moonwalker750 · 5 months
Fic Request : Mo ran binding Shizun with Tianwen/Jiangui
Mo ran and Chu wanning are very much into kinky s*x and so are fic writers willing to write one-shot cinematic kinky scenes.
Like, Mo Ran using Tianwen/Jiangui or both as a bondage rope on Chu Wanning.
I am surprised that there aren't more fic on this premise.
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moonwalker750 · 5 months
If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath it, why can’t humans be summoned by ants? The answer is they should be.
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
The early flora and fauna of Arda (i.e., before the making of Sun and Moon in the first age) was weird and entirely different from later times.
I realised that before the destruction of tree therenwas only starlight. The trees (from which Silmaril and Sun/Moon was made) were planted in Valinor, which is far from the Middle Earth, where the Elves awakened and lived for a duration of time. The light of the trees did not reach the middle earth.
The Trees could be considered the effective substitute of sunlight. So while the flora, and by the association, fauna of Valinor was what you see around yourself. Y'know, normal trees and plants that depended on sunlight for photosynthesis and normal animals that depended on these normal trees.
It does raises the question then how did life evolved in Arda? Or how does creatures survive the cold? And all the other little titbits. Considering the presence of Valar, let's leave it wacky Valar Magic....
Back to headcanon, the flora and fauna of everywhere, except Valinor, was weird as hell. Like carnivorous plant, chemosynthetic plants, symbiotic plants, movable plants and blue leaves, purple fruit, bioluminescent flowers,'what the hell is this? Plant? Animal? Insect' things. Brightly coloured animals, weird physiology, giant worms and centipede, eyeless fish, biolouminescent aquatic creatures in ponds, etc. Kind of a cross between psychedelic and horror.
Also, as the time went on, it all became a myth for Valinor born Elves. The elvish version of 'back in my day, you had yada yada yada to get to the school' thing that your parents or grandparents tells you when you're being obstinate.
(My another headcanon: The majority of elves following Finwions were Valinor born along with those who were nearly babies during the first great journey. But the awakened and old elves were like, 'nope. Not doing it.')
By the time Fingolfin and his intrigue came, the sun was already in the sky so it was a bit easy for them. But Feanorians, bam... they got the faceful of this horror for nearly a year.
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
You have to give it to HP Fandom solidarity!
Despite our different tastes in fanfictions, headcanon's and other materials, we show a completely united front when it comes against an august personage that goes by Dolored Umbridge, Undersecretary of Minister of Magic.
I have seen evil machiavellin overlord Dumbeldore, bahsing fic, Dark Harry, Harry 'I am the heir of this many families with creature inheritance' Potter, misunderstood Voldemort, Pureblood advocacy, Death Eater's are the new rage, ooc crybaby Snape, Weasely are there only for Harry's money, Hermione 'The most brilliant witch' Granger and all the variation where she is pureblood, Voldemort's daughter, DE, has a reverse harem, blah blah blah...
By the aforementioned examples, one get's the general sense about the diversity of HP fandom.
However, I've yet to find one, ONE, fic where Umbridge is portrayed in good limelight. Like, she gets a redemption arc or had a 180 done on her character.
Second, all the Umbridge written by fanfic writers are spot on. Like you're reading the fic and think that's how canon Umbridge would act. Even those fic that made me cringe or the only thing they shared with HP was the fantasy world and names for character.
My dudes, Voldemort may be a saint in disguise and Dumbeldore the Dark Lord who planned every evil deed...but Umbridge would forever remain Umbridge.
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
Sometimes back, I was flipping through Tolkein's fic, focusing on Elrond(He's my favorite character). They were varied and interesting. However, after finishing them, a consistency (there were exceptions) was present in the description of the twins' backstory.
Elwing had not much interaction with her children, the twins were largely left to their own devices and ignored by other people. She was a horrible mother obsessed with Silmaril. Earnedil was pretty much a deadbeat father, by the way, the authors sound, went on a cruising vacation.
Maedhros and Maglor were perfect parents for twins. The twins loved them and considered them their actual parents. Elrond (even in the middle of the 3rd age) and Elors were very critical of their biological parents and viewed them in a bad light. Elrond was a raging Feanorian (the very same person who recited his ancestry on his mother's side in LoTR) and indifferent to his Sindarin ancestry and that side of the family. When he goes to Valinor, he didn't even want to see his biological parents, he considers Nerdanel as his grandmother. And, in some, Feanor is the grandfather. (no problem, but stop hating on Idril and Tuor.)
While reading, I had no particular thoughts on this subject. I was much more interested in 'what happens next?
Afterward, my stupid brain kicked a gear and was like, WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE! THEY WERE PRINCES! (Often I forget, since 'Lord' is pretty much attached to Elrond's name, in my head).
Dude, how can you sell this shit? Moreover, Have we not any critical? To accept it (Well, I did, so I'm an idiot, too).
The twins were princes on both sides by their parents. Heirs. Are you telling me that the people of Sirion, refugees of two fallen kingdoms, would not have loved these two little children to bits and pieces?
They were descendants of Turgon (King of Gondolin and later the fucking High King of Noldors) and were of the line of Melian and Elwe, Luthien and Beren, then Dior and Nimloth. How is this believable? Granted the elves would be busy with their lives. But you cannot tell me, the twins had no line of Uncles and Aunties to look after them.
Those who were close to Turgon (lord or captains, a few did make it to Sirion) had supported Idril and Tuor on their journey to safety and had watched Earendil growing up. Would they truly not have cared enough about the sons of their golden-haired prince? (Idril and Tuor, by all accounts, journeyed alone. Whereas Earendil has a small crew to man Vingilot.) What about Doriathians? Those Doriathians that knew the royal family and served their Kings and Queens. Friends and servants who knew Nimloth and thought these are her grandsons, who remembered another pair of twins-now dead, who raised their baby Queen and looked after her. Are you telling me they wouldn't help Elwing to teach her, raise them, and look after them?
We don't know their age when the Sack of Sirion happened, but they were probably children at that time. As children, then as young adults, they have every right to be angry at their biological parents. Reach their conclusion. And, it is fine. Because emotions at that age are a ball of twisted yarn. Emotions rarely followed logic. But these emotions grew from hurt. But do we think Elrond would beholden to the similar reasoning in the middle of the Third Age (after the alliance)? His epithet is 'Wise'. He had seen the wars and seen the world. He had faced choices and made them. Known the helplessness and hope. He had been a victim of wars and a general in the war. He had been free and carried the burden of lives in his hand.
A disquiet would always be there, but that inferno of anger and betrayal? No, he would understand, he would accept and make peace with it.
Their life among Fenaorians was not sunshine. They were held hostages, at the start, by people who are referred to as vile, as kin slayers. The Feanorians were as much of the monster to them as Melkor. They were terrified, alone, and abandoned in an enemy's land. And Feanorians? Maedhros and Maglor had lost the last of their brother(s). Thrice, they had slain elves. They were empty-handed of their salvation, again. They had lost their chance to retrieve that Silamaril. The Enemy was growing powerful by second, and the clutch of Oath was a noose around their neck. Do you think the loss of Ambaruss would not affect them? That they would not be affected by kin slaying, as fruitless as the last one? That it had not pushed Maedhros's metal stability down? That they and their warriors could love unconditionally, to forget their hardship? (People of Sirion had hope. However, the hope of salvation and a voidless death was slipping past Fenorians). That there aren't more people like the servants of Celegorm who left a pair of children in a forest to die? Lost, broken, and filled with rage at Dior and Elwing and their damnation? Willing to harm children when they had killed children before? That Maedhros and Maglor aren't weighed down by the death of their family and that the twins are the grandsons of the elf(man? half-Maiar?) who killed their three brothers? (Not consciously, but subconsciously yes.)
Despite everything, there was still humanity (elvenity?). The Feanorians had committed atrocities, but they were not atrocious people. Not most of them. Their choices and actions imprisoned them. Still they tried to raise the twins. Elrond could remember a dozen warm memories with Faenorians. They were young and at a formative age, so they latched on to the brothers (On Maglor mostly. Maedhros was more of a silent shadow in the back). Maglor did try. He taught them what he could. Activities that befitted their ranks and being kind to the twins. But he was a Lord with duties that took him away from children.
Would being a raging Feanorian stan would be in Elrond's character? With age, our opinions change, even toward our closest. Would he not remember Sirion? (even if it is screaming and blurred dreams) Would his feelings be so black and white?
What I am trying to say is, that it cheapens their (the twins) backstory and their character. To paint one in gold and another a dull brown.
Okay phew my rant has ended. Please be polite if you wish to comment!
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
You know what pisses me off most about IC? Their sheer blindness and hypocrisy.
They're laughing at 'Band of Exiles' name but didn't realize the hypocrisy of dubbing themselves as 'Court of Dreamers'.
In ACOFAS, Feyre started being a bitch to Lucien when he said that he didn't want to stay in Velaris anymore than he already does. Said he (Lucien) felt so comfortable around humans with contempt. Discrimination much?
Lucien admitted that they called themselves 'Band of Exiles'. That they're comfortable enough with each other to poke fun, be a bit silly and be their selves. And what did Feyre do? She said that do they organize parties and host events?
Her sheer hypocrisy left me slack-jawed. Like, what does her Court of Dreamers do? Do they not organize parties and events?
In ACOSF, Cassian and Rhysand found the name hilarious. This entitlement left me furious.
***** This is my thought on the name. The name didn't have the vibes of organsiation, etc. It feels like something a friend circle would call themselves. That one of them said 'Band of Exiles' in sarcasm and the next thing they know, it got stuck. Besides, they're exiles in their own way. Vassa exiled to island, Lucien effectively banned from Autumn court and not much welcomed in either Spring or Night Court and Jurian with his people dead.
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
Headcanon: Elu Thingol
Melian kept Elwe in Nan Emloth for decades or a few centuries. Here's my take on what happened in the forest. No Hate!
First of all, Elu Thingol, after meeting Melian, had never been the same. Fey, one could say, a polite way to say he went mad. Standing under the boughs of tree in Nan Elmoth, gazing in Melian's eye for centuries, Elwë saw things that no elf should have seen. Nay, not only shown. She pulled his Fëa beside her in those memories, as if he was there himself, not seeing a memory, and Elwë felt. He felt Melian's making, saw Eru Iluvatar. Listened to the Music of The Beginning, so transcendent and unspeakable, his heart caving and his spirit trembling at the majesty of it.
He traveled past the halls of The One, through the vast galaxies, Melian urging him forward. He saw the Arda, from the heights unimaginable, its barrenness and saw it flourishing, one by one, things came to existence. Melian took his hand and they danced across the world in her memories, over the lakes, and among the clouds. He sat by her side, as Melian sang songbirds- nightingales, cuckoo, warblers, wrens- and trees with emerald leaves and silver veins into existence. Felt her love for these creations and, helpless, he loved them too. 
He saw the making of the two trees and their first light that brightened this world, his heart tremble at the sight of Melkor, his soul shuddering at the first marring of their world. The elation and awe as the Valars warred Melkor, He trembled with Arda at the arrival of Tulkas. He accompanied Melian in the peace that followed afterward, nourishing the world for The One's children.
And Melian. Euphoric. She did not stop there. She showed him more. Showed him the fabric of The Music draped over the world, the whirlwind of the future, and more. (He could not take it. His mind tearing at the edges. His sanity was tattered. Melian- distraught, confused, scared- would try to mend it and succeed for the most part. It wasn't your fault. You did not know, he would console her later. But Melian would remember it and would not make this mistake again. Not with their daughter. Not with Galadriel. There is no Elf, besides Elwe, to see the snippets of the world before their awakening.)
For the rest of his lives, he would see the vast stretch of galaxies behind his eyes, the fabric of music surrounding them, the future- a mess of images, barely coherent- and more. Just at the edge of his mind. Madness lurking behind a thin curtain, creeping softly.
The songbirds love him. Loved him as much as they revered Melian. Whenever he went into gardens, those little birds would surround him, seeking his attention and talking to him about everything. The reason why Elwë seems to know everything that went in Doriath.
The trees had always been more of a friend with these Dark Elves than their brethren in Undying Lands. It wasn't noticeable at first, but the branches of trees and plants would curve toward Elu whenever he stood near them. The flowers would bloom in his presence. Seeds erupting and flowere unfurling at the touch of his fingertips. (Once, Elwë slept upon a tree, and its limbs snaked around him. embracing him. Branches entwined with his braids, and flowers made a garland across his neck and hands. Mablung was the one to find him. Awed and chilled at the sight of Elwé wrapped among branches and vines, embraced as lover .)
The elves of undying lands carried the light of trees in their eyes. Bright and starlit. But the light poured out of Elwe's skin. His hair glimmerd and his skin shined with silver. When Elwe felt heightened emotions, his voice condensed, smoke like, past his lips. Vanishing after a moment.
Few are there who could boast to be Ainu-touched. For their touch leaves everlasting marks. Strands of Ingwe's hair had split into hundred short threads, like a feather. Fire leapt in Mahtan's eyes, Arafinwe with crystals dotting his face, Celegorm's fingers tapered into pointed claws. Ever-present glittering dust on Elwe's hand and lips.
That's it for part 1. Enjoy!
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
Okay, before you start throwing rotten virtual tomatoes at me, atleast hear me out and then go for it.
I once shipped Jun Wu/Xie Lian. I also thought Jun Wu and Xie Lian had more of familial relationship. Like an Elder to Junior. Coming to think of it, that was a big indicator that something was going on with Jun Wu.
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
Did Nesta notice the faint glimmer of worry in Amren’s smoky eyes—understand how rare it was?
and a two or three pages later
Amren had suggested a few days in a dungeon in the Hewn City,
It was regarding Feyre's ultimatum from Cassian's viewpoint.
One moment, Cassian is saying that Amren is concerned about Nesta and later says that Amren suggested to lock her up in Hewn's dungeon.
Go ahead and correct me if I am wrong, but those two sentences are pretty self-contradictory.
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
I have seen some canons, where Erestor is Maglor or related/close confidante to a Feanorian. An awkward way to introduce yourself after War of Wrath, no doubt.
But it got me thinking, what if his background was even more headache inducing. So, ladies and gentleman, my take: Erestor is Elurid &Elurin.
Hear me out- the twins were left to die in wood and, we know, Maedhros went after them. He went there to save them, but, to twins, he was their enemy. The person who burned their home. Who killed their parents. Who was probably coming to kill them or keep them hostage for getting Silmaril. So they hid away from him and Maedhros did not find them.
And for the rest, it was that. After all, how could two young princes survive the hardship of life outside their comfort of palace? At best, they would die out of hunger or harsh environment and at worst, the orcs would find them. They were right, too.
They survived for few days. But they were children. Princes, at that. They have bevy of servants and maids taking care of them. They were provided with the best of the best. Food. Clothing. Tutelage.
They were not accustomed to these hardships. To forage for their food. To survive alone in woods. To watch out for Morgoth's servants. And soon they were out of luck.
Tired. Hungry. Hopeless. They fell in the path of a hunting party. Summoning the last dregs of energy, they tried to run away. To sing them away. (Music is a weapon on itself, for elves.) But they were children. Their efforts were futile.
That day, the hunting party left two dead elfings in their wake.
Now, normally, when elves die, they go to Mandos and men to their own version of afterlife. An easy to understand system. But, with Luthien's descendants, it is a bit difficult to say, how much of them is Man or Elf. But that is for another times.
At times, some elven spirits reject the call of Mandos and wander the Arda. (It was written in one of the books. I think. Idk, what really happens after that.)With time, they start loosing their sense of self. They become ghosts or spirits with not memory.
Elurid and Elurin never went to either of the afterlives. Not because they rejected, but they never felt their calling. To either Mandos or wherever men go after death. So, in that forest, their spirit dwelled for a period of time. It was not for long.
Even without realizing, they started making an elven body for themselves. (Just as Maia of Lorien do it for reborn elves.) The way to fashion a body of Elda was within their grasp. In their mind, soul and song. A feeling of deja vu. As if death revealed a part of song that eluded them before. Made the chorus rise up their throat. Made their spirits walk. It felt as if they had known this forever, but now it is within their grasp. Perhaps, Melian took pity upon them and gave them this kernel of knowledge or it was something they just knew because of their heritage. Who knows.
So they, fashioned a body. With nature, with their song and their Fëa. They could not make a vessel out of nothing. They were not Vala. They may be of Mairan descent, but they were too young. To inexperienced. Thus they needed substitutes to turn into body parts. Sometimes, it took months to find a perfect substitute. To travels miles before they found the part that felt right. That called to their soul.
Discarded weapons from fallen Doriath for their bones. Water of pond deep in the earth became their blood. Webs of Ungoliant's brood made their hair.
They plucked the freshest of leaves to stitch themselves a skin and walked the shores of Balar for seashells to fashion nails and teeth.
They scavenged the dead stag's and deer's for muscles and bound them together with the roots given by ancient trees of Nan Emloth.
For eyes, they walked in the palace of the hidden Gondolin. They could give us this much, the twins reasoned. For vision, they weaved strands of sunlight around the gems.
The heart was difficult. They stumbled upon a dying elf warrior in red, they sat beside her and listened to her tale spoken between bubbling gasps. And asked if they could have her heart as she does not need it anymore? For your kindness, she said with her last breath.
For lungs they wove vines and flowers from the hidden gardens of Silvan Elves. They wrapped it around the heart and ribs. The vines stretched upward their throat, around and unknown musical instrument they found in Daeron's abandoned quarters.
They dived in deep sea to find hollow tubes for vessels, honeycomb for brain, and spools of mithril weaving inside and outside for nerves.
For intestines and blood vessels, they swam to the dark of ocean and took hollow tubes out of the body of deep sea creatures.
It took them years to travel, to find, to make a Hroa, sufficient enough for their spirit. They traveled and saw the world. They learned and grew up. But time was near and they felt it. Their sister was gone. And something big was coming.
But only one was ready. And they were too restless. The unhoused body called to their anchorless spirits. They thought how bad it could be? All their lives, they have shared everything. A womb, a childhood, days they spent looking through each other's eyes, happiness and agony and death. What does it matter, if they shared a body too? (So two fea inhabited a hroa.)
It was bad. They were too uncoordinated and unused of a body this big. They had forgotten how to be corporal. They stumbled upon legs as weak as a newborn fawn. Their eyes hurt from looking all around them. And their mind was a cacophony of senses and thoughts. But they did it. And they could learn to dwell together in a body too.
Soon they learned to coexist in a body. They learned its control. Get accustomed to their senses and to each other. They also learned that their body was far too different from elves they have observed. Oh, it looked like them and was just like them. But there were differences.
Their eyes looked a bit too much like stones from certain angles, one was a shade lighter than other and they glowed like elves from Aman. Their joints could rotate in a way that they were sure normally should not. Their blood ran too thin, like water. Their hair did not have the texture as same as others. Too thin strands and too light in weight. If they pressed their skin, they could trace the leaves. Their body was not as light as it ought to be. They decided to leave it be. The difference were minor and could be overlooked.
They thought where to go now, so they simply traveled in hopes to find a way. They wandered near human settlements, helping them and learning by watching them. They were good at it. They practiced what they had seen as spirit. The trees brought them the rumor of a war incoming.
So one day, they showed upon Cirdan's doorstep. For he was known to them. And introduced themselves as Erestor. They were not, could not be, heirs or remembrance anymore. Elurid thought it was a humorous name. And the rest was history.
[A/N]: Just an idea that I decided too post. I have no idea wth I've written, except, it all came by itself. Enjoy!
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moonwalker750 · 2 years
Weirdest S***t I learned today!!
Language misconception had led us to many River River and Desert Deserts. But, boy, does it gets weirder.
Lucifer. Who doesn't know Lucifer? Light-Bringer. Archangel. God's favorite. The Serpent. Prince of Hell. Satan. Devil. Suffice to say, he has a fanbase larger than God and Angels.
And the Lucifer series, of course. Can't forget that.
Well, meet another Lucifer!
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Not kidding! Lucifer is the genus name of Prawn. Why? Because like Lucifer from Bible, this one is also a 'Light-Bringer'.......okay, he does bioluminescence.
There's one more!
APHRODITE. Who's Aphrodite? Goddess of Love. Wife of Hephaestus. Olympian. Most Beautiful Women.
Daughter of Ouranos (no, you're not pronouncing it wrong). Born from Seafoam and Ouranos genitalia dropped in sea.
In short, very beautiful, very sensual. So, if anything is named after her, it ought to be beautiful, too. Doesn't it?
Well....look for yourself...
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Aphrodite is, again, a genus name for Sea Mouse...because it looks like a male genitalia....
Why did I shared it? Because, I thought it to be baffling and hilarious. Maybe, my humor is bad. And you don't find it funny. In that case, just consider it a bit of new knowledge... Tata
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moonwalker750 · 4 years
After Hours
Characters: Hades and Persephone
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Explicit Smut, like a lot of it. Some D/s leanings (spankings and such) 18 and over only please.
Author’s Note: This is for my favorite Webtoon Lore Olympus. It’s a modern-day telling of Hades and Persephone. It is fabulous and so beautiful. It is the slowest of slow burns, and I just had to make these two bang for my sanity. Things you need to know if you haven’t read it: they are married in my fic but not in the comic yet, Hades is CEO of Underworld Corp, Tower 4 is Tartarus, and I think that’s it. He has a bunch of dogs in the webtoon that I have neglected to show because it would ruin the flow of the smut. Pretend what you want but they are all happy and healthy somewhere in the house. Also, I planned all this out before the elevator scene from the last episode. I decided not to change my plans. It is what it is. lol. Thanks to @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash for getting me hooked and letting me bounce ideas off of her…and for the title.
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Another long day had finished at Underworld Corp. Persephone perched on the lap of her husband, Hades, waiting for him as he read through some final reports. The quiet solitude of the office only amplified the ticking of the clock on the wall. The second hand seeming to move slower with every click, giving her a new appreciation for the word eternity.
Hades squeezed her closer as his arms worked around her to flip to the next page. She sighed and wiggled, adjusting herself higher on his thigh.
“Is that report interesting?” she asked, trying to make sense of the graphs on the new page, but not caring enough at the end of the day to give more than a few seconds glance.
“Not particularly.” His eyes glanced down at his petite wife, disinterest etched on her countenance “You don’t have to stay here if you’re bored, sweetness. Why don’t you go home and relax? I’m going to be a while.”
“No, no. I’m fine. I’ll stay here.” Persephone’s lips pursed as she leaned her head on his chest. “I don’t want to be all alone in that big house.”
“You wouldn’t be alone. The dogs are there,” he joked. He knew it was a lame attempt to lighten her mood, but he knew she wasn’t content.
Persephone chuckled. “But then you end up in the guest room because they take up your side of the bed when you’re not home.”
He grumbled something about ungrateful traitors and resumed his work. If he concentrated, he could be done sooner rather than later.
Her fingers toyed with fine silk tie around his neck until it loosened enough for her to unbutton the top two buttons of his white shirt, slipping her hand beneath the collar.
His hand covered hers, stopping its exploration. “No, Kore. If you’re going to stay here, you’re going to let me work.” He pressed a kiss to her palm and set her hand on her lap. Guilt crept through his chest, squeezing at his heart as he glimpsed her shoulders drooping. He hadn’t quite figured out how to balance work and home life in the few months of their marriage. He’d never had anyone really care where he was or when he would be home. He would make it up to her. He just had to get this finished.
Tilting her head back, Persephone gazed up at her husband. His hair was mussed, probably from his fingers raking through it while thinking or possibly holding back his rage from incompetent employees. Brow furrowed. His glasses sat upon his long elegant nose; thick lashes utterly wasted on a man brushing against the lenses when he blinked. Jaw tightening as he clenched his teeth, lips moving almost imperceptibly as he continued to read.
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moonwalker750 · 5 years
flash fiction
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The July piece of flash fiction about Chain of Gold is here, this one focusing on Christopher Lightwood, Henry Fairchild, and science! (Chris isn’t wearing his glasses in the illustrated scene by Cassandra Jean because they don’t fit under the goggles!)
One of Christopher Lightwood’s earliest memories was of his mother, Cecily Lightwood, being rushed to the infirmary after a fight with a pack of Raum demons. Christopher and his older sister Anna were at the London Institute at the time, being looked after by their aunt Tessa and uncle Will while their parents were out on patrol. Tessa whisked Christopher away quickly, but not before he saw the worried look on Will’s face as he went to summon the Silent Brothers.
Later, Christopher sat by his mother’s bedside as she recovered from the Raum poison. She drifted in and out of consciousness, waking and smiling when she saw him and then falling back into sleep. Uncle Will waved his arms about a great deal, despairing that his sister was entirely too brave for her own good. Christopher’s father, Gabriel Lightwood, reminded Will that courage against all odds was what made them Shadowhunters, wasn’t it? This caused Will to splutter. But Christopher could tell that his father had been truly frightened, and was deeply relieved that Cecily was recovering. Christopher leaned against his father.
“Is hunting demons scary?” He asked.
Gabriel sighed, and drew Christopher closer. “It can be scary, but a world overrun by demons is much scarier.”
That made sense, but Christopher continued his line of questioning. “Fighting them with swords and daggers, that is scary. But what if there are other ways to fight them?”
His father looked puzzled. “Like with ranged weapons? Bows and arrows?”
Christopher couldn’t explain the ideas that were rushing through his head. He didn’t have the language for them yet. Instead he just smiled. “Not exactly,” he said. “But don’t worry. I’ll figure it out.”
When Christopher was eight, his father and his uncle Gideon shut themselves in the study and talked in loud important voices about Christopher’s aunt Tatiana, and Tatiana’s boy Jesse. Christopher understood that Jesse was a cousin who he had never met, and that Jesse was sick.
Only a short while later, they received word that Jesse had died. Christopher’s father tried to visit aunt Tatiana, but she would not see him. When Gabriel came home, Cecily put her arms around him, and he cried. Christopher was shocked, less by his father’s tears than by the fact that they’d had a cousin who they’d never been allowed to meet, and now never could meet. Thoughts kept running around in Christopher’s mind. This is all wrong. If we had met him, we might have been able to help him. To save him. But when he said this out loud to his mother, Cecily only smiled sadly. “You are a brave and daring boy,” she said. “The world needs more minds like yours, Christopher. But you cannot take on the responsibility for saving every life. That is too heavy a load for one person to bear. The Silent Brothers were with Jesse before he died, and they are the wisest among us. Surely they would have saved him if he could have been saved.”
Christopher thought, But the Silent Brothers only hold certain kinds of wisdom. What if there was a different kind that could have saved Jesse? But he held his tongue.
Then, when Christopher was ten, Anna was bitten by a demon, and the wound became infected. The whole family was frenzied with worry for a day and a night over Christopher’s older sister. …
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moonwalker750 · 5 years
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moonwalker750 · 5 years
MDZS and your favorite trope-someone here is Eldritch/Fae
He’d thought he could keep his secret forever.
Why not, after all? He’d managed it for three years. Xiao Xingchen hadn’t suspected a thing.
And then –
And then Song Lan had had to ruin everything.
Song Lan, and A-Qing, who isn’t blind. He’d tested her so many times and she’d passed every one; the little bitch was clever than he’d realized.
Xue Yang clutches at the corpse that refuses to waken and buries his face into his side, just the way he’s liked to do for these past three years. He needs to go hunt A-Qing down, just to make the point – A-Qing, yes, and everyone else, too. Everyone else that dared hurt his Daozhang.
(No one hurt him more than he had. He has that distinction, if nothing else – but it doesn’t really help, does it?)
Yes, Xue Yang will go. He’ll go avenge him. He’ll get Song Lan back, the man having already escaped his control now that his focus was so thoroughly lost; he’ll punish him, he’ll punish A-Qing, he’ll do all of that. He just – needs another minute.
A familiar hand touches the back of his head, stroking his hair gently, just the way Xiao Xingchen always did.
Xue Yang enjoys it for a few long minutes, luxuriating in the illusory feel, and it’s not until he gives himself a stern talking-to that he finally, reluctantly, starts to pull away.
He can’t.
The hand is pressing him down into Xiao Xingchen’s side.
The hand is real.
“…Daozhang?” he croaks, scarcely able to believe it. It’s impossible. None of his demonic cultivation had the slightest impact on Xiao Xingchen’s corpse; he couldn’t so much as get it to twitch. How could he have returned on his own?
Because that’s all it could be. He was dead.
He still is.
The body beneath Xue Yang’s hands is still cold, still motionless. No breath moves the chest.
“We’re going to have to talk about this,” Xiao Xingchen’s familiar voice says with a sigh. It sounds just the way it has all these years, a touch long-suffering infused with the slightest bit of humor. “You really can’t just do things like this.”
Xiao Xingchen used the same words to explain why threatening merchants in the marketplace with their own cats was a failure of judgment and etiquette.
“Don’t look up,” Xiao Xingchen says calmly. “If you do, you won’t be able to look away ever again.”
“I don’t mind,” Xue Yang says. He feels like he’s never wanted to look away: not since the very first time they’d met, down in a marketplace where nothing else mattered. “Let me look.”
“It’ll surprise you.”
That gets a surprised snort out of Xue Yang. “More than I surprised you?”
There’s a smile in Xiao Xingchen’s voice. “Possibly.”
But the hand on the back of Xue Yang’s head loosens in implicit permission.
Xue Yang looks up.
That was probably a mistake.
The very air distorts around him, twisting in a way that doesn’t seem real: his skin glows like the true appearance of the moon of his namesake, sickly pale and strangely mottled, and his smile is far wider than a human face should be able to bear. He is many-limbed and yet not there at all, and there is the sense that even this strangeness is only a façade for something much larger, much greater, much more fearsome –
“I think,” Xue Yang says, feeling a strange dark joy bubble up in his belly, “that we all should’ve asked a few more questions about Bao Sanren’s mountain, shouldn’t we?”
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moonwalker750 · 5 years
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The Untamed | ‘Brother Rich’
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moonwalker750 · 5 years
I actually think that the way yzy treated wwx wasn’t as cruel as people think. Coming from an asian family myself, disciplining the child with physical punishments isn’t that uncommon and people think she verbally abuses both jc and wwx (the way she explains herself isn’t nice, that’s a truth) but the biggest problem within the two of them I think comes from yzy never, not until the last moment where no one else to is there at least, speaks to wwx when she has complains. (1/?)
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Oohhh, I agree with this one! YZY reminds me a lot of the typical aggressive Asian disciplining mom which is a norm for our culture. What was sad was on how she let the issues with her husband bleed to the children (JC and WWX) but then JFM is also at fault for not clearing anything up. MY GOD IF YZY AND JFM ACTUALLY HAD A PROPER TALK IMAGINE HOW AMAZINGLY NON-ANGST IT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!!!
send in your analysis/takes comparisons
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