lordhenry · 4 years
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Mark Samsonovich, ‘Nature Knows No Kings’, 2016 Source
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 41
How are you today? Not bad. Today is so over—it’s 2:30am right now. I went out for a change, tried a new coffee shop, my boyfriend had enough time to talk to me, and I transferred most of my русский notes from my tiny notebook to a bigger one. I felt productive.
What are three instruments you’d like to learn how to play? I already play guitar, but I’d love to learn cello, piano, and drums.
Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? Nope. I don’t even like pineapple on its own, but I love the juice?
Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? My dad is academically smart; my mum is street savvy.
Which season’s colours do you look the best in? I love the autumn palette, but I don’t know which season’s colours I look best in and I don’t care.
Have you ever had a professional make-over? Yes, for prom.
What’s your favourite way to style your hair? I barely style my hair because I simply don’t have the skill. I like to just keep it down or throw it up in a bun or a pony tail.
What irritates you about your daily life? People around me. Sometimes life itself.
Could you come up with 100 random facts about yourself on the spot? Lol I wish I was that self-aware.
What are five things that would make you happier? Overall good health, to be where I want to be, with the person I want to be with, have more money, and have some fucking direction for once.
Do you ever curl your hair? I have a curling iron, but have only used it twice. I don’t have the patience tbh.
Have you ever straightened your hair for a dance? Bold of you to assume I dance. No.
Have you ever worn cat-eye glasses? Sunglasses, yes.
Who have you been missing lately? My boyfriend. I haven’t seen him in nearly 7 months now.
If you were a fantasy character, would you be a warrior, a mage or a rogue? Definitely more of a mage even though I’d like to be rogue lol.
Who is the most wonderful, amazing person in your life right now? My boyfriend is literally the only one who makes me want to even live.
What’s something repulsive in a member of your own gender? Pulling each other down. Women can be so envious and would go after one another just so they can be “better” ugh, I hate that shit.
Do your pets sleep next to you at night? My cat used to sleep next to me, but then now he sheds way too much and it goes absolutely everywhere so he sleeps on his mat instead.
How often do you use online dictionaries? Every time I encounter a word that I don’t know the meaning of. Every single time. I cannot just read past something that I don’t know the meaning of—it’ll drive me nuts.
What about between Pepsi and Coke or Sprite and 7Up? I find Pepsi awful. It’s like watered down Coke. I actually highly dislike Coke (or sodas in general) but I’d still rather drink it than Pepsi. Sprite is like Coke in its intensity and 7Up is its Pepsi equivalent.
Do you care what kind of toilet paper you use? Yes. I always get the Andrex quilted ones with more plies. I hate the flimsy ones because I just end up using more in the end and it’s not really environmentally helpful.
What colour of roses do you find the prettiest? White.
Do you think religious leaders just like to manipulate people? Radical ones, and also misinformed ones that can really hurt people. Reminds me of an FGM documentary that I watched where someone challenged the Imam to find where in the Quran does it say that vaginas need to be mutilated. He couldn’t find it!!!! Makes me so mad that people would do such a barbaric thing and pass it on as “part of their religion” when it isn’t and was just passed around as word-of-mouth, not religious fact, and they just took it like that without questioning it. Like, first of all, if your religion is condoning literal mutilation and not giving you your basic rights as a human (women’s vaginas are sensitive and you shouldn’t be cutting off the clitoris and stitching up the hole!!! this is life threatening AND we’re allowed to feel pleasure too!!!), you need to start questioning it.
Look to your left and name the first three things you see. Luggage, perfume, printer.
What is your favourite thing to drink? Cold water, coffee, masala chai, and freshly squeezed juices. 
Name three places in the world you would like to visit? Japan, Greece, Spain.
What was the last movie you saw at the cinemas? It was that Dog movie. I forgot the title. It was my little brother’s birthday so he chose the film to watch even though I really wanted to see Alita lol.
In a house fire, what three things would you save? Idk I’ll definitely just grab my 2 cats and then whatever else I can get that’s got value to me.
What scent is the deodorant you use? Unscented. I use a natural crystal spray.
Do you use body wash, shower gel, or soap? Soap first on its own, and then body wash with a loofah.
Have you ever been so lonely you cried? What made you stop crying? Yeah, the first two months of me being back home. I was finally with family, but I felt lonelier than ever. I got so used to being on my own and then only living with my boyfriend. It was peaceful and I loved the life we had together, then all of a sudden I’m back to the way it’s always been and I just felt lonely despite actually having more people around me. I guess I got used to it so I stopped crying over it after like 2 months of intermittent crying lol.
What would you say is one of the best songs you’ve ever heard? The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin. I want it played at my funeral.
Would you ever consider getting breast implants? Nope. Fake titties just don’t look good to me. They don’t look like they feel good either.
When was the last time you kissed someone? Are you dating that person? 23rd August 2018, the date of my flight, ughhhhh. Yes, still.
What is the most expensive thing in your bedroom?  This Prada bag in front of me.
What does the lead singer of the band you’re listening to, look like? I literally don’t know. It’s just one of those songs I listen to but that’s it, nothing else by the same musician so idk.
At what age did your parents start trusting you alone with the opp. sex? I don’t know because they have always trusted me. People often describe me as trustworthy to begin with. Late this year I’m moving in with my boyfriend for post grad and they’re cool with that. 
Are you sexually active? How long have you been that way? Not really because I haven’t even seen my boyfriend for nearly 7 months. How long uhh just since early last year.
What was the most romantic moment of your life? Err probably when Z and I went on a day trip to York because strolling down the beautiful streets, I kind of got hit by the fact that wow I’m dating someone? haha. I’m going on dates? Weird. I never fall in love ever but now here I am.
What’s something that most people don’t know about you? Errrr that I’m not actually half British? For some reason I kind of just assume my friends know that my English dad is not my biological dad but then I get shocked that they get shocked to find that out like hello are you not seeing me I mean idk I don’t rly look half white to me?
What does your last text say? "Alright” to my little brother.
Do you think you’re pretty? Yes, on good days and when my skin cooperates with me. But when I think I look ugly, I look really ugly.
What is your current relationship status? In a relationship.
Bluntness, do you like it? Not so much the bluntness, but the honesty. If you can say the same thing in a better way without compromising truth, then do so.
What is the first thing you notice about someone, physically? Whatever physical attribute they have that sticks out. (i.e. they’re really tall, then I’ll notice that. Their eyes are light and bright, I’ll notice that.)
Do you believe in love? I’m in my first ever relationship and I guess I’m still hopeful so sure.
Thoughts on Justin Bieber? Never liked / cared about him.
How many times per week do you shower? I wash my body every day, but my hair every other day cause it’s dyed.
What is your favourite colour pen to write with? Black and also navy blue.
Would you rather do a craft project or a science experiment? Defo science.
What is your favourite thing about yourself? Intellect.
What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you? I hate to make every answer about my boyfriend but ugh it’s him. I got all the way to the age of 19 without any real romantic experience until I met him and uh now I understand the hype? haha.
What was the name of the first dorm you lived in? The Glassworks.
Do you part your hair on the left side, right side, or in the middle? It parts on its own a little to the left.
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 40
What was the last thing you purchased? Yesterday I pre-ordered Hozier’s latest album so I can get exclusive early access to book tix for his European tour this September lol.
How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? One.
Has anybody ever called you a tease? Not necessarily described as such in general, but I have been told that a few times by my boyfriend for acting cheeky in the moment.
What is your significant other’s middle name? He doesn’t have one.
Who were your last 4 missed calls? My boyfriend. All 4 of them.
What colour did you last paint your nails? This sort of... if you were to darken seafoam green?
What were you doing at 4 AM? To be honest, crying. I didn’t know what I was crying for either, but I just all of a sudden cried around 3–4am last night. My boyfriend reassured me that it could just be my hormones but I don’t really know and I don’t understand.
What was the last thing you ate? Ferrero Rocher.
How is your hair done right now? Down and messy.
What do you want? Peace of mind, motivation, inspiration, a breakthrough, a passion, renewed sense of hope. Shall I go on?
How much money did you spend yesterday? £18.something for the Hozier album pre-order.
What brand is your underwear? La Senza and Victoria’s Secret.
What is something you have acquired with age? A healthy amount of independence, with more than a dash of uhm, familial... disconnect lol.. 
Do people interest you? Yes, when they have something new to offer.
Are you in love right now? I am. 
Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: I suppose we have grown apart and will continue to grow apart. Seasons change and so do people. I have to accept it and move on. I have no space in me for sadness. Whatever gives me sadness, I have to ignore. In essence, I will let our friendship go. I think the time has come and you are due to go, and hopefully grow. It’s just not the same anymore and I refuse to be used or engaged with only when it’s convenient for you. I don’t believe it’s friendship when you approach me needing help, but ignore me when you’re fulfilled.
What do you check out first when you check someone out? Their eyes and smile, their energy.
When you looked in the mirror today, what was your first thought? I don’t look half bad.
Would you raise your children like your parents raised you? Not at all. I would involve myself more in their lives. I would push my children to do things that they could be passionate about (art, dance, music, activities, anything of interest, anything!). I would guide them with example, not with empty words. Most of all, I would be there and they would be comfortable to share their feelings with me.
What does your middle name mean? Month of flowers, and spring. Also just because I was born on it. 
Will you be over 21 in 3 years? Yes, good Lord. I hate to think of it. 
What is your favourite perfume/candle fragrance? I love perfume and I have so much that I love. But I like to think of Byredo’s Gypsy Water as the one perfume that I would never get tired of wearing. As for candle fragrance, it varies a lot. The last one I really loved was Autumn Glow by Yankee Candle.
Do you blush easily? When something I find embarrassing/I’m shy of happens without warning. Or when my boyfriend does something that makes me blush, he’s good at it.
Are you an artist/writer? I write poetry from time to time, I am not prolific enough or confident enough to call myself a writer.
Do you play an instrument? Guitar.
Do you like to dance? I am an awful dancer. I only dance in clubs when I’m drunk. Otherwise, I don’t even have the confidence to. When I was young, I was definitely interested in being a ballerina, but it was never something that actually materialised or my parents supported. Fast forward to 20 years later, I enjoy watching Sergei Polunin leaping instead of doing the leaping myself.
What trait do you feel you lack that you wish you possessed? Some sort of fiery, passionate, inane urge to create.
Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? It’s not difficult when you’re already in love. I’m currently in a long distance relationship but it was one that was built in real-life before it became online due to the distance that separated us. To me, whether near or far, if i’ve got feelings, I’ve got feelings. Staying committed and loyal comes naturally to me. If you’ve got me, you’ve got me for good. If you don’t, you really don’t.
Do you have any stickers on your laptop? I have a glossier sticker on my MacBook air because I got it from a purchase and I thought it was pretty.
Is there someone who seems to only reach out to you when they want something from you? Yes! Frustrates me so much. An old best friend from when I was like, 5. It seems this person only talks to me when they need my advice on something. It’s nice that they trust me and they value my opinion, but I don’t want to be anybody’s therapist. She only shows up when she needs me. It’s unfair so I’ve decided to let her go and let the friendship go quietly and without drama. If you’re not there for good and bad times, I don’t have the energy to talk to you.
What is something you can only understand if you’ve experienced it first hand? The feeling of losing someone important/beloved, and emptiness.
In terms of a wedding, put these things in order from what would be MOST important to be perfect, to LEAST important… Engagement ring, dress, hair, venue, ceremony, food, pictures, decorations, honeymoon. To me, the wedding itself is hugely unimportant and at times can be terribly impractical and a waste of resources. I would much rather spend it on a wonderful honeymoon. I value the relationship and marriage itself more than the wedding and materialistic things that come with it. Although, if money was not a problem, then it would be in this order: honeymoon, engagement ring (I would be wearing it for a long time!), pictures for memories, ceremony, decoration, venue, dress, hair, food (I feel like this would be the least of concerns, we eat food regardless anyway).
Is there a quote that’s helped you through hard times or really stuck with you? What is it? In the Iliad, when Odysseus was alone and on enemy territory: “Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.”
What’s something practical and useful “real world” things that should be taught in high school aside from the basics like English, math, science, etc.? Employment related things. Practical things like mortgages. Those kind of “real world” things that I realised upon graduating from university that I barely knew about.
What perfume of yours does your SO love on you? I’m pretty sure he used to love it the most when i would wear my White Musk (Body Shop) perfume which is actually probably the cheapest perfume I own. On the high end side, he likes Gypsy Water (Byredo) too!
Do you prefer your guy to wear cologne or not? If I like the cologne, why not. I’m a sucker for that one Tom Ford cologne that I like haha. If not, I usually like when my boyfriend uses his aftershave because I think it smells really good and I always end up kissing his face a lot when he puts it on. Later on, he admitted that he was only using it because he figured out that I loved it and in truth it actually stung his face to use it, oops.
What was the turning point that led you to decide for or against having children? I never really wanted children, but then again I have never fallen in love before. In fact, I actually usually dislike and get irritated by kids. But now that I’m with someone I love, I feel like it’s one of those things that I would love to do just because I would love to create a human being with the person I love the most. It would be the most precious thing I would ever be capable of doing. That’s really something. When we do decide to have one, I would make it right by him/her.
What would your reaction be if your SO wanted the opposite type of wedding than you did? A big and crucial part of successful relationships I think is compromise.
What kind if body type do you find attractive and unattractive (for your preferred sex)? I personally would feel attracted to someone who looks healthy. It’s not necessarily ripped or jacked or whatever, but just not unhealthily fat and unhealthily thin. All of it has to do with just staying healthy and balanced, good health.
How do you feel about strangers approaching you with compliments? It all depends on the approach. A compliment can be jarring if it’s delivered wrong i.e. in a creepy way. That would barely be a compliment to me, but more like a suggestive and creepy remark like cat calling. I wouldn’t find that flattering. A good, harmless compliment like “I love your dress!” is nice to hear. I don’t want a cat-caller whistling.
Do you consider it cheating if your SO goes to a Strip Club and then doesn’t tell you? I think so. What’s the purpose of going to Strip Clubs but not to look at and fantasise and even receive “services” from other women? I don't think it’s proper especially without consent of the other party, which I will never give. I’m possessive and jealous in my own ways, but I think this one is justified.
Would you be more offended if your man cheated on you with a guy or a girl? Regardless, I would be highly offended and betrayed. Both would be on another level which I would rather not speak about.
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lordhenry · 5 years
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 39
What is your favourite type of cat? Siamese. I have one.
Do you like seafood? If so, what is your favourite? Crab!!!
If you could master any sport, which one would you choose? Horseback riding would be cool.
Do you know any German words? I know conversational Deutsche.
Is it easier for you to forgive or to pretend it never happened? Pretending something never happened is way harder.
Do you own any Nintendo video game consoles/handhelds? I used to have a Game Boy advance lol. Now I only have a 2018 Nintendo 3DS XL SNES limited edition.
Do/did you ever own a Blackberry? I did.
If you have a song stuck in your head, what’s the name of it & the artist? I’m obsessed with Movement by Hozier atm. Sergei Polunin dances in it too and I love them both.
What’s your favourite U2 song, if you have one? I’m gonna be predictable as fuck, but it really is With or Without You.
What’s a song that you remember from your childhood? Californication by RHCP for sure.
What heritage does your last name imply? Err Google says it’s a derivative of a Scottish name.
Do women breastfeeding in public make you feel uncomfortable? Why or why not? Why should anyone really feel uncomfortable at the sight of a mother FEEDING her child? Maybe if we stopped sexualising everything we would realise that female nipples are just the same as male nipples, except we’ve actually more reason to display it in public (i.e. if an infant needs feeding, you don’t make them wait just because people are afraid of seeing a literal body part...)
What are you wearing?  A floral tank top and some booty shorts.
What do you own that’s made of wool?  I have 2 identical wool coats in cream and bright red.
What’s your favourite thing to do on a snow day? Stay in, light a scented candle up, and drink tea or coffee.
How many pairs of gloves do you wear in the winter? I only have 1 pair, black leather gloves.
What’s one thing on your wish list right now? See Hozier live (which I probably will this September! he’s got a European tour and he’s playing right in my uni so....) What’s one thing you think people probably assume about you? I know people assume I’m rotten. All my friends told me they thought I was this and that.
Were you in love this time of last year? Not at all.
Have you ever had a ‘secret admirer’ before?  Somebody once slipped a note in my locker saying something along the lines of they like me but they find it so hard to approach me/I can be such a snob and I never knew who it was and I was never really interested to find out. That was before high school so I knew I was way too young for that lol.
Have you ever broken someone else’s heart?  I guess so. Not intentionally.
Are you in a relationship right now? Happily.
Are you happier single or in a relationship? I think I’m happier now because I’m with someone I truly have feelings for, and someone who makes me feel important. It’s requited love. It’s a good feeling.
Are you in college yet? I’m finished.
Have you ever snuck out before? Never had to.
Do you plan on getting married? I guess, but it doesn’t really matter that much to me.
About how many times a week do you skip class or just school in general?  Almost never skipped primary and secondary, but I skipped a lot in uni because it was such bullshit sometimes. Sometimes professors are barely useful when they would just stand there and not offer more than what’s on the ppt and that sucks like I could learn that at home in my own time. So I started skipping specific lectures with specific professors that I didn’t learn from. One time, I got an email from the Dean threatening my status as an international student because of how much specific classes I wasn’t attending.
Have you ever been suspended from school? No.
What are you behind on? Life, in general.
Are you spiritually dead? Or are you spiritually alive? I’m not very spiritually in tune.
Name everyone you know whose first name has a Z in it.  My boyfriend, Zeia.
What’s a song lyric that you like?  “It’s never over. My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder. It’s never over, all my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her. It’s never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter. It’s never over, she’s the tear that hangs inside my soul forever.”
Tacos or burritos?  Tacos with soft tortilla.
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 38
What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before? Fell in love for real lol.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  Probably not having visa issues.
What kind of computer do you have? An early 2015 MacBook Air.
Do you think about anyone before you go to bed? My boyfriend. I mostly just wonder if he’s okay. I know he gets sad about our situation but keeps it to himself most of the time.
Ever cried on the phone to somebody? I’ve done this so many times over the last 4 months. Long distance is hard. 8 hour gap is hard.
If your partner wanted to hang out with their ex, how would you react? Z easily gets jealous when I talk to people who used to like me, made a pass at me, I used to like or anything like that. I avoid approaching/talking too much to those people to make it easier on him. I think I should expect the same from him in return.
Do you believe that your partner should tell you the truth about everything? What lies do you believe are acceptable in a relationship? I’m 100% transparent to the point that I have told him absolutely everything in my past and my life because I would rather not be withholding information that could maybe potentially be a red flag, for example. So I expect the same, honestly. I don’t know what lies are acceptable, I don’t usually lie save from the common “I’m fine” escape route.
The past 72 hours, have you been under the influence? I drank a little heavily the other night, I guess. Bourbon whisky. A little more than half the bottle. With coca-cola, though, I’m not a complete psycho.
Have you ever had a panic attack? I don’t really know if it constitutes as a panic attack, but one time I had a kind of break-down feeling like I couldn’t breathe, and I was talking to my friend that time, thinking I was going to either pass out or die or at least it felt like that. My heart was skipping over itself, racing, and I was being all dramatic tbf. She said it could have been a panic attack, but I don’t really know and it never happened again so far so idk.
Last time you cried really really hard? Ever since this whole long distance situation with my boyfriend, I have had so much breakdowns lol... probably just a week ago or so.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? Definitely not. 
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? I’m already in one that’s way past that.
Do you own more than one cell phone? Yeah. I don’t really use the extra one because it’s just for in case my int’l number gets a call or whatever.
Have you ever been asked out? Plenty of times, but I’ve always been rather aloof and picky on top of that.... never had much success until my boyfriend. We just clicked hard, and I found myself wanting to go out with him again.
If you could have one super power, what would it be? Teleport. I would be back in the UK so quick, under the blanket with Z, probably just watching movies lol.
Do you act differently around the person you like? I mean, he’s the person I love the most. Of course, I would be acting differently. I’m not someone who would be described as sweet, but I could be that around my boyfriend, for instance.
What was the happiest age of your life? 20.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Possibly, but he’s busy with his assessment lol.
Do you believe it’s okay for your partner to look at other people? What about flirting? What are your boundaries when it comes to how your partner behaves around other people? It’s okay to find someone attractive, that’s normal. But flirting and giving them unnecessary attention would be crossing the line for me.
On the other hand, what boundaries do you set for yourself when it comes to the above mentioned? What boundaries does your partner have? Exactly the same. Fair and square.
Do you believe in being in a relationship with somebody if you don’t even know if you see a future with them? I’m not interested in playing around with someone. If I’m with you, I’m with you for the long haul. The moment I start doubting my feelings and start realising that you’re not the one for me/I don’t see a possibility of you and me in the future, that’s the time I back out.
Do you think your partner should buy you flowers, jewellery, etc.? Do you think you should be doing the same? I won’t necessarily expect gifts all the time for no reason, but of course I would appreciate them. I do like buying things for my boyfriend for no reason though, but it’s not like I ask for anything in return when I do that.
Do you feel that the male (in a heterosexual relationship) should actually be dominant in a relationship, or should both partners have an equal say? Equal say or do what ever works for you both, I’d say.
Do you believe that a couple should stay together and work things out no matter what? To what extent are you willing to fight for a relationship? "No matter what” is questionable. It depends on what the adversity is. It’s easy to compromise on the little things. Arguments are normal, but things like abusive behaviour, for example, is too much and I would not stay for.
Have you ever cheated? How did it happen - was it a moment of weakness or was it something well-planned out to avoid getting caught? How do you feel about the way things turned out because of it? Never. It’s the one thing I would never ever do.
How much change do you think is necessary in a relationship? Do you believe you should just accept your partner for who they are? Or do you believe some change is necessary for a relationship to grow? Partners should grow together. Being with the right person means improving and learning together. If you’re the same all throughout your relationship, it’s a bit questionable whether you have improved as a person or stayed the same the whole time. My boyfriend and I learn from each other all the time, I think it’s neat. Change is good if it’s a good change. I’ve changed some bad habits that he pointed out, and he’s done the same. It’s all good.
How do you handle jealousy? How does your partner handle jealousy? Reassurance. He is easily jealous but I know how to handle that. I don’t get jealous all that often, but when I do, I have a legitimate reason. For that, I just need reassurance as well and proof that I’m talking nonsense, if necessary.
How do you feel about snooping through a partner’s belongings? Do you ever feel that it’s acceptable? How would you feel if a partner snooped through your belongings? Z always tells me that his things are my things as well, but even so, I don’t really snoop, and neither does he.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Z’s mum.
Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? I can’t predict the future, but I think my relationship may be heading towards that. 10 years is a long time, I think it’s very possible we would already be married before then lol.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next week or two? Ever heard of long distance? Definitely not for the next few months.
What were you doing 2 hours ago? Browsing through YT and Netflix, just trying to have something to do.
Were you single on your last birthday? No. I had a great time clubbing with my friends, then an even better time the following day with my boyfriend. Then another great evening with both friends and boyfriend where we proceeded to get even more shitfaced! 10/10 would do again.
Are your nails painted? Yeah, nude shade.
Do you regret a past relationship? Before Z, I tried to go out with a classmate in uni who liked me. Halfway through our 3-month something, I started realising I probably didn’t even like him as more than friends and would never learn to. I didn’t have experience with dating, and I got curious to finally give it a try with someone decent. Learnt the hard way that that is not enough though. I kind of regret that because I hurt a good guy by trying it out, and I didn’t mean to. I knew I had to stop trying and broke it off because I wasn’t really feeling it. I mean, we didn’t even really go out on real dates let alone anything else really. It was that dead for me... I was stupid not to realise sooner. It was only for 3 months though so I’m still a bit glad for not letting it drag on and for acting on it.
What did you/are you having for dinner tonight? It was minced beef with veggies over white rice.
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lordhenry · 5 years
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 37
Are you in a relationship now? If so are you happy? Yes. Yes, but it’s so hard and sad to be so far from each other.
Would you rather text someone or call them? Boyfriend, call. Anyone else, text.
Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? I don’t really share secrets with them.
Do you shower every day? Yes.
Have you ever lost a loved one? Way too many times.
Is smoking a turn-off when it comes to being interested in someone? My boyfriend smokes and I don’t like it, but what can I do...
Are there any candles in the room with you? A lot of tea candles.
Does the last person you kissed have tattoos? No.
Is there someone you always call/text when you’re drunk? Boyfriend.
Have you ever been engaged? No.
What were you doing before you took this survey? On a video call with my boyfriend.
How do you drink you coffee? Brewed, with milk, not too sweet.
What was the last fun thing you did? When I made progress on my knitting, probably.
Do you have plans for this weekend? Watch Bohemian Rhapsody in the cinema!
How old will you be in five years? 25. 
Who did you spend at least two hours with today?  Probably.... myself hah..
How tall are you? Probably still 5′1 like I have been since I was 14 ugh.
Who was the last person to call you?  My boyfriend.
What was the last text message you received? I think it was from Andrea, “hahaha” or something like that, so I didn’t bother replying.
What were you doing at 12am last night?  Probably playing games on my phone.
When is the last time you saw your mom?  She’s sitting right next to me right now.
What is your favourite season?  Spring and fall.
Name one thing you worry about running out of.  Time.
What’s the last thing you and your sibling laughed about? This could only be a meme on Facebook tbh.
What’s the last thing you took a picture of? My cat sleeping on the stairs!
When are you getting your next new phone? I’m satisfied with my iPhone X. It’s still pretty new.
Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Korean writing? Easily.
Do you tell your parents who you like? Why or why not? I only ever told them about my boyfriend because I knew we would be serious. I don’t think I have ever told them about a past crush or anything like that.
Who’s the most annoying person in your neighbourhood? Practically all of the neighbours near us omg.
Name one of your psycho exes? I don’t have one. Plus, it’s not fair to throw around the word “psycho” just because you don’t like a person anymore.
What brand of eyeliner do you use? I don’t use it, but I have a nude one. I think it’s Rimmel?
When with a guy/girl you like, do you make the first move? I have never made the first move in my whole life lol. My boyfriend initiated every single thing we have ever done...
Have you ever done “naughty things” in a movie theater? No, just kissed—not even a proper kiss, just pecks. We go to the cinema to WATCH a movie.
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lordhenry · 5 years
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Freddie Mercury at Wembley 1986, by Lynn Goldsmith, via rockandrollphotogallery
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lordhenry · 5 years
survey 36
Are you tired? Very mentally tired, yes.
Are you taking this survey because you can’t sleep? Not really. Just to take my mind off my visa errands.
Do you have something important to do? Sort everything visa related.
Do you wish you had a new phone? No. I think iPhone X is the best phone I’ve used so far.
Name one thing you ate today? Mushroom truffle pasta.
Have you ever been to Germany? No, but I would love to go.
Do you drink coffee in the mornings? I drink it every day, anytime tbh.
Do you wear a lot of makeup? I only wear a lot when I go clubbing. Otherwise, I would opt for tinted moisturiser, brows, lip tint/balm and cream blush if I feel like it.
Have you ever written poetry or fiction? I still write poetry and other things from time to time, though I have never attempted fiction.
Would you date someone who has a different religion than you? My boyfriend has a different religion and it’s fine. I am fine with people having different religions, as long as they’re not trying to convert me every 2 seconds.
Do you like spicy foods? Love.
Have you ever sang or played an instrument in front of a crowd? I did sing when I was younger in school, I guess. I can’t say I was good exactly lol.
How are you today? Today has been mentally tiring, and right now it’s 2am and I’m waiting on my boyfriend to be free to talk to me and make me feel a little better so I’m doing survey for the mean time.
What colour is your favourite to wear in the fall?  I don’t really do it on purpose, but I think last fall I overworn my bright red coat, black turtleneck and black knee-high boots lol.
What do you dream of naming your first child?  I honestly really love the male name Lucien.
Do you have an ex-friend that you wish you were still friends with?  I’m with my first official boyfriend.
Do you answer phone calls from numbers you don’t know?  Most of the time, I am reluctant to.
What’s the most frustrating thing about your life right now? This whole distance between me and Z, my MBA aspiration, my visa getting all messed up, etc.
Would you rather carve or paint a pumpkin?  I have done neither, but I think I would enjoy them both.
Do you think you could make it in the entertainment industry?  I think I’m not charming enough to. If I ever become successful, it would be for any other reason.
Are you having a good or bad year?  This year has been a rollercoaster, but I would say it’s good because I met Z.
Would you raise your children the way your parents raised you? No, I would pay more attention to them, nurture them myself and not pay someone else to take care of them. Most importantly, I would be with them physically so they would not grow up unattached to me.
How long was your longest friendship? I guess about... 15 years?
What is something you must do everyday? Brush my teeth and wash my face.
What did you have for breakfast? I didn’t even wake up on time for breakfast.
Is it easy to make you cry? Strangest thing is I don’t really cry about a lot of things, but I cry very very very easily when it concerns my boyfriend. That is absolutely annoying.
Are you usually late, early, or right on time? Early or on time.
What do you think about the most? More like worry. The future.
What was the last lie you told? That I didn’t cry.
What are you doing right now? This and waiting for my boyfriend.
What should you be doing right now? Probably sleeping.
Are you afraid of getting your heart broken? Very. I guess I don’t want to lose Z is more like it.
Why did you last cry? Stress about my current situation.
Would you like for someone to call you right now? Yes, I’m waiting on Z to call me right now and make me feel better.
What was the last show that you watched a full episode of? It’s that Japanese show on Netflix called Midnight Diners, I think? If I’m not mistaken. I’m not even sure.
What would be worse - going out in public with no bra or no panties? No panties. That would be so uncomfortable esp wearing jeans. I’ve gone out with no bra plenty of times.
Have you ever had a ‘summer fling’? If yes, did it continue when summer ended? No, and I’ve never been interested in fleeting/temporary relationships. Seems absolutely pointless to me and you’re just setting yourself up for a heartbreak if you catch feelings.
If for some reason you were were unable to get to a supermarket for the weekend (let’s say you were snowed in or something) which item would be the worst for you to run out of - toilet paper or toothpaste? Toothpaste, for sure. I always clean myself with water and feminine wash anyways.
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lordhenry · 6 years
when there’s actually a good photo of me
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lordhenry · 6 years
survey 35
Are there any lyrics to describe your current relationship? "It’s never over until life ends. Lay down beside me, do it again.” First thing that popped into my head for some reason. This was how I was feeling when we had a fight recently.
Who in your life makes you the most uncomfortable? Myself.
Last food you ate?  Pepperoni pizza.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My boyfriend.
If you could be anywhere you want where would it be?  Back with Zeia.
Last movie you saw?  The Nun.
How old do you want to be when you have kids?  Z and I have talked about this and agreed it would be best at around late 20s to early 30s.
Tonight the last person you kissed calls you and tells you he wants you what do you say? I’ll have no choice but to ask him to wait a little more until we can be with each other again.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? Meet some friends and drink.
Be honest; name of the last person to text you? Zeia.
What was the last reason behind why you went to the hospital?  When I had red inflammation on my face/allergic reactions.
Do you talk to your pets?  Definitely. Sometimes Lestat answers back, other times he just looks at me like wtf?
Would you date someone that had a different religion from you?  Zeia has a different religion and it’s fine.
When was the last time you had a headache? The last time Z and I were arguing, I just had to sleep it off because my head was about to burst.
Does anyone call you babe? Z.
Would you rather date someone with a British accent or an Irish accent? Don’t care.
What are you most anxious/excited for? To start my MBA.
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? I don’t think so.
Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes.
Last person who told you things were going to be okay? Z.
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? Yeah.
Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? When. Starting before is a waste.
What did you do today? Absolutely nothing important. Drank coffee. Talked to Z. Played some games. I can’t wait to just leave soon.
Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower? Yeah, I do that while soaking my hair in with conditioner.
Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time? No and never.
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? I wouldn’t be interested.
Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? Depends on the sender.
Do you like movie nights? Two months ago, every night was movie night with Z. It was great.
Does the thought of having children scare you? Yes.
Are you nice to everyone? Yes, until I am given a reason not to be.
Would you rather date someone older than you or younger? Older.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? I don’t really know, but I could be, who knows.
Do you have trust issues? I really do.
What is on your wrists right now? Two hair ties.
Could you spend the rest of your life with someone who had bad taste in music? I find Z’s taste in music “bad” for the sole reason that I don’t listen to the same stuff. I don’t mind.
Do you love where you live?  No.
Last person you were on the phone with for more than 20 minutes? Z.
Would you go out in public looking like you do now? If I changed my clothes, yes.
So, what do you want for your birthday?  To still be with the same person, and for all my other birthdays to come, that’s all.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?  Yes.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? Of course. I’ve got lots of guy friends I have never considered dating.
If you HAD to kiss someone right now, who would it be? Zeia, of course.
If you could make your lips bigger, would you? A little bit, maybe.
Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house?  Yeah and I actually hate that tbh.
What does your wallet look like?  It’s a black Prada leather wallet with a gold zipper.
What’s the name of your current, if not current, most recent ex? I don’t think I have an ex. The guy I “went out” with briefly for just about 3 months, we barely did anything, we never even went on a date. I consider Z to be my first real boyfriend and we’re still together, so.
If you got pregnant right now, would you keep the baby? Fuck lol this question. I don’t know.
Rate your self confidence: 1 being insecure and 10 being cocky: 6?
If someone gave you a houseplant, would you keep it? I would, definitely.
Would you ever wish to explore a cave? I have. I went to the Ghost cave in Nottingham, it was creepy. 
Have you kissed more than three guys this year? Only one.
Can you use chopsticks? Yes.
What would you do if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? I don’t know. We’re not ready for that lmao...
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? Yes.
Is love really worth fighting for? Yes.
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lordhenry · 6 years
survey 34
Are you at the point in your life that you envisioned you would be at when you were younger? At what point in your life would you like to be settled down and “accomplished”? Definitely not. I thought I would still be in uni, but now I’ve graduated. I also thought I’d know what I’m doing but I definitely don’t right now. I did envision myself being in a steady relationship at this point and I suppose I am, so that part is right. I hope I’ll settle down and feel accomplished in my 30s or as early as possible lol.
What’s one (potentially embarrassing) question that you are just dying to know the answer to? It can be sexual, emotional, awkward, or just something you’re curious about but have never asked. I don’t even know anymore. I had a lot of sexual questions before that I have already asked my boyfriend and he’s already answered and I’ve already figured out, so there’s nothing else that comes to mind now.
Would you ever consider living alone, or would you prefer a roommate? What about with a significant other – do you think that living together before marriage is a must? I haven’t experienced living with a roommate, but I have lived alone already and it was decent. I liked my space.. but I am currently living with my boyfriend and that’s even better. It’s not really a must, but it’s a good way to test if you’re really compatible because you’re pretty much together 24/7 and around them when they’re sad/happy/angry/hungry/etc.
How do you wake up in the morning (alarm, music, naturally, etc)? Do you typically have a hard time getting up? When I have an appointment, I set an alarm. Nothing to do, naturally.. which means waking up on and off from 7am until before lunch/I want to get out of bed lol.
Do you know if women in your family tend to get gray hair early? Have you yourself ever had a gray hair? I’ve had a few grey hairs, like one or two. It doesn’t bother me cause it’s probably just due to stress. My mum keeps her hair dyed and has been for my whole life so I wouldn’t know.
Do you tend to take extra precautions in the sun (avoiding tanning, using sunscreen daily, etc)? Have you ever seen a dermatologist for any sort of skin disease? I really should. I have the products, but do I use them? No. I’ve never seen a dermatologist for any reason.
Have you ever said “I love you” to a significant other and had him/her not say it back? If not, have you ever been in any situation where you said something you felt and your significant other did not return the sentiment? No and no.
Do you have many guy friends? Do you think that, as friends, guys tend to be more upfront about things than girls? Do you think that girl friends have a tendency to sugarcoat things? I have a lot of guy friends and I feel more comfortable to be brutally honest around them than my girl friends. Although I do spend more time with girls in person. I can do both. Yeah, girls to other girls (in my experience) tend to be less straightforward, less honest.
What are some of your favourite things about the autumn season? What do you usually look forward to when fall comes around? The weather is good: not as hot as summer but also not as cold as winter. I look forward to the change in season and pumpkin spice latte because I actually really dig the damn flavour and wish they served it the whole year.
How often do you consume caffeinated beverages? Do you ever get withdrawal symptoms when you don’t consume caffeine? Every day. I suppose I crave it when I don’t consume tea/coffee.
What are some of your favourite scents to wear? What about on guys? Lately I’ve been into refreshing and balanced unisex scents (i.e. Gypsy Water by Byredo or Ralph by Ralph Lauren). On guys, I like clean, icy, and fresh scents.
Do you believe in or ascribe to astrology at all? Do you think that your sign fits you accurately? How often do you read your horoscope? No. I am a Gemini and it has never been accurate for me. I don’t seek astrology, but I do read it out of curiosity when I come across it on facebook or elsewhere.
If you didn’t like a friend’s significant other, would you be honest and up front with them about it, or just butt out? How would you feel if one of your friends said this to you? If my opinion is not needed, I would keep it to myself. I’d feel irked maybe but then again anyone’s approval is not really my concern.
Do you have to be in a certain mood or mindset for taking surveys? If you make them, what inspires you to do so? It’s just something I do when I don’t have anything to do and feel like thinking a little... but with prompts.
Describe a time when you felt you really bonded or grew closer to someone? When I had a relationship problem with Z and Sam sniffed it out and basically forced me to share and it got us closer and more comfortable together because I’ve never shared personal stuff with him before.
How important is it for you and your partner or friends to share a similar taste in music, movies, shows, etc? I feel like these kind of things are more important with friends than partner. Z and I compromise a lot because we don’t like the same stuff. I watch his football matches, he watches my documentaries and it works out. With friends though it’s harder to meet in the middle sometimes.
What sort of compliments make you feel the best? Sincere ones. It could be about anything.
If a friend watches or recommends something, how likely are you to check it out? Depends on the friend and how much our tastes match.
What would you say to a twenty year old version of yourself? I am 20 now so uhm. Just keep going.
Name a few things that make you happy? My boyfriend, cats, friends, family, coffee/tea, music. 
What was the last thing you put away? My anklet.
What are some of your favourite sounds? Cat’s purr, raindrops, combat boots on pavement, paintbrush strokes, leaves rustling in the wind.
What is the climate and geography like where you live? It’s summer in England so it’s a bit miserable. Around 25ºC during the day and about 14–18ºC at night and I cannot wait for autumn. Although.. I will not even be here for the whole of autumn though. :|
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lordhenry · 6 years
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Jannis Kounellis “Untitled”-1980
#Built Beauty
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lordhenry · 6 years
Survey 33
What’s your favourite feature of the last person who held your hand? Lips and arms.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? Yes.
Do you like your hair? I recently cut it shoulder-length and I kinda like it, yet want to cut it shorter.
Would you rather kiss someone 5 years older or 5 year younger? Older. I certainly don’t want to kiss a 15 year old.
Have you kissed anyone today? Yes.
Will you kiss anyone tomorrow? Yes.
What’s the most important in a relationship: honesty or trust? They go hand in hand.
Do you like to cuddle? Yes.
Has anyone called you perfect before? My boyfriend.
Would you prefer to go out on a fancy date or just chill in his house? Right now, I’d go for a fancy date because all we do is chill in our house.
Where is the person you fell the hardest for? Out hanging out with his friend.
What cell phone provider do you have? Vodafone. 
When was the last time you saw snow? I think it last snowed around March...? 
Last thing you ate? Chicken BBQ and chips.
Who told you they loved you last? Z.
Are you wearing make-up? Nope.
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?  Yes.
What was the name of the last pet of yours that died?   Jaka :(
Do you like pineapple? The fruit itself, no; the juice, I love.
When was the last time you wished the day would just get over with?   Most days.
Stop typing. What do you hear?                 The washing machine...
What movie can you watch over and over again and not get sick of it?     Probably Death at a Funeral.
What is the optimal room temperature for your comfort? Around 18–21ºC.
What was the last thing you drank? Hazelnut coffee.
Do you swear in front of your parents? Sometimes.
How many people have you kissed in this month? One.
Where’s your girlfriend/boyfriend at? I can hear him in the hallway playing with our cat.. and it’s midnight...
Think back to June. Were you in a relationship? Yes.
Are you ready for kids? Fuck no and I wouldn’t be for another at the very least half a decade.
What woke you up this morning? Z moving in bed.
Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? Definitely rainy, summer in England is getting out of hand right now.
Last person you had a fight with? Probably Z.
Believe in love at first sight? Never at first sight. That’s infatuation at best.
What do you do before you go to bed? I wash my face and brush my teeth every single night before bed.
Do you wake up to a good morning text? No because I live with my boyfriend at the moment and don’t need to text each other.
Do you miss anything? Yes, my other cat Lestat.
How did you get your last bruise? I just end up with bruises everywhere by playing around with Z.
Have you ever made a boy cry? Yes. 
Is the last person you kissed older than you? Yes, but not by much lol.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? I could only hope so. I’m happy right now and I just want to be happier in the future.
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lordhenry · 6 years
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Autumn fairytales | RivuletPaperShop
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lordhenry · 6 years
survey 32
Tell me where you will be Saturday afternoon? I don’t know but it’s exciting cause I won’t be alone this coming Saturday. Been on my own for almost 2 weeks now.
How do you feel? Annoyed. I fell asleep after dinner and now it’s midnight and I don’t know what to do, I’m so awake lol.
Are you mad at your significant other?  No, and I find it hard to be mad at him.
What was the last thing you drank? I am still drinking my matcha latte.
Is it easy for you to accept loss? No.
I bet you miss somebody right now? You’d be right.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? I do feel that way.
Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? Yes, I’m gonna just say yes. 
When was the last time you ate Taco Bell and with whom? Just about 3 weeks ago with my boyfriend.
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? Way, way happier, it’s actually jarring.
Where did your last kiss take place?  My flat.
Do you live with your biological mother? I’m on my own atm, no.
What colour are the sheets on your bed?  Grey. 
What’s the closest green thing to you? Lemsip lol.
How much of an education do you have? I’m done with university, and about to start my MBA.
Is there anything you’re counting the days for? Yeah, 2 more days before my boyfriend comes home.
If you could try an illegal drug, with no negative consequences whatsoever, which one would you choose? Probably psychedelics.
Is there anyone that makes your skin crawl? Yes, a certain waste of sperm and egg who likes to prey on sleeping children.
Do you enjoy dressing up? It depends on my mood, but sometimes I end up dressing up only for the event to be so disappointing so then I just lose motivation the next time round lol.
What song did you last listen to? Freudian by Daniel Caesar. I love the choir-like bridge.
Do you care what people think of you? Only if I care about them.
What are your religious views? It doesn’t matter what your religion is called. Just be a decent human being.
Are you a romantic person? Tbh, I wish. I don’t think I am.
When did you last change your bed sheets? Just 3 days ago. I change it about twice a month.
At what age do you plan to be married? 30?
Are you resilient? I’m still here.
Do you wear more bright or dull colors? Dull colours.
Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide? I know quite a lot of people who has attempted, and also a few family relatives who actually succeeded.
Do you enjoy listening to others’ problems? I don’t enjoy when people I care about have problems, but I do appreciate the fact that they come to me for help / solutions instead of expecting me to just sympathise and offer nothing substantial.
What are you most looking forward to? Seeing my boyfriend tbh.
Are you afraid of insects? I really, really, am.
Are you cold-natured? People say so.
Did you/do you enjoy high school? For the most part, not really, but there were good moments.
When did you last go to the library? During the exams, last April.
How late did you stay up last night and why? 5am cause I was staying up with Z and I was ranting about some things.
Have you ever written poetry? I do write things I don’t let people read.
What would you say is your favorite book of all-time? The Secret History by Donna Tartt.
Are you a fan of public displays of affection? All I do in public with my boyfriend is hold hands. With other couples, I don’t mind, as long as they’re not exchanging faces right in front of my face.. like, give me space lol.
Do you wish your life were simpler or more interesting? I wish my family life was simpler.
Which is worse: going blind or deaf? Blind. I’d like to see the world.
Do you ever prefer to be alone? Normally, I’d say yes, but now I have someone I don’t mind being by my side all the time so..
Do you take naps daily? No, naps are dangerously vague....
Do you plan on traveling this spring or summer? This summer, I want to go to Yorkshire with Z.
Do you ever accidentally talk to inanimate objects? Yes, sometimes I hit something inanimate and I just instinctively apologise. My friend Jessica caught me saying sorry to a door one time :|
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? Yes, when I was in my early teens and exploring the possibilities—that’s when I realised I was 100% straight. I told my boyfriend, and now he won’t stop teasing me about this. I think he enjoys the thought, but it’s annoying now. I actually wish I never told him lol.
What’s your favourite comedy movie? Probably Death at a Funeral.
In which year were you born? 1998. I’m so mad that I’m no longer a teenager. 
Have the past few days been bad, good, or neutral? Bad. I got too used to being with Z allllllll the time, then he had to be away for 2 weeks and ????? I kinda forgot how to sleep alone, eat alone, be on my own again. 
The last pain that you experienced, was it physical or emotional? Emotional.
What was the last thing you said sorry for? For making Z stay up until 4am on the phone when he had to be awake by 5. Felt so bad lol.
Do you and your boyfriend live in the same city? No, we originally live hours away from each other, but we go to the same uni and rent flats just about 10 mins away from each other.
Last thing you spent over 20 dollars on? Clothes.
Last time wearing your hair in a bun? Right now lol.
Do you think wearing cross necklaces is religious or gothic? Not really. It’s become a fashion statement now. Even I wear them, but I’m not religious despite being an official roman catholic (as a toddler who had no choice).
Does your mom have nice hair? Yes, her hair can take on any chemical. It’s always healthy even though she keeps it dyed regularly, it’s unfair.
Do your teachers like you? Teachers generally trust me because I produce quality work, but they don’t like me. Only one professor ever truly liked me as a person I think lol.
Do you even care if they do? No, as long as they treat me fairly—that’s all I want.
Are you part of any clubs at school? In high school, I was in IT club for two years. In uni, uhh Rotaract for a short amount of time.
Do you live in the moment? Not always.
When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? We talked on the phone just a few hours ago before he slept.
If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? I do have the right person, but I would wait. I can’t deal with marriage.
Have you ever kissed someone the same night your met them? No. Not my thing to do something like that.
Would you consider yourself very flexible? I don’t think so, but Z thinks so. I’m confused, my limbs literally hurt when I stretch? lol.
Has anyone kissed you when you weren’t expecting it? Did you like it? Yeah, my first kiss with Z I think was pretty random. Yeah.
Open the nearest book, turn to page 11, and type the first sentence: “—announce it to the world in order for eager investors to fund your thought experiment.” (yeah, boring, it’s an Elon Musk biography.
Are you currently listening to anything? Daniel Caesar still.
Would you ever consider getting breast implants? No. I like my small B titties.
Does anyone call you babe? Yeah.
Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair? I only like it when my bf does it. Other people can stay away from my hair lol.
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