lux-feuer · 2 years
seeing a black cat is actually good luck because then you get to see a cat
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lux-feuer · 2 years
Hey in case you didn’t hear this today:
You are valid
You matter
Keep being you
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lux-feuer · 2 years
shout out to ace and aro kids who are constantly bombarded with the opinion that sex and romantic love are directly connected to living a happy life.
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lux-feuer · 2 years
All LGBTQI+ Wikis are being merged, without their consent. Except for the Ezgender Wiki.
I wish what I just said was an exaggeration. The LGBTA Wiki Staff wasn’t consulted at all about this, but was abruptly told today the following:
We are excited to introduce LGBTQIA+, a new wiki community that will serve as the home for all information about sexuality and gender identity. This will be a consolidated version of the former wiki pages and at launch will include just the main articles needed to help people who are searching for information. We worked closely with a number of LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies as we developed this wiki and to ensure the most accurate information continues to live on this wiki, there will be an emphasis on sourcing articles. For example: as content is added to this wiki, only official terms that are recognized by people working on LGBTQIA+ issues will be approved.
As we begin to consolidate our LGBTQIA-related wikis, we will redirect all users to our LGBTQIA+ wiki. To ensure our content is inclusive and provides a wide range of information, our admins (who are LGBTQIA+ community members) have thoughtfully been building out wiki pages that represent a wide range of topics covering all identities, sexualities, historic LGBTQIA+ events, activism and more.
One exception to the merge is the Ezgender wiki, which will host articles outlining specific genders, orientations and pronouns, including pages of xenogenders from other wikis. The main LGBTQIA+ Wiki will have a page on xenogenders (with examples), but not the thousands of pages as on other wikis.
We are giving you the upcoming few weeks to make sure that your content is migrated to EZGender as necessary or, if you so choose, exported to another host.
[Please click here to read the full announcement from Fandom Wiki Staff]
No one on Ezgender Wiki Staff was consulted about this at all, and now  from my understanding, we quite literally will become the ONLY Wiki able to host specific xenogender terms. Essentially fandom has made the decision our wiki will be the literal only place that continues to list xenogenders and microlabels, and the combined wiki they’re creating will only feature terms “official terms” “recognized by people working on LGBTQIA+ issues”. So, site wide transphobia and an encouragement to gatekeep xenogenders. This is a recipe for disaster in general - For example, there are plenty of prominent activists who claim pansexual, nonbinary, or bigender aren’t “officially recognized.” 
Everyone at Ezg feels this is a ridiculous decision that undermines the spirit of LGBTQI+ education and opens room to gatekeep “un-recognized” identities. I’ve been talking to Staff from LGBTA Wiki, and they feel the same way.
Here’s what you can do to help:
Please sign this petition letting Fandom know you disprove of this decision.
Comment on the announcement post linked above and let them know you don’t think this decision was fair and something else should be done. Don’t be insulting, but tell them this is a bad decision.
Signal boost this post. This decision was made weeks before it was to happen, and again without even letting any of the Staff of these Wikis know this was a possibility. People need to know about this. 
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lux-feuer · 2 years
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Story of my life people. You know what’s real ? The struggle.
Happy Pride Month ♥
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lux-feuer · 2 years
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lux-feuer · 2 years
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lux-feuer · 2 years
ace culture is wondering why you would want somebody to put their tongue in your mouth. Like, one is fine thanks
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lux-feuer · 2 years
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lux-feuer · 2 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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lux-feuer · 2 years
Hello, everyone.
Recently, me and someone I know got into a heated discussion about m-spec lesbians. They were telling me that my identity is "offensive" and "a mockery" and that "99.9% of lesbians agree with them". Obviously 99.9% is not a legitimate statistic, but it did get me wondering; how many lesbians do think that m-spec lesbians are invalid? How many people from other demographics think this way?
So I made a google form. Anyone can take this survey.
If you want to reblog this post, please do. I want this to reach as many people as possible. If you can, share it with your friends or discord servers.
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lux-feuer · 2 years
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Bluegender, my new favourite gender
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lux-feuer · 2 years
This might be me
soo... i made another flag lol
A mix of agenderflux and genderfloren. Someone who's agenderfloren is mostly agender, but is partially connected to a gender that is fluid/fluctuating, and the gender never fluctuates to fully male or fully female.
(Pls reblog if you can! I want this to be spread around a lot!)
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lux-feuer · 2 years
Is demiboyfluff a thing then?
If yes that’s one of my genders
hello! i made gender :]
may i introduce to you,
boyfluff ! :D
based off genderfluff (as you can tell from my last post), its a masculine gender, but it feels soft and fluffy and comforting. Flag here:
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lux-feuer · 2 years
i’m pretty sure by now “tired” is just part of my personality description
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lux-feuer · 2 years
I feel like a lot of people don’t want to ask questions they have about gender/sexuality to LGBT people because they don’t want to offend them because we talk about cishet people asking stupid or intrusive questions a lot
But actually when you’re questioning it’s really helpful to be able to ask some ‘stupid’ questions although you’re too afraid to
So can y'all LGBTQIA+ people reblog this if you’re totally fine with people asking questions about your gender/sexuality, as long as they do so respectfully
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lux-feuer · 2 years
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Pro-LGBTQ+ Countries
Black - It's illegal to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Gray - There are laws prohibiting the positive representation of the LGBTQ+ community.
Red - No anti-discrimination laws for sexual orientation and gender identity. No legal identity change.
Orange - Little to no anti-discrimination laws but same-sex marriage (or at least same-sex unions) are recognized and same-sex couples can adopt children. Legal identity change requires surgery. OR Anti-discrimination laws present but little to no improvement in other areas. Legal identity change requires surgery.
Yellow - Anti-discrimination laws present and some improvement in other areas.
Light Green - Anti-discrimination laws present and same-sex marriage (or at least same-sex unions) is recognized and same-sex couples can adopt children. Legal identity change doesn't require surgery. (Almost perfect.)
Dark Green - Anti-discrimination laws present, same-sex marriage is recognized, same-sex couples can adopt children and legal identity change doesn't require surgery. (Perfect.)
Countries Which Aren't on the Map:
- Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Cook Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Kiribati, Maldives, Mauritius, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu
- Bahrain
- Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles, Bahamas, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, San Marino, Vatican City, Fiji, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau
- Saint Helena, Bermuda
Dark Green:
- Malta
This map does NOT accurately represent which countries are safe for the LGBTQ+ community. It shows which countries have taken measures to end discrimination against LGBTQ+ people but it does not account for the public's opinion on the community and any crime rates in the countries. Different maps will probably be made for those issues.
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