kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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“Carrying you is full time job now”
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Im sorry for my lack of posting recently ! I'm currently working on some HC stuff that should be posted later today or tomorrow !
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up.
I hate this. Thanks
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Tumblr Themes
What Tumblr Theme Would Each Merc use?
(This is really dumb and very short.)
He would 100% use Cement or Canary. Maybe even Cybernetic.
Low-Contrast Classic
Canary or Cement 
Dark Mode or True Blue
Low-Contrast Classic or True Blue
Canary or True Blue. Flip flops.
Dark mode
Low-Contrast Classic
Miss. Pauling
True Blue or Dark mode
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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i DONT know what this is im SORRY
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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This is very cursed, sowy
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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Teufort nine using snapchat. well most of them
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Okay, I have a TF2 au... I might post it here after I completely fledge it out. 👉👈 It's kinda dumb but whatever.
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Headcanon Requests are Open
I already made a post yesterday but it felt unorganized. I don’t like that feeling. 
I will be taking HC scenario/whatever requests! It doesn’t even need to be for TF2. Any fandom that I’m in is fine !! 
No NSFW Thats it.
I also take ship HC requests. Below are the fandoms and ships I like!
Spy x Sniper
Sniper x Scout 
Kiyotaka x Mondo
Leon x Hagakure
Chiaki x Hajime
Gundham x Soda
Sonia x Gundham
Celestia x Kirigiri
Prussia x Hungary
Prussia x Denmark
Prussia x Italy
Sweden x Finland
Iceland x Hong Kong
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Hello! TF2 Headcannon, please! What secret hobby do the other Merc's have? Thank you!
Thanks for the ask ! As always, sorry for any grammar mistakes !!
- I've mentioned that he makes Kandi bracelets but he probably makes a weird online web comic. It has quite a bit of followers but no one knows who actually made it.
- Makes paper hats for small animals !! Mainly for his raccoons but he has made an “American Styled” hat for a duck.
- I don’t any of Pyro’s hobbies are a secret but he would enjoy to be invited to blow shit up as well. (I HC that Demo, Soldier, and sometimes Engie go out and just do stupid fucking “experiments”. One of these “experiments” involves blowing up random things.) It’s almost as satisfying to him as setting things ablaze. 
- Not really a hobby as it is a collection, but he collects really old maps. It doesn’t matter if it a replica or not, he would have it. Something about the worn out paper and the inaccurate drawings that puts a smile on the man’s face. He also creating his own maps of whatever the hell he wants.
- Set in 1960s (or whatever) or not, this man would play video games. Not very action pact FPS but like, one with a nice story. Something like “The Last of Us” or “Detroit: Become Human”.
- He would most definitely be into creative writing. Now, he isn’t the best at getting his point across when writing. It’s always really vague and has plot-holes but he enjoys it.
- This man is very content with doing whatever the hell he wants to bodies, but he likes to maintain small houseplants. Probably isn’t the most exciting thing but he does it. No one exactly knows where they came from and how they are still alive. (Seeing that scout has probably poured bonk into a few of the potted plants.) But, it’s all Medic’s doing. They are thriving in a little, fucked up, ecosystem.
- This man probably sews or knits. Someone may complain about being cold and a few days later there is a scarf outside their room. Scout thinks this is cool and has tried to abuse this system before. He does this by saying that he’s cold constantly, but sniper just left a note outside his room that said “Piss off.”
- Has a huge collection of those comic books that you can get for 99 cents. If he is out somewhere and sees one, he will buy it. Even if it’s like volume 37 of a collection he doesn’t have. He couldn’t give two fucks.
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
TF2 General HCs - First 3
This will include 8 (Don’t really have Pyro HCs.) + Miss. Pauling (I simp for her real bad. Maybe worse then scout.) I will be splitting it up into three parts. 3, 3, and 3. This will include Scout, Soldier, and Demo! Hope you enjoy !!
Warning : My HCs may line up w/ other’s unintentionally !! I read a lot of people’s on here ! And for grammar mistakes. It’s 1am.
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Personal Opinion on this mans: I think his character is overall pretty neat. Reminds me a lot of my younger brother, though. However, in the game, I hate him. He can fuck off. Lags my computer.
- Sexuality: I see him as like, defensively straight. He’s actually bi curious BUT you cannot tell that to anyone. “I just sucked yo dick? Well, no homo then.”
When he is in front of a girl he likes (Miss Pauling), he will most definitely show off. Whether that being shooting someone’s brains out, or just runnin’ fast.
Toxic Masculinity? Ha. Look it up in the dictionary and his face is there as an example. 
Annoying Younger Brother Energy™
Thrives off his ma’s compliments. He’s a mama’s boy after all.
- Casual Outfit: Probably what he wears in the field. Maybe different pants ? He would also be the type that either washes himself every day, or once every week. No in between.
Is banned from places like a mall, KFC, McDonald’s, Walmart. You name it.
Has really bad eye sight but won’t admit it. 
Even if TF2 is like set in the 1900s, Scout uses emoticons like “B)” and “8^)” while texting.
Would most definitely make Kandi bracelets with Pyro. You cannot change my mind. I don’t take criticism on that one. Nope.
Does stupid “ligma” and “Joe Mama” jokes. Also “yo mama”. (Don’t insult his mother though. Then it isn’t cool anymore.)
Looks at engineer as a father figure. One of the only stable older men who gives dad vibes. (I do HC that Spy is Scout’s Father.)
He’s the favorite child out of his siblings. Just because it always seems to be the youngest who gets liked more. (I’m just a bitter bitch because I am the oldest out of my siblings.)
Like my band director says “People don’t like quiet, so we try to fill it with noise.” Very true for Scout.
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Personal Opinion: Gives me very strong grandpa energy. I also play him whenever there are enough medics on the team. 
- Sexuality: Do it matter when the man only loves one woman? That woman being Russian, related to Heavy, and named Zhanna. He also loves his raccoons but not in a sexual way.
Loves trying out really stupid things with Demoman and sometimes Engineer. Bottle with an explosive in it? HIT HIM UP.
He once only ate a single cherry pie for an entire month, or so he claims.
Is very picky on textures. Especially when it comes to food.
He probably had a rough childhood. He also probably sees the TF2 crew as his family and treats him as such. Maybe not in what we normally think on how we would treat family, but in his own fucked up way. 
Really intrigued by plants.
- Casual Outfit: Casual outfit? 
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Personal Opinion : Okay so I said I “Simp” for him. Wrong word. More or less a comfort character. Reminds me a lot of my father. I also play him sometimes. Not a lot.
- Sexuality: Bisexual. He probably listens to “Girl in Red” and cuffs his jeans. Do I make the rules? No. Men can listen to a lesbian singer as well.
Has most definitely lost multiple fingers in the past. Messing with explosives that much? Good thing Medic is a magician.
Buys really stupid “seen on TV” products just to make fun of them. 
The type of guy you could have a drink w/ while talking about your whole life story. 
When he is drunk, you probably wouldn’t be doing most of the talking.
Is also a mama’s boy.
- Casual Outfit: Something really comfy. It isn’t work, so why care?
Owns a long ferby. It’s like Sniper’s but different color.
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Share! Share! Share! Share!
Ok ! I will !! Just give me some time to gather up my HCs and compile ‘em !
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Should I share them? Like make one large post for my general HCs ? I think it would be fun !!
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
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beach planks and starfish designed by rel of serinsea
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kota-sandman13 · 4 years
Sorry for not being very active on here!! I have a couple other socials y'all can follow me on!
Twitter: @FryingIm
Instagram: @kota_sandman13
Anyways, have a free Chiaki Icon I made! <3
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