milordmilady1996 · 3 years
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
russian flower vocab 🌻
aster - áстра
carnation - гвозди́ка
cherry-tree - ви́шня
chrysanthemum - хризантéма
cornflower - василёк
dandelion - одувáнчик
dahlia - георги́н
daisy - ромáшка
daffodil - нарци́сс
forget-me-not - незабýдка
geranium - герáнь
hyacinth - гиаци́нт
honeysuckle - жи́молость
iris - и́рис
lavender - лавáнда
lilac - сирéнь
lily - ли́лия
lily-of-the-valley - лáндыш
orchid - орхидéя
pansies - аню́тины глáзки
peony - пиóн
poppy - мак
rose - рóза
rosebud - бутóн рóзы
sunflower - подсóлнечник
tulip - тюльпáн
violet - фиáлка
flower - цветóк
flower bouquet - букéт цветóв
petal - лепестóк
meadow - луг
pot flower - кóмнатный цветóк
to plant - сажáть
to blossom - цвести́
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
How to read Russian handwriting ;-)
The whole process of reading cursive based on guessing the words you can’t clearly read by understanding the meaning of the whole text/sentence. So I (likely) won’t reveal anything unusual. And I will only share some examples.
Let’s move straight to the tips! (I found 3)
- don’t focus on the singular letters too much.
If you can’t read the word or two, you probably still can read enough to understand the meaning in general. So try to read the words which you can read then try to guess the rest. (you likely did something similar when you haven’t heard what your friend said so you tried to analyze the whole conversation and guess what it could be).
- learn how to distinguish between these 3 letters “Н” “И” “К”
You can probably think (based on youtube videos only) that the most difficult letters to distinguish are “Ш” “И”. Especially if they go one after another. In fact, the combination is not very common.
But these three letters are used in most words and they look almost the same.
Here you can compare the original text from strelkamag.com about human exclusion zones with its handwritten version (written by me).
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I deciphered some letters so you can clearly see how similar they look.
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Unfortunately, there is no universal key except practice. But don’t give up because sometimes even natives can’t clearly understand the handwriting and it’s nothing more than a skill.
- divide the word into letters
If you have to read the word and you can’t guess its meaning then do your best to divide it into letters.
These 3 words were given as examples of really hard words to read. Okay, without any context they seem to be almost unreadable. But let’s analyze one of them.
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The first one likely contains 5 letters. You can try to distinguish between them so you can count more than 4 and probably less than 6.
The first letter must be ш or и and you can clearly see it. Then, if we can’t decide between them we move straight to the end of the word because this part seems to be easier to understand. The last letter is clearly the cursive а. The letter before have to be a consonant. So it can’t be и and it’s likely к or н. But firstly it’s closer to к. Secondly, the word which begins with ш or и and ends with -на can be шина and it contains only 4 letters. Or ширма but it is clear that there is no letter р in this word. And I can’t even imagine another word which fits (as I said the combination is not common). So we end up with к. So now we know the ending -ка.
So we are looking for the word which begins with и or ш and ends with ка. And probably contains 5 letters. And likely it is ШИШКА (a cone).
I know, I know the explanation is not easy and requires a great knowledge of vocabulary. But the more you see/read/write cursive the more unconscious and automatical the reading become.
Then, if you want, try to guess other words to practice. Later I will share more examples and more handwriting if you all find it useful.
Also, this post likely contains some serious grammatical mistakes. But I really tried my best to explain you what I personally find useful.
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
Art Russian vocabulary Masterpost in English/Spanish
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Изобразительное искусство/Fine arts/Bellas artes
существительные/ nouns/sustantivos:
художник (m) — artist — artista
картина (f)— painting —pintura
произведение искусства (n) — piece of art — obra de arte
эскиз (m) — sketch — boceto
цвет (m) — color — color
свет (m) — light — luz
тень (f) — shadow — sombra
живопись (f) — painting — pintura
натюрморт (m) — still life — naturaleza muerta
портрет (m) — portrait —retrato
декоративно-прикладное искусство (n) — arts and crafts — artes decorativas aplicadas
кисть (f) — brush — pincel
масляные краски (f, plural) — oil paints — óleos
акварель (f) — watercolor — acuarela
пастель (f) — pastel — pastel
тушь (f) — ink — tinta
гуашь (f) — gouache
цветные карандаши (m, plural) — crayonts —lápices de colores
фломастеры (m, plural) — markers — rotuladores
палитра (f) — palette —paleta
планшет (m) — clipboard — portapapeles
бумага (f) — paper —papel
рисовать — paint — pintar
изображать —represent — representar
иллюстрировать — illustrate — ilusrtrar
яркий(ая) —bright — brillante
констрастный(ая) — contrast — de contraste
плотный(ая) — dense — denso
тонкий(ая) — thin — fino
густой(ая) — thick — espeso
жидкий(ая) — liquid — líquido
существительные/ nouns/sustantivos:
здание (n) — building — edificio
архитектор (m) — architect — arquitecto
монумент (m) — monument — monumento
скульптура (f) — sculpture — escultura
скульптор (m) — sculptor — escultor
мастерская (f) — workshop — taller
инструмент (m) — tool — herramienta
чертеж (m) — drawing — dibujo
форма (f) — shape — forma
поверхность (f) — surface — superficie
стиль (m) — style — estilo
дворец (m) — palace — palacio
замок (m) — castle — castillo
собор (m) — cathedral �� catedral
крепость (f) — fortless — fortaleza
фундамент (m) — foundation — base
арка (f) — arch — arco
фасад (m)— facade — fachada
башня (f) — tower — torre
купол (m) — dome — cúpula
воздвигать/строить/конструировать — rear/build — erigir/construir
лепить — mold — moldear
вырезать — carve — tallar
масштабный(ая) — extensive — amplio
огромный(ая) — huge — enorme
небольшой(ая)/маленький(ая) — small— pequeño
высокий(ая) — high — alto
широкий(ая) — wide — vasto
узкий(ая) — narrow — estrecho
помпезный(ая) — pompous — pomposo
существительные/ nouns/sustantivos:
гамма (f) — music scale — escala musica
нота (f) — note — nota
партитура (f) — score — partitura
музыкальный инструмент (m) — musical instrument — instrumento musical
либретто (n) — libretto — libreto
опера (f) — opera — ópera
оркестр (m) — orchestra — orquesta
симфония (f) — simphony — sinfonía
хор (m) — choir — coro
вокалист(ка) — vocalist — vocalista
клавиши (f, plural) — keyboard — tecla
дирижёр (m) — conductor — director
музыкальные инструменты:
гитара (f) — guitar — guitarra
пианино/рояль (m) — piano — piano
орган (m) — organ — organillo
скрипка (f) — violin — violín
барабаны (m, plural) — drums — batería
виолончель (f) — cello — violonchelo
слушать — listen — escuchar
исполнять/играть — play — tocar
дирижировать — conduct — dirigir
петь — sing — cantar
медленный(ая) — slow — lento
страстный(ая) — passionate — apasionado
взволнованный(ая) — exited — entusiasmado
динамичный(ая) — dynamic — dinámico
печальный(ая) — sad — triste
радостный(ая) — happy — feliz
громкий(ая) — loud — fuerte
тихий(ая) — quite — tranquilo
Feel free to correct inaccuracies and add more! This list will probably be updated! Xx
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
     Here, of course, the seated man will recover his senses and reply in a lying voice:
     'I wanted a breath of air, a breath of air, dearest!  The air is no nice! … ’
     And here he will get up from the bench, shake his fist on the sly at the closing ground-floor window, and trudge back to the house.
     'Lying, he’s lying!  Oh gods, how he’s lying!’ Ivan Nikolaevich mutters as he leaves the fence.  'It’s not the air that draws him to the garden, he sees something at the time of this spring full moon, in the garden, up there!  Ah, I’d pay dearly to penetrate his mystery, to know who this Venus is that he’s lost and now fruitlessly feels for in the air, trying to catch her! … ’
     And the professor returns home completely ill.  His wife pretends not to notice his condition and urges him to go to bed.  But she herself does not go to be and sits by the lamp with a book, looking with grieving eyes at the sleeper.  She knows that Ivan Nikolaevich will wake up at dawn with a painful cry, will begin to weep and thrash.  Therefore there lies before her, prepared ahead of time, on the tablecloth, under the lamp, a syringe in alcohol and an ampoule of liquid the colour of dark tea.
     The poor woman, tied to a gravely ill man, is now free and can sleep without apprehensions.  After the injection, Ivan Nikolaevich will sleep till morning with a blissful face, having sublime and blissful dreams unknown to her.
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
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The Window, 1886 by Valentin Serov (Russian, 1865–1911)
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milordmilady1996 · 3 years
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