lttleghost · 6 hours
I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.
- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.
- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.
- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.
That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️
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lttleghost · 7 hours
wait I thought tarnishing was just the inhibitor not completely inhibiting?
It’s both!
The inhibitor gene works more effectively on eumelanin than phaenomelanin, which is why the black silver tabby pattern tends to be more striking than red silver.
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Up top we have an American Shorthair photography by Sergey Loubov sporting the breeds iconic black silver classic tabby and on the bottom we have a British Shorthair from Chersolli in red silver classic tabby.
So the inhibitor gene is going to have a harder time inhibiting high-rufousing.
Tarnish is considered undesirable in many breeds and we know more or less rufousing can be bred for despite not knowing the actual genetics so it’s more prevalent in random-bred silvers.
I’ve also seen it said that tarnish occurs in heyerozygous silver cats? Which is a very interesting theory but the inhibitor gene couldn’t actually be tested for until recently so I don’t know how legitimate the idea is.
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Spotted Beauty Klarabella Ella is a black silver spotted tabby Ocicat, we know she’s heterozygous because only one parent was silver. She has low rufousing and thus very little tarnish.
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And then we have this black silver spotted tabby Ocicat photographed by Kimi Indra Oehne who has higher rufousing and thus more tarnish seen on the muzzle and feet.
Very excited to see our understanding of the inhibitor gene expand, though, as testing for it becomes more commonplace!
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lttleghost · 7 hours
1. Classic Tabby
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[Source: Metatron Eyes Maine Coons]
2. Marbled Tabby
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[Source: BangkokCats]
3. Mackerel Tabby
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[Source: FI*RuusuLinnan Ingrid]
4. Braided Tabby
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[Source: Brindle Way Toygers]
5. Spotted Tabby
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[Source: NitroKatz Savannahs]
6. Rosetted Tabby
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[Source: Liberty Bengals]
7. Ticked Tabby
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[Source: King Size]
8. Servaline Tabby
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[Source: Akilah Cat] [AAFP Position Statement: Hybrid Cats]
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lttleghost · 7 hours
TMA? TME? What's that?
This is a question I get a lot on my posts talking about transfeminism; I intend to make this a masterpost with which to send people if they are genuinely curious.
What does TME/TMA mean?
TME- Transmisogyny Exempt
TMA- Transmisogyny Affected
More specifically, TMA is a catchall term for people whose experience being assigned male and transitioning to a feminine gender or presentation has made them the focus and primary target of transmisogyny. TME people are everyone else.
But isn't everyone affected by transmisogyny in some way?
In some way, yes. But TMA people are, by definition, the ones who are the primary target, and the ones who cannot escape it. A trangender man might be mistaken for a trans woman on the street and accosted, yes! However, his interactions with family, the legal system, other queer people, and any partners are going to be affected by transphobia, but not transmisogyny, because these people see him as outside the "MtF" category. This is the core of transmisogyny and why transmisogyny as a term exists separate from transphobia.
Why not use transfeminine/transmasculine?
Where I'm standing I'd like to be able to use those words with the rough understanding that they are related to one's relationship to assigned gender and transmisogyny, but there are people who do not feel that this adequately describes their identity (ie transfem people who were AFAB). I'm taking these people on good faith, but I still want to be able to discuss what TME/TMA is discussing.
Isn't this just reinventing the gender binary?
It's describing a preexisting one. The White/POC dichotomy is not "reinventing race science", it's describing how the society built on that lie affects people. Someone who uses the word "nonblack" probably knows that racial categories are artificial, but is still affected by anti-black racism, and deserves the language to talk about it. Understand TME/TMA the same way.
Also, to be clear, cisgender men are TME. It is not just restating your AGAB.
What about intersex AFAB people?
This is where I am going to bow my head and admit that I do not know, exactly. It's undeniable that there are similarities in the bodies of TMA people and a cis woman with PCOS, just for example, and that the hatred that such bodies attract are going to affect her. However, it's also true that having been assigned, raised, and legally defined as a "female" is going to provide a different set of problems. If someone wants to have a genuine discuss about this, my ask box and messages are open- however, if you are not yourself AFAB and intersex, I do not care your opinion on the matter.
If it has so many problems, why use it?
Every term used to discuss marginalization has problems. "White", for example, is a category that can include or exclude Ashkenazi jewish people depending on context and usage; the border between cis and trans is one that has edge cases. But these terms are important for describing oppression and helping marginalized people! It would be absurd to completely abolish them, wouldn't it? It's the same with TME/TMA.
I fundamentally disagree that this category of people you're talking about deserve or need a word to describe their oppression, or that they have a unique relationship to that oppression.
Well. You're wrong, so
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lttleghost · 7 hours
"Pointing out that transmasculine people aren't the target of transmisogyny is antithetical to intersectionality!"
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
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lttleghost · 7 hours
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lttleghost · 7 hours
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lttleghost · 7 hours
more lethal company reviews that made me laugh
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lttleghost · 7 hours
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lttleghost · 7 hours
donald glover’s famous “abed fucks” moment from the S2:E3 commentary track
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lttleghost · 7 hours
OKAY so I’ve pretty much finished her... minus really not knowing what to do to get the buttons and belts on the pockets to move with the rig in the right way without getting warped (since I'm using cloth physics on her clothes) I added a painterly effect to his textures as well which will make my paintovers easier whenever I finally go to doing those
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I don't really have a pose in mind for this outfit apecifically so I've actually gone straight into re-doing my model so I can make some selfship stuff haha
oh hey! I'm far enough along with my girl that I'm happy to share some WIPs now :3c
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I ended up actually learning blenders hair system for him because the technique I used to do super short hair on the model of myself didn't look super great on Jesse and the other method only really works for long hair. I still need to fiddle a lil more with her hair but blenders hair tools are not as scary as I first thought
and here's her with her shaved hairstyle as well
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lttleghost · 7 hours
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lttleghost · 7 hours
*I worship you Tumblr please don’t remove it
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Saw Kui’s design for their modern clothing and a pink sunset fleshed through my eyes❤️🧡🤍🩷
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lttleghost · 7 hours
a terf? that's someone who hates men, right? transmisogyny? yeah we experience that too, it's a flavor of misandry I assure you. feminism? it's been good and bad at the same time, I wanna say! too many times it left men behind. patriarchy? yeah it sucks. it's like 5 rich people who force men not to cry and hide their emotions. and oppresses women who are also complicit in it as mothers I guess.
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lttleghost · 7 hours
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these kinds of posts are my favorite because they explicitly state that talking about male privilege and misogyny is not talking constructively about gender theory. gender theory is when trans men have no privilege and trans women talking about transmisogyny is infighting, got it
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lttleghost · 7 hours
could you draw a Chibi 10th Doctor Who and Chibi Rose? please
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lttleghost · 7 hours
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