lemonhour · 7 years
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Hey guys. I’m glad to be finally posting my “mental breakdown survival guide”. As you know I struggle a lot with mental health, and so I have been through a lot of breakdowns. So many that I actually dropped out of university after 3 weeks in 2016 and had to take the whole year off. Because of this, I’ve made it my mission to help others with mental health issues as much as I can, so you don’t have to go through what I’ve been through.
Anyway, here is my guide. I tried to keep it general, and actually useful. If you have any questions or additions please feel free to add them.
And as ever, if you want to talk to me about studying with mental illness or want to see a post on a specific topic, please feel free to message me.
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lemonhour · 7 years
Dan orang-orang yanh beriman (kepada Allah) dan mengerjakan kebajikan serta beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepada Muhammad, dan itulah kebenaran dari Tuhan mereka; Allah menghapus kesalahan-kesalahan mereka, dan memperbaiki keadaan mereka. Yang demikian itu, karena sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir mengikuti yang batil (sesat), dan sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman mengikuti kebenaran dari Tuhan mereka. Demikianlah Allah membuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan bagi manusia.
Muhammad 47: 2-3
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lemonhour · 7 years
Dari Al-Hasan secara mursal, 'Sesungguhnya Allah mempunyai sebuah pintu di surga, tidaklah yang masuk melaluinya kecuali orang-orang yang memaafkan kedzaliman.'
HR. Ahmad
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lemonhour · 7 years
Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, 'Perhatikanlah, sesungguhnya kamu tidak lebih baik dari yang berkulit merah atau pun dari yang berkulit hitam kecuali kalian menjadi istimewa dengan ketakwaan.'
HR. Ahmad dalam Musnad-nya, 5/158; Haitsami dalam Majma'uz Zawaid, 8/84; As-Suyuti dalam Ad Durr Al Mansur, 6/99.
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lemonhour · 7 years
Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, 'Fanatisme adalah kamu membantu kaummu kendati dalam kedzaliman.'
HR. Al-Baihaqi dalam Sunan, 10/234
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lemonhour · 7 years
Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan wajah dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah berjalan di bumi dengan angkuh. Sungguh, Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong dan membanggakan diri.
QS. Luqman 31: 18
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lemonhour · 7 years
By Aan Chandra Thalib
Kau pernah mengenal tentangku?
Itu tak berarti kau mengenalku.
Sebelum kita saling menyapa dan duduk bicara, maka jangan menyimpulkan apa-apa tentang diriku.
Karena bila persangkaanmu benar, maka kau takkan diberi pahala karenanya.
Namun jika salah, maka Allah adalah sebaik-baik Hakim di antara kita.
Tapi kau tak perlu gundah...
Kumaafkan semua orang yang pernah bersalah padaku.
Sebagaimana aku berharap agar semua orang yang pernah kusakiti juga memaafkanku.
Source: act_elgharantaly via instagram
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lemonhour · 7 years
Allah akan menambahkan berkah pada hamba-Nya yang selalu bersyukur. Sudah bersyukurkah kamu hari ini? Yuk bikin 3 hal simple yang bisa bikin kamu lebih menghargai hari dan bersyukur atas karunia Allah berupa waktu di hari ini. Selain menambah karunia Allah, bersyukur juga bisa bikin lebih bahagia.
Misalnya, 3 hal simple yang bikin saya bahagia hari ini: (1) Bangun di pagi hari. (2) Masak makanan sehat. (3) Minum secangkir teh hangat.
Kalo kamu apa? Yuk coba bikin juga. Kita bisa bikin “3 hal simple” ini setiap hari supaya kita lebih mensyukuri waktu.
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lemonhour · 7 years
Hendahlah selalu mengikuti dalil yang ada, bukan taklid kepada ucapan seseorang.
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lemonhour · 7 years
Seseorang akan sesuai dengan agama teman dekatnya.
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lemonhour · 7 years
It okay to be not okay.
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lemonhour · 7 years
Orang-orang yang beriman dan tidak mencampuradukkan iman mereka dengan syirik, mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat rasa aman dan mereka mendapat petunjuk.
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lemonhour · 7 years
Sesungguhnya penolongmu hanyalah Allah, rasul-Nya, dan oranh-orang yang beriman, yang melaksanakan sholat dan menunaikan zakat seraya tunduk (kepada Allah). Dan barangsiapa menjadikan Allah, Rasul-Nya, dan orang-orang yang beriman sebagai penolongnya, maka sungguh, pengukut (agama) Allah itulah yang menang.
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lemonhour · 7 years
The most important thing we’ve learned, so far as children are concerned, is never, NEVER, NEVER let them near your television set. Or better still, just don’t install the idiotic thing at all. In almost every house we’ve been, we’ve watched them gaping at the screen. They loll and slop and lounge about, and stare until their eyes pop out. (Last week in someone’s place we saw a dozen eyeballs on the floor.) They sit and stare and stare and sit until they’re hypnotized by it, until they’re absolutely drunk with all that shocking ghastly junk. Oh yes, we know it keeps them still, they don’t climb out the windows sill, they never fight or kick or punch, they leave you free to cook the lunch and wash the dishes in the sink. But did you ever stop to think, to wonder just exactly what This does to your beloved tot? It rots the sense in the head! It kills imagination dead! It clogs and clutters up the mind! It makes a child so dull and blind He can no longer understand A fantasy, a fairyland! His brain becomes as soft as cheese! His powers of thinking rust and freeze! He cannot think - he only sees! ‘All right!’ you’ll cry. 'All right!’ you’ll say, 'But if we take the set away, what shall we do to entertain our darling children? Please explain!’ We’ll answer this by asking you, 'What used the darling ones to do? How used they keep themselves contented Before this monster was invented?’ Have you forgotten? Don’t you know? We’ll say it very loud and slow: THEY … USED … TO … READ! They’d READ and READ, AND READ and READ, and then proceed To READ some more. Great scott! Gadzooks! One half their lives was reading books! The nursery shelves held books galore! Books cluttered up the nursery floor! And in the bedroom, by the bed, more books were waiting to be read! Such wondrous, fine, fantastic tales of dragons, gypsies, queens, and whales And treasure isles, and distant shores Where smugglers rowed with muffled oars, And pirates wearing purple pants, And sailing ships and elephants, And cannibals crouching 'round the pot, Stirring away at something hot. (It smells so good, what can it be? Good gracious, it’s Penelope.) The younger ones had Beatrix Potter With Mr. Tod, he dirty rotter, And Squirrel Nutkin, Pigling Bland, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle and- Just How The Camel Got His Hump, And How The Monkey Lost His Rump, And Mr. Toad, and bless my soul, There’s Mr. Rat and Mr. Mole- Oh, books, what books they used to know, Those children living long ago! So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install A lovely bookshelf on the wall. Then fill the shelves with lot of books, Ignoring all the dirty looks, The screams and yells, the bites and kicks, And children hitting you with sticks- Fear not, because we promise you That, in about a week or two Of having nothing else to do, They’ll now begin to feel the need Of having something to read. And once they start-oh boy, oh boy! You watch the slowly growing joy That feels their heart. They’ll grow so keen They’ll wonder what they’d ever seen In that ridiculous machine, That nauseating, foul, unclean, Repulsive television screen! And later, each and every kid Will love you more for what you did.
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lemonhour · 7 years
If it feels wrong don't do it. Trust your intuition.
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lemonhour · 7 years
I will tell you my daughter of your worth not your beauty everyday. (your beauty is a given. every being is born beautiful) knowing your worth can save your life. raising you on beauty alone you will be starved. you will be raw. you will be weak. an easy stomach. always in need of someone telling you how beautiful you are.
nayyirah waheed
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lemonhour · 7 years
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
Chinese Proverb
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