Just ate an entire bag of expired lemonheads I found. They were all melted together and all stuck to the bag but me being myself I ignored the possible hazard of doing so and now my tongue hurts. It wasn't even that sour this is Bullshit.
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The art style of red bull commercials fill me with such an intense vindictive hatred
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So logically I know it's not normal to just forget to eat for extended periods of time but it can't just me me tho. I know you people aren't functional either.
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Peacocks are the geese of exotic birds.
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There really is a whole breed of middle aged women just out there acting like alcoholism is a personality
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Literally one of the worst things is when a rythm game decides to lag. Like no fuck you don't you dare act like im the one that messed up.
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For the past 3 nights in a row my ears have popped at exactly 7:49 PM in the exact same place on my bed. What.
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Hooty is just an offbrand long furby change my mind
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If more magical girls wielded things like axes I would be so happy, screw magic wands, bludgeon your enemies with friendship and a bedazzled mace
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I was told to look up the skyrim draugr laugh and i can't stop laughing, why is it so. moist?
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I can deal with a lot of insults but being called heterosexual is just too far.
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Can't even hear the damn taco bell ding anymore without a vivid mental image of that fat fucking cat falling off the wheelchair and that upsets me in a way i can't even explain
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Who the F U C K names their kid Kyle. What type of parent looks at their newborn child and goes 'yup that's a Kyle right there'
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I don't know what varsity is and at this point im too scared to ask
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Im going to fucking scream i almost said "silence wench" to my dad at the dinner table.
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I just had a dream that a gmod shaggy was zooming after me in an abandoned building before tearing my organs out. I could blame it on the Bone Curse but honestly I don't doubt that my brain decided to fabricate that
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Logically I know it wouldn't be hard to find pirated unus annus videos, but emotionally, I know it would be Against Their Wishes and i don't think I'm strong enough to face their hypothetical disappointment.
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