madxhatter13 · 3 years
Tears streaming down my face
The taste of heartbreak
Bitter on my tongue
My heart, a monster
Desperately trying
To claw out from its cage
To follow where you fled
If only to stop the tears
Turn it to rage
But none of this is possible
It cannot be undone
And I don't think
I would will it so
Even if given the choice.
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madxhatter13 · 3 years
I can do worse things to myself than anyone can ever do to me; and I have done them; carried the scars on my body and soul like trophies of battles lost and won; it was within that paradox that pain became the muse for which I could pour out my confessions and you would either see the beauty, the horror, or misjudge me entirely; what is it when angels are monstrous wolves, forever succumbing to the pull and sway of the moon? Are we grace or are we the fallen? Being the judge and jury only to take your sins out against this shell. Shall I ever again find Heaven....through Hell? Alas, I am in limbo; for I am too afraid to turn the off the lights.
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madxhatter13 · 3 years
once upon a time
Back when our souls warred
And vied for a spot in line
Thinking earth was better than space
A magickal place
Where angels fall and demons rise
Alas, the duality in the nature
Succumbing to that creature
Hence, trapped, anon
Within the wrong side of rapture.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
I was the kind of girl that enviously watched the ease with which birds would glide upon the breeze; my heart leaping as the hawks soared in magnificent majesty far above my head; yet in my dreams, my feeble flapping arms could only pull me mere feet above the ground; even in those fleeting moments that seemed to stretch to eternity, I was more afraid of the fall than escaping the claws of faceless monsters seeking to devour me; how silly really, depending on something not designed to fly, and succumbing to a senseless weight that ever caged me; I had forgotten how effortlessly my own wings had carried me through the cosmos, and how fearless I was, even in my fall from grace; and yet, yet, grace never fell from me, never had it forsaken my love to fly; at last I am reborn, once again I am destined to soar.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
I was never the girl for white weddings and fairytale endings. My love for beasts and dragons born from thorny roses and vampiric lust of the night. When summer comes and I am love and light fading with the leaves of autumn, I turn back to the dusk and prepare myself for the winter that is to come; for I was born of storms and ice. Though they bit at me for many a year, I finally understand the beauty in the cold.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
Back when we made those promises in the ethereal everrealm that still beats within the deepest heart of me. When you swore me freedom and caged me like a bird until I drowned in your obsession. Now in this aeon of longing that you dub my karma. Adrift in a river rift I can hardly stay afloat all because you deemed it necessary I feel every break of your heart, though the breaking of our contract was yours and yours alone. I shall take every punch and wear each bruise as a badge of honor. Shall I show you my scars? Does it thrill you to see me drowned and resurrected over and over again? Will our souls survive the pain I know we both must feel? That is the question that haunts me the most.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
It hurts more than it should
When the world is a silver platter
And I am looked upon as merely
A bronze piece in a case of endless trophies
Yet, underneath that tarnish
I am glittering diamonds
And a treasure trove lost to time
I do not fear my glowing nor the shadows I cast upon the ages
As I clear myself of heartache and misuse
Each scratch, each dent
A testimate to the battles I have faced and survived
Through the ravages of time.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
When the monsters come crawling out my mouth and there's nothing to hold me but this blanket of doubt as I curve down to whispers that intend to be a shout and I think to go placidly amidst the colors and sounds, but there is violence and sadness and things I dare not think when I'm at the edge of the world and aim to jump from the brink into madness and myth and anything in between; so a dream within a dream is at is seems to be; though I know it's my own making and my own magick at play. The devil in the details and angelic sway in the music and the lyrics and the same songs on replay. That's where you'll find me; the when and the where; betwixt harmony and hatred and crosses to bear. My darling, my darling, there is nothing to fear; I am angel and demon and the stitch in the tear, the monsters crawl in and the glory seeps out; when I am sound and silence, whispers and a shout away from the thing you wish me to stay, put in coffins amidst gravestones at the altar you do pray; as you worship and forsake me and push me away back into the dark places I could never break away.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
Tell me what it is that sparks your soul
In those late hours, long before the dawn
When you fight between horror and hopefulness
Confess those flirting inklings that flash across your mind; switching on and off,
A kaleidoscope of doubt and simple knowing
Especially those truths you struggle to swallow
Lined with burrs and thorns; and the lies, silky smooth, to wash the medicine down
Show me every color of your being
And each mask you wear over the very fabric of your essence
Most importantly, allow me the privilege of basking in your light. I assure you I will not cower in your shadow. I am a lover of monsters; both beautiful and beastly.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
I know you see me
As I see you
Our eyes meet
Souls crossed
Come together
Dance away
I don't need saving
Stop playing
Come meet me
The pines wait.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
I wish I had a someone who would observe me silently, who would capture all my habits and quirks, and still love me. Someone that would get lost in how my fine features define my face, while smiling or crying, and still love me.
— Elay Neal Moses
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
Goddess, but how I dripped bits of myself
Down to worlds far beneath even the basic of my essence to release you from a cage of your own making
Your incessant howling after my moons
And your drowning in the magnitude of my seas: turbulent, cruel, welcoming
Now you dare to run from me
My light too bright and my darkness
Too wild for you to handle
Kneel before me
Spare me the audacity of your terror
Grow. Rise up. Meet me beneath the pines. My patience wears thin.
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madxhatter13 · 4 years
“It is an art of the most exquisite kind to touch someone’s soul before touching their skin.”
— a.y. (via inksomniac)
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