leela-bell · 3 years
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leela-bell · 3 years
Today, I got in a bind. Im 35 years old and need money. Now how do you make money on such short notice?? That's a good question. How does one make a ass load of money in a short time? Now this only fan stuff, more power to you, get that bread. But I am in no shape (besides round) to be posting photos or videos. Do you stand on a corner and beg? No will loan me money bc of my past. I wish they would of taught me the meaning of building credit and ya know the basics of adult life. And ya know dont let any man screw you into messing your credit up for him. I know, im stupid for letting happen but I did not know 14 years down the road that I would be penniless, infertile, without anything I had hoped and dreamed for. Just debt. Im just asking for a chance to prove that I can do it. I have a job just need help. How do you live robbing Peter to pay Paul? No one said that adult life would be repetitive days working your ass off just to pay utilities that you don't use bc your at work all the time. Or that you get taxed on your paycheck, to be taxed on the stuff you buy, to be taxed on stuff you "own". Is this really life? Someone save me. Someone show me the damn light bc im tired of being in the dark!
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leela-bell · 3 years
Pretty much
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leela-bell · 3 years
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leela-bell · 3 years
Well chalk today up as another shit day. How can you say to the person you love my way or get the fuck out? What happened to working things out or give and take? What the actual fuck is so hard about compromise? About listening to your partner? Ugh what am I doing with my life? He thinks bc he good looking and I'm fat that I'm insecure. Im not insecure bc I'm fat, I'm insecure bc you make me feel that way when you call me names. I could scream!!! I'm so frustrated. How are you so ignorant?
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leela-bell · 3 years
I am fat. Doesnt mean that I'm insecure it just means I'm big. Im still pretty. I still have feelings. I love and I like doing all the stuff skinny women do. When you tell me I'm punishing you bc I'm fat. Oh no. I dont do it bc im fat. I was this big when we met. I dont trust you bc of how many times I've caught you on meet me. Or the time the girl sent me screen shots of yalls conversations. Or when you admitted to adding chick's to your snap chat and talking to them. How about the dick pics I found on your phone that was never sent to me. Or when I cat fished you? How about having 2 face books and not adding me to one. But using it to add females and like all their pictures and hearting them. Or commenting we should hang out sometime. No, I shouldn't be insecure bc you say so. Im just insecure bc I am fat and I should fix it. Fix it how? Okay dummy, don't eat so much. Don't go back for seconds. Go to the gym. Don't go back for thirds. Stop punishing you bc im fat. Give you privacy. You have no right to call me fat, stupid, retard, mediocre. I work 50 hours a week as a GM. I have to answer when someone calls bc thats my job. Ive supported us for almost 3 years. You are so ungrateful. You sit at home all day, smoke all day, do NOTHING but play your games and get on your phone, then when I get off work its. Hey, you didn't do laundry, you haven't done the dishes. My house is dirty. You dont know anything about being a housewife. Go take classes. Go to the gym. Your a retard. Thats your biggest issue. You dont listen to me. If you would listen when I tell you something, I wouldn't have to scream and yell and throw shit. But you are pretty stupid. You are always this close to being single bc you will find another bitch who will listen to everything you say and wait on you hand and foot. Im so tired of it all. I work 50 plus hours a week. You won't help out at hime even though you don't have a job. But im the lazy fat slob. Im the insecure fat cunt who doesn't listen bc I need to wear a helmet. I hate you.
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leela-bell · 3 years
Need friends
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leela-bell · 3 years
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leela-bell · 3 years
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leela-bell · 3 years
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leela-bell · 3 years
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leela-bell · 3 years
I need validation, that I matter. In life, to anyone. Im so tired of everything I do wrong being thrown in my face. I dont feel like a woman anymore. Im a stranger to myself. I put on this mask in my everyday life. Faking it , hoping it fools people. Every little thing I do for anyone is never good enough. No appreciation at all. Im dying inside. I need to run but im scared. I need to leave but how?
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