lukehazardly · 4 years
A new update just came out for V;S, which is an interactive fiction game I’m working on! Check it out, it’s pretty cool
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lukehazardly · 4 years
A large update for an interactive fiction game called Voiden;Scape just came out!
Play it/read it here: https://hazardly.itch.io/voidenscape
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lukehazardly · 4 years
You recall many memorable nights where you played this game for tens of hours without stopping with your VIRTUAL CLIQUE, annihilating each others creations in NUCLEAR FIRE, and erecting unspeakably vile structures which would cause even the most DESPERATE HYPERSEXUALS to retort.
Voiden;Scape, my interactive fiction game
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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got my text-based game looking pretty snazzy. here’s a link if you’re interested. https://hazardly.itch.io/voidenscape
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lukehazardly · 4 years
decided to make a nifty interactive fiction game in my free time, feel free to play it here (completely free) https://hazardly.itch.io/voidenscape
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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unfortunately, you do not have the beef testosterone required to open the trapdoor!
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lukehazardly · 4 years
onision jumping from being a memelord to being the most hated person on the internet
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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on my streams, you’ll now see stellar;bound in dark mode! in order to achieve this all i needed to do was download a dark mode extension for firefox. most browsers probably have one. if you want to read it in dark mode just get one from your browser’s official extension store. now my streams don’t kill your eyes. stellarbound: https://www.tinyurl.com/stellarbound (a link to my twitch is there)
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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cc strongly supports capitalism and ruthless business methods read it here or else: https://www.tinyurl.com/stellarbound
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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completely original, i’m sure of it.
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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i made a character of my story’s desktop and you need to enter a password to open it. i feel like an elementary schooler who discovered inspect element for the first time.
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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this is, without a doubt, the most important mini-arc i have planned for my webnovel. i can’t imagine the cataclysmic state it’d be in later on if it weren’t for this. (read it here kthnx https://www.tinyurl.com/stellarbound)
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lukehazardly · 4 years
My clown (47m) wont stop screaming at me (23m)
i might be too youthful to be accepting the clown care of a harlequin, but i’ve followed every clown care guide i could find dutifully. every morning, every night, i’ve read nothing but clown care guides; some of them even specific to harlequins. but nothing is working.
clownssentially, i went down to his clownclosure one night because i heard extremely loud screaming and i was very worried for the well-being of my clown. i saw a strange poster on the wall with two clown masks on a black background, and i think he was doing karaoke with it but it’s just screaming? how is screaming karaoke? clownever, he didn’t stop at just screaming in that scenario. when i asked him what he was doing all he did was scream at me. it was like all languages he previously knew were purged from his mind and now the only clownacular he clownderstands is yelling clowngressively. i’ve tried clownevery food to give him; trusted clowntton candy brands, clownthically-made clown milk, i’ve even went to clowns-r-us to buy him  clownther, more pleasant toys to clownstract him from what i can only clownssume is clowncore, but he clowndoesn’t care. clowncore is the only fate he knows. i am clown with clown clownxpressing clownself, but what i’m clown clownkay with is clown clown were in the clowns-r-us he just clowntinued sclownreaming. his sclownreaming has gotten clowngressively better, though -- if that’s worth clowning clownyway. clany clhelp clown clownppreciated.
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lukehazardly · 4 years
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I thought act one of Stellar;Bound was going to last around forty pages. If you look on the far, far right side of the screen, those uncensored cards represent the FOURTEEN pages that I have completed. This is act one of division one of sector one. This might be a bit longer for me to write than I first expected. Here’s the book. (It’s reader command-based for all you Homestucks)
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lukehazardly · 4 years
The intro
Within the pugnacious solar system of Omnis resides five dominating worlds. Karasuul; an unforgiving, anarchic desert planet, Aravkaar; a quiescent spheroid doused in lush forests and stone ruins, Csenus; a globe donning brumal icelands and dunes of snow, Infernias; a magma-filled technological -- and political -- powerhouse, and Cerberus; Infernias’s post-nuclear moon.
This is a snippet from an unorthodox reader input-based webnovel I’m working on called Gammaborne: https://www.tinyurl.com/gammaborne
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lukehazardly · 4 years
It’s been a hot minute
I haven’t used Tumblr for months, primarily because I stopped my work on Eterniox. Instead I began working on something I care about a lot more, and that’s a lot better, called Gammaborne. (I might change the title soon, not sure I’m feeling it that much.) It’s basically an unorthodox reader command/suggestion-based e-book about five extra-terrestrial teenagers and an adventure that they embark upon. That summary might be somewhat reminiscent of my old work (Eterniox) but trust me, this one is quite a bit different.
Rather than posting full on installments on Tumblr I think I’ll take snippets of every installment and post them, because that would be a lot more engaging to most people here than entire novels slammed into their recommendations. Also, because of its unconventional style and reader-input based system, if you’re into Homestuck or some of the other MSPA works you might find some interest in this! Lastly, there’s a link to my Twitch account because I live stream the writing sessions for Gammaborne. You leave your ideas in the chat and I make them a reality. If you want the full link, here it is: https://www.tinyurl.com/gammaborne Here’s my Twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/lukehazardly
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