med-studium · 3 years
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some people were asking for a actual and i can never pass up an opportunity to procrastinate so here’s just a couple of things i always need to remind myself of…now back to my paper :(
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med-studium · 3 years
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reading after reading after reading….
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med-studium · 3 years
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Victorian female medical students
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med-studium · 3 years
Still stuck on resolutions? Here are 21 easy habits to try in 2021!
Obviously don’t aim for all of these, but these are some little productive habits that’ll help as we move into 2021 :)
Make your bed every morning
Drink water when you wake up
Make sure you eat breakfast every day
Eat a piece of fruit every day
No working on your bed
Read a couple pages of something for fun every day
Stretch for 10mins daily
Write a line a day about how things went
Set a time to stop working every day
Make sure you take breaks while working
Never buy something online the first time you find it- give yourself a few days and see if you still want it
Buy second hand where you can
Plan your grocery shopping
Tidy your desk when you stop working!
Do your washing up as you go
Make your to do list the night before
Plan your outfit the night before
Smile at yourself in the mirror when you see one
If you don’t do sports normally, put some time aside to get outside (even for a walk) a couple of times a week
Seek out local businesses and choose them over chains where you can
Here’s to a productive, happy, and healthy 2021!
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med-studium · 3 years
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22:53pm ; 21 oct 2020 
yay to my first attempt at a bullet journal page 🥳
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med-studium · 3 years
“The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.”
— John Dewey, Democracy and Education
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med-studium · 4 years
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Countdown to the Massachusetts Bar Exam: 90 Days. 
Today’s Agenda: 
Contracts Lecture
Contracts Multiple Choice Questions 
Making Torts Flash Cards 
This is my study set-up for the ~foreseeable future! Complete with two separate fans pointed at me and a bag full of notebooks and highlighters that I have to imagine I’ll tear through. I love my tiny desk, but it’s not big enough for all of the bar prep books I need to keep on hand, so I pulled a tv tray out of a closet. I’m using the few books stacked on my desk to rest my computer somewhere closer to eye-level for all these hours of lectures. 
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med-studium · 4 years
just unfollowed so many inactive blogs and my dash is looking kiiiinda empty ngl. if you’re a study / bujo blog reblog this and i’ll check you out! c: ♡ 
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med-studium · 4 years
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+  Home ideas for you   – followwww ++
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med-studium · 4 years
what to do when everything’s a mess
Wash your hair. Don’t worry about all those articles online about the best haircare products of 2019 and whatnot, get in, wash it like you usually do, get out. Leave it to air dry, it’s less work for you.
Brush your teeth. Even if you brushed them this morning and are probably going to brush it tonight, do it anyway. Especially if it’s exam time, all that tea or coffee you’re most likely downing (props to you if you only study with water) probably makes them feel kind of gross.
I know most of these lists tell you to run a bath, but let’s face it, for those of you who even have a bath in the first place, the thought of filling that tub and sitting there in complete silence for a couple hours seems like a trek. And ironically exhausting. So instead, just brush your hair, take a nap (set a nice soothing alarm) and once you’ve gotten out of bed, wash your face or at least splash cold water on your face.
CLEAN clean clean clean CLEAN. Easier said than done, but at least start by clearing one messy component of your area; it could be your floor, your desk or your bed. You don’t need to clean and re-organise your entire room marie condo-style for you to actually have a reason to take the time to clean in the first place. A little goes a long way, and you don’t ALWAYS need to do the hard yards ya know.
I would say read a book, but sometimes your brain is melting or buzzing so it can’t really focus on anything lengthy. So instead, find someone reciting a poem online, and just listen to it. I recommend Jeremy Irons and his voicing of tons of T.S Eliot poetry, or Allen Ginsberg reciting his own poetry (Howl is a classic).
If you’re one of those people who drowns their sorrows by listening to music, don’t listen to music!! Don’t reinforce your pain!! So to that I say, listen to a podcast. If the classic podcast genre of true crime is a little too stressful and you’ve already cried twice today, listen to interviews with actors, screenwriters and directors. It can be really refreshing to listen to people you already enjoy the content of talk about their work. I recommend Awards Chatter and Happy Sad Confused.
Stop staring at screens! Just physically sit outside for a bit, you don’t need to go for a jog or do a general workout, just…sit. People-watch, try and memorise the exact scene in front of you, from the mis-en-scene to all the colours and sounds and the way the sunlight feels on your eyelashes. Write it down if you want to, you could even denote a single notebook to your little outdoor descriptions. Or just write on a napkin. To each their own.
Have you eaten today? And I mean something hearty, something that isn’t primarily made out of air and salt. Something that falls under the umbrella of snack does not count; meal is more like it. If not, eat. Preparing food might feel exhausting, but so’s going a relatively long amount of time without something nutritionally substantial.
If you’re feeling emotionally heavily, get out a notebook or even just a scrap of paper, a pen and cry until your eyes are as blurry as can be. With tears down your cheeks, scribble out how you’re feeling. Don’t bother with how neat or messy it is, whether the sentences even stay on the lines, it’s not about being aesthetic. In fact, it’s about being as messy as possible. Let all of it out, and let is act as a physical manifestation of what’s going on in your head. Don’t fight it or deny it, relieve yourself by both constructing and understanding yourself. 
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med-studium · 4 years
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med-studium · 4 years
8 things I learnt after 88 days in medical school
So it’s been about 3 months into medical school, and I just thought I’d share some smol thoughts!!
Learning to learn: this is so important. In my school, our curriculum is structured in a way such that we have a test almost every day. In the beginnjng, I stressed over getting good grades for each test, but looking at the big picture, each test is just a small percentage. Discovering your studying style and picking resources that work for you is so important in the long run!!
Take breaks: know yourself, what helps you relax, and set aside some time every or every 2 days to indulge in that. For me, it’s either exercising, watching tv shows, listening to music or just lazing on my bed. Spending time with yourself is key to preventing burnouts, which is all too easy to fall into when you’re in university. You’ll likely be more productive too after taking a break, and less likely to procrastinate!
Be flexible: not everything is going to work out like it should. We have to be flexible and adapt accordingly. Be it studying methods, schedules, plans with friends/family, etc. It took some time for me to deal with this as I’m more of a planner, and hate it when my plans are ruined!! But I’ve learnt to be okay with imperfection!
It’s ok to not know everything. This is so important. In any discipline you’re in, not just in medicinal school, learning is a life long journey. It’s impossible to know every small detail about everything- and IT’S OK!! Being comfortable with this uncertainty takes practice, but it’ll help your wellbeing in the long run.
On that note, it’s OK TO FAIL! So so important too. We all want to be high achievers and pass every subject with flying colours, and when we fail, we hit rock bottom. Being ok with failure + having a growth mindset means bouncing back stronger than before. RESILIENCE!! So important! Endurance shows how long you can last, but resilience shows how quick you can pick yourself up after a fall.
Learn from others. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Next time, we will be forced to work in teams. Picking on others’ faults and shortcomings is not going to help. Instead, I’ve learnt to look at things and people optimistically, adapt to their styles and be open to ideas. You can always learn something from each and every one!
Focus on improving yourself and people around you. There’s no point comparing to students from other schools or programmes. Everywhere you go, there will be flaws in the curriculum, education system etc. That’s something we can’t really change, at least for now. What we can do is to improve ourselves, our skills and our knowledge. Complaining and comparing to others will not make us better than them!
Lastly, it’s tough, but it will be worth it. One fail grade does not make you a bad doctor. What matters is the learning, and having the heart to serve people.
Hopefully this helps those who are reading this post, regardless of university/course, to consolidate thoughts, realign perspectives and remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place!
My inbox is always open to chat :)
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med-studium · 4 years
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We’ve all been there: You have stuff you need to get done, you know you need to get it done, but no matter what you do you just cant get yourself to take out your stuff and do your work. 
I have this problem quite a lot, so here’s a post to help some of you out!
Read this to get some quick motivation (tw: curse words) It’s sure to get your blood pumping and give you the vigor you’re lacking!
Harvard’s solutions on how to stop putting stuff off
7 helpful study tips 
8 helpful study tips
Manage your time studying
How to seriously study
Detailed article on how to get motivated to study
10 study motivation quotes for all types of students
3 scientific backed study motivators
Be Phenomenal
Why Do We Fall
Be Hungry
Stop Killing Time
You Will Win
Study Spotify Playlists
Deep Focus
Peaceful Piano
Intense Studying
Productive Morning
Electronic Study Music
Study Time Starts Now
White Noise
Epic All Nighter
Focus Now
Late Night Focus
Genius Time
Nice and Easy Workflow
Motivating Study Blogs
@elkstudies, @getstudyblr, @minimaliststudies, @nehrdist, @tbhstudying, @highschoolering, @saturdaystudying, @stxdybug, @dangostudy, @raavenclaw, @academla
There are so many more studyblr’s, but those are just some I can think of off the top of my head!
I hope this helps motivate some of you guys, and good luck with all of your studies!  (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*:・゚✧
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med-studium · 4 years
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Last couple of days I’m really not that motivated but hey discipline make learning a bit easier I guess even when there is less motivation. ❤️ So got up and started working on my physiology notes 📝.
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med-studium · 5 years
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or crying at home 😂😂😂
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med-studium · 5 years
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Sound Note - take notes while you record audio
Evernote - notetaking that syncs across platforms
Paper 53 - minimal notetaking that syncs
Microsoft OneNote - collaboration and syncing, best for Office users
Google Keep - jot things down, best for Google suite users
Notability - take notes and annotate PDFs
Mindly - create mind maps
Day One - a digital journal
Flash Cards
Quizlet - the quintessential flash card app
StudyBlue - another commonly used app
Cram - best for its “cram mode”
Eidetic - uses spaced repetition for effective memorization
My Study Life - schedules, tasks, reminders, and more
StudyCal - keeps track of tasks, exams, and grades
24me - automated reminders and event planning
iStudiez - schedule and prioritized task list
Google Calendar - a calendar, best for Google users
Glass Planner - a calendar and to do list with incredible functionality
To Do List
Clear - organized to-do and reminders
MinimaList - simple to-do and focus timer
Trello - collaborative project organizer
Todoist - clean and functional task manager
Default notes app on your phone
Time Management
Forest - plant trees by staying focused
Pomotodo - pomodoro timer with to-do list
Timeglass - custom timers
Tide - pomodoro with white noise
Alarmy - forces you out of bed 
Pillow - smart alarm that tracks sleep cycles
Workflow - automate tasks
Habitica - turn your habits into an RPG
Continuo - simple, colorful activity tracking
Freedom - block distracting apps
Free Learning
Coursera - free MOOCs
TED - listen to Ted Talks
Duolingo - language learning
Memrise - spaced repetition language vocabulary
Khan Academy - free video lessons
Ambient Noise
8tracks - curated playlists
Spotify - online music streaming
Coffitivity - cafe ambience
Noisli - background sound generator
Rain Rain - rain sounds
Binaural - binaural beats
Rockin Ramen - recipes based on ramen
MealBoard - meal planning
Lifesum - healthy eating
Stop Breath And Think - mindfulness meditation
Pacifica - mental health management
Sworkit - personalized video workouts
Waterlogged - hydration tracker
WolframAlpha - Google on steroids
Oxford Dictionary - all of English at your fingertips
RefMe - citation generator
PhotoMath - solve math problems by taking a photo
Mathway - step by step math help
Desmos - free graphing calculator
Wikipedia - not the best source, but it’s handy
Companion - stay safe when walking alone
Mint - money management
Toshl - finance manager
Tiny Scanner - scan documents
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med-studium · 5 years
study follow spree
Hello! Since I'm a relative new studyblr (waking from hiatus), I want to spice up my dash! It's sadly empty. ~
Reblog this is you are / do the following:
Studyblr (uni)
Lit analysis/review
Resources (uni)
Academic facts/memes
Funny/Geeky facts
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