marvellousimagines · 5 months
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I just wanted to write my own take on the act 2 romance scene, using the cannon version as a guide but doing my own thing.
You tossed and turned in your bedroll, but you just couldn’t sleep. The shadow-cursed lands were getting to you, there was no way to tell night from day and the constant oppressive darkness was wearing you down more heavily than it had in the Underdark.
Deciding you’ve lost the fight for sleep, you grabbed a lamp (less for vision and more to just keep the shadow curse at bay as you left the immediate area of the campfire) and decided to scout the area. Maybe you just needed a bit of peace of mind that nothing was actually around.
You did not expect to find a night sky full of stars. It was like the curse had parted in one specific point a few paces away from camp. As you approached, however, you could see Gale sitting in the middle of it with his back to you, glowing, moving his arms as though painting the night sky itself.
You realize that was perhaps exactly what he was doing.
“You couldn’t sleep either?” Gale asked, lowering his arms and turning just slightly to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
You shook your head as you walked slowly up to Gale, giving him time to shoo you away if he didn’t want the company. He didn’t say anything, though, and in fact sat back almost invitingly as you sat down next to him.
“This is beautiful,” you told Gale, gesturing at the illusion of the night sky around the two of you.
“I always love this time of night,” Gale commented with a smile, his eyes not leaving your face as he spoke. “I figured, if I couldn’t sleep, I might as well sit amongst beauty instead of spending what could very well be my last few nights surrounded by nothing but shadows.”
You frowned. You hated hearing Gale talk about what Mystra tasked him to do. But you’ve already promised Gale a dozen times over that you’d find another way to beat the Absolute. “Did you want to be by yourself?” you asked instead, voice almost a whisper. “I don’t want to intrude on your moment if you wanted a moment alone.”
Gale shook his head. “My picture of a perfect night was incomplete, until you showed up,” he stated with a soft smile. “Though, I do have to wonder, what’s keeping you from sleep? I’d have thought you’d be exhausted after everything today.”
“It’s just… all the darkness. It got to me a bit in the Underdark, but it’s really bad here. Being in constant darkness, I can’t tell the difference between night and day, I don’t know how much time has passed. I love what you’ve done with the magic here, I really do,” you glanced away from Gale to lean back on your arms to look up at the starry sky. “But I’m going to go crazy if I don’t see some light that’s not from a torch or lantern sometime soon.”
“Well, I might be able to do something about that,” Gale commented, standing up and reaching a hand down to help you to your feet. Once you were standing, however, Gale continued to hold your hand in his, reaching for your other hand to hold it as well. “You must know… you mean a lot to me. I wish I could have the time to do this properly. Say it better,” he looked down at his hands clasping yours, then back up to your face. “I’m in love with you. And I want at least one perfect night for the both of us.” Your surroundings began to fade and blur before changing altogether. The dark blues and blacks of the forest at night changed to the yellows and oranges of a bright sunset and you found yourself on some kind of balcony overlooking the water.
“Welcome to Waterdeep,” Gale said with a fond smile at you as you took in the surroundings with wide eyes. “Of course we can’t actually go there. But I wanted to show you my home, in case I… wouldn’t get the chance later.” You frowned a bit at the break in Gale’s voice at that and turned to look at him.
“This is beautiful, too. Thank you,” you said, leaning in to kiss the wizard. Gale returned the kiss and then some, deepening the kiss as if trying to communicate the feelings he couldn’t adequately put to words.
He pulled back, but didn’t go far. “If you’ll allow me, there is one place in particular I’d rather like to bring you to,” he said with a slightly mischievous smile and half-lidded eyes.
“Show me,” you whispered, having an idea of where this was going.
Instead of walking, the building seemed to move around you, taking you quickly through a room and a hallway before stopping at a bedroom. A window covered most of one of the walls, curtains open letting in more of the golden light of the sunset, shining in on a large canopy bed. Opposite the window were wall-to-wall bookcases, a desk nearby with a few books left open on it. It was very, well, Gale.
While you were distracted, Gale lifted you up and laid you down on the bed, you were surprised to feel it just as soft as it looked - you thought this was all just an illusion, but it certainly felt like you were now laying in a plush bed.
Gale was staring at you, a soft smile on his face as you started to notice a faint blush on his cheeks. “What is it?” you asked.
“I was wrong earlier. When I said you look the most beautiful after a battle,” Gale stated as he crawled onto the bed, moving closer until he was positioned over you, holding himself up on his elbows while the lower half of his body settled between your legs. You could feel his arousal against your thigh and you sucked in a breath at the pleasurable jolt it sent through your body. “THIS is how you look the most beautiful. In my bed, relaxed, with the sun shining on you like it was made to highlight your features.”
You couldn’t stop smiling, but you were done hearing Gale sing your praises. Instead, you wanted to know more of what he had planned with you. With one hand you grabbed the front of his robes to pull him closer, catching his lips with yours. The other hand went up to the back of his head to run through his hair, tugging slightly, which Gale seemed to enjoy if his pleased hum and buck of his hips were anything to go by.
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marvellousimagines · 5 months
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Requested by oransvillage
The Casterwills felt more like your family than your actual family, you spent so much time at their residence. You practically grew up with Sophie, though she was a few years older than you.
But it always seemed like something was being kept from you. A family secret, and you weren’t actually family. Sophie was involved more and more as she got older. She still made time to do things with you, but she was busy more and more often.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. Something came up,” Sophie apologized. The two of you were supposed to have a study session, and this was the first time Sophie actually canceled on plans you had made.
“Family stuff?” you guessed, failing to hide your disappointment.
“Unfortunately. Like I said, I’m sorry. I’ll let you know the moment I’m free.”
As Sophie walked away, you decided you just couldn’t hang back anymore. You HAD to know what this Casterwill family secret was. Once Sophie was out of sight, you moved to follow.
Sophie met up with a few others, some of whom you recognized from hanging around Sophie’s home. Once gathered, you followed them to an imposing-looking building on the outskirts of Venice, surrounded by men in suits. The moment Sophie and her group were spotted, a fight broke out. The men in suits held up amulets that seemed to summon monsters. To your absolute surprise, Sophie did the same. “Sabriel!” she shouted, holding an amulet up. What looked like a masked woman appeared, before she and Sophie jumped into the fight, Sophie casting spells of some kind while Sabriel brought her sword down on any creatures that got close.
You were so focused on the fight that you didn’t realize someone was behind you until they roughly grabbed your arm, pushing you out of your hiding spot and closer to the fight. “Looks like we got an audience,” the Suit stated to the others, keeping a firm grip on your arm wrenched behind you while you struggled.
Sophie shouted your name in surprise. “You aren’t supposed to be here!” She surged forward towards you, though Sabriel was faster. The inhuman woman sliced at the Suit that had you, distracting him enough that you were able to pull away just in time for Sophie to reach you.
“Hey, you okay?” Sophie asked, her words in a rush as she looked over you.
“Yeah, good,” you responded, though your heart felt like it might beat out of your chest and your mind was reeling.
“Good. Hide,” Sophie said, gesturing with her head over to a small patch of garden that included some bushes that were big enough to hide behind. You darted over, diving to the patch of dirt behind the bush, hoping that the other Suits were too distracted to have seen where you’d gone.
Unfortunately, it seemed one of the creatures had seen which direction you went, and it took it upon itself to follow. You watched as it got closer with its frighteningly long claws, and you tried to bury yourself deeper into the bush, hoping it didn’t see exactly where you went.
As you crawled back, however, your hand hit something solid in the dirt. Metal. You pulled it out of the ground and you realized it was an amulet like the ones you saw the others use. A name flashed in your mind.
“Wolf Knight!” you called upon the creature in the amulet, and in a flash of light, a humanoid-shaped wolf creature wearing armor materialized in front of you. Its eyes landed on the frightening creature stalking you, and with a growl and a pounce, it made short work of it, the creature disappearing, presumably back to its amulet. Wolf Knight proceeded to stand guard, keeping the Suits and their creatures from getting close.
Eventually, the sounds of the fight stopped and you cautiously ventured out from your hiding spot.
“Y/N?” Sophie called, walking over. You startled a bit and Wolf Knight growled in Sophie’s direction, causing her to stop in surprise.
“It’s okay, she’s a friend,” you assured Wolf Knight, petting its fur to calm both it and yourself down. The Titan immediately calmed, dropping down into a more-relaxed almost quadrupedal stance.
“You bonded with a Titan?” Sophie asked in surprise, taking a few more cautious steps towards you and your new guard.
“I guess? I found an amulet in the dirt… is this what your ‘family stuff’ has been all this time?” you asked.
Sophie sighed, almost looking guilty. “Yes. I’m a Seeker, someone who can call on titans from amulets and cast magic. And apparently, now, so are you,” she said. “Seekers try to keep the knowledge of Titans and what we can do secret. I hated hiding this from you, but now I don’t have to!” Her voice became higher in her excitement. “We can train together now!”
“Our study sessions are going to be a lot more interesting,” you commented, looking forward to learning about your new abilities and Titan.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
Well, I got two more BG3 imagines ready to go. Now I need to write at least two more other imagines to go between. Thinking one of the Huntik requests still in the inbox and one of another fandom. Anyone have any requests or ideas?
Apparently, my strategy for getting imagines done is currently:
Get an idea for a BG3 imagine and write it when inspiration hits for it randomly in the middle of the night.
Remember that the last imagine posted was also BG3
Force myself to write 1-2 other imagines before I can post the BG3 one
I get 2-3 imagines in the queue at a time, the last one being BG3 related.
Hey, whatever works, right?
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
Apparently, my strategy for getting imagines done is currently:
Get an idea for a BG3 imagine and write it when inspiration hits for it randomly in the middle of the night.
Remember that the last imagine posted was also BG3
Force myself to write 1-2 other imagines before I can post the BG3 one
I get 2-3 imagines in the queue at a time, the last one being BG3 related.
Hey, whatever works, right?
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
Anonymous asked:
I really liked your Dante x reader. Both platonic and romantic. Do you think you can write another one? Pretty please.
*Again, not replying directly so the ask stays in my inbox*
I can certainly write another Dante/reader! Though there’s currently requests for platonic Zhalia and Sophie imagines ahead of yours in line, I’ll be trying to write those first.
If you (or any of the Huntik fans who have found me) have any specific ideas for setups/prompts, do let me know! I did admittedly struggle to come up with what to write for the last one, with the only direction being “just no angst.” If left to my own devices to this one, I most likely WILL write something in the direction of hurt/comfort.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
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TW: Implied torture, blood and bloodloss, Cazador being Cazador
You tensed as the door to your cell opened, but let out a sigh of relief when you saw the familiar white curls of a particular elf vampire spawn.
“Astarion!” you called his name in surprise and relief, though not so loud as to draw attention. “You found me.”
“Of course I did, my dear,” Astarion replied. “Unfortunately, it took a lot out of me to just get here. Would you mind if I had just a little bit of your blood, help me get an edge over Cazador for our escape?”
Something didn’t seem quite right. Astarion seemed off, but that may have just been from hunger. This was the first time he’s directly asked for some of your blood since that first night when you woke up with him hovering over you. It had to be bad if he was asking again.
“Yes, of course,” you reply, tilting your head in invitation, the scars from Astarion’s previous bites on full display.
Astarion smirked, coming in close and biting down. You felt the usual pain, then numbness, as Astarion began to suck your blood.
He didn’t stop when he normally would.
“Astarion?” You prompted, giving him a nudge. You felt your extremities go numb, your vision tunneling. “Astarion, that’s too much!” You tried to push him off but the blood loss had you weakened. You blinked heavily, struggling to stay conscious and alert.
You heard a chuckle from Astarion, but it was not his voice. As he pulled away, the illusion magic faded, revealing Cazador in Astarion’s place.
“You are quite the willing morsel. I just had to see for myself how quickly you bare your neck for a bite,” Cazador taunted, running a finger down your throat. You were too numb, feeling too hazy to do much of anything except stare at your captor in fear.
At some point, Cazador had left. You weren’t sure how much time had passed as you drifted in and out of sleep.
By the time you recovered enough from the vampire lord draining your blood to just feel the usual post-bite wooziness, muffled sounds off in the distance caught your attention. You couldn't be sure, but it sounded like a fight, you swore you heard shouting and the sound of metal clashing.
After the sounds faded, your cell door opened and again Astarion stepped through. You flinched away, unsure if this was another trick.
“Hey, Y/N, darling, it’s just me,” Astarion said, holding his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Is… is it really you, Astarion?” you asked, afraid now of Cazador taking advantage of your trusting nature again.
A familiar, warm voice outside the cell behind Astarion answered for him. “Who else would it be, Soldier?” Karlach asked, and you flinched as you thought of the answer.
Astarion looked at you with sympathetic understanding, your reaction apparently telling him everything. You felt the familiar squirming of the tadpole that signaled a link to another and opened your mind to it. Flashes of panic, worry, as Astarion realized who took you from camp. His determination to get you back eclipsing the fear he felt marching right up to Cazador’s door. The blood of the vampire lord as Astarion stabbed into him while your other companions watched his back. Then finally, you as seen through his eyes, relief that you’re okay.
As you came back to your own mind, you saw anger on Astarion’s face, though not pointed at you. You were sure that, through the tadpole bond, he had seen Cazador's trick of using his image to lull you into a false sense of security. “Cazador’s dead now. We’re safe from him.” He held out his hand.
You took his hand and pulled yourself up. Your vision tunneled slightly at the sudden shift of position and you swayed a bit. However, you let yourself fall forward slightly, wrapping your arms around Astarion’s shoulders in a hug and burying your face in his chest. “Thank you.”
“Of course, darling, now let’s get you out of here,” Astarion said gently. Once it was clear you couldn’t make it out under your own power, Astarion carefully lifted you into his arms to carry you out of Cazador's dungeon.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
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Part 2 of x
Noon hit and you were already seated at your usual table at the small tea shop near the Probending arena. For a moment, you wondered if your date would actually show up, but that doubt went away as soon as you spotted the red scarf.
Not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself, you waited until Mako’s eyes caught your own, and you gave a smile, waving him over.
“You know, I was half worried that this was a prank, or that I dreamed that you asked me to come here,” Mako commented as he took the seat across from you.
“I was wondering myself if you’d show up,” you admitted with a smile. “I’m glad you did.”
“You kidding? You’re Y/N! You could get any guy you wanted to, I’m honored you asked me to come join you for tea,” Mako deflected.
“And you’re Probending champion-in-the-making Mako, you could get any girl you wanted,” you shot back. “Including me.” You gave him a flirty smile.
Mako’s face turned about as red as his scarf. It was so easy to make him flustered, it was adorable.
“Yeah! I mean, uh, yeah, I’d be interested. If you wanted to go out,” Mako stammered, glancing around nervously before looking back at you.
“You are so cute,” you said, laying your hand over Mako’s resting on the table. “Now let me treat you to some tea. This place is the best outside of the Jasmine Dragon back in Ba Sing Se.” You stood up to go order, leaning down to give Mako a proper kiss on the cheek this time before walking off to the counter.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
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Requested by anonymous
You were breathing hard, yet Dante hardly looked like he was breaking a sweat. “No fair, how are you not tired yet?” you asked, narrowly blocking a punch from the other Seeker as the two of you sparred.
“More practice,” Dante simply replied with a smirk, taking a step closer as he threw another punch. You took a hasty step back out of his reach, before trying to counter with a kick. Unfortunately, you were slowing down, so Dante easily caught your leg, letting it go just in time for you to plant it to avoid falling over.
“We have Titans, we have magic, why do we need to be good at hand-to-hand too?” you whined. You knew you were being childish, but you were tired and had enough bruises for the day.
“You never know what the Organization may throw at us, best be prepared for anything,” Dante replied. “I’ll stop pushing you so hard once you’re able to pin me.”
You got an idea. Hand-to-hand technique isn’t the only tool you had at your disposal. You continued to back up as Dante continued to push forward. When he had you where he wanted, he swept a leg out, grabbing you to keep you from falling full-force into the ground, but still dropping you and positioning himself over you. However, you grabbed onto Dante’s arm, bending his elbow while pushing hard against his other shoulder, managing to use the downward momentum to your advantage and rolling the both of you so you were on top.
“Looks like I’ve pinned you,” you pointed out with a sweet tone as you leaned forward, kneeling over Dante’s torso and holding his wrists to the ground beside his head.
Dante looked surprised you managed to turn his move against him, but then gave you a proud smile. “Fine, we’re done for today,” he relented. “Good trick, I thought I had you.” He moved to get up, but you didn’t move. “Are you going to let me up?” he asked, humor in his tone.
“Let me get my prize first,” you teased, leaning down. You pressed your lips to Dante’s in a kiss, just a short one, and when you pulled back, he lifted his head slightly, chasing your lips. “Alright, now you can get up.”
“Now, I’m not so sure I want to,” Dante teased back with a smirk.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
"Anonymous asked:
A request for Astarion x reader, how about Cazador orders his spawns to bring them Tav/ reader instead of Astarion to make him yield. An exchange, but the reader is a bit spicy for Cazador."
(Not replying directly to the ask so I can keep it in my inbox to write later.)
What's funny is that the Astarion imagine that I just wrote and am currently getting into the queue to go up in a couple days is actually VERY SIMILAR to this, and could almost be a follow-up to this scenario.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
In an effort to not just keep going back and forth between Dante Vale and Astarion imagines, I've managed to get my muse to focus on writing a part 2 to a past Imagine unrelated to BG3 or Huntik.
Though it's still an animated guy.
This blog is still primarily Marvel I swear. I'm just hyperfocused too hard on other things.
The next request in my inbox: “Dante/reader, anything but angst.”
My brain: How about Astarion/reader, all of the angst?
I’ll get one of the Huntik imagines written before posting another one of the pretty elf vampire. But a pretty elf vampire imagine is almost ready to go.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
Have you seen the dragon prince?
I have not, no. Well, I did try to watch it, I got a couple episodes in, but I kept getting distracted by the animation style and picturing Sokka every time the main character speaks.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
The next request in my inbox: “Dante/reader, anything but angst.”
My brain: How about Astarion/reader, all of the angst?
I’ll get one of the Huntik imagines written before posting another one of the pretty elf vampire. But a pretty elf vampire imagine is almost ready to go.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
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Requested by anonymous
You were pretending to sleep when you heard a shuffling of noise much closer than usual to you. You debated if it was something worth your attention - Astarion being an elf who only needed to trance for a couple hours meant he was usually up around this time. But when you felt a presence hovering over you, your eyes flew open.
Astarion was crouched over you, focused on your neck, a pair of sharp fangs bared. You shivered as Astarion quickly backpedaled.
“I only needed, well, blood,” Astarion explained quietly, trying to avoid waking the camp.
You sat up, a hand flying up to cover your mouth to cover the laugh you failed to stifle.
Astarion tensed, confused and guarded. “Is there something humorous?” he hissed.
“Just that you won’t find any palatable blood here,” you told him, giving a wide smirk to bare your own fangs, running your tongue over one of them for good measure. Your right hand went up to the high collar of your camp shirt, pulling it down to reveal a couple of old puncture scars.
Astarion looked taken aback, eyes glancing over you as if really seeing you for the first time. “You’re… also a vampire spawn?” he asked. You gave a nod, suddenly feeling self-conscious again as you smoothed the collar of your shirt back up over your scars. “How did I miss that?”
“Probably the same way I missed it with you. At least until we found one of your kills and you started acting super cagey,” you replied. “Too caught up in everything else to notice the little details.”
Astarion’s brow furrowed. “How’ve you been getting blood? I haven’t noticed you sneak off to hunt like I do,” he commented.
You curled in on yourself a bit and looked at the ground, unable to take Astarion’s studying gaze any longer. “I manage,” you replied. There was no response, and you looked up to see Astarion patiently waiting for more detail with a raised eyebrow. “I’ll… clean my weapons after battle. Get the blood from those. When we have fresh meat for dinner, I’ll make sure mine is under-cooked, can usually get some blood from that.”
“Darling, aren’t you hungry? That can’t be enough for you, not to mention hardly appetizing,” Astarion asked, his face scrunching up at the thought of having to drink the blood off a sword.
“I’m used to it,” you mutter, a finger trailing in the dirt beside your bedroll. You glance up at Astarion, seeing an unfamiliar expression on his face. Something akin to pity? Sympathy? But as soon as he caught your eyes, it was gone, replaced by a flirty smile.
“Well, since neither of us will be able to get our fill from the other,” Astarion started as he began standing up, “seems like a hunt is in order. And now that we don’t have to hide our natures from each other, hunting’s a bit easier done in a pack. Even if it’s a pack of two.” He offered a hand down to you.
You gave Astarion a soft smile as you took his hand to pull yourself up. “Thank you,” you said, squeezing his hand briefly before dropping it to grab your weapons.
“Hmm, what do you think we’ll find?” Astarion asked as the two of you slinked out of camp. “A boar? Bandit? Kobold?”
“Nothing if you keep chattering like that,” you teased.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
Apparently Huntik requests are like a hydra. I get one finished and two more take its place.
(In other news, I have started exploring Act 3 of Baldur's Gate. So I still don't want any endgame spoilers, but requests pertaining to the things that happen around the city is fine. I'll also take requests for anyone post-game, so long as there's no specifics on any major plot points.)
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
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Requested by crystalrose36
“Who is that?” the voice came to you as if through a fog. Your whole body felt like it was weighed down with lead, as though coming out of a particularly deep sleep.
“I-I don’t- I thought-” someone else stammered, and you recognized that voice. Your mind was as slow to wake up as the rest of you, however, so you couldn’t quite place it yet. He called your name, a question, as if unsure of who you really were.
“Ngh, what?” you managed to croak out, feeling like you haven’t used your vocal cords in ages. Finally you forced your eyes open, blinking until they managed to focus.
You were in a cocoon of wood and leaves. A very familiar-feeling cocoon, its life energy connected to yours. Your Titan, Wildwood Druid, formed a protective barrier around you. The front of the cocoon was open, four figures staring down at you: a boy with blond hair blinking curiously at you, a girl with light pink hair trying to examine the titan still around you, a woman slightly older than the two teenagers who gave the appearance of being uninterested. And in the front of the group was a very familiar face, looking like he'd seen a ghost. He looked a bit older than you remember, but that was definitely Dante Vale.
“Dante?” you asked, rubbing at your eyes to make sure they weren’t playing tricks on you. “What… happened?”
“You vanished. You’ve been gone for years, I… I didn’t know what happened to you,” Dante said, reaching for you to help you out of your Titan cocoon. You took his hand and let him pull you up, but your legs were weak and wobbly so you had to lean on Dante for support, the blonde boy coming up on your other side to help keep you on your feet.
“I’m not sure either,” you replied, deep in thought. Once out of your cocoon, the Titan shifted back into her usual humanoid form, though stayed out of her amulet and seemed wary. “The Foundation said I’d be able to handle the mission by myself, so I went. There was… a Titan. A massive one. Pain. Then… it was like I was asleep. I don’t think I was injured.”
“It seems the Foundation under-estimated whatever situation they sent you into here. Wildwood Druid apparently had to shield you from whatever it was, which put the both of you into stasis. When you didn’t come back, I was upset at the Foundation for sending you off alone,” Dante said, a quiet anger showing through his words. “I might have a few more words for them once we get back.”
“So, Dante, are you going to introduce us to your friend here?” the younger of the two girls asked. She had been keeping out of the way of the reunion, but it seems her curiosity got the better of her.
“Oh, right,” Dante said with a sheepish grin. He gave your name to the group, before introducing his new team in turn, “Lok, Sophie, and back there is Zhalia.”
You tried to wave, but that felt like a little too much effort for your body right now, so you just smiled and gave a nod of greeting. “Pleasure to meet all of you,” you said, but you couldn’t help but think one person was missing from your little reunion. “So, where’s DeFoe?”
Dante tensed beside you, and the two teenagers looked at you like you’d grown a second head. Zhalia just quirked an eyebrow as she glanced in your direction. “What?” you asked.
“DeFoe… he’s not like you remember him anymore,” Dante said. He glanced around before guiding you over to a fallen tree to sit on the log. Apparently this was a conversation you needed to be sitting for.
“Hold on, you used to be FRIENDS with DeFoe?” Lok asked in disbelief, and you wondered just how much you’d missed.
Dante waved for the other three to sit down too, and you could see him trying to plan out how to explain the situation to both his current team and to you. “Y/N, DeFoe and I were all friends, back in high school. We joined the Foundation soon after, going on missions for them,” Dante explained to the rest of his team. “When Y/N disappeared, DeFoe… blamed the Foundation and me. I was supposed to go with, but I was called away on an urgent matter so Y/N was sent alone.” He then turned to you. “DeFoe quit the Foundation. He was bitter, and he joined the Organization. He wants to bring the Foundation down, and me personally.”
Your heart sank as you thought of your two closest friends mourning you when you weren’t actually dead. How that tore the two of them apart, and sent DeFoe on a darker path. He always seemed a little resentful of Dante, but you didn’t think…
“I want to see him,” you decided. “If my disappearance turned him into an enemy, then maybe my return will bring him back too?”
Dante sighed. “I’m afraid it probably won’t be that easy,” he said. “If you stick around with us, you’ll see DeFoe again before long. But before that, you need to rest.” He looked up at Wildwood Druid. “You too,” he added with a small smile.
You gave a single nod of acknowledgement, the Titan doing so as well at the same time before disappearing back into her amulet.
“Let me help you back to where we’ve set up camp,” Dante offered, standing up and helping you up alongside him.
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
To the Anon who requested a Huntik imagine involving Demigorgon, I'm sorry, I don't know enough about that Titan to write anything with it right now, and the wording of the request is hard for me to really figure out what the request was for exactly.
But, I'm nearly done with a platonic imagine involving Dante, and there's another request for something romantic with Dante. So my favorite character from Huntik is finally getting some attention~
As it stands, the next three imagines are looking to be:
Platonic Dante&Reader (Huntik)
Astarion x vampire spawn!Reader (BG3)
Romantic Dante x Reader (Huntik)
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marvellousimagines · 6 months
Happy Halloween!
Picture is from a con, but figured I might as well show off what costume I’m wearing today~
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