manypenny · 2 years
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Aliou Cissé, Coach des Lions 🇸🇳: "La FIFA doit changer le mode de qualification des équipes africaines" En conférence de presse après la victoire du Sénégal sur l’Égypte en barrages du Mondial E20 2022, le sélectionneur Aliou Cissé estime que la FIFA doit changer le mode de qualification très difficile des 5 pays africains en Coupe du monde, car le nombre est insuffisant. « Au mois de juin, il y aura les éliminatoires de la CAN. J’entends beaucoup de gens dire: «qu’un jour une équipe africaine gagnera la Coupe du monde. C’est vrai, depuis un moment on y travaille. Il y a 54 nations sur le continent pour la Coupe du monde, c’est 5 équipes africaines qu’on prend. Cela explique la difficulté qui existe dans ces éliminatoires de Coupe du monde. Il n’y a qu’en Afrique que ces éliminatoires se passent ainsi. Il est important que la FIFA fasse quelque chose. Cela ne doit plus continuer comme cela pour 54 pays. La FIFA doit faire quelque chose pour que notre football compte. Maintenant, si vous me dites que cette équipe sénégalaise est mieux armée pour aller à la Coupe du monde, je dirais oui, on a constitué une équipe pour aller à à la Coupe du monde. On partira avec une forte ambition. », nous dit le sélectionneur du Sénégal Aliou Cissé https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5UDPitLCO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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A new report highlights the disturbing racist and discriminatory treatment Black employees were allegedly subjected to at Tesla's flagship California plant. #tesla https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb4KswRNenO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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manypenny · 2 years
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manypenny · 2 years
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manypenny · 2 years
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manypenny · 2 years
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Die Hautfarbe kann bei der Flucht aus der Ukraine einen Unterschied machen. Afrikaner im Land erheben Rassismus-Vorwürfe. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb2_rKjNdKG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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Ukraine-Konflikt: Klagen über das Verhalten polnischer und ungarischer Grenzbeamter https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb2_dcbNxtK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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Ukraine-Konflikt: Afrikanische Flüchtlinge mit Schlagstöcken zurückgetrieben https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb2_Xi-NPuG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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Studierende aus Afrika werden auf der Flucht aus der Ukraine behindert. Die Afrikanische Union ist alarmiert. Lwiw - Auch der Krieg macht nicht alle Menschen gleich – wie afrikanische Studierende derzeit in der Ukraine erleben müssen. Auf ihrer Flucht aus dem umkämpften Staat seien sie massiver rassistischer Diskriminierung durch Sicherheitskräfte ausgesetzt, berichten dunkelhäutige Studentinnen und Studenten gegenüber Journalisten und in sozialen Netzwerken. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb2_LmfNfpz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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#machtverhältnisse #patriarchat #taliban #islam https://www.instagram.com/p/CbsOh2xNCpC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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#oscars2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CbqRrMWtM--/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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manypenny · 2 years
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#theroyalfamily #slavery https://www.instagram.com/p/CbnmjwGtkdf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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JAMAICANS ASSETS TOTAL INDEPENDENCE Jamaica is preparing to remove Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state, reports say. Jamaica began the process of removing the Queen as its head of state, people told The Independent. Prince William and Kate Middleton visited the island this week. They were met with protests in the country, with citizens demanding reparations for slavery. Jamaica has begun the process to have Queen Elizabeth II removed as the country's head of state, government sources told The Independent and Harper's Bazaar. The country intended to continue working toward becoming a republic following Prince William's and Kate Middleton's visit to the island this week, a government source told Nadine White, The Independent's race correspondent. The publication reported that a senior figure, who did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment, had been appointed within the Jamaican government to lead the nation's journey toward becoming a republic, as Barbados officially did in November. "The government has had to start the process; the road to becoming a republic is not an easy one but they have long been coming under significant pressure to do it," a political source told White. To celebrate the Queen's platinum jubilee, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited the island as part of a weeklong tour of Caribbean countries that are part of the Commonwealth, as outlined in a press release. The Independent further reported that the couple was met with 350 protesters outside the British High Commission when they arrived in Kingston on Tuesday, with Jamaicans demanding reparations and apologies from the royal family for years of slavery. Placards from demonstrators displayed anti-colonial messaging, with one sign saying, "Kings, Queens and Princesses and Princes belong in fairytales not in Jamaica!" Sky News reported. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbnls0oNUsZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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manypenny · 2 years
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manypenny · 2 years
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