malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Malex Cupid 2022 - Master List
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This year we've had 9 different fics submitted to our event, and we're very grateful for your contributions! We've enjoyed all of your creations immensely.
Day 1 - February 12th - Silly Saturday
Theme: Failed First Date
Dialogue prompt: “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
Visual prompt: favorite joint adventures
as long as I’m with you (1/3) by @manesalex
You're My Favorite Human by @ineedahugesticktobeatyou
Direct Me To Your Heart by @writingbisexually
I really don’t mind what happens now and then by @salmonthestoryteller
Day 2 - February 13th - Sweet Sunday
Theme: Love Languages
Dialogue prompt: “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
Visual prompt: favorite kiss
as long as I’m with you (2/3) by @manesalex
Quiz me on My Love by @writingbisexually
close quarters by @ineverlookavvay
You're Out of This World by @ineedahugesticktobeatyou
Day 3 - February 14th - Married Monday
Theme: Valentine’s Day
Dialogue prompt: “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
Visual prompt: favorite romantic moment
as long as I'm with you (3/3) by @manesalex
Dream Me Up A Happy Ending by @writingbisexually
Be Mine, Valientine! by @ineedahugesticktobeatyou
Please let us know if you've created something for the exchange and haven't seen it reblogged. Our inbox is always open.
We hope to be seeing you next year!
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
You’re Out of This World
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One Shot scritta per il secondo giorno del @malex-cupid​
Dialogue prompt: “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.” 
La porta del Crashdown si apre e si chiude con il suo consueto scampanellio e Arturo guarda soddisfatto l'andirivieni dell'ora di punta, i tavoli che si liberano per venire subito occupati. Ci sono un paio di famiglie, molti ragazzi che a quest'ora dovrebbero essere a scuola, turisti di passaggio con l'aria un po’ imbambolata e qualche vecchio cowboy che ormai ha preso l'abitudine di consumare la propria giornata lì, tra giornali e caffè. Alle sue spalle, Rosa esce dalla cucina aprendosi la strada con un colpo di sedere, la porta che torna al suo posto dondolando piano. Il vassoio che ha in mano sembra più grande di lei ma Arturo la vede aggirare clienti e cameriere come nulla fosse, tutto che rimane in perfetto equilibrio e che, in un ordine altrettanto perfetto, viene distribuito sul tavolo. Perfetto!
Rosa poggia l'ultimo frappè davanti a Kyle e si raddrizza, il vassoio ormai vuoto abbracciato contro il petto e un sorriso inquietante sulle labbra. Alex vorrebbe poterlo definire in qualche altro modo, ma non trova nulla che descriva meglio e piÚ precisamente il modo in cui lei gli sta sorridendo. È inquietante, punto.
“Tutto a posto, ragazzi?” gli chiede, e il suo tono di voce si accorda al sorriso, inquietante anche quello.
“Noi sì, tu?”
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Be Mine, Valientine!
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One Shot scritta per il terzo e ultimo giorno del @malex-cupid​
Dialogue prompt: “However many years we have left, I want to spent them all with you.”  
La sala è una bolla di calore piena fino all'orlo di emozioni - suoni, colori e profumi che si rincorrono e si mischiano, l'uno dentro l'altro, come onde nel mare. Alex inclina la testa, l'immagine congiurata dalla sua mente che diventa note e parole in un sorprendente lampo di ispirazione. E lui ci prova, cerca di afferrare il pensiero prima che svanisca ma il momento è già passato, andato via veloce com'è arrivato, perduto per sempre tra i pensieri troppo distratti di quella giornata. Alex ci pensa un attimo su, si chiede se valga o no la pena sforzarsi di ripescare l'idea appena perduta e decide che no, va bene così, è sicuro che la sua ispirazione possa fare di meglio che riempirgli la testa di versi sdolcinati. Anche perché ne ha già tanti di suo, taccuini pieni, può fare serenamente a meno di quelli congiurati da questa giornata. Alex torna a concentrarsi sulla sua overdose da zuccheri, un'altra forchettata di torta che viaggia dal piatto alla sua bocca, la posata ancora a mezz'aria quando Kyle si siede accanto a lui. O meglio, si schianta, drammaticamente stanco. Come se avesse appena dovuto spostare tavoli e sedie per liberare il pavimento e trasformarlo in una pista da ballo. Cosa che ha effettivamente fatto, ok, ma ad Alex sembra comunque un po’ esagerato. E può non approfittare della cosa per prenderlo in giro?
“Brutta cosa la vecchiaia, eh? Ci si stanca per niente.”
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m celebrating only with Malex stories and @malex-cupid. This one’s a lil angsty and mentions the toolshed scene (in like half a line). It has a happy ending. Anyways, hope you like it! x
Title: Dream Me Up A Happy Ending
Summary: Nightmares were not an uncommon occurrence in the Guerin-Manes house. This was different. He found Michael slumped in a chair on the other side of the room and crying. Crying silently. – Michael has a dream. Alex comforts him.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
as long as I'm with you (3/3)
Michael has a romantic date planned for him and Alex. Things don’t go exactly as expected.
for @malex-cupid
Also available on ao3.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
They’ve cleaned up as much as they can in the back of Michael’s truck and put their clothes back on and now Alex is snuggling into Michael’s warmth, pressing his face against Michael’s shoulder.
He knows Michael has something planned tonight, that the fancy dinner was for a reason, but he’s content to let Michael tell him in his own time, to trust Michael and just enjoy his time with him.
“You know, when I was a kid, I used to go out to Foster’s Ranch and do this? Stare up at the stars,” Michael explains quickly. “I spent so many years just wishing my people would come for me, that they’d take me home.”
Alex doesn’t speak, merely lifts his and Michael’s hand where they’re intertwined and presses Michael’s hand against his lips. He wishes he could have done something, could have protected Michael from all of that, but he knows all he can do is give Michael the home he deserves now.
“I thought humans were just uniformly awful, that my people would rescue me from yours, that my people were my only way out.” Michael’s voice is softer, warmer as he continues, “And then I met you.” He pauses, “You were so kind. I didn’t realize it until later, but you were pushed around as much as I was. You were dealing with so much. And you were still, you are still, kind. I thought I was so much better than your people and then I met you and… you were beyond me. Always have been.”
Alex opens his mouth to defend Michael, to point out all the ways he’s the best man Alex has ever known, but Michael stops him, “I know. You’ve seen the best in me for a lot longer than I have. And I’m trying to be that person you think I can be.”
“I know you are,” Alex corrects him, pushing up onto his arms to face Michael properly.
“Can I continue?” Michael teases. So Alex just nods and lays back down. “My point is, I spent so long wanting to leave this planet, looking for a way home, thinking that everything here was terrible. And then I met you. And I wanted to stay. I want to stay. With you. You gave me a home on this planet I was so desperate to escape. You gave me a reason to stay. You gave me more than I could ever hope to find out there.
“You are my home, Alexander Manes. And however many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
Alex can feel Michael shifting around a bit, but he doesn���t move, just waits, determined to give Michael the chance to speak that he asked for.
“Will you marry me?”
Alex could almost swear his heart skips a beat. He shoves himself up to look at Michael, desperate to make sure he heard what he thought he heard.
Michael is smiling up at him with such love and fondness on his face that it almost bowls Alex over. And he’s holding a ring made of alien glass.
“Yes,” Alex says, not even having to think for a moment. He’s wanted this since he was seventeen, but never really believed he’d ever get to have it.
Michael lights up, “Yeah?”
“Yes,” Alex grins back at him before ducking down to meet his lips.
They’re both grinning too big to properly kiss, but Alex doesn’t care. He just wants Michael to know how happy he is, how much he loves him.
Michael’s the one to break their kisses, sitting up and waiting while Alex does the same, “So, I, um, I tried something when I made this,” he holds out the ring. “And I want to see if it works.”
Alex laughs. He loves the way Michael’s mind works, the fact that his boyfriend, fiance, is so excited to find out if his experiment does what he thinks it will. And Alex trusts that it will without having to know what it is.
He lets Michael slide the ring on his finger and it hits him like a tidal wave. A maelstrom of emotion. It’s not his own, but it’s almost as familiar. He feels overwhelming joy. He feels safe, secure, at ease. But, most of all, he feels loved. Cherished.
Michael’s voice is the first thing to cut through all of it, “Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to wear it.”
It’s only then that Alex realizes he’s crying. He swipes at his tears, letting the emotions fade into the background, letting them dim until they’re like a hum, still clearly present, still making him feel safe and happy and loved, but not overwhelmingly so.
He doesn’t have to ask Michael what his experiment did, “You really feel this way about me?”
“Yeah,” Michael is smiling at him, a hint of worry still present. “I do. And it’s lucky I wasn’t looking at you when I put all of that into the ring. Because I’m definitely feeling other things too,” he winks.
Alex can’t help but laugh at that. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Michael replies easily.
“I wish I could show you how I feel. Like this does. I–”
“You do. Every single day.”
Alex jumps at the sound of Michael’s phone going off. Michael just rolls his eyes when he picks it up. “It’s Isobel.”
“How many texts have you ignored from her tonight?” Alex laughs. He knows that Isobel must have known some of Michael’s plans and, honestly, he’s lucky she didn’t spoil it ahead of time.
“I lost count during dinner.”
“Go ahead,” Alex smiles at him. “Tell her. Let her take care of telling everyone else.”
He snuggles back into Michael’s arm as Michael hits talk, “Yes, Isobel. He said yes.” A pause, “Yes, you can be my best woman.” Another pause, “No, you can’t plan the wedding.”
Alex snorts at that. He’s well aware that they’ll be lucky if Isobel still doesn’t try to organize the entire thing. Not that it really matters, not to him.
Alex is getting all he’s really wanted since he was seventeen years old. He’s going to spend the rest of his life with Michael Guerin.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
close quarters
written for @malex-cupid from the prompt “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
this is all smut, don’t let the beginning fool you (contains frottage and d/s undertones)
you can also read it on ao3 here
– –
It was almost too easy.  Michael had followed Alex as he drove over, had slipped in behind him by adjusting (okay, maybe breaking) some electronic security measures, and had crept down the hall behind him without anyone noticing.  Or at least, without any alarms sounding or people running at him trying to get him out of what was definitely supposed to be a secret building.  
Alex turned into a room halfway down the hall and Michael sped up his pace, slipping through the door before it closed.  He was feeling pretty damn good about his creeping around skills, keeping his hand on the door to make sure it shut soundlessly, and following Alex across the large room when Alex spun around, his arms crossed across his chest.
“What are you doing?”
Michael stopped abruptly, avoiding running into Alex by a narrow margin.  Damn, he’d been so close to avoiding detection.  Michael spread his arms out in a show of truce and slapped on a tight smile.  “Following you.”
Alex rolled his eyes.  “Obviously.  Why are you following me?”
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Hi again! It’s me. Taking @malex-cupid prompts and running a very short distance with them. Anyways, have fun! x
Title: Quiz Me on My Love
Summary: “What are you doing?” Michael asked. He put a coffee cup down on Alex’s desk and draped himself over Alex’s shoulders. Alex immediately minimized the window on his computer. He blushed and grabbed the coffee. – Alex Manes is not immune to internet quizzes.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
as long as I’m with you (2/3)
Michael has a romantic date planned for him and Alex. Things don’t go exactly as expected.
for @malex-cupid
Also available on ao3.
Chapter 1
Warnings for shameless smut and mentions of past M*luca.
The Crashdown is close to empty when Michael pulls up, leans over to Alex and gives him a kiss. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
Alex nods and Michael jumps out of the truck, heading into the cafe.
Arturo is at the counter, smiling when Michael shows up. “The usual?”
“Just the shakes and fries. For me and Alex,” Michael smiles in response.
“I’m glad he has you, you know,” Arturo says as he grabs a couple of to-go cups. “He’s been such a good friend to my girls and he deserves someone who makes him happy.”
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
I really don’t mind what happens now and then
Written for: Malex Cupid Week 2022 Saturday, Feb 12th - Silly Saturday Theme Failed First Date @malex-cupid
I really don’t mind what happens now and then Kryptonite (My Zombie AU) Malex Ficlet
“I checked the area, Michael. There’s no undead around, Michael. Don’t you want to spend an entire afternoon all alone with me, Michael?”
In his defense, Alex really had surveyed the area the day before.  “Are you really complaining right now?”
“Yes. I’m pretty sure being trapped in a barn loft waiting for our siblings to rescue our asses has to be among the worst first dates ever.”
“Been on a lot of first dates since the world ended, Guerin?”
“So not the point.” Michael griped.
“I mean, we are technically still spending the day together?”
“Yeah, just you, me, and about 30 zombies.”  Michael glances over the loft edge. The hissing and scratching of the zombies grew louder.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
I’m recovering from burn out the best way I know how. By taking as many @malex-cupid prompts as I can and running with them. Enjoy! xx
Title: Direct Me to Your Heart
Summary: Alex’s car broke down on February 12th. Alex also had a date that he now had no way of getting to. One please and a pair of puppy dog eyes later, Alex was sitting shotgun in Michael’s truck. – Michael drives Alex to a date. They don’t make it there and they are definitely not lost.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
You’re My Favorite Human
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One Shot scritta per il primo giorno del @malex-cupid​
Theme: Failed First Date 
È tutto così rosso. E rosa. E a forma di cuore. È come se un intero settore del supermercato fosse esploso e si fosse ricomposto nel giro di una notte, da cartolina di Natale a biglietto di San Valentino. È un po’ sconcertante, Michael lo pensa ogni anno. È puro consumismo ed è una piaga sociale, un buco nero in cui spariscono il buon senso della gente e una quantità assurda di soldi.
Michael non è un moralista ma su questo è abbastanza sicuro. Magari è perché lui non ha mai avuto soldi da sprecare o forse perché tutto ciò che ha sempre voluto – delle risposte, una famiglia, qualcuno da amare – non si poteva comprare, ma davvero questa corsa perenne all'acquisto lui non la capisce. Non capisce questa fretta di passare da una celebrazione all'altra, dove i sentimenti hanno il valore di un regalo e del suo scontrino.
Ok, forse un po’ moralista Michael lo è, su certe cose per lo meno. O forse è colpa di Sanders, a furia di stare con lui, un po’ del suo cinismo deve esserglisi appiccicato addosso. Michael annuisce a se stesso, perché sì, è definitivamente colpa di Sanders, ed è più piacevole pensare al fatto che sia stata la sua vicinanza a formarlo piuttosto che gli anni di abusi e privazioni.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
as long as I’m with you (1/3)
Michael has a romantic date planned for him and Alex. Things don’t go exactly as expected.
for @malex-cupid
Also available on ao3.
Michael wanted it to be perfect. So, of course, it’s far from it
He’d started with asking Isobel to get him into the exclusive, members only dining club in town, the one he knew she had been a member of since her marriage to Noah. It had always looked beautiful from the outside and, well, he wanted to make a grand gesture for Alex.
But, when they get there, well, the building is old. Hardly accessible. The stairs are a bit uneven and they don’t have an elevator. And the ridiculous place has them eating in a private room on the second floor.
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Malex Cupid 2022
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Join us in celebrating Malex love for a weekend-long event! During three (3) days, we invite you to celebrate Malex with a few prompts to spark your inspiration -  all kinds of creations are welcome!  
Feel free to use one, two or three prompts for each day. Mix them up, or stick to just one mushy idea! The sky’s the limit here.
Day 1 - February 12th - Silly Saturday
Theme: Failed First Date
Dialogue prompt: “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
Visual prompt: favorite joint adventures
Day 2 - February 13th - Sweet Sunday
Theme: Love Languages
Dialogue prompt: “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
Visual prompt: favorite kiss
Day 3 - February 14th - Married Monday
Theme: Valentine’s Day
Dialogue prompt: “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
Visual prompt: favorite romantic moment
All content is accepted. You can create it? We want to see it!
Content must be posted on tumblr for reblogging purposes
If you’re also crossposting to Ao3, you can do it on the event collection Malex Cupid 2022
Please tag your posts with #malexcupid22 among the first 5 tags, and tag @malex-cupid​ so we don’t miss anything!
Please be respectful and thoughtful of others - add any and all tags that you can think of. No hatred allowed.
Mandatory: have fun!
Have any questions?
Send us an ask!
Please reblog to spread the word! We are so excited to see what you come up with for this weekend of love!
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Malex Cupid 2022
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Join us in celebrating Malex love for a weekend-long event! During three (3) days, we invite you to celebrate Malex with a few prompts to spark your inspiration -  all kinds of creations are welcome!  
Feel free to use one, two or three prompts for each day. Mix them up, or stick to just one mushy idea! The sky’s the limit here.
Day 1 - February 12th - Silly Saturday
Theme: Failed First Date
Dialogue prompt: ��It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
Visual prompt: favorite joint adventures
Day 2 - February 13th - Sweet Sunday
Theme: Love Languages
Dialogue prompt: “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
Visual prompt: favorite kiss
Day 3 - February 14th - Married Monday
Theme: Valentine’s Day
Dialogue prompt: “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
Visual prompt: favorite romantic moment
All content is accepted. You can create it? We want to see it!
Content must be posted on tumblr for reblogging purposes
If you’re also crossposting to Ao3, you can do it on the event collection Malex Cupid 2022
Please tag your posts with #malexcupid22 among the first 5 tags, and tag @malex-cupid​ so we don’t miss anything!
Please be respectful and thoughtful of others - add any and all tags that you can think of. No hatred allowed.
Mandatory: have fun!
Have any questions?
Send us an ask!
Please reblog to spread the word! We are so excited to see what you come up with for this weekend of love!
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Malex Cupid 2022
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Join us in celebrating Malex love for a weekend-long event! During three (3) days, we invite you to celebrate Malex with a few prompts to spark your inspiration -  all kinds of creations are welcome!  
Feel free to use one, two or three prompts for each day. Mix them up, or stick to just one mushy idea! The sky’s the limit here.
Day 1 - February 12th - Silly Saturday
Theme: Failed First Date
Dialogue prompt: “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
Visual prompt: favorite joint adventures
Day 2 - February 13th - Sweet Sunday
Theme: Love Languages
Dialogue prompt: “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
Visual prompt: favorite kiss
Day 3 - February 14th - Married Monday
Theme: Valentine’s Day
Dialogue prompt: “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
Visual prompt: favorite romantic moment
All content is accepted. You can create it? We want to see it!
Content must be posted on tumblr for reblogging purposes
If you’re also crossposting to Ao3, you can do it on the event collection Malex Cupid 2022
Please tag your posts with #malexcupid22 among the first 5 tags, and tag @malex-cupid​ so we don’t miss anything!
Please be respectful and thoughtful of others - add any and all tags that you can think of. No hatred allowed.
Mandatory: have fun!
Have any questions?
Send us an ask!
Please reblog to spread the word! We are so excited to see what you come up with for this weekend of love!
72 notes ¡ View notes
malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Malex Cupid 2022
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Join us in celebrating Malex love for a weekend-long event! During three (3) days, we invite you to celebrate Malex with a few prompts to spark your inspiration -  all kinds of creations are welcome!  
Feel free to use one, two or three prompts for each day. Mix them up, or stick to just one mushy idea! The sky’s the limit here.
Day 1 - February 12th - Silly Saturday
Theme: Failed First Date
Dialogue prompt: “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
Visual prompt: favorite joint adventures
Day 2 - February 13th - Sweet Sunday
Theme: Love Languages
Dialogue prompt: “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
Visual prompt: favorite kiss
Day 3 - February 14th - Married Monday
Theme: Valentine’s Day
Dialogue prompt: “However many years we have left, I want to spend them all with you.”
Visual prompt: favorite romantic moment
All content is accepted. You can create it? We want to see it!
Content must be posted on tumblr for reblogging purposes
If you’re also crossposting to Ao3, you can do it on the event collection Malex Cupid 2022
Please tag your posts with #malexcupid22 among the first 5 tags, and tag @malex-cupid​ so we don’t miss anything!
Please be respectful and thoughtful of others - add any and all tags that you can think of. No hatred allowed.
Mandatory: have fun!
Have any questions?
Send us an ask!
Please reblog to spread the word! We are so excited to see what you come up with for this weekend of love!
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malex-cupid ¡ 2 years
Announcing Malex Cupid 2022
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Welcome to a new edition of Malex Cupid Weekend! After the amazing success from last year, we’re once again gearing for three days filled with romance and love coming from our favorite couple!
This year it will be, once again, a lowkey event - 3 days, 3 prompts, and lots of fun! 
All kinds of creations are welcome: art, moodboards, fic, video edits, gifsets… You can think about it, you can create it, it has a spot this weekend!
Join us in celebrating Malex for Valentine’s Day!
Dates: February 12th - February 14th Prompts: Coming on Friday, January 7th
Keep an eye on the blog for prompts and more details coming this Friday!
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