ladyliberate · 5 years
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YAY for productive weeks that remind you of how capable you are.
Finishing this week strong feels great. Knowing I did my best and that my best actually led to progress and results is a much needed boost.
Balancing multiple doctors appointments, handfuls of meetings, full work days, caring for Beaux, maintaining a household, contributing to my wife’s happiness, and caring for my fleshy vessel is a delicate process. I talked in an earlier post about how it’s like an equation to balance. Each element that’s adjusted affects the others. It’s delicate. Weeks like this make me feel like I’m getting closer to learning to master this balance. After months of feeling like I was drowning in my skin, I breathe a little easier today.
Over the last few months, many of my appointments left me in tears. After my Medicine Man told my diagnosis is “Enigma” and that “they will have to name this disease after you”, I realize how much weight comes with that... with being an enigma, in so many ways. I felt it. I processed it. I peeled my enigma-ass up off the floor and moved on. -
I’ve been tuning into my energetic guides lately, asking for more light on the subject. My body and mind seem to be accepting their support as it releases more clues. Today Medicine Man was able to take these symptoms that are newly worsening and understand my body a little better. It’s released some curious new symptoms that may be clues to help us navigate my energy. We are adjusting our approach a bit. I at least understand the symptoms that I need to better track and why certain symptoms are popping up. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, my friends.
Grateful to my body for not giving up on my spirit. Grateful to my spirit for not condemning my body. Grateful to my mind for being the mediator between the two. Grateful for my heart for its resiliency. Grateful to my support system. Grateful for my Medicine Man for believing in my ability to work with nature to teach my body to heal. Grateful to all of you that truly care and vibe with me. Grateful for the opportunity to do my best each day. Grateful to be alive. Grateful to be grateful.
Sending peace, love, strength, and a calm to you. 💪🖤
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ladyliberate · 5 years
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I have been waiting for my symptoms to worsen to a certain degree on a weekday so I could take an important blood test that was requested by my Medicine Man. Although autoimmune system dysfunction symptoms blow, I’m grateful I could take this test. I’m staying cautiously optimistic that it will bring more answers about my immune system, but I’m pretty done with getting my hopes up. I go into this, not with the hopes of finding THE answers, but with the understanding that I am collecting and processing data.
Even though it feels as though my body is working against me, I am so proud of all it’s been through and it’s tenacity. I have to give credit to the resilience of my spirit and strength of my intuition. Without that, this bag of bones would be a hollow shell.
On this Women’s Day, as I get my blood drawn, as I work hard at my home office, as I keep my mind grounded, as I center my heart, as I reflect on where I’ve been and where I am... I’m really fucking proud of myself and the woman I’ve become. I have created understanding in the face of ignorance, I have smiled through adversity, I have survived through varieties of trauma, I have found strength through my weaknesses, I harbored enough empathy to power the city of lights, and I have overcome more than my share of obstacles. I’ve been bruised, abused, cut, burned, poked, and prodded in more than the physical realm... but I can confidently say, from all this, I AM THAT I AM.
I hope today you are able to bask in your glory for a minute. Just take a second to truly appreciate yourself and your journey. I tend to downplay my experience because “I can handle it”... but it’s time we own up to our experience. From there, we can truly understand our power and resilience. From there, we can actually understand what it means to be ourselves and how brilliant that is.
You are worth every ounce of love, respect, and work you put into yourself. You deserve to be recognized for your strength and gifts. In my mind, some of the most passionate love and understanding you can give or experience, is that of Self Love and Compassion.
Love yourself a little harder today or I’ll have to do it for you. 🖤
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ladyliberate · 5 years
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Happy International Women’s Day!
To all the Women out there... words aren’t enough to describe your importance to this world.
You are important.
You are Vital to Humanity.
As women, we are born with many gifts. Through history we have fought for visibility, respect, human rights, and our place in society to share those gifts. Women have made strides in the last 100 years, but the daily fight continues. We fight for respect at work, understanding from family, security in general, rights for our bodies... We fight to be valued, heard, and seen. As we build on our momentum, generation after generation, we grow stronger as a whole as we liberate ourselves from the shackles that keep us down.
As you walk your own journey of what it means to be a woman, remember that there is SO much power and light within you. You are woman. Let us hear you ROAR. If we whisper together, we create white noise. If we ROAR together, we will create the kind of vibrations that moves mountains.
Build each other up.
Love yourself fiercely.
Give gratitude for your body.
Be unapologetically authentic in all your endeavors.
Know you are valuable and worthy of respect.
Reflect on the women before you that have paved the way.
Share love | Be love.
I am sending love to all you ladies that inspire me every day. Celebrate yourself today and always, you badass, beautiful woman, you!
Repost 🖼 @slaydreamx on Instagram, thank for the love!
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ladyliberate · 5 years
Hello! I am a #WellnessWarrior. Here to share and connect with those that can or wish to relate.
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