missslywild · 2 years
D&D Characters: Killlicker Co.
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My first PC, a Drow ranger/blood hunter combo. Again, I definitely didn’t use this “artbreeder” website for the majority of my PCs...
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missslywild · 2 years
Naming Book Chapters Be Like:
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Highlights: Ceresia
Druid Aasimar: Can I hug the ghost? DM who knows PCs are level 1 and that this same character was just shy of instant dying within the last 10 minutes: The ghost? Are you sure? Druid Aasimar hugs the ghost. Barely doesn’t die a second time...
DM: The ghost doesn’t seem thrilled to be hugged.
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missslywild · 2 years
Worldbuilding: Borea (PotP)
From my Path of the Pit homebrew world, the players have requested a one shot while some of the other players are unable to attend. So, we go back to the fringes of the collective’s memory as we Enter Borea: In the era of Aurora (thus named by the inhabitants of this land)--before Kyte had hefted his axe in protection of his forests and before Vetria's golden scales struck terror into the hearts of the Undead Lords of Zaytsev--Borea's Aurorian Empire hefted itself up the steep slopes of the Leviathan's Chapel and slid down the Valleys of Verglaz Gorge. At the head of the Kingdom sat one Frostbite Beiberos, shifter of the pure order and uniter of both kinds. Beneath his watchful eye, with the Stone by his side, the Empire flourished. 
 But our story doesn't happen in Ailred which has been, since he was first made Emperor, the seat of Beiberos. We begin in the half-slum city of Coal Chasm where both the dead and the living spend their days beneath the undying ice. Only the keenest minds, or the most fortunate, succeed in Chasm. The characters which step to the forefront may or may not have been raised in the frosty social climates of Chasm, but the windows made dark with crud and the faces of elves, shifters, wildbloods, and changelings--all equally coated with soot--paint the landscape behind our embarkment.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Highlights: HotDQ
We have saved a Kobold. His name is Spurt. Spurt has been equipped with weapons and a blue bandana. Long live Spurt.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Highlights: Ceresia
DM: Our party Dragonborn Paladin has a dream that he’s on a boat to the city where our campaign started. During the dream, he hears scrabbling like claws over wood. As such, he goes above deck to investigate what the source of the sound might be. When he gets up on deck, there’s nothing there to indicate such a sound. Paladin: “Can I help one of the crew?” DM: As per dream logic, when you turn, you spot a member of the crew working with a rope. They ask you to help them. Can you tie a knot? Paladin: Can’t tie a knot. “Let me help hold while you do the knot.” DM: You hear a mysterious voice, origin not in view. It says “Go back below deck, you aren’t supposed to be here.” Paladin: “I have no reason to distrust this voice. I go below deck.”
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Worldbuilding: Ceresia
Our story begins in the age of the Summoned Moon, an age after the fall of Iostremond’s draconian empire. The continent now stands divided into two nations: Withis and Riar. In the years which followed the fall of the dragon kings, the nations have known a limited measure of peace. However, the infant nations have a long journey ahead of them before they can begin to encapsulate the same measure of infrastructure which was found beneath the observation of the draconian overlords.
The Celestial State of Withis is a nation imbibed with magic, relying heavily on arcane and holy magics to support their lavish infrastructural development. Although they boast an infrastructure complete with teleportation pads to “major city hubs,” it is common knowledge that most cities were left in ruin in the shadow of the war. Only a handful of cities remain, of which only half have a working teleport (with prices reflecting the lack of supply to match the nation’s demand). In the absence of teleportation, other industries have risen up to fill the need for reliable transportation. Although teleport pads are by far the most secure and swift traveling arrangement, carriages drawn by fire-hooved nightmares are fast and unbothered by most material-plane thugs--these carriages are sanctioned so long as they operate within the oversight of their local governance. As a highlight: Pratan, the capitol of Withis, is well known for its “hanging houses” which are seemingly airloft architectures that jut out into the open air from their sea-cliff holdings. The Riarian Triumvirate, however, is a nation of wild magic where druids and sorcerers are free to explore their magics unimpeded by the numerous regulations imposed on their arcane counterparts. At the head of the government sit the Doves--three heroes from the last war, masters of wild magics and military prowess and rumored to have attained a greater measure of life because of their loyalty to the land and the creatures which creep across it. The city of Porio is their seat but Lokai is their stronghold: a half-flattened fortress which faces the province of Rotting Dragon where King Iostremond lost his final battle against the mortals. Although Riar appears self-regulating (or even disorganized) at first glance, the hierarchies which live in this place are as old as the world of Ceresia itself and the order which they follow is the order of nature.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Highlights: HotDQ
Dunno if this is a highlight so much as a theory: The dwarf fighter... he’s definitely a dragon. And I have PROOF!
1. Our dwarven fighter has, since session one, been obsessed with collecting weapons. So much so that he now looks like “a sentient dragon’s hoard” as he clanks around any given location.
2. Last session we adopted a Kobold whose name is Spurt. The rest of the party was not on board for this plan, but the Dwarf used nat 20s on the kobold to persuade this tiny lizard man to join the party. Spurt may still stab us in our sleep. The dwarf is not at all concerned by this. He needed a kobold! So, calling it now, the dwarf was a dragon in his previous life.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Characters: HotDQ
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I found this website called “artbreeder” and I definitely didn’t spend waaaay too much time making images for all my PCs and for a handful of NPCs in current campaigns I run... that would be silly, lol.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Ideas: Subrace
Firenewts, a type of salamander-like humanoid, are native to the elemental planes of fire and volcanoes. They evolved from lizardfolk and gained the ability to breathe fire. They're tall and slim, about the same height as humans. Their eyes are typically dark like coals and their skin, instead of sporting scales, was smooth like that of a newt. Younger firenewts tend to be lighter, like a hot flame, but tend to darken as they age—going from blue when they're born, to white, and eventually settling as a bright orange or a dark scarlet.
Firenewts are that funky ground between dragonborn and lizardfolk. Love it, though.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Highlights: HotDQ
We are coming up on a campfire and, determining they are enemies, decide to try a pincer movement. Half of the party hides in the grass while the other half rides along the road in a wagon (Dwarf Fighter hiding under a blanket, my PC driving the cart). My PC (Cavalier Fighter = Horse Girl energy): “Hello there you friendly fellow travelers. I’m just taking wares to a little villa south of here because they are in desperate need of weapons to protect from goblin attacks. Wow, your weapons you’re hefting look really poorly taken care of! As long as you aren’t bandits (chuckle, chuckle, what a silly joke), you’re welcome to take a peek at our wares.” (Rolls 8 on deception) Enemy Army dudes: “Yeah... you’re really sus.” Lizardfolk PC in the grass casts Enlarge on the dwarf fighter which crushes the back half of the cart. The dwarven fighter stands up and pulls the blanket off their head. Dwarven fighter: “Did someone call for a smith?” Brandishes super-big great hammer.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Ideas: Subrace
Created in the realms of shadow, the Sabline were formed from the combination of displacer beast and shadar-kai.
Cat/Elf with tentacles? What’s not to love?
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Class Ideas: Subclass
Your patron is a powerful being whose conduit and symbol is the moon. You may have bound yourself to Selûne or Eilistraee, goddesses both. Or perhaps you sought out the power of a Moon Dragon or else a mighty aberration such as a Moonbeast. Whatever the source, your pact with this being allows you to traverse dreams and pry into the more secret things of people's hearts.
This one is rooted in the recent release of Fizban’s Treasury too. But it applies to other areas as well, so decided to include room for those offshoots in this summary. When will I find time to playtest all these? Dunno. But they’re made now, so that’s what matters. XD
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Worldbuilding
Feywild Seasons
In the planes more heavily imbued with magic, the flow of time and space itself is interrupted. For example, in the Feywilds of Edura, there are three seasons.
 The first season is known as Expansion where the world grows chilly, spilling the landscape into the furious storms of winter. Magic flies a shorter distance as the world itself seems to shrink stretch to its thinnest, so thin that it might tear to pieces at the slightest disturbance in the weave.
The second season is Contraction and the climate rapidly warms. Snow melts, planting begins. Spells become more potent as the plane’s matter seems more concentrated and more readily pulled upon.
And the final season, the longest of the three, is Stability where the plants grow, the climate is temperate, and the plane rests before the cycle begins anew.
In the feywilds, it’s easy to forget the passing of time with the sky in a constant shimmer of twilight. That said, the churning revolution of nature itself is a steady reminder that time marches forward even here.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Ideas: Subrace
Created by the Cat Lord by blending humanoids and tressym, tresshi are a winged race of feline folk. In some lands, tresshi live like the tressym they resemble, naturally curious and strong allies to the wizards that inhabit their lands. In other places, tresshi live as other folk do.
Tresshi’s appearance is as varied as their attitudes. Their fur and feather patterns as as varied as you might find among the tabaxi or the aarakocra.
Cats... flying cats. This could only ever be an excellent option.
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missslywild · 2 years
D&D Class Ideas: Subclass
Hollow Paladins swear themselves to the same purpose as the dragon with which they associate. Some metallic dragons use undeath as the means to pursue a more noble purpose. To protect an artifact or to fulfill an oath, they may accept undeath until such a time as their purpose is complete. A Hollow Paladin has sworn themselves to the same purpose or oath as their fellow dragon.
Again, still in the playtesting process. But this book information just fits too perfectly with a paladin. Can’t pass it up.
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missslywild · 2 years
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D&D Worldbuilding:
In Campaign 1, a party comprised of reincarnated heroes from other planes managed to overcome the centaur lich, Szer’goz, and destroyed the wand in the lich’s possession. Their journey began in Vetria & Kyte (as two full parties inhabiting the same worldscape but not directly interacting) and took them all the way to Aguia.
Now Campaign 2 has begun and, although the rest of the heroes have gone their separate ways, one of the original party remains unsatisfied that her work was truly finished. With a new group of friends, she will head toward the northern waters where a pit in the sea has opened to release monsters into the material plane. They begin on the northern coast of Hawkin in a port town (and national capitol) named Erne.
(Built with: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/)
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