motivated-gattara · 3 years
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
why am i single. i have a 150 day streak in duolingo shouldn’t that be enough
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
Hell yeah, calibri gang
When you need to find a font for your paper but you hate all of them, fuck fonts
Calibri for the win ngl
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
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Lazy morning studying ❤️
If you wanna interact with me more and see posts quicker, please go to my Instagram @/reignastudy
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
This is your friendly reminder to study that one target language you haven’t been giving so much attention lately
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
Ce que je fais le matin • french-italien vocabulary list
mi sveglio - je me réveille
mi alzo - je me lève
faccio colazione - je prends le petit-déjeuner
bevo un(a tazzina di) caffè - je bois un(e tasse de) café
mangio il pane con la marmellata - je mange du pain avec de la confiture
lavo i piatti - je fais la vaisselle
faccio il letto - je fais mon lit
faccio una doccia - je prends une douche
mi lavo i capelli - je me lave les cheveux
mi lavo i denti - je me brosse les dents
mi lavo la faccia - je nettoie mon visage / je me lave le visage
mi asciugo - je m’essuie / je me sèche
asciugo i capelli - je me sèche les cheveux
piastro i capelli - je me lisse les cheveux
arriccio i capelli - je me boucle les cheveux
lego i capelli - je m’attache les cheveux
faccio la coda (di cavallo) - je me fais une queue de cheval
mi trucco - je me maquille / je mets du maquillage
scelgo i vestiti - je choisis mes vêtements/ma tenue
mi vesto - je m’habille
metto le scarpe - je mets mes chaussures
preparo la borsa / lo zaino - Je prépare mon sac/cartable
mi guardo allo specchio - je me regarde dans le miroir
esco di casa - je sors de la maison/de chez moi
chiudo la porta a chiave - je ferme la porte à clé
Taken from this post • https://sayitaliano.tumblr.com/post/171656119766/what-do-i-do-in-the-morning-italian-vocabulary • and translated to french !
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
Famous Quotes from French Kings
plus morts moins d’ennemis -Charles IX
‘More dead people, less enemies’
Chuck was out there massacring protestants when he said this. Not cool bro.
bons chiens reviennent tous à leur maître -Henri IV
‘All good dogs come back to their masters’
Henri was being salty when allies that had left returned to him.
si je n’étais pas roi, je me mettrais en colère -Louis XIV
‘If I wasn’t the king, I’d piss myself off’
We love it when they’re self aware.
dieu a donc oublié tout ce que j’ai fait pour lui? -Louis XIV
‘So god’s forgotten everything I’ve done for him?’
Having just lost a battle apparently did nothing to deflate Louis ego.
après moi, le déluge -Louis XV
‘After me, the flood’
Lou basically predicted the French Revolution and the end of the monarchy , but don’t give him too much credit. He helped to create the circumstances that led up to them.
c’est légal parce que je le veux- Louis XVI
‘It’s the law because I want it to be’
Oof. Not something you wanna say if you wanna keep being the king my guy.
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un.e mort.e- dead person
un.e ennemi.e
un chien- dog
un maître- master
un roi- king
un dieu- god
un déluge- flood, deluge
légal.e- legal
plus- more
moins- less
tous- all
après- after
revenir- to come back
mettre en colère- to make angry (to put in anger)
oublier- to forget
vouloir- to want
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
Cas: Zawsze się zastanawiałem, odkąd wziąłem na siebie ten ciężar, tę klątwę, zastanawiałem się, co by to mogło być, jak... jak moje prawdziwe szczęście mogłoby wyglądać. Nigdy nie znalazłem odpowiedzi. Bo ta jedna rzecz, której pragnę... to coś, czego wiem, że nie mogę mieć. Ale myślę, że już teraz wiem. Szczęście nie jest w posiadaniu. Szczęście jest po prostu w byciu. Jest w samym powiedzeniu tego.
Dean: O czym ty mówisz?
Cas: Wiem. Wiem, jak siebie widzisz, Dean. Widzisz siebie w taki sposób, w jaki widzą cię twoi wrogowie. Jesteś destrukcyjny i jesteś wściekły i jesteś zepsuty. Jesteś... jesteś stępionym instrumentem tatusia. I myślisz, że nienawiść i gniew to... to, co cię napędza. Że taki jesteś. Nie jesteś. I każdy, kto cię zna, widzi to. Widzi, że wszystko, czego dokonałeś, całe dobro i zło, zrobiłeś z miłości. Wychowałeś swojego braciszka z miłości. Walczyłeś o cały ten świat z miłości. Taki właśnie jesteś. Jesteś najbardziej troskliwym człowiekiem na Ziemii. Jesteś najmniej interesowną, najbardziej kochającą istotą ludzką, jaką kiedykolwiek poznam. Wiesz, odkąd się spotkaliśmy i odkąd wyciągnąłem cię z piekła, poznanie ciebie mnie odmieniło. Bo tobie zależało. Mi zależało. Zależało mi na tobie. Zależało mi na Samie. Zależało mi na Jacku. Zależało mi na całym świecie dzięki tobie. Odmieniłeś mnie, Dean.
Dean: Dlaczego to brzmi jak pożegnanie?
Cas: Bo tym jest. Kocham cię.
Dean: Nie rób tego, Cas... Cas.
Cas: Żegnaj, Dean.
I invite to all my friends to reblog Castiel's beautiful declaration of love and translate it into your languages. Because is a gift for our fandom. I will start it now.
Cas: “I always wondered, ever since I took that that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be, what...what my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer. Because the one thing I want...it's something I know I can't have. But I think i know...I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having. It's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
Dean: “What are you talking about, man?”
Cas: “I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive and you're angry and you're broken. You're...you're 'Daddy's Blunt Instrument.' And you think hate and anger, that's...that's what drives you. That's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love.You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. You know, ever since we met and ever since I pulled you out of Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”
Dean: “Why does this sound like a goodbye?”
Cas: “Because it is. I love you.”
Dean: “Don't do this, Cas...Cas.”
Cas: “Goodbye, Dean.”
Cas: “Siempre me pregunté, desde que tomé esa carga, esa maldición, me preguntaba qué podría ser, cómo ... cómo podría verse mi verdadera felicidad. Nunca encontré una respuesta. Porque lo único que quiero ... es algo que sé que no puedo tener. Pero creo que lo sé ... Creo que lo sé ahora. La felicidad no está en tener. Está solo en ser. Es simplemente decirlo ".
Dean: ¿Qué estás diciendo, amigo?
Cas: “Lo sé. Sé cómo te ves a ti mismo, Dean. Te ves a ti mismo de la misma manera que te ven nuestros enemigos. Eres destructivo y estás enojado y roto. Eres ... eres el 'Instrumento contundente de papá'. Y piensas en el odio y la ira, eso es ... eso es lo que te impulsa. Eso es lo que eres. No es. Y todo el que te conoce lo ve. Todo lo que has hecho, lo bueno y lo malo, lo has hecho por amor. Criaste a tu hermano pequeño por amor. Luchaste por todo este mundo por amor. Eso es lo que eres. Eres el hombre más cariñoso de la Tierra. Eres el ser humano más desinteresado y amoroso que jamás conoceré. Sabes, desde que nos conocimos y desde que te saqué del infierno, saber que me has cambiado. Porque a ti te importaba, a mí me importaba. Me preocupo por ti Me preocupaba Sam. Me preocupaba por Jack. Me preocupé por todo el mundo por ti. Me cambiaste, Dean ".
Dean: ¿Por qué suena esto como un adiós?
Cas: Porque lo es. Te amo.
Dean: No hagas esto, Cas… Cas…
Cas: Adiós Dean.
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
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Classical Language Learning Masterpost
I’m not studying any Greek or Roman this coming year (I sacrificed intro classical languages for gender & history), but I will be doing a Roman history module and engaging with the language is always useful. I know a few people who have been looking for Greek/Latin learning resources, which is how this list came about. It includes MOOCs, youtube videos and websites. Not really knowing much Latin or Greek I can’t vouch for them 100% but my googling skills are pretty on point, so they should be okay. Feel free to correct me or add to this.
Getting started on classical Latin
Duration 10 hours
Introductory level
This free course, Getting started on classical Latin, has been developed in response to requests from learners who had had no contact with Latin before and who felt they would like to spend a little time preparing for the kind of learning that studying a classical language involves. The course will give you a taster of what is involved in the very early stages of learning Latin and will offer you the opportunity to put in some early practice.
Continuing classical Latin
Duration 4 hours
Intermediate level
This free course, Continuing classical Latin, gives you the opportunity to hear a discussion of the development of the Latin language.
FLVS Latin
As we build our Via Latina, we will travel back to ancient Rome. On our travels we learn about their culture, history and literature.
National Archives: Beginner’s Latin
Welcome to the beginners’ Latin tutorials. These lessons cover the type of Latin used in official documents written in England between 1086 and 1733. This can be quite different from classical Latin, as used by the Ancient Romans.
Learn Latin
Here are two dozen short lessons on learning Latin designed for “mountain men” (and women: montani montanaeque), engineers, philosophers, and anyone else looking for entertainment and with lots of free time by the campfire. My course is quite different from Peter Jones’ Learn Latin (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1997), but it is just as devoted to interesting you in Latin.
Learn Latin (Learn101)
I would like to welcome you to the Latin lessons. I’m here to help you learn Latin, by going step by step. All the lessons contain audio and are all offered for free.
The London Latin Course
170 videos
Learn Latin from the ground up. This is a serial course, structured to bring you to a high level of Latin fluency. The pace is slow and unhurried. This course is suitable for all ability levels. Restored Classical Pronunciation.
Latin Online
Latin is probably the easiest of the older languages for speakers of English to learn, both because of their earlier relationship and because of the long use of Latin as the language of educational, ecclesiastical, legal and political affairs in western culture.
Latin Excercises
Welcome to UVic’s practice exercises for Wheelock’s Latin (6th edition). There are 40 units comprising many hundreds of exercises to help you consolidate your progress in the classroom and with the textbook.
Ancient Greek
Introducing Ancient Greek
If you are starting to learn Ancient Greek, this site is for you! This site will help you prepare for a Beginner’s Ancient Greek course.
Classical Greek Online
Greek has been important in the intellectual life of western civilization, but not to the extent of Latin except for ecclesiastical matters. In years past, Latin was introduced in the first year of High School, followed by Greek in the third year.
Ancient Greek Online
This site was designed to be a learning environment for students as well as a reading room for scholars. The large print Greek is easy on the eyes. The Internet has returned us to the scrolling method of reading texts, which lends itself particularly well to the project at hand.
Teach Yourself Ancient Greek
The material presented here will be of use to anyone beginning ancient Greek, but is specifically designed to accompany our book.
Ancient Greek Grammar
103 videos
Including pronunciation tips. I haven’t personally watched this and there’s no real description, but it looks pretty comprehensive from what I can see.
Greek & Latin
Introducing the Classical world
Duration 20 hours
Intermediate level
How do we learn about the world of the ancient Romans and Greeks? This free course, Introducing the Classical world, will provide you with an insight into the Classical world by introducing you to the various sources of information used by scholars to draw together an image of this fascinating period of history.
Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin
Duration 12 hours
Intermediate level
The free course, Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin, gives a taste of what it is like to learn two ancient languages. It is for those who have encountered the classical world through translations of Greek and Latin texts and wish to know more about the languages in which these works were composed.
Textkit began in late 2001 as a project to develop free of charge downloads of Greek and Latin grammars, readers and answer keys. We offer a large library of over 180 of the very best Greek and Latin textbooks.
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
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Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Firenze, Italia | kerryjeannephoto
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
people who willingly use semicolons are so sexy
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
you deserve to rest without feeling guilty about it
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
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This is a post where you can find all of my advice given in long text posts and asks very easily, all in one place, so you don’t need to search through the tags. My ask box is always open if you ever want advice or support. I will try my best to answer as fully as possible and help you out. I will update this post with the posts as I do them. 
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How To Start A Studyblr 
this is one of my most commonly asked questions so here is a really long post where i give you all of my tips on how to start a studyblr and also get involved in the community
How To Stop Procrastinating
in this post, i give you some of my tips for how to stop procrastinating and getting productive. i include both some conventional tips but also some unconventional ones that you can try out.
How To Annotate
i give you all of my best tips for annotating - both in general and more specifically for literature (novels, plays and poetry) - from my own experiences and some research 
My Experiences With GCSEs
in this post i talk about what i did to revise for the first external exams i’ve done. even though the title sounds very specific, it mostly gives all my advice on revision techniques and preparing for exams.
The Best Apps for Students
as the name suggest, in this post i give some of my favourite apps for students and the ones that i use all the time
List of Essay Questions for Foreign Languages (for Beginners)
this was answer to an ask but i think it deserves to be in this section. basically i give a bunch of questions separated into different categories that could be used to build an essay or just as writing practice for beginners in a foreign language. they are all given in english but they can be easily translated. 
My Favourite Pens (2019)
i am a huge stationery lover so in this post (which was my very first big post) i give some of my absolute favourites
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My Study Routine during Exam Season
Tips for Staying Focused (with ADHD)
Motivation/Discipline tips
Talking about My Motivation
Tips for When You Are Feeling Overworked or Anxious and How Keep Up with Your Work
Tips for When You are Having a Rough Day
Tips for Taking Studyblr Pictures
My A Levels and How Hard They Are
Tips for Starting a Studyblr and How to Get Involved in the Community: [Ask 1] [Ask 2]
How to Make Friends on Studyblr
Tips for Doing Languages at A Level
Books, Films and TV Shows to Practice German
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2020 Quarantine Challenge : March - July 2020
Summer Studying Challenge: July - September 2020
The Studyblr Community Challenge: Can be done at any time
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
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Halloween-Themed English Idioms
Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween - or All Hallow’s Eve - marks the start of a period in the church calendar (known as the liturgical /lɪˈtəːdʒɪk(ə)l/ calendar) dedicated to honouring the dead. As such, Halloween is associated with all things spooky and death-related, and it’s a popular holiday in the English-speaking world regardless of people’s religion. To celebrate the day, here are five spooky English idioms for you to use. I hope you enjoy them!
1. To turn/roll/spin in one’s grave
This expression is used when a person does something that would make a dead person very angry or upset.
The changes he’s made to my grandma’s cookie recipe would make her turn in her grave.
I donated half of my inheritance to a LGBT+ charity. No doubt my homophobic father’s spinning in his grave!
2. To give up the ghost
There are a number of ways this expression is used. When a person had given up the ghost, it means they’ve died. When a machine or technology gives up the ghost, it means it’s stopped working. We can also say we’re giving up the ghost if we’re giving up on a task or a dream because we don’t believe it will be successful.
Our elderly neighbour finally gave up the ghost late last night.
I’m sorry I missed the meeting - my laptop’s given up the ghost.
I’ve been trying to get this book published for over ten years now; perhaps it’s time to give up the ghost.
3. To be pushing up daisies
This is a slang/light-hearted way of saying someone is dead and buried (the idea being that flowers grow over a grave plot).
No doubt I’ll be pushing up daisies long before we see an end to racism, but I live in hope.
We’ll all be pushing up daisies by the time this government gets it act together.
4. To have skeletons in one’s closet
When someone has skeletons in their closet, it means they have a shameful secret from their past that they keep hidden.
I get the impression he’s hiding something, but then, who doesn’t have a few skeletons in their closet these days?
You can’t expect this relationship to work if you can’t tell me what skeletons you have in your closet.
5. To have a bone to pick with someone
If you have a bone to pick with someone, it means they’re done something that you’re upset or annoyed about and you want to talk to them about it.
That reminds me, I’ve got a bone to pick with you - what’s the deal with all those passive-aggressive notes you keep leaving around the kitchen?
Lucy says she’s got a bone to pick with me later; no doubt it’s about the sodding heating again.
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
I have mixed feelings when my brain switches to Denglisch. I mean, it’s nice that the language is finally coming naturally at random moments, but “Tuestag”, seriously???
(Well, I guess my brain is doing what it can to switch contexts between 3 languages on a daily basis without going completely kaputt)
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motivated-gattara · 3 years
Some of my favourite Latin phrases
mors certa, hora incerta — death is certain, its hour is uncertain
mors mihi lucrum — death to me is reward
aeternum vale — farewell forever
mors ultima linea rerum est — death is everything’s final limit
nascentes morimur — from when we are born, we begin to die
mors vincit omnia — death conquers all
omnia mors aequat — everything is equal in death
tempus edax rerum — time, devourer of everything
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