeper i need to be sure that you already know what a translator is. Well, there are many types of translators but we'll see that later. A translator is like a bridge, but instead of cars the translator "carry" a message from one language to other. Maybe you don't know, but translators are very important for you.They are the ones that let you see that movie o serie; i can bet you that the most of the movies/series you see are originally in english or french, or even in chinese. Thanks to translators you can see that fantastic movie without having to learn chinese.\(≧▽≦)/
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kathyablog · 3 years
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Hi:3 My name is Katia Viveros, i have been studying english for 4 years. Barely a year ago i started learning a little bit of interpreting, but to be honest i have never worked as an interpreter(︶︹︶). But hey don't leave yet, i know this blog will be useful for you, i will help you to learn the theory and we can practice together (◕ᴥ◕ʋ)
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