Ahhh thank YOU for responding💖. I've given your work a read and it is SO SCRUMPTIOUS. If you ever feel like feeding me more manorian then I'll gladly feast
Can someone please make a fanfiction where Aedion and Dorian reconcile, please? Or where Aedion accepts Dorian for himself, instead of hating on him (for what his father had done) and only knowing him as the son of the man he despised? Maybe include Lysandra, Aelin, Rowan (and even Elorcan) talking to him about his conflicting feelings towards Dorian and Adarlan (like an intervention, or something).
Then after he has built up the courage, Aedion can visit Adarlan, and talk to Dorian for the first time since the war (cause they haven't stayed in contact). Maybe a few years post-war, when they are both married with kids. Ahhh my trash heart💕🗑.
I mean, they don't have to be friends (I honestly cannot see them as friends) but let them come to an understanding. Then he could express to people who aren't trusting of Dorian (probably Darrow and Ren and all them....) what he thinks about him and Adarlan. He's the smol bean cinnamon-roll King of Adarlan, who's trying his best to make Adarlan (and Erilea) place for everyone to live in peace, love and prosperity. Also himself and his lovely/scarily badass wife Manon risked their lives to save Terassen and the World; or at least I think so...
I think it will mean a lot more if Aedion expressed his opinion about Adarlan, instead of Aelin and Rowan, because of what he went though when he was younger and his well known previous hatred and distrust of Adarlan. People are more likely to listen to him.
That's the character development we all need to see from our fave wolf general, Aedion.
I feel as though associations like this happen all the time today, and SJM clearly robbed us of that moment.
@propshophannah @itach-i @rufousnmacska I'm talking to you (and anyone else who's talented) honeys😂😂
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Can someone please make a fanfiction where Aedion and Dorian reconcile, please? Or where Aedion accepts Dorian for himself, instead of hating on him (for what his father had done) and only knowing him as the son of the man he despised? Maybe include Lysandra, Aelin, Rowan (and even Elorcan) talking to him about his conflicting feelings towards Dorian and Adarlan (like an intervention, or something).
Then after he has built up the courage, Aedion can visit Adarlan, and talk to Dorian for the first time since the war (cause they haven't stayed in contact). Maybe a few years post-war, when they are both married with kids. Ahhh my trash heart💕🗑.
I mean, they don't have to be friends (I honestly cannot see them as friends) but let them come to an understanding. Then he could express to people who aren't trusting of Dorian (probably Darrow and Ren and all them....) what he thinks about him and Adarlan. He's the smol bean cinnamon-roll King of Adarlan, who's trying his best to make Adarlan (and Erilea) place for everyone to live in peace, love and prosperity. Also himself and his lovely/scarily badass wife Manon risked their lives to save Terassen and the World; or at least I think so...
I think it will mean a lot more if Aedion expressed his opinion about Adarlan, instead of Aelin and Rowan, because of what he went though when he was younger and his well known previous hatred and distrust of Adarlan. People are more likely to listen to him.
That's the character development we all need to see from our fave wolf general, Aedion.
I feel as though associations like this happen all the time today, and SJM clearly robbed us of that moment.
@propshophannah @itach-i @rufousnmacska @clockworkgraystairs
I'm talking to you (and anyone else who's talented) honeys😂😂
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Tbh, in my opinion, I really don't think Dorian "loved" Aelin like that. I feel like it was more of a teenage thing, where you think you love someone. He lived in a world where he was judged by his father's actions, and only Chaol really saw him for who he is, without any preconceptions. Aelin and Aedion and many, many other judged him upon meeting him. Even Sorscha. My lil baby Dorian needed someone who really saw him. Not the son of the conqueror. Not the party boy. Not the Crown Prince/ King of Adarlan. Not even, Dorian "the friend", or Dorian the Victim (when he was a slave to the valg). My Queen Manon Blackbeak Crochan is the ONLY person in the whole wide world who IMMEDIATELY saw him as the King and the Warrior. Someone with the strength and the willpower to hold on and retain a little piece of himself. Despite the world (even Aelin and Chaol) giving up on him, Manon never. 🥺🥺
wanted to just make a quick observation about manorian but have you ever notices how manon is the only woman dorian has expressed to want to make his QUEEN (unless i’m mistaken).
anyways like in tog he claims he’ll go against rules and do whatever he can to BE with aelin. and in hof i he talks about making a life with sorscha and marrying her but it’s always under the disguise/sense that they run away and start a new life, it’s almost like he separates her from this VERY massive part of himself. but when it comes to manon it’s not just a future wife he sees it’s a future queen for a kingdom he will have to rebuild and idk i really love that it shows how far he’s come that he’s finally accepted all sides of himself and is willing to give all sides of himself, and it also shows how highly he views manon.
So, I have this weird thing where I’ll think or react in meme. Reading this, I was literally making this face
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I have thought this very same thing though I’ve never stated it as well as you have. ❤️
I’ve always thought of it in terms of Dorian finally accepting his throne and his responsibility, things he said he’d give up for both Celaena and Sorscha. He wasn’t willing to do that for Manon. He wanted to stay with her and the Thirteen, but he chose instead to go to Morath and find the last key.
Some people might look at that and say it’s proof that he doesn’t really have feelings for Manon. Or all he feels is lust. But to me it always meant exactly what you’ve said. He’s matured enough to know what he has to do (versus what he wants) and he makes the choice to do it. He’s grown enough to accept himself completely. Yes, he loved Celaena and Sorscha, but he didn’t really love himself. And as cliche as that might sound, it’s not until KoA that he’s at a point where I think he’s able to be in a successful long term relationship.
Does he “love” Manon by the end of KoA? I’d argue he does. Though he’s maybe not at a point where he can fully recognize it and admit it to himself. Or say it out loud*. He processed a lot of the grief and trauma of Sorscha’s death in the last book, which was part of his path to accepting himself and his role as king. But he’s not done healing, and still has to deal with his father’s legacy. So, I don’t know if he’s made the connection between “I’ll only marry for love” and “there’s only one witch who will be my queen.” I’d say the subtext and his actions show it. And I’d argue the same for Manon. But we aren’t given the word on page because they still need time, Manon especially.
I think Dorian is someone who falls in love pretty easily. Whether he tells the other person or we as readers are told, it happens fast. And I think the fact we’re not told that with Manon - he thinks about and tells her he cares a lot for her, he comes to associate her with happiness, he thinks of her as his mirror and equal - isn’t a bad thing. In my opinion, it just reinforces what you said here. He’s not rushing into things, pledging to give up everything and think only about what he wants, like he did in earlier books. We see that when Manon proposes a marriage alliance. He wants to say yes, even after she makes it sound like a sacrifice**. But he knows that would be selfish, and not just in terms of “caging” her. It would mean giving up the path he’s chosen to find the key and stop Erawan. And you’re right. He thinks highly of her and respects her.
That’s not to say he didn’t respect Celaena and Sorscha. He totally did. But he didn’t respect himself. He does now. They were integral to Dorian’s character development. In the same way Sam and Chaol led Celaena/Aelin to Rowan, they led Dorian to Manon.
Manon is the outlier in a lot of ways. She’s “like nothing he’d ever had before.” She accepts the darkness in him, never judging him for what he was in the past or what he did in the valg collar. But she still challenges him as a person and king. She has strengths where he has weaknesses and vice versa.
I don’t know how much sense I’ve made here. Some of these things seem counterintuitive on the surface. But when you look at where both Dorian and Manon began and where they ended in their character arcs, I think they make a solid relationship. More solid than any he was in before.
Also, I did a search of “queen” in the first three ebooks and very quickly checked the times he mentioned Sorscha in KoA and you’re right. Dorian never thinks of Celaena or Sorscha as his queen, only Manon. Of the three, I’m almost positive he never refers to anyone but Manon as his equal.
This was a long reply lol! But thank you for bringing this up anon! I’ve thought about it a lot and even tried to incorporate it into some of my fics (including the one I’m working on now). It’s so great when others pick up on themes that tend to be overlooked in the fandom.
I have to say, I am totally here for this little resurgence of Manorian love and content!! Where is their book??!? 😭
* @itach-i and I have a head canon that hello witchling/princeling becomes their way of saying I love you before they finally admit they’re in love. 🗑
**Manon should’ve stopped while she was ahead 😂 but politics aren’t always her strong suit.
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