morbidkofi · 3 years
Stop buying from Muji.
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It’s being reported that Muji uses cotton produced by Uyghur Muslims in Chinese concentration and labor camps, specifically in Xinjiang. Obviously, the atrocities being done to the Uyghur Muslims are horrific, and a company profiting off of said atrocities is disgusting.
I know Muji is wildly popular on studyblr, but I’m asking you to think about real humans being forced into labor camps. As an average citizen, we only have two ways of imposing our power: by voting and by being deliberate with our money. Do not give Muji your money.
Do not support Muji. Do not support concentration camps. Do not support the violation of human rights. Stay aware, read the news, and be a critical consumer.
Articles and petitions linked here:
ABC Net article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/11645612
BBC article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/business-50312010
The Independent Article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/chinese-cotton-uk-government-important-uighur-muslim-labour-a9478501.html%3famp
Change.org Petition - Stand up for the Uyghur Muslims in China: https://www.change.org/p/stand-up-for-the-uyghur-muslims-in-china-antonioguterres-amnesty-un
StopGenocide.org - Close the Camps: https://www.stopgenocide.org/close-the-camps/
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morbidkofi · 3 years
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It's so nice to finally have a journal I really like for studying!
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morbidkofi · 4 years
양궁 - Archery 
야구 - Baseball
농구 - Basketball 
비치발리 - Beach volleyball
복싱 - Boxing
볼링 - Bowling
카누 - Canoeing 
펜싱 - Fencing 
미식축구 - Football (American)
골프 - Golf 
체조 - Gymnastics
하키 - Hockey 
유도 - Judo
조정 - Rowing
달리기 - Running
스키 - Skiing
축구  - Soccer (Football)
소프트볼 - Softball
수영 - Swimming
탁구 - Table tennis
태권도 - Taekwondo 
테니스 - Tennis
배구 - Volleyball
역도 - Weightlifting 
레슬링 - Wrestling
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morbidkofi · 4 years
Tip: When learning a language, start practicing forming sentences in the shower! Not only are you improving pronunciation by speaking the language, but you're also practicing formulating sentences without help! This helps you solidify your sentence structures, remember the vocabulary, and practice your verb conjugation!
This is especially helpful for languages that have a different conjugation when spoken vs. written. (i.e: Korean!)
Happy learning!
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morbidkofi · 5 years
Study tip!: When reviewing nouns, use photos when possible! I.e if you’re trying to memorize the Korean word for raccoon, have the answer be a photo of a raccoon instead of the English word! 
Not only will it help you memorize it quicker, but it’ll also help  guide you away from using English as your universal base language!
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morbidkofi · 5 years
“The months of the year are based on the Sino-Korean numerals. Each month, starting in January, is represented as a number followed by 월, which means “month”. As an example, March is the third month, so it is 3 (삼) followed by 월, making 삼월.”
1월 - January - 일월
2월 - February  - 이월
3월 - March - 삼월
4월 - April - 사월
5월 - May - 오월
6월 - June - 유월
7월 - July - 칠월
8월 - August - 팔월
9월 - September - 구월
10월 - October - 시월
11월 - November - 십일월
12월 - December - 십이월
Ways to learn:
Audio for each month by rocketlanguages.com
A YouTube video by Korean Unnie explaining commonly made mistakes 
A Memrise course
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morbidkofi · 5 years
박쥐 - Bat
곰 - Bear
새 - Bird
낙타 - Camel
고양이 - Cat
병아리 - Chick
닭 - Chicken
소 - Cow
게 - Crab
악어 - Crocodile 
사슴 - Deer
개 - Dog
오리 - Duck
독수리 - Eagle
코끼리 - Elephant
물고기 - Fish
개구리 - Frog
여우 - Fox
기린 - Giraffe
염소 - Goat
고릴라 - Gorilla
고슴도치 - Hedgehog 
하마 - Hippopotamus 
말 - Horse
캥거루 - Kangaroo
코알라 - Koala 
표범 - Leopard
사자 - Lion
도마뱀 - Lizard
원숭이 - Monkey
쥐 - Mouse
타조 - Ostrich
부엉이 - Owl
황소 - Ox
판다 - Panda
펭귄 - Penguin
돼지 - Pig
비둘기 - Pigeon
조랑말 - Pony
토끼 - Rabbit
너구리 - Raccoon 
코뿔소 - Rhinoceros
갈매기 - Seagull
물개 - Seal
상어 - Shark
뱀 - Snake
다람쥐 - Squirrel
호랑이 - Tiger
거북이 - Turtle
고래 - Whale 
늑대 - Wolf
얼룩말 - Zebra
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morbidkofi · 5 years
“Let’s” in Korean
-자 is the informal way of saying “let’s.” All of the examples are also informal and should not be used in formal situations. 
First drop -다 from the verb, then add -자 to the verb stem. For example, to say “let’s eat”, remove -다 from 먹다, then add -자. You will get 먹자.
공부하자 - Let’s study
가자 - Let’s go
피자 먹자 - Let’s eat pizza
More ways to learn:
Lesson by GO! Billy Korean
Lesson by Learn Korean
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morbidkofi · 5 years
Transportation Vocabulary in Korean
비행기 - Airplane
공항 - Airport
자전거 - Bicycle
버스 - Bus
버스 정류장 - Bus stop
자동차, 차  - Car
출구 - Exit of a subway station
페리 - Ferry
주유소 - Gas station
핼리콥터 - Helicopter
사거리 - Intersection
호선 - Line number
위치 - Location
오토바이 - Motorcycle
주차 - Parking
배 - Ship
역 - Station
길 - Street, Road
지하철, 전철 - Subway
전철역 - Subway station
택시 - Taxi
표 - Ticket
기차 - Train
기차역 - Train station
교통카드 - Transportation card
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