the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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She wanted him to be her home with a fierce longing. But when has wanting ever been enough?
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She didn't want to open up to him. She couldn't, wouldn't. The pain was too raw, too real. She didn't want him to make it worse. She didn't want him to make it better
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 2 months
Rihanna said it best:
It's too close for comfort
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 2 months
Together Always
Gally x Reader
The Maze Runner
Part 2
     You had been there a week, and had spent a few days at each job trying to figure out what you would do.  Today was the day you would be working with the builders.  You couldn’t help but be nervous, not knowing if you were any good at it but mostly hoping you would be able to impress Gally, or at least not embarrass yourself in front of him.  You had found that you wanted to impress him more than the others and though it was early, you knew you were having feelings for this particular Keeper. You knew that wasn’t a good thing, knowing it wasn’t a good idea to have feelings for any of the boys but especially this one; mainly because you knew he would never feel the same.  He was so closed off and hardly seemed to notice you even existed.  However that would change since he would be overseeing you today.
     At breakfast, you went to sit next to Newt, who quickly became your closest friend.  You realized everyone liked him and you weren’t surprised at all.
“Hey Newt,”  You greeted, sitting down across from him.
“Hey Y/N, ready to try out a new task?”  He asked.
“Not really, I feel like I will somehow mess up”  You laughed, trying to hide your nerves.  The truth was you weren't nervous about any other task, knowing if it wasn’t a fit you would find something else.  This particular task had more at stake.
“You’ll be fine, besides Gally won’t let you do anything too stupid. He is pretty good at making sure everyone stays safe.”  As if appearing out of nowhere, Gally had just shown up.
“Talking about me, Newt?”  You quickly turned to see him standing next to you.
“Yep, just reassuring your mentee that you won’t let her screw up too badly.”  You shot him a bored look.
“Nah, I’ll make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone.  Mostly worried she will hurt herself.”  You couldn’t tell if he was completely joking or not.
“Hey, I am not that bad!”  You faked being hurt.
“Guess we will see.”  Gally smirked at you.  His intense stare still had you weak in the knees and you were glad you were sitting down already.
“Guess you will have to keep a close eye on her.”  Newt said, though you were too busy to see him and Minho exchange a knowing look.
“I guess so.”  Gally said, not breaking eye contact.  
     After breakfast Gally had brought you to the worksite that was surprisingly farther away from the main area than you had expected.
“We will start with something small.  Do you know how to use a hammer?”
“Honestly, I don’t remember ever using one, but I think I have the main idea.”  You wanted to be honest, but also didn’t want to look dumb.
“Cool, well, take this nail, and hammer these two boards together.”  You grabbed the hammer.
“Are you going to watch me do it?”  You asked, when he folded his arms and stared at you.
“Yes.”  Was all he replied.  You just rolled your eyes and did as he asked.
“How did I do, boss?”  You said sarcastically, knowing you had done a decent job.  Afterall, it wasn’t rocket science.
“Just making sure you’re competent.”  He said, grabbing the hammer from you.
“Wow, with compliments like that you might make a girl swoon.”  You joked.  He just stared blankly at you.  “Geeze, tough crowd.”  You said lightheartedly.
“Follow me, we will work on something a little harder.”
“Sounds good.”  You said, following him.  You wanted to be his friend at the very least and you could tell you weren't off to a great start.  You would just stick to talking only when necessary.
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     The rest of the morning went well, and you were proud of what you were able to do.  Lunchtime came and you walked over with the rest of the builders, minus Gally.  He continued to finish what he was working on.  You admired his work ethic.
“How did the morning go?”  Newt asked once he sat next to you.
“Not too bad, I haven’t created any major calamities yet.”  You joked and he laughed.
“I don’t think Gally likes me that much though.”  You confessed and he looked at you surprised.
“Why do you say that?”
“I think I am a nice person”  You started.
“But I don’t think my jokes or efforts to reach out are well received.”  Newt seemed to think about that.
“Why do you think that?”
“Well he just seems like he tolerates me at best, and seems like he can’t get away from me fast enough.  So I just decided to not talk so much.  Just do what I am told.”
“I think he just doesn’t know what to say.  He has always been a little awkward like that, but especially with a girl around his whole personality changes.  He isn’t a bad guy he just is rough around the edges and you are trying to break those walls down.. I don't think he knows what to do with that.”  You thought about that.
“I guess that makes sense.  I just don’t want him to not like me.”
“And why is that?”  He gave you a knowing look.
“What do you mean by that?”  You asked a little too defensively.
“It just seems like you are trying hard to be on his good side.”
“Well of course.  He is my boss for the day so I want to make a good impression.” You reasoned.
“Well I don’t think that is your problem.”
“Then what is?”  Before he could reply, you saw Gally walking up to the food line, subconsciously grabbing his shirt to wipe his face.  You were not upset by the glimpse of his abs he granted you with the action.
“You okay Y/N?  Looks like you got a little drool there.”  Minho teased you.  You turned red.
“Shut up Minho.”
“Oh someone is a little defensive,” he joked.
“It’s just because you didn’t give me the same show, so I had to look elsewhere.”  You joked.
“I know you are in love with me, I am sorry I am driving you into the arms of another man.”  He faked seriousness.  You gagged causing Newt to laugh.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the maze?”  You asked.
“Yes, but Alby needed something today so I am here, lucky you.”
“You’re a runner right?”  He nodded.  “So run along then.”  You rolled your eyes.
“Sounds like you are annoying our Greenie here.”  Gally said behind you.  Shuck this boy was more stealthy than you would like.
“Nah, she can’t get enough of me.”  Minho joked.
“Not convincing.”  Gally said, sitting next to you.  You were not upset that he had taken to sitting next to you since you arrived.  At least that was what you let yourself think since you couldn’t be sure he didn’t always sit here before you arrived.
“More like I get too much of this guy.”  You said to Gally.  He smirked.
“Ouch, that really hurts.  And you just said you were in love with me.”
“When did I ever say that?”  You deadpanned.
“Well, when you were ogling Gally, you said it was only because - ouch!”  Newt hit him.  Your eyes went wide.  Gally turned to you.
“What is he talking about?”  A look of amusement on his face.
“Do I ever know what he is saying?”  You played off, not able to keep looking at him.
“That’s true.”  He said, not entirely convinced.
“Minho just saw you with your shirt lifted and tried to play it off as me looking and not the fact that he was checking you out himself.”  You joked.
“Well that makes more sense.  I knew Minho had less than honorable intentions towards me.”  You stopped and looked at him.
“Was that a joke?  Did I actually hear your joke?”  He gave a sheepish smile.
“I guess so.”
“Well I am glad that you are finally able to joke around me.  I thought I was annoying you with my sense of humor.”  You said half seriously.  He leaned over slightly.
“Not at all, I enjoy it actually.  I just don’t always know how to respond.  No one is as happy and lighthearted as you, it is something to get used to.”  You just looked at him.  “I don’t mean that as a bad thing”  He said quickly.  “I just am not a funny guy, not like Minho or even Newt.”  He said the last part a little bit harsher.
“You don’t have to be.  Then you wouldn’t be Gally.”  You smiled at him and he smiled back.  “Besides, I am just glad that I haven’t freaked you out.”
“Did you think you had?”  He asked.
“Well, kinda.  I mean, whenever I joke around, you just look at me like I have grown two heads so I thought you figured I was crazy.”  You played with the food on your plate, hoping to hide your nerves.
“There’s something different about you.”
“Well I am not a guy, there’s that.”  He rolled his eyes.
“Obviously.  Besides that.  You are so refreshing around here.  You are a light in the dark…”  He trailed off.
“You think so?”  You prodded, softly.
“You’re pretty great, Y/N.”  You took a moment to stare into his eyes.  He was so beautiful it hurt.
“But that can’t be a shock, everyone here likes you a lot.  A little too much”  He slightly frowned at the last part.
“I’m just glad you like me.”  He looked at you, trying to find a lie but he didn't and wouldn’t.
“Yea- yeah. You’re a good friend.”  He smiled and backed away slightly.  You tried to not be hurt.  You should just be glad at how much he opened up to you just now.  He may never feel the same, but at least you knew he didn’t hate you.  Progress.
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     After lunch you went back to work, and you ended up helping some other builders while Gally got called away.  You found that though you weren’t incredibly strong, having smaller hands and being able to fit into tighter spaces helped in more ways than you thought.  However, that got you into more dangerous scenarios, like the one you found yourself in.  There was an old building that needed a plank fixed and there weren’t any ladders nearby.  So to help you were ‘volun-told’ to get up onto a 2x4 and reach awkwardly to try and fix the beam.  As long as you didn’t overreach you would be fine.  You wanted to help and show them that you could do whatever they could, if not more since you were the only one small enough to reach.  You took a deep breath and climbed up.  It wasn’t incredibly high, but if you fell, it would hurt.  You managed to stay focused, asking for the tools you would need from one of the boys behind you.  You were almost finished when you heard it.
“What the shuck is going on here?”  Uh oh.  Gally.
“She could fit, it needed to be fixed.”
“Not that way!  No one should be up there like that, especially her!”  You quickly finished and handed the tools back to whoever would quickly take them.  Gally came up under you.
“What are you doing?”  He half yelled.
“Trying to fix this beam.”  You told him as calmly as you could.
“Why are you on a flimsy board and not a ladder?  That shuck thing won’t hold you.  Get. Down. Now!”  He sounded panicked.
“It’s okay Gally, I am finished, I am getting down now.”  You tried to tell him reassuringly, but because you were distracted your foot got caught and you slipped.  You managed to stay right side up, holding onto the board. Shuck it, the only way down was to let go.  So you did.  You expected it to hurt, but you landed in some strong arms. Looking up you saw it was Gally.  You couldn’t appreciate being in his arms because his face was fuming.  If steam could come out of his ears it would.
“Are you shucking kidding me?”  He wasn’t really asking.
“Gally, I am sorry but I thought I could fix it quickly.”  
“I don’t need to hear excuses.  You should never have been up there in the first place.  On a flimsy board, not even tied down, no ladder.  What were you thinking?”
“I fixed it, I am okay, I-”  But he cut you off.
“You weren’t thinking.  Use that shuck head of yours, you could have gotten yourself killed!”
“I wouldn’t have died, Gally.  At worst, a broken arm or something, but that didn’t happen.”  You tried to remain calm but your patience was wearing thin.
“That’s because I caught you.  You need to think!  You are smarter than that.”  He said the last part no longer yelling.  It was at this moment you both realized that he was still holding you tightly.  He slightly released his grip but not enough to let you move away. “Are you hurt?”  He asked.
“No.  And the beam is fixed.”  He didn’t say anything, just kept looking at you with those beautiful eyes.  After a second, “Everything is fine.  The beam is fine, I am fine. You are fine, right?”  You asked after a second, putting your hand on his chest.  His heart was beating fast still, but he had calmed down slightly.
“You’re asking if I am alright?  After you fell?”  He asked incredulously.  You just shrugged.
“I could have hurt you, and you seemed pretty upset.  Just checking you are okay too.”  He couldn’t seem to process that.  He just nodded once.   “Okay, well I am going to let you calm down and put away my stuff.”  You pushed him back slightly and he held onto you for a second before releasing you.  It was quitting time and you wanted to be anywhere but there.  You didn’t know what just happened, but you didn't like being yelled at by Gally, especially in front of everyone after doing him a favor.
     After you walked away, Gally knew he messed up.  He was really concerned and he didn’t know where these feelings came from.  And it scared him.  But what scared him most was the idea that you could have gotten hurt.  And it would have been his fault, on his watch.  And he would never forgive himself for that.  But he yelled at you and he hated himself for it.  His feelings for you were intense and they scared him.  He just hoped he hadn’t scared you away.
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 2 months
No you'll never be the man that you always swore
But I remember you singing in that '88 Ford
-I remember everything
(Kasey Musgraves)
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 2 months
It is not such a hard thing, is it - to die for your friends
-Empire of Storms
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 3 months
Forged in Love
Hephaestus x Aphrodite!reader
Page break credits @firefly-graphics
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Part 9
taglist: @streets-in-paradise @floraroselaughter @stitchattacks
taglist open :)
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     When you returned, you filled Athena in, per her insistence.  You didn’t tell her everything, saving some just for yourself.  She was very encouraging, saying that this seemed a wise match.  You had tentatively thought so as well but hearing it confirmed by the goddess of wisdom helped to seal matters in your mind.  The only thing stopping you was that you still didn’t know him very well, he was very guarded, though you knew enough to know he was more open with you than anyone.  And that made you feel really good.  Funny how you were the goddess of feelings (more or less), yet this guarded man who didn’t let anyone in made you feel better than all those who constantly tried.  The irony was not lost.  It was funny to you how you had thought he was a recluse who was not worth anyone's time, whenever you thought about him which wasn't much, until you met him just once.  However, was this a good idea?  Rushing into a marriage with someone who you hardly knew, even if he seemed like the best option?  Was another god you knew better a good idea? You were running out of time.
“The truth is, you don’t have much time to decide.  Hera likes the idea and would bless this marriage.  I am unsure if she would bless anyone else for you.  And though her marriage isn’t something to aspire to, her blessing is still very much needed.”  Athena had told you, after you confessed your doubts.
“I understand that, but is he too good to be true?”
“Everyone is on their best behavior in the beginning to be sure, but you know the other gods and they are not options.”
“But what if he turns out to be the worst of them all?”  You were starting to panic.
“It is true you do not know him well, but what does your heart say?  You of all of us would know best if love can be found from the both of you.”  You were silent for a moment, unsure what the truth was.  You thought you knew the answer but were scared in case you were wrong.  The last thing you wanted was to be trapped and even if he was a wonderful choice, you were still being forced regardless.
“Listen to me, my friend.”  She started again.  “You can talk to him and make it clear what you expect once you are married.  If not love, something where you do not hate each other. Find an agreement you can both live with so being together is not a nightmare.  I don’t want to see you wither away like Hera.”  She gave you a sad smile, and hugged you then left.  You had a lot to think about.
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     A few weeks had passed and you realized that no matter what, this was going to happen.  So you needed to talk to Hephaestus and make sure you were on the same page like Athena had suggested.  He had agreed to meet at his forgery once again, not liking to leave and though you felt at a disadvantage you knew the location wouldn’t matter; the conversation was going to be difficult regardless.
“Hello Hephaestus”  You started, a little awkwardly.  He had brought you to another balcony overlooking yet another lovely piece of land that stretched for miles.  You mused to yourself how lovely it would be to spend many days out here.
“What can I do for you?”  Not one to beat around the bush, not that you had expected it of him.
“Honestly, it is a little awkward, but I think we need to talk about this forced marriage.”  His expression darkened just a bit, or maybe you imagined it.
“What about it?”  He asked, in a deeper, not as friendly tone.
“I guess I wanted to make sure that this is what you want, and if it is, what our expectations of it are.”
“Such as?”  He lifted an eyebrow.  His was an intense gaze, and the only one you ever felt the need to shy away from.  Any other god you could flirt your way around it, but not him.  You couldn’t be fake with him, even if you tried. And you didn’t want to
“I am not naive to think that though we are… getting along right now, that we still don’t know each other very well.  And I don’t want to wake up one day knowing that not only do me and my husband not get along, but that we could hate each other.”  Again no expression.  What you would give to know his mind.
“Like my mother.”  Interesting that this was the first time you had heard him refer to Hera as mother.
“Yes.”  You hated to admit it, but you feared turning into her one day.  Locked away, barely surviving, hated by her husband, respected by none.  The thought alone made you shudder.
“What is it that you want of me?”
“I want…that is I-”  You didn’t know what to say.  
“Do you want a companion?  A friend?”  He took a step closer.
“Well yes, but-”  Another step.
“You want someone who you can get along with and live amicably with?”  Another step.  He was so close you could reach up and kiss him if you wanted.  The thought shocked you.  Where had that thought come from?  And why was it the only one in your mind?
“Or do you want passion, love, fire?”  His eyes bore into your own.  You would be lying if you said you didn’t like the intensity.
“I am the goddess of love, of course I want that.”  You whispered.
“And you are worried you won’t find that…with me?”  You couldn’t read his emotions but thought that maybe there was some sadness in his eyes.
“I’m scared, Hephaestus.”  He nodded, smiling sadly, and began to back away.  The moment you couldn’t feel his heat you reached for and grabbed both his arms to which he instantly tensed up.  But you noticed he didn’t back away.  “I am scared that I won’t yes, but having met you, I am scared that I might actually get all that I want.”  He slowly brought his arms to wrap around yours.  “I am scared that you are too good to be true and once this.. Connection, this spark dies down, we will be left with nothing.  So my hope is that at the very least we can live together amicably, as you say.  That I won’t hate my very existence knowing that you grow tired of me.  That I am not at all what you want.  That you will resent me for forcing you into this marriage.”  You hadn’t admitted half of this to yourself and yet it was all the truth.  He had a way of making you be honest with yourself, a good trait since love can blind.
“This is what bothers you?”  He searches for more but does not find it.
“Yes.”  You barely whisper.
“Then let me tell you my fear.”  No sound could be heard, you held your breath knowing that whatever he was about to say would change everything.
“I fear that you are going into this blindly.  That you see an option that is the best of the worst, and will quickly change your mind and feelings.  That you will see me for what I am.”  It had hurt you to know he thought you so trivial but you knew that it was also in your nature; you were emotional and emotions change and are fleeting.
“I know that I am trivial,  but I have changed a lot.  I cannot promise I won’t become more sound, that is who I am; I am Emotion.  But I can tell you that love will not change.  Will I get upset, go crazy?  Most definitely.  But love..that does not change.”  You knew whether you loved him or not, but knew it was not the time to say yes or no to it.   “And I do see you for who you are.”  You could tell he wanted to pull away, so you moved closer, so that the rest of your bodies were practically touching.
“I see a man who has so much more to offer than others see.  More than he himself sees.  A man who would help out a complete stranger and have next to no expectations of her.  Someone who is always doing things for others and thinks he deserves nothing in return.  I see a man with so much to offer but is so humble.  I see a man that I could easily love.”  His coal eyes had a flicker of fire and you thought it was the most beautiful thing.
“Is that truly what you see?”  He asked in such a vulnerable way, your heart ached.
“I see so much more.”  Your hand reached to cup his face.  He visibly relaxed, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Then I think your fears are unfounded.”  You smiled.
“I think yours are too.”
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 4 months
He's a gentleman
Oh I doubt that, you have to be a man first before you're a gentleman. And he misses on both accounts
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 5 months
"The important thing about "brave" is, it doesn't mean you're not terrified." Sinead O'Connor (R.i.P.).
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 6 months
Forged in Love
Hephaestus x Aphrodite!reader
Page break credits @firefly-graphics
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Part 8
taglist: @streets-in-paradise @floraroselaughter
taglist open :)
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     The time had arrived to meet Hephaestus and you were nervous yet excited on what to expect.  You hoped the same spark from your first meeting would be there, as your conversation came so naturally.  However, at the party there was no pressure, here there was.  You tried to put that part out of your mind, trying to focus on the fact that this was just another chance to get to know him better.  You arrived at the base of his home, which rested on top of a hill.  The staircase was elaborate, mechanical railings and stairs leading up the steep hill.  However, the stairs never felt like climbing, due to the nature of the forgery.  You couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful craftsmanship.  You were looking forward to seeing more of his work.   
     Once at the top, there was a gate just as elaborate as the stairs.  To the side, what mimicked a security guard booth, the window opened.  Inside was a cyclops.  You knew they worked in a volcano, but you had never seen one up close.  They were kept away from the other gods for many reasons, mainly for aesthetic and seeming lesser than.
“Hello”  You said sweetly.  Your charm is always present.
“What is your business?”  It responded in a nail-on-chalkboard voice.  You didn’t show you cringed.
“I am here to see Hephaestus.”  You responded with a smile.  
“No one visits him.”  It growled.  For a moment you wondered if you had the right time.
“My name is Aphrodite, I believe he is expecting me.”  Your charm must have an effect as the creature appeared to soften, if that was possible.
“Highly unusual.”  You thought you heard him say.
“I am happy to wait, if you want to make sure.”  You tried to charm speak to see if he would open the gate.  He closed the window and after a few moments he opened the gate, appearing on the other side.
“Thank you, what is your name?”  You asked, walking through the gate.  You weren’t sure they had names but they made you curious as you had never met one before.
“Arges.  Follow me.”  You didn’t know if he was always this gruff, or if he was softening to you.  You pretended he liked you.  You followed him up a ways, entering big ornate metal doors.  Inside wasn’t very elaborate, but still impressive.  Clearly Hephaestus didn’t spend too much time in this part of the house as there was hardly anything worth mentioning.  Immediately what came to mind was how to make it beautiful, but you focused on the walk, and tried to put it from your mind. Occupational hazard.
“Master is in the forgery.”  Arges said, leading you down what seemed like another endless staircase.  It had the feel of a dark, dank tower.  It got immediately warmer, and you were soon hot.  You tried to ignore it, recalling the forgery was in the heart of a volcano.  Eventually you reached the bottom, and another door.  
“Wait here.”  He said, going through the door.  A few moments later Arges reappeared.  “Follow me.”  Not one for conversation you noted.  But somehow he didn’t repel you like the gods said, in fact you found it endearing.
     You walked through a few different craft rooms until you got to what felt like the hottest part.  There was what seemed like a huge oven, and you saw the back of the shirtless god.  Your breath hitched but you caught yourself. Even though his back was scarred, and you could see his chiseled physique, you could tell not every bone had healed right. You couldn’t help but recall the stories of his childhood, yet he was more beautiful than you remembered and you were surprised how lovely he was, for not being a god of anything remotely beautiful and remembering his sad story; at least what you knew of it which was mostly gossip.  He kept working in the loud, hissing room, and you decided to make yourself known.
“Hello Hephaestus.” You thought that was a safe start.  He stopped, grabbed a rag to wipe his hands, and turned around.  His dark, piercing eyes bore into you and his dark hair tried to cover them, but luckily was not successful.
“Hello Aphrodite.” He continued to wipe his hands and stare.  You didn’t let yourself break eye contact, and maintained your composure.  After a moment, “You’ll have to excuse me, my work is never done.”  You smiled.
“I understand, you must be very busy, so I am even more thankful that you would allow me to take some of your time today.”  You were thankful for your gift of charm, as you wanted to make a good impression.
“Yes I am.”  Was all he said, walking toward you.
“I am impressed by the size of your forgery.”  You tried to make conversation.  He smirked.
“This is only my tinkering room, I have much bigger rooms for different needs.” 
“Are they all this hot?”  You tried to tease, hoping you weren’t sweating.
“Probably hotter, we are not in the heart of the volcano, far from actually.  But we can leave as I am sure you are not accustomed to such weather.”  He made to a different door, there seemed to be many doors in many rooms, and you were sure you were lost.
“No I am not, but I am fascinated so maybe I could have a tour, after a cold drink.”  You smiled.  You swore you saw the corner of his mouth turn.  You knew that you would keep trying to make him smile.
“This way,” he said, opening a door for you to enter.  As you passed, you noticed he smelled of smoke and mint.  An interesting combination but one you knew you immediately liked. You might be in over your head already.
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      He had led you to a balcony, where a different cyclops had set down ice cold drinks.
“I figured this would be best.”  He said, handing you a glass.  You gratefully took it.
“Thank you, how thoughtful.”  You took a sip.  “Do you get so hot, or are you accustomed to the volcano?”
“I suppose I am used to it now, I hardly notice as I am so focused on my work.”  He put a shirt on, and you couldn’t help but be disappointed.  Interesting.
“I suppose that makes sense, since you have been working there for ages.”  And you meant ages, close to eons.  “Do you enjoy it?”  You ventured, knowing he was put there more for the sake of appearances rather than by choice.
“I enjoy my work.”  He took a sip from his glass.
“You keep interesting company.” You mused.
“You mean the cyclops?”  
“I have never met them before today.”
“And what do you think?”  He stared at you, clearly interested in your answer.
“Honestly, they are not at all as the gossip portrays them.  But I suppose that just shows how unreliable gossip is.  I enjoyed Arges.  He is gruff, but I kind of enjoyed the candor and unassuming way.”
“I enjoy not having to put on airs or feeling the need to fill silence.”  He responded honestly.  “I am glad you feel that way, most on Olympus would not.” he seemed pleased by your answer.  You were glad to be learning how to read his subtle allowances of emotion.
“Unfortunately that is true.”  You turned to look out from the balcony for the first time, unaware of him staring.  He made to stand closer, still respecting personal space as you walked to the edge of the rail.
“Did you design the entire house?”  You asked.
“I did.”
“It is all so lovely, it somehow feels just like you.”  You mused.
“And you can tell it is me, how?”  He seemed amused.
“Oh, well, I don’t know how to explain it but it seems unassuming, complicated, but not at all fake.  Sturdy, without being over the top, reliable, but with character.”
“You seem to have put a lot of thought into that.”  You turned to look at him.
“I suppose, but anything with beauty or charm, I have to think about, so I suppose I did put thought into your home.”  You tried to save yourself, as it could be taken in a way  that made you seem to have thought about him more than you should let on.  You tried to change the subject.
“It seems we must always meet on a balcony.”  He turned to look out.
“I figured it was a good place, the first meeting went well in that setting.”  You smiled, happy to know he thought fondly of your first encounter.
“Speaking of, I am thankful you agreed to meet today.”  You figured it was a good time to clear the air.  It would have to be talked about sooner or later.
“I was surprised when Hera brought it to my attention.”  You noticed he didn’t refer to her as his mother but decided to not comment on it.
“They want me to marry someone, and soon.  I have only recently been told myself.”  You figured being honest was the best course of action.
“I heard you and Ares were together, or would be soon.”
“Don’t believe everything you hear.”  You referenced his words from that first night.
“I suppose you are right.”
“I thought I would be forced to marry Ares.  I didn’t even know you were on your mother’s list of eligibility.”  He bristled at the mention of mother.
“I am not.  But she told me of your predicament.”  He stopped.
“And having been told of it?”  You softly pressed.
“I don’t know, I just figured getting to know each other wouldn’t be the worst thing.”  He half smiled at you.  This caused you to laugh a little.
“I am glad I am not completely repulsive to you.”
“Not at all.”
“I have to say that is a little surprising, Hephaestus.  After all, you hardly entertain anyone, much less those you don’t know well.”
“I enjoy being on my own.”  The way he said it didn’t have you fully convinced.
“Do you enjoy being on your own, or enjoy not having others overwhelm you?  There is a difference.”
“Clever girl.”  He looked at you again.  “I enjoy others not looking at me and how unappealing I am.”  You could tell he believed that and it hurt you.
“You are not unappealing.  I think you give yourself too much credit for that.”  You let out a quick breath, and turned away.  “Remember I am the goddess of beauty and I also saw you shirtless.”  You flirted a little.
“That was a little trick.  I wanted to see your reaction.”  
“You are playing games with me?”  You were surprised and amused.
“If we are to know each other better, it is best to know if you can stand my presence.”  He stated.
“And did I pass your little test?”  You asked, taking a step closer.
“You were kind enough to not be completely repulsed, at least to my face.”  He smirked.
“I think you are going to have to learn to read me better.”  You mused.  “For I was not repulsed, the opposite in fact.  I admired your fit physique, and noticed no blemishes.”
“Then you lie, you have seen my arm, and now my back.”
“Your arm is missing, yes.  But does that mean it is a blemish?  You have faint scars, but does that mean they are repulsive?  Does one mean the other?”  His face darkened.
“Yes.”  You took slow steps until you reached him, feeling like you would scare him away with quick actions.  You reached out to touch his covered arm.
“Your wonderful craftsmanship has made your arm better, more functional than a real arm.  That is truly a gift to accomplish such a feat.  As for your scars, they are not repulsive, they are unique to you, they make you who you are.  And I am enjoying getting to know the man you are.”  You told him sincerely, hoping he would somehow believe that.  He just kept looking into your eyes with a gaze so intense, you thought he could see to your metaphorical soul, if you had one.
“You really aren’t lying, are you?”  He asked after a pause.  You still hadn’t let go of your touch.
“No.  And I will promise to be honest with you.  I feel that I can be.  You have given me no reason to think I can’t be myself.”
“I want you to be yourself, I want to get to know the goddess of beauty, beyond the front she puts on.”  You could tell he meant that as well.
“I guess we both hide, just in different ways.”
“I guess so.”
“Can we agree to try not to hide from each other?”  You asked him, knowing he could hear the insecurity in your voice.  However, for the first time in a long time, you didn’t care that someone saw your vulnerability.  You felt safe.
“I will try.”  He responded honestly.  He then grabbed your other arm.  “But you might have to help me with that.”  If you didn’t know better, you would have assumed Zeus was here, with the electricity you felt in his touch.
“Then I suppose you will have to see more of me.”
“I would be okay with that.”  And you both had genuine smiles.
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 9 months
“I’m independent and strong, but sometimes…just sometimes, it’s nice to be taken care of.”
— Samantha Towle
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 9 months
“That’s the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.”
— Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 10 months
“It is a truly amazing gift to be wanted for who we are.”
— Unknown
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 11 months
Aww thank you so much!!
@incorrectbandofbrothersquotes @tvserie-s-world @gypsy-girl-08 @dragon-kazansky @wingmanice @p-oolshark @gladerscake @localgreekmythologywh0re
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful! Keep the game going to make someone smile💙
I don't have time to send it out cause I'm about to lose wifi for a few hours, so I'm just gonna tag a few! Please don't get mad if I forget you, I'm dumb and full of love for everyone!
@nymphoheretic @dabislittlesluttyprincess @dabislittlebeaniebaby @dabislittlemouse @daniidil @the-milk-anon @helloiamadrawer @omniuravity
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 11 months
Reblog if you understand and have felt the pain of your glasses never being clean no matter how many times you wipe them
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 11 months
“All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair.”
— Mitch Albom
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