logilliant · 2 years
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Brief Encounter, 1945 Dir. by David Lean
Theres something to be said about a movie that so beautifully showcases all the subtleties of unintentional and dare I say doomed love on screen. The way the characters so casually interact while a deeper connection slowly forms and entangles them in something that you and the characters know cannot and will not last. It's wrong and theres no antagonists in the story to make the affair "ok", in fact, the husband is a perfectly fine person (though a bit dull if I may). But, despite this you're rooting for them anyway.
All narrated by Laura (in a fictional conversation to her husband) Brief Encounter is incredibly quiet and small scale in the grand scheme of things. The dark lighting and gloomy atmospheric sets just further allow the lovely romance between Laura and Alec to shine. It's such a simple quiet story about the a small period of time where the lives of two regular people who quietly exist in their own worlds intersect so strongly that it's hard to watch it all unfold.
Rating: ★★★★★
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logilliant · 3 years
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04/04/2021 | 8/100 days of productivity
The feeling of completing an Anki deck for the day is so...nice. It makes me want to continuously complete them. Everything has just been nice recently. The weather, the books I’ve read, the food I've eaten, it’s all just...nice. 
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/25/2021 | ???/100 days of productivity
Hi everyone, the hiatus is over :)
I missed posting here, there's something so relieving about typing out what you did over the course of the day. Anyway, I’m very excited for April and all the possibilities to come. I feel like April is going to be my “getting it done” month. Minimizing procrastination and maximizing learning, healthy habits, and time, all the good things!!
Also, yesterday I made an extremely ambitious April TBR (to be read), so that’s fun. 
And I got a new plant :)
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/03/21 | 7/100 days of productivity
Today is (or was since it is 11 pm as I type this) my birthday so as a result not many productive things were done. But that’s perfectly ok! I’m absolutely loving And Then There Were None and also I need to catch up on Don Quixote. I haven’t read it in a couple weeks. Anyway, today I did some work for school and Spanish..annnd that’s about it. I’m so glad it’s almost the end of the week though. 
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/03/21 | 7/100 days of productivity
Today is (or was since it is 11 pm as I type this) my birthday so as a result not many productive things were done. But that’s perfectly ok! I’m absolutely loving And Then There Were None and also I need to catch up on Don Quixote. I haven’t read it in a couple weeks. Anyway, today I did some work for school and Spanish..annnd that’s about it. I’m so glad it’s almost the end of the week though. 
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/01/21 | 5/100 days of productivity
Hello! Today I did some school work and..that’s just about it actually. Wasn’t an amazing day for productivity but that’s okay because tomorrow will be. I’m also really enjoying this whole calendar blocking thing. It makes me feel so…disciplined.. but also motivated to do my studies. Anyway, I plan on reading a bit of Frankenstein and perhaps starting another Agatha Christie book as well tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow morning. I was thinking of And then there were none. But the Murder of Roger Ackroyd looks so enticing!! Oh, so many decisions to make. 
I’m also contemplating just bullet pointing what I did during my day instead of writing a whole paragraph..is that a good idea? Oh well, that’s a decision for tomorrow.
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/02/21 | 6/100 days of productivity
I did a lot of school work today, so much so that I feel as though I could be done for the rest of the week! Also here’s an apartment layout I drew for my English class, it’s modeled from my imagination of what I think the Younger’s (from the play A Raisin in The Sun) apartment looks like. It’s slightly big in my opinion, but close enough to what I was thinking of. I don’t draw ever so I’m very glad it turned out the way it did considering the amount of time I spent on it. 
Today I started reading And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie too! I’m so excited for it. It sounds amazing. I’ve also realized lately that doing things in bite sized bits is better than stuffing it in your mouth and trying chew all at once. I’m going to try to study (and learn topics) in smaller increments rather than jumping all into 5 or 10 hours at once. Repetition, repetition, repetition. This all sparked because of a comment I read on Reddit. It spoke of how not every attempt needs to be your best attempt and that baby steps are just fine. “Something is better than nothing” Another comment also said “success can be measured in results, but results come from the process and not from the particular goal you had in mind.” I realized that I had such a result-oriented mindset and not a process driven one. I focused so much more on doing 100% in everything and obtaining the results I desired that I would just end up procrastinating in the end because if I didn’t do that 100% then what was the point. Anyway, just thought I’d share that today. 
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/01/21 | 5/100 days of productivity
Hello! Today I did some school work and..that’s just about it actually. Wasn’t an amazing day for productivity but that’s okay because tomorrow will be. I’m also really enjoying this whole calendar blocking thing. It makes me feel so…disciplined.. but also motivated to do my studies. Anyway, I plan on reading a bit of Frankenstein and perhaps starting another Agatha Christie book as well tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow morning. I was thinking of And then there were none. But the Murder of Roger Ackroyd looks so enticing!! Oh, so many decisions to make. 
I’m also contemplating just bullet pointing what I did during my day instead of writing a whole paragraph..is that a good idea? Oh well, that’s a decision for tomorrow.
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/01/21 | 5/100 days of productivity
Hello! Today I did some school work and..that’s just about it actually. Wasn’t an amazing day for productivity but that’s okay because tomorrow will be. I’m also really enjoying this whole calendar blocking thing. It makes me feel so…disciplined.. but also motivated to do my studies. Anyway, I plan on reading a bit of Frankenstein and perhaps starting another Agatha Christie book as well tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow morning. I was thinking of And then there were none. But the Murder of Roger Ackroyd looks so enticing!! Oh, so many decisions to make. 
I’m also contemplating just bullet pointing what I did during my day instead of writing a whole paragraph..is that a good idea? Oh well, that’s a decision for tomorrow.
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logilliant · 3 years
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02/28/21 | 4/100 days of productivity 
Today I practiced Spanish, watched a bit of my programming lecture, and finished Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie. I decently enjoyed it. Anyway, I can’t believe tomorrow is already Monday! This weekend felt way too short for me. I’m also now realizing there’s not much difference and diversity with my pictures! I’ll be sure to change it up this week. Today I also reread this Reddit comment about nonzero days. I like to go back to it every once in awhile to remind myself of those points the commenter made. Anyway, highly recommend giving it a read! I hope you all have a great week :)
Heres a link to the comment.
(scroll a little bit down for the comment by u/ryans01)
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logilliant · 3 years
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03/01/21 | 5/100 days of productivity
Hello! Today I did some school work and..that’s just about it actually. Wasn’t an amazing day for productivity but that’s okay because tomorrow will be. I’m also really enjoying this whole calendar blocking thing. It makes me feel so...disciplined.. but also motivated to do my studies. Anyway, I plan on reading a bit of Frankenstein and perhaps starting another Agatha Christie book as well tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow morning. I was thinking of And then there were none. But the Murder of Roger Ackroyd looks so enticing!! Oh, so many decisions to make. 
I’m also contemplating just bullet pointing what I did during my day instead of writing a whole paragraph..is that a good idea? Oh well, that’s a decision for tomorrow.
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logilliant · 3 years
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02/28/21 | 4/100 days of productivity 
Today I practiced Spanish, watched a bit of my programming lecture, and finished Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie. I decently enjoyed it. Anyway, I can’t believe tomorrow is already Monday! This weekend felt way too short for me. I’m also now realizing there's not much difference and diversity with my pictures! I’ll be sure to change it up this week. Today I also reread this Reddit comment about nonzero days. I like to go back to it every once in awhile to remind myself of those points the commenter made. Anyway, highly recommend giving it a read! I hope you all have a great week :)
Heres a link to the comment.
(scroll a little bit down for the comment by u/ryans01)
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logilliant · 3 years
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01/27/21 | 3/100 days of productivity
Today, I did the usual, practiced some Spanish and planned/brain stormed ideas. Tomorrow I’ve an incredible amount of things to do, but that’s ok. I find that it’s good to be busy and have things to do. It keeps me on my toes and excited. Also yes, my laptop is on top of another laptop..gotta be resourceful! :)
Yesterday I started watching the movie Coco in Spanish and ohhh my goodness! I’ve seen it numerous times in English but in SPANISH?! Needless to say I’m really enjoying it. Though I’m unsure on whether I should have the captions in Spanish or English. English makes it easier to go through the movie, but in Spanish I have to stop more frequently and think about what has been said (and more often than not translate it to English). Anyway, I’ll probably stick with the Spanish captions for the purpose of learning. I wish I could just be fluent effortlessly! They do say the first language you set out to learn is the hardest right? I sure hope it’s true.
I’m also halfway through Appointment With Death: Hercule Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie so that’s amazing.  Ohh how long tomorrow will be, it’s alright though it’ll all pay off in the end! 
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logilliant · 3 years
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01/26/21 | 2/100 days of productivity
Ok ok, now I’m actually going to start this challenge and continue it. My inactivity is due to not feeling well for a bit and then deciding to rest but I feel great now! I’ve started learning how to code which is nice. Currently I’m following the Harvard Edx course but eventually I’ll branch out with other resources. Today I watched a bit of the first lecture and also reviewed some Spanish. I’m also trying out calendar blocking! I’m so excited to keep up a productive set schedule. Ahh, there’s so many things I want to do! It’s all a matter of discipline and repetition though. It seems like getting a routine going is the difficult part but once you’ve got the discipline down, and know what to do and what not to do it’s a lot easier. Anyway, cheers to a productive weekend! 
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logilliant · 3 years
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01/26/21 | 2/100 days of productivity
Ok ok, now I’m actually going to start this challenge and continue it. My inactivity is due to not feeling well for a bit and then deciding to rest but I feel great now! I’ve started learning how to code which is nice. Currently I’m following the Harvard Edx course but eventually I’ll branch out with other resources. Today I watched a bit of the first lecture and also reviewed some Spanish. I’m also trying out calendar blocking! I’m so excited to keep up a productive set schedule. Ahh, there's so many things I want to do! It’s all a matter of discipline and repetition though. It seems like getting a routine going is the difficult part but once you've got the discipline down, and know what to do and what not to do it’s a lot easier. Anyway, cheers to a productive weekend! 
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logilliant · 3 years
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01/20/2021 | 1/100 days of productivity
I thought doing the good ol’ 100 days of productivity would be a nice way to start off. Anyway, today I spent a lot of time learning about how I can better discipline myself and also did some Anki cards for Spanish. The whole discipline thing and productivity is going work out quite well hopefully. I’m sort of slacking on my reading so I was thinking of starting an Agatha Christie book. Perhaps Appointment with Death, but we’ll see. I haven’t finished a book for this week so lots of reading to do today too. Sometimes I wish there were more hours in a day so more reading could be done. Oh well, 24 will have to do!
Cheers to lazy weekends!
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logilliant · 3 years
Studyblr Intro!
Hello everyone! My name is Destiny. I’ve thought for a while that creating a blog would be a fun experience that I would like to try out. Plus the Studyblr community seems like a nice place to be. Anyway, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself now!
About me :)
I’m currently in high school
I’m learning Spanish but would love to learn French. Besides learning Spanish, if it counts for anything, I’m fluent in English.
I love to plan for the future, try and experience new things, help others, find the positive in unfortunate situations and most of all learn
I’m an enfj-a
I really enjoy reading - at the moment I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Self-Reliance and Other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Plus a year long read of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. I also enjoy research articles
Film - tv shows I'm currently watching: Bob’s Burgers, The Clone Wars, and WandaVision
Music - classical and old rock n roll mostly
Philosophy - mainly logic, ethics, and aesthetics
Living - really enticing, dancing in the kitchen promotes this interest x20
To enjoy and experience having a blog as much as I can
I hope to provide content that will inspire and movie. Maybe even entertain!
To improve my sense of discipline and consistency by having a blog
The things you will see from me will include but aren't limited to:
Study notes
Book reviews
Film reviews
Perhaps some study tips
Extra info: Logilliant is a portmanteau of logic and brilliant. Plus tracking #logilliant
Some studyblrs I enjoy:
@livelikeyoudream @keshiology @mathemaphia @studyaxis @studywithtownes @learnerd @loudemic @hehkustudies @mid-afternoon-tea @study-van @kleinbluu @tbhstudying 
Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day/night.
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