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homemade london fog + dead wake by erik larson. enjoying my last week before law school starts since i won’t have as much free time for reading
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Wonderful things about people learning a new language:
 When they have no idea how to balance the formality of their word choices and the severity of their cursing, so it’s neutral at -
nvm I can’t explain it eloquently with words, I made a chart.
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TaLK Application
I have spent all day trying to write my application essay for TaLK and I am struggling, i’m not even at the minimum word count yet. I just can not figure out how to word it like,, do I write the same thing American employers want to hear? Or is it different in Korea? I have no idea what their deciding process is. I have NO IDEA how to appeal to them like asdhj;as :((((
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If you are racist in any capacity against any ethnicity, get the fuck off of my blog.
What happened to George Floyd was one of the ugliest and most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.
And I will never tolerate racism on this blog. So fuck off if you believe anyone who isn’t white doesn’t deserve the same respect or rights.
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reblog this if your blog is a safe space for poc
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to whoever is reading this:
i wish you restful nights, productive mornings, sunshine, smiles from strangers, happy surprises, the fulfillment of your dreams and wishes, good grades, clear skin, great memories, the kind of happiness that fills all the little cracks in your heart and soul and heals all of your wounds, love, the resolution of your problems, that your fears evaporate like rain on a hot summer day, peace, and everything good in this world✨
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Ha:tfelt - Life Sucks (FR)
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Pour la première fois depuis 29 ans, Papa m'a écrit une lettre. Je n'ai jamais su à quel point son écriture était mauvaise. Je suppose que j'aurais dû m'en apercevoir. C’est pourquoi la mienne est si laide aussi. C’est pourquoi la mienne est si laide aussi. Pour la première fois depuis 29 ans, Papa m'a écrit une lettre.
Comment va ta maman ? Comment va ta soeur ? Tu me manques vraiment mais tu ferais mieux de ne pas venir ici. Je suis désolé mais ne t'inquiète pas, Parce que je prie pour ta santé et ton avenir. Oh ma chérie Les choses ne vont pas très bien en ce moment. Ma fille j'ai besoin de ton aide, Peux-tu payer ma caution judiciaire ?
Keep reading
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Korean Practice
Today I worked a bit on the future tense and learning some new phrases in Korean. I didn’t take handwritten notes because I’m already pretty familiar with the future tense. I used the app Lingodeer. It is my absolute favorite language learning apps because it actually offers explanations instead of just having you memorize things!
Here’s an example:
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Random: Jobs
선생님: teacher
학생: student
회사원: company employee
경찰: police officer
의사: doctor
주부: housemaker
가수: singer
요리사: chef
간호사: nurse
운전사: driver
공무원: government employee
번역가: translator
통역사: interpreter
사업가: business person
안내원: guide
약사: pharmacist
사진작가: photographer
선수: player, athlete
외교관: diplomatic
영화감독: movie director
영화배우: (film) actor, actress
교수: professor
판사: judge
모델: model
변호사: lawyer
화가: painter, artist
기자: reporter
군인: soldier
교사: teacher (the same as 선생님, but 교사 is more general and used to indicate the job)
연예인: entertainer, celebrity
음악가: musician
아나운서: announcer
미용사: beautician, hair stylist (hair or skin)
source: 세종한국어어휘학습 (app)
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Must-know words in Korean for grammar 
문법 ( Grammar )
주어 ( Subject )
목적어 ( Object )
동사 ( Verb )
명사 ( Noun )
형용사 (Adjective )
부사 ( Adverb )
자음 ( Consonant )
모음 ( Vowel )
구 ( Phrase )
어절 ( Clause ) 
조사 ( Postposition ) - Which does not exist in English but core in Korean 
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hello! I'm going to Korea soon and I look very obviously like a lesbian, I've read your post on LGBT language but I was wondering if you knew if there were any slurs i should look out for? I'm really worried someone will try and teach me a word for myself that is actually a slur lol
Hi! First of all - SUPER EXCITING! Where abouts would you be staying? Because that also matters. In my shoulders post, I talked about the different cultural standards in Korea depending on where you go. Of course, I’m not comparing the LGBTQ+ community to shoulders, that would be ridiculous - they do, however, share similar taboos in that it’s ‘scandalous’. In short, if you’re in a big city; it might be more widely accepted. Whereas, if you in a smaller city / village it might be seen negatively. 
To answer your question, a lot of the slang or slurs that you’re looking for aren’t generally used by the public (unless the person is reallllllyyyyyyy old). In my post, I do talk about how there’s a different word for transgender - one being ‘sex change patient’, which can be rude depending on the person. Someone might use that language to you. 
Now, I will caution, this vocabulary is for EDUCATIONAL purposes only. I do not support the ill use of the list I am about to give, please do not use in a negative context. I have compiled this list with the help of my Korean friends and other resources. If you find a mistake, tell me. If you’d like to add to the list, comment in the reply section:
일반 - straight이반 - lgbtq+부치 - butch페므 - femme성소수자** / 퀴어 - queer           (**sexual minority - not common but may be used as a slur)이쭉 (사람) - commonly used in the gay community to refer to other gay ppl똥꼬충 - I’ve heard this means ‘f*gg*t’, but honestly I don’t know if this is true (do your thing Tumblr, if this is right or wrong tell me)
It’s a very short list, not much to it. Again, please only use these for EDUCATIONAL purposes. A lot of these phrases are used only in the LGBTQ+ community, but still, some can be used negatively. (check out my LQBTQ+ post)
I really hope you have a lovely time in Korea! Hopefully, people won’t give you too much trouble ~ Happy Learning :)
~ SK101
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Hanja — 두 량/양(兩)
= 양(兩) means "two," "both," or a "pair."
Some examples:
양국 = 양(both) + 국(country) = both countries
양쪽 = 양(both) + 쪽(side) = both sides
양볼 = 양(both) + 볼(cheek) = both cheeks
양발 = 양(both) + 발(feet) = both feet
양어깨 = 양(both) + 어깨 (shoulder) = both shoulders
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Hey y'all.
It's been a while.
I have to say I HAVE NOT been vibing throughout this whole quarantine time period. I had to move back into my mother's house because my dad was exposed to the virus at his job and I was not having a good time at all. He did his two week strict quarantine and was fine, but then I was stuck at my mother's house because she needed help with keeping up with an online job she accepted even though she's awful with computers. I'd have felt like a bad daughter if I didn't stick around. I finished out the History class and the intermediate Spanish classes I told you guys I was going to take. I made an A in all three 🥳 (nevermind the fact that I pulled a 13 hour all nighter to do 8 weeks worth of Spanish the night before the semester ended.) My mother's semester (she's a teacher) ended on Wednesday so now I don't need to help her anymore and I've moved back in with my dad.
I moved back yesterday night and I am working on unpacking and I decided to take a little break. I just wanted to get on here and check out how the blog is doing even though it's been months since I got on here. I'm planning to start self studying Spanish and Korean again. So I'm going to give this another shot!
I don't have a job because of Covid so I have nothing but free time. I'm also going to try applying to teach English in Korea like a few of you suggested! I don't have a bachelor's so I'm looking into a program for people with associate's degrees. Wish me luck!
Feel free to send me a message any time! I'd love to chat about language and to make new friends! (we can also exchange friend codes for animal crossing 😊😊)
Hope y'all have been able to keep your head above water throughout all the mess that's been going on! I'm here if you need someone to talk to!
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[Day 5/10] of Productivity 💫]
Today was a nice day. It was a lot more chill than I intended, because a lot of my campus was closed for MLK day. I finished up my Spanish homework, and studied a bit of Korean. I also applied for some jobs online so fingers crossed! 🤞🏾I decided to start bullet journaling today. I guess I'm about 21 days late but, oh well. It was really fun to set up, but a little time consuming. Shouldn't be on Sunday, since I'll only have to set up next week.
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[ Day 4/100 of Productivity 💫]
Today was a very productive day for me. I did my laundry, cleaned my room, and did my reading for my American History class. I also did quite a bit of my Spanish homework. I'll finish it up tomorrow. This semester I only have T/TH classes so that gives me lots of time to study. I'm also looking for new hobbies and habits to fill that time.
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안녕! Here is some Korean art related vocabulary! 가자!
Pencil: 연필
Clay: 점토
Pen: 펜
Canvas: 화폭, 유화
캔버스 (empty canvas cloths)
Easel: 이젤
Paint: 페인트(칠)
Painting/portrait: 그림 (painting)
초상화/묘사 (portrait) / ~화
Artist: 아티스트 / 예술가
Painter: 화가
Drawing: 그림
Sculpture: 조각
Statue: 조각상
Reference pictures: 참고 서진
Model: 모형
Charcoal: 목탄
Image: 이미지
Eraser: 지우게
Mural: 벽화
Pottery: 도자기
Dip pen: 딥 펜
Stain: 얼룩
Water: 물
Brush: 솔, 붓
Landscape: 풍경
Landscape painting and/ordrawing: 풍경화(법)
Scenery: 경치
Pastel(s): 파스텔(스)
Pastel painting and/or drawing: 파스텔화
Acrylics: 아크릴 | drawing/painting: + 화
Highlight: 하이라이트
Palette: 팔레트
(Rinsing) cup: 린싱 컵
Paper: 종이
Sponge: 스펀지
Chalk: 분필
Chalkboard: 칠판
Origami: 오리가미
(Art) museum: 미술관
Art (with music and exercise): 예술
Art (no music or exercise): 미술
Gallery: 갤러리
Exhibition: 전시회
And there you go! A quick and easy lesson! See you next time! 안녕!
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Weather in Korean
공기 - Air
영하 - Below zero
눈바람 - Blizzard
기후 - Climate
기후변화 - Climate change
구름 - Clouds
이슬비 - Drizzle
가뭄 - Drought
지진 - Earthquake
가을 - Fall, Autumn 
홍수 - Flood
안개 - Fog
산불 - Forest fire
우박 - Hail
폭염 - Heat wave
태풍 - Hurricane 
얼음 - Ice
번개 - Lightning 
비 - Rain
무지개 - Rainbow
장마 - Rainy season
하늘 - Sky
눈 - Snow
눈송이 - Snowflake
봄 - Spring
폭풍 - Storm
여름 - Summer
해 - Sun
기온 - Temperature
천둥 - Thunder
쌀쌀하다 - To be chilly
맑다 - To be clear
춥다 - To be cold
건조하다 - To be dry
덥다 - To be hot
습하다 - To be humid
따뜻하다 - To be warm
태풍 - Typhoon
자외선 - UV rays
날씨 - Weather
바람 - Wind
겨울 - Winter
황사 - Yellow dust
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