mystique-6 · 3 days
Chapter Six: The Terrible, Awful, No Good, Very Bad Day
Astarion's secret is revealed to the group. There are mixed feelings about it. Ailis is suffering the after effects of letting Astarion drink from her and dealing with her group's reaction to Astarion. It's proving to be a rough day.
Author's Note: Here is the next installment. Just a note, that I am keeping some Early Access information. A line in Early Access where Astarion said something about being around before Tav's ancestors could even crawl made me think he was much older when turned than what appears to be canon in game. I actually find that to be more interesting so he is much older. I also have different ages for other characters in my own headcanon. You can see below. I hope you enjoy the chapter and if you have time please leave a review. They motivate me. Character Ages: Wyll-30 Karlack- 30 Shadowheart-28 Gale-35 Lae'zel- 22 Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3. All rights belong to Larian Studios.
"You weren't waking up, Ailis," Wyll said.
"What do you mean? I'm awake now," she replied.
"After a lot of effort in trying to rouse you," Shadowheart said.
"Normally, you're one of the first awake in camp. It was odd when everyone else was moving about and you were still asleep," Gale told her.
"Still asleep with the rest of us all moving around you," Wyll added.
"We tried calling you for breakfast, but you didn't even stir," Gale continued. "Lae'zel even shouted for you to wake up, but you slept right through it."
"Well, I'm awake now," she repeated, finally pushing herself to a seated position. "Is breakfast still..."
"Ailis, your neck!" Shadowheart gasped. Ailis' hand immediately flew to her neck and winced at the throbbing ache from the bruise left by Astarion's bite. She could feel dried blood covering a small expanse of skin.
"Oh...that," she replied meekly.
"That's all you have to say? 'Oh that'?" Gale cried. "Ailis, what bit you?"
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mystique-6 · 8 days
Kinktober Day 9: Hunter/Prey
Summary: Ailis and Astarion decide to play a game of hunter vs prey. They're prize? Getting to do whatever they want to the other.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like this please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tags: Hunter/Prey, Ball Gag, Extremely Dubious Consent**, Rough Sex, Safeword Ignored, Disassociation, NSFW
Additional Notes: This work involves Spawn Astarion, but it's early in their relationship and he's darker than previously written in these. Be warned.
** Also, I've gone back and forth on whether I should include rape in the tags, but I landed on dubious consent. If you feel I should add rape to the tags please let me know. I will add it. If you are reading this and anything I am stating makes you think you could run into a trigger in this fic then I would suggest skipping this one. My feelings won't be hurt. I want everyone to protect their own peace.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
            It was a beautiful summer night.  Warm, but not muggy.  There was not a cloud in the sky.  The stars and moon shone a pearlescent light across the landscape.  Crickets played a harmonious melody that brought a feeling of peace over their camp.  Ailis enjoyed the clear reflection of the night sky as she washed the night’s dishes.  Usually, she didn’t care for the task, but it was hard to be bothered on a night like this.  It reminded her of the summer nights she spent with her mother catching fireflies that danced across their farm.  She took her time scrubbing the dinnerware clean.  She turned to place a dried plate in its crate and let out a startled yelp, dropping the plate to the dirt.  She scowled as she picked it back up and began to rewash it.
            “Can’t you step on a twig or something?” she grumbled at Astarion, who had a smug grin on his face.
            “I can’t help it, darling.  I am a predator.  Our prey isn’t supposed to know we’re approaching them,” he replied snidely.  She shot him an unamused glare.
            “I think I’m going to back Shadowheart’s idea and have you wear a bell around camp,” she muttered.  Astarion snorted. 
            “I’d like to see you try,” he said.
            “You know, you should be very nice to me right now, considering it’s your night to do the dishes,” Ailis pointed out.
            “I didn’t ask you to do them for me,” he replied.  “Why are you washing them anyway?  Trying to butter me up?  Want something from me?”
            “Oh yeah, cause everything I do is about pleasing you,” she snapped.  “I’m doing the dishes for you so we can all be spared your grumbling.  And they’ll actually be clean for the morning meal for a change.”
            “They’re clean when I wash them,” he whined. 
            “You don’t wash them, Astarion,” she cried.  “You dunk them in the water once and call it a job well done.  Meanwhile, the rest of us are forced to eat off dirty plates at the next meal.”  He scowled.
            “Well, it’s not fair to ask me to do the dishes when I don’t contribute to the mess!” he exclaimed.  “What do I need a plate for?”
            “You’re a member of this camp,” Ailis stated.  “You’re beholden to the same chores everyone else is.”
            “Fine,” he snapped and snatched the wet plate out of her hands.  He made aggressive eye contact as he dried it thoroughly and then placed it in the crate.  “The dishes are done.”
            “You’re infuriating,” she said, lifting the crate and starting back to camp.
            “You’re just angry that I can get the better of you,” Astarion replied, walking alongside her.  He did not offer to carry the heavy crate.
            “Oh, please.  I could snap your spine in two in under a minute,” she snapped.
            “I wouldn’t be too sure about that, darling,” he replied stiffly, “but that’s not what I meant.  You aren’t used to being caught unawares.  It bothers you that I can approach you without your notice.”
            “Because you purposefully sneak around!” she argued.  “If you approached like a normal person or if I knew you were seeking me out, I’d notice.”
            “Why don’t we put that to the test?” he suggested.  “You can see if you can avoid me as I hunt you through the woods.  I’ll even give you a five-minute head start.”  She considered his game.  She should really ignore his taunting, but she felt the need to prove her competence.
            “Am I allowed a weapon?” she asked.  “The woods are dangerous at night.”
            “Of course, Ailis.  I wouldn’t have you defenseless.  Just don’t use it on me when I inevitably hunt you down,” he replied.  His arrogant tone made her decision for her.
            “Fine.  When are we doing this?  Tonight?” she questioned.
            “Oh no, darling,” he replied.  “I like to anticipate the hunt.  I’m looking forward to anticipating my prize all day tomorrow.”
            “Your prize?” she replied, raising her eyebrows.
            “Yes.  My prize.  When I catch you tomorrow night, I’ll win this bet and a bet must have an award to it,” he said.  She rolled her eyes.
            “Fine,” she agreed.  “What do you want?”
            “Hmm,” he hummed, considering.  He ran a hand sensually over her clothed body and she couldn’t help a shiver from running through her.  “It would be fun to mark up your skin and then lick away every ounce of blood spilled.”
            “Absolutely not,” she replied.  “I have enough scars.”
            “It’s my prize for winning though, which means I should get what I want,” he said glibly.  “Of course, if you manage to evade me, you win and you can do whatever you want to me.”
            “Whatever I want?” she questioned.  She knew what would make her happy.
            “Yes, darling.  Whatever dirty thing you want,” he replied.  I am curious what you have in mind.”
            “You’ll find out tomorrow when I win,” she said cheerfully.
            “Don’t be delusional, darling.  It doesn’t suit you,” he replied.
            “We’ll see if I’m delusional tomorrow, won’t we?” she said feeling even more determined to win.  “Have a good night.  You’ll need the rest for tomorrow.”
            The anticipation throughout the next day nearly killed her.  It was almost impossible to focus on the day’s tasks or to pay attention to her surroundings.  She blundered through the day until, finally, it was time to return to camp.  She made a stop at the grove for supplies for the night’s adventure before joining the others at camp.  She ate her dinner quickly, and then packed a bag of supplies before meeting Astarion at the edge of the forest.
            “Ready, darling?” he asked after they’d discussed a few rules.
            “I’m ready,” she said.  “Are you?”  His lips quirked up in amusement.
            “Yes.  I’m quite ready to enjoy my prize at the end of this,” he said.  “Do try to make the hunt difficult for me, though.  It’s always disappointing when it’s too easy.”  She rolled her eyes.
            “I think it’s going to be a difficult night for you when you lose,” she replied.
            “We’ll see,” he said.  “Do you have everything you need?”  She nodded.  “All right, then.  You have twenty minutes to get ahead of me.  After that the hunt begins.”
            “I thought you were only giving me a five-minute head start,” she said.
            “I would find you too easily,” he said.  “This way will be more fun.”  She snorted and then stepped into the woods.  She quickly lightened her step though and began to cover some ground.  She did her best not to lay any kind of trail. 
            It wasn’t long though, before her confidence began to wane and she started to think this game was a mistake.  The thick canopy of the trees blocked out much of the moon and starlight.  She couldn’t see very far ahead, and despite her best efforts, tripped over roots and other debris.  She’d packed a torch in case of emergency, but she refused to light it.  The fire would immediately give away her position.
            The darkness was cloying though, and it felt like the forest was closing in on her.  It was also disturbingly quiet.  No animals scuttled about or made their usual various chatter.  They sensed a predator on the loose as keenly as she did.  Even though she knew who was hunting her and that she was safe, goosebumps prickled her skin and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.  Her instincts screamed that she was in danger.  She ignored her instinct.  She was safe. 
            Still, she felt an increasing need to get out from under the trees.  She decided to risk traveling on the shore of the river.  She’d find a calm spot to cross.  It would throw her scent and she believed she was still far enough ahead of Astarion that he wouldn’t hear any potential splashing.  She reached the edge of the forest and peeked out at the shore from behind a tree.  The area looked clear. 
            Carefully, she stepped out into the open and approached the river.  The water was traveling quickly, but the light from the moon was bright enough for her to make out the pebbled riverbed all the way out to the middle.  It was very shallow here.  She decided to cross and travel alongside the tree line on the other side.  She slowly stepped into the river to avoid making a splash.  She began wading across it, never lifting her feet high enough to break the surface.  It was slow progress.
            “She had gotten halfway across when she heard rustling in the woods behind her.  She whipped her head around to look over her shoulder, but she didn’t see anything.  She was about to continue when she heard more rustling and a frightened and pained cry.  She took off in a dead run, splashing her way across the rest of the river and then she took off into the woods before her.  She ran until her lungs felt like they were about to burst.
            She leaned against a tree as she caught her breath.  As her breathing evened out, she felt the adrenaline fade from her body.  Her senses came back to her and she realized her mistake.  She hadn’t paid any attention to her surroundings as she’d ran.  She was fairly certain she’d run as straight a course as possible, but she wasn’t sure how far off course she was.  She could scream.  Astarion would probably hear her.  Or she could just wait until he found her.  He was most likely right on her tail anyway with all the noise she’d just made.  But both of those options meant she’d lose the game.  She’d rather lose trying than just giving up. 
            She decided to find her way back to the river and recross it.  She would determine her next step from there.  She turned back in the general direction she thought she’d run from and began to trek back.  Anxiety prickled her skin as after she’d been walking for a while, she hadn’t come across the river.  Nothing looked familiar to her.  She picked up her pace, moving at a light job, until she finally heard the river babbling through the brush.
            Ailis stepped back out onto the shore.  She was relieved to see she was only a few feet down from where she’d originally crossed.  She moved back to that spot and this time managed to silently cross the river.  She ducked back into the woods.  As much as she loathed the claustrophobic feeling of the trees at night, she’d drawn too much attention to her position to stay in the open. 
            She began to carefully pick her way through the brush again.  Her head moved constantly around as she scanned for any sign of movement.  Ahead of her, a bush began to shake.  She tensed and gripped the handle of the knife attached to her belt.  Most likely, it was just Astarion messing with her before her caught her, but there was an abundance of wildlife in these woods.  And plenty of those animals might decide to attack her.
            The bush rustled for another moment and then a raccoon stumbled out of it.  Ailis let go of the knife.  She felt relief at the sight of the harmless animal and then sympathy as she saw the large wound on its leg.  This was the creature that made all that screeching before that had sent her running.  The ruckus had been a predator attack.  A failed one.  When the raccoon noticed her, it immediately began to hiss and it arched its back to appear larger. 
            “Hey, it’s okay.  I’m not going to hurt you,” she said in a soothing tone.  It did nothing to calm the raccoon.  It stomped its feet, causing its wounded leg to buckle and knock it off balance.  “Oh, don’t do that!  You’re hurt.”  She pulled her backpack off and dug through it until she found the potion of animal speaking she’d packed.  She quickly downed the potion.
            “I’m not going to hurt you,” she said.  “Please calm down.”  The raccoon cocked its head at her as it got back on its feet.
            “Leg hurts,” it whined.  She noticed he wasn’t putting any weight on it now.
            “I can see that,” she said.  “Can I take a look at it?”  The raccoon chittered.  It looked unsure.  “I just want to see if I can help.” 
            “Okay.  Have look,” he submitted.  She knelt in front of the raccoon and gently held onto his paw and looked at the wound.  It was still bleeding and she could see down to the muscle, though not the bone.  She carefully prodded around the leg and was relieved to find it wasn’t broken.  If the wound didn’t get infected and the raccoon avoided fights or other predations he might live.
            “I’m going to clean this wound and bandage it.  It will come off on its own after a time, but try not to pick at it,” she said pulling out her medical supplies.  “It’s important to keep it as clean as possible.”  She got to work quickly, and soon had the bandage in place.  The raccoon tested the leg and was able to put weight on it and walk.
            “Feel better!  Thanks.  You friend,” the raccoon chittered.  She smiled at him.
            “Take care of yourself now, okay?” she said.  The raccoon nodded and then waddled off into the forest.  She also continued, making her way through the brush.  She flinched at every noise she heard.  Every second she expected Astarion to appear, but she continued to evade him.  More likely, he was just toying with her.  He probably had his eyes on her right now and was enjoying her increasing anxiety.  The bushes behind her rustled and she whirled around to see what had snuck up on her.
            “Ouch!” a pained shout called out and she recognized the voice.  She quickly moved through the bushes and found Astarion trying to kick off a raccoon with a bandaged leg.
            “Don’t kick him!” Ailis said rushing over.
            “The damn thing won’t let go,” Astarion snapped.
            “I’ll get him to let go.  Quit trying to throw him off,” she said kneeling down so she was closer to her furry friend.  “Let go of him please.”
            “Monster.  Stalking you,” the raccoon said and hissed at Astarion.
            “The monster is my friend.  We’re playing a game.  He’s safe,” Ailis said.
            “Safe?” the raccoon repeated.
            “Yes.  Safe,” she assured him and after a moment, he let go of Astarion’s leg.  “Thanks for looking out for me.”
            “You friend,” the raccoon said and with a last suspicious glance at Astarion, disappeared back into the woods.
            “Were you just speaking with that creature?” Astarion asked.
            “Yes.  I used a potion of animal speaking earlier so I could get him to let me bandage his leg,” she replied.  “Poor thing got attacked.”
            “I heard,” Astarion replied and then gave her a sultry smile and pulled her to him by her waist.  “I also heard you, and now that I’ve caught you…”
            “You didn’t catch me.  I caught you,” she said.
            “Hmm?”  he hummed giving her a confused look.
            “I found you first.  I win,” she said with a triumphant smile.  He started to frown.
            “I wouldn’t say you found me first, darling,” he replied, his tone slightly strained.  “I knew where you were.  I was just about to make my appearance known.”
            “But I found you before that happened and we agreed that we had to make the other known that they were found to count as a win,” Ailis said.  “Or I had to avoid you completely.  No stalking outside the hunt to find me was allowed.  You apparently decided to disregard that rule.  I made my presence aware to you when I found you, so I win!”
            “You only found me because your damn raccoon attacked me!” Astarion cried.  “You used a potion to conspire with the wildlife.  You cheated!”
            “At no point did we say the potion of animal speaking couldn’t be used,” she replied calmly.  She watched Astarion’s stormy expression as he tried to find something to retort with, but his shoulders slumped in defeat.  She felt surprised when his expression slipped immediately back to seductive.
            “All right then, darling.  What do you have planned for me?” he purred.  She hesitated, feeling a flicker of concern, but shook it off and pulled her pack off her shoulders and dug through it.  If he really wanted to protest, he would, she thought.  After a moment of searching, she held up what she’d been looking for to Astarion to see.  It was a leather belt with a red ball in the middle instead of a buckle.
            “A ball gag?” Astarion said, eyebrows raised.  “Where did you get that?”
            “From a rather amused druid,” she replied, grinning hugely.  A muscle ticked in Astarion’s cheek as if he were about to smile, but his mouth remained a neutral line.
            “Is this your way of telling me I talk too much?” he said.
            “If it wouldn’t be too mean, I’d have you wear it during our travels, but since I’m nice I’ll just use it on you for this occasion,” she replied lightly.  She was teasing him of course.  Although some things he said certainly annoyed or even angered her, she would never want to restrict him from expressing his thoughts or opinions.  The gag was just meant for a bit of fun.  Astarion’s expression remained neutral though.
            “All right.  Place it on me,” he said.  She hesitated.  Something in his manner didn’t feel quite right.  Usually, he was very flirtatious and open during their sexual encounters.  Right now, he was very stiff and guarded.  He wasn’t telling her no, though.  She thought maybe he’d never used a gag before and was just nervous.  More likely he was just mad that he’d lost the game.  She moved closer after a moment.  He would let her know if he needed her to stop.  She held the gag up so the red ball was just in front of his mouth.
            “Open,” she ordered, and he listened.  She gently pushed the ball into his mouth.  She’d worried his fangs wouldn’t work with this gag, but it fit fine and didn’t appear to be putting any pressure on his fangs.  She leaned into his chest as she fastened the lock of the gag in place behind his head and adjusted it to fit snugly.  She ignored the part of her mind that wished he’d put his arms around her as she did this.
            “Is it too tight?” she asked.  He tried to speak and she bit her lips to stop from laughing at the scowl that appeared on his face when he remembered he couldn’t talk.  He shook his head.  “Good.  Now listen to me, cause this next bit’s important.  If at any time you want or need the gag removed just tap me three times, okay?  Nod that you understand.”  He nodded.
            “All right, then.  On your knees,” she ordered.  She half expected him to refuse, but he obeyed.  He watched her warily from where he kneeled on the ground.  She fisted her hand tightly in his white curls, and pulled his head back a little, but then noticed there was actual fear in his eyes.  She loosened her grip so he could pull his head away if he wanted to, and kissed him softly on the cheek.  The fear was gone, but he still looked cautious.  “Three taps, Astarion.  That’s how you get out of this.”
            She waited to see if he would do it, but he didn’t.  Taking that to mean he didn’t want to stop, she continued.  She pulled his shirt off and then, using both hands, she shoved at his chest.  He fell back onto his behind.  Before he could recover, she knelt in front of him and draped herself over them until he laid flat on his back on the ground.  She traced her tongue along one of his ears and then nipped the earlobe.  She smirked when this caused him to moan, the sound muffled by the gag.  She trailed kisses down his jaw and throat and then bit gently into the skin where the neck met shoulder.  Her hands flew to her waist and she waited to see if he was going to use the signal.  He didn’t.
            She continued trailing kisses down his chest, nipping lightly at the skin every now and again.  She continued down his abdomen until she reached his pants.  She palmed his cock through his pants and squeezed through the fabric.  He moaned, and she wasted no more time teasing him.  She unlaced his pants and shoved them down to his knees.  She stroked his cock to full hardness and then kissed the tip before taking him in her mouth.  She smirked around his cock as she listened to him moan and cry out around the gag.  She worked him with her mouth and when she felt he was about to cu she stopped.  She smiled at the frustrated groan and glanced up at his face.  Drool was dripping down his chin.  She felt her own desire flare in her gut at the sight.  She expected to see an indignant scowl when she looked in his eyes, but she was shocked to see they were completely vacant. 
            He looked as if he were miles way.  By his body’s reactions, she had assumed he was enjoying himself.  Nor had he given her the signal asking for her to stop.  She now wondered if he was even aware enough of what was happening to be able to use the signal.  He’d drifted away slightly at other times when they’d had sex.  He always said he was just holding back so as not to hurt her or lose control.  She’d never thought that was the whole story and now, she was sure.  She quickly worked a hand behind his head and unlocked the gag, before easing it out of his mouth.  She was alarmed when he didn’t seem to realize the gag was gone.
            “Astarion,” she said, but he didn’t even look at her.  She began carding her fingers through his hair, offering a kind touch for comfort, while she shook his shoulder gently with her other hand.  “Astarion!  Look at me.”  His gaze turned to her.  At first, she could tell he was just obeying an order, but after a moment, she saw awareness return to his expression and she felt immensely relieved.
            “Ailis?” he said.
            “Yes.  It’s me,” she replied gently, tugging in an errant white curl that had fallen onto his forehead. 
            “You stopped.  Why?” he asked, sounding baffled.  She glanced at him warily.
            “Astarion, I went to check on you and you weren’t at all present,” she said.  He suddenly looked annoyed.
            “I’ve told you, darling,” he said, sitting up and she followed.  “Sometimes my desire for your blood gets a little too strong.  I must hold myself back to keep myself from hurting you.  I should have found an animal to consume while I was hunting you.”
            “If that’s the case, why didn’t you use the signal?” she asked.
            “I’ve never told you I need to stop before over it,” he replied. 
            “You always had the ability to,” Ailis said.  “I gave you a signal to use because you wouldn’t be able to speak with the gag.  Are you saying you’ve wanted to stop before this time, but didn’t say anything?  Did you just disregard using the signal or were you so spaced out you couldn’t?”
            “You are looking for problems, darling,” he replied tersely.  “I’ve never needed to stop before and I didn’t need to now.”  She bit her lip, unsure how to respond.  It felt like there was a deeper issue at play here, that caused him to zone out.  She wasn’t convinced he had a problem with bloodlust.  She wasn’t sure if she should push the issue.  They weren’t in a real relationship.  They were just two people fooling around and letting off some steam.  They weren’t even friends, really.  Although she had grown to appreciate Astarion, she didn’t care for him all that much.  She found his callous disregard for others chilling and his tendency to rile up the group frustrating.
            “Are we continuing, darling?” Astarion asked.  He sounded impatient.  She was tempted to call it off tonight, but she was already worked up.  And the vampire spawn was quick to say when something displeased him usually.  Surely, he wouldn’t suffer through sex just for her benefit.  Still, she was done with the gag.  He may not want to admit it, but he clearly didn’t like it.  At least, not being used on him.
            “We can continue,” she said, “but just do what you wanted tonight.  Forget the gag.”
            “You won, darling.  It’s rightfully your pick on what we do tonight,” she said snippily.  “Besides, I recall you saying you didn’t want what I had in mind.”  She shrugged.
            “It’s fine,” she said.  “Just don’t cut anywhere that’s readily visible to others.”  Astarion gazed at her consideringly for a moment, and then took the gag out of her hand and held it up to her face.  Surprised, she opened her mouth to ask him what he was planning to do, but he roughly shoved the gag inside.  Her exclamation of surprise was muffled by the gag.  He quickly fastened the clasp behind her head and then pulled back to look at her.
            “Hmm.  You were right.  The gag is appealing,” he said.  She felt a flash of hurt.  She had made a similar remark about shutting him up, but she had been teasing.  She couldn’t tell if he was or not, and suddenly wondered if he thought she’d meant it too.  She had no way to ask him now.  He then pushed her back and she landed with a thud onto her back.  He was mirroring her own actions from earlier, though his treatment was much harsher.  Her clothes were quickly removed.  He then abruptly lifted her legs up over her shoulder and then leaned forward until her knees hovered around her shoulders.  She whined at the rough treatment and his gaze finally met hers.
            “Three taps, darling,” he said and then he slammed into her.  She cried out around the gag and her fingers dug into the dirt beneath her as they clenched from the surprise and mild pain.  There had been no prep and she was struggling to adjust to him inside her.  He gave her no time to as he pulled out completely and then thrust back in, setting a punishing rhythm.  Spit gurgled out of her mouth around the gag and dribbled down her chin and cheeks as she moaned and cried out from his brutal thrusts. 
She tried to catch his gaze, but realized he wasn’t even looking at her.  His gaze was forward, somewhere over her head and she knew he was disassociating again.  She moved a hand up to tap his shoulder and use their signal, but his hand gripped her own and pulled it up above her head.  He did the same with the other hand and then pinned them in a crushing grip.  Her protests were muffled by the gag.  She wasn’t sure he could hear her anyway.  Her only option left was to bear it.  She tried to make her body as malleable as possible as she rocked with each thrust.  It didn’t take too long for his rhythm to falter and he came as he pulled out of her.  She felt his cool cum spurt across her folds and up to her lower abdomen, and grimaced.  Mess was just a part of sex and usually it turned her on, but she could only feel disgust right now.
Her attention was drawn back to him when she felt him pulling her open her leg to increase his access and she realized he intended to make her finish.  She gave a cry in protest around the gag and tugged her leg from his grasp.  He let her go and glanced up at her in surprise.  A part of her was relieved to see he was fully present now, but a larger part of her burned with anger.  She had treated him with care, giving up her prize so he could feel comfortable.  He had just used her like an object; one he didn’t care much about.  This wasn’t a relationship.  Neither of them really cared much for the other, but she had treated him with respect and he had just thrown that back in her face.  She reached back behind her head and started fumbling with the clasp on the gag, but she couldn’t get it.  She felt his cool hand brush hers aside and he unfastened it for her and pulled the gag away.
“Darling?” he questioned.  She ignored him and worked her jaw for a moment as she sat up before wiping the drool away and then turning to look for her clothes.  She’d just found her shirt when she felt him pull t her leg again.  She jerked out of his grip again.  “Darling, you didn’t get to cum.”  She could feel his eyes on her face, but she refused to meet them.
“It’s fine.  I don’t need to,” she replied, keeping her tone neutral.  She grabbed her shirt and started slipping it on.  She could put the upper undergarment on later when she got back to camp.
“It’s not fine, love.  Mutual pleasure, remember?” he said with a sultry smile.  He placed his hand on her leg again and this time she kicked him hard in the chest.  Hard enough to push him backwards onto his behind.  He looked shocked for a moment, and then angry.  “What in the Hells was that for?!”  She ignored him as she finished slipping her shirt on and began looking for her pants.  “If you’re angry because we didn’t do this your way that’s on you.  I didn’t call it off.  You did.  And I was considerate enough to not enact what I wanted from my prize on you.”  Now she did meet his gaze and her lips curled in disgust.
“You think I’m upset because the night didn’t play out the way I wanted?!” she practically growled.  He looked at her completely abashed for a moment before growing defensive.
“I can’t think of any other reason for you to be upset,” he replied coolly.  She stared at him.  There was no true emotion on his face.  Any expression he wore was a mask to cover his callousness.  He was a vampire spawn, she reminded herself.  He didn’t care.  He couldn’t care.  She snatched her pants off the ground and hurriedly pulled them on.  She felt him staring at her as she picked up her discarded pack.  “Ailis…”
“I’m not going to explain something to you that you are incapable of understanding,” she snapped.  “I’ll see you in the morning.”  She moved through the woods until she got back to camp.  She moved to the river and cleaned herself up before going straight to her tent.  Once inside, she up in a ball on her bedroll; her arms wrapped tightly around her knees.  She swore it was the last time she ever let a man make her feel so small, and then she burst into tears.  She promised herself that every time.  She just never learned.
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mystique-6 · 27 days
WIP Wednesday
Here's a sneak peak to my next chapter of This is Me Trying. I try to post these when I think I'm a week or two away and that is the projected time I expect to finish, however, my life is crazy right now and my anxiety and stress are high which can effect my ability to write, so it may be a bit longer and this would be early.
Here is a link to the fic if you're interested in reading it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51645679/chapters/130551430
Ailis woke to the sound of a commotion. She frowned and tried to bring her groggy mind to full consciousness, but it felt like her brain was in a fog. The rest of her body didn't feel any better. She felt nauseous and dizzy and her neck ached. She winced as she stirred and tried to remember what had happened last night. It came to her just as she felt someone begin shaking her. Her eyes shot open to see Wyll staring at her with a concerned face.
"Glad to see you awake, Chief," Wyll greeted her sounding relieved. "You feeling all right?"
"I'm sure it's nothing that some breakfast won't cure," she replied pushing up onto her elbows. It was harder than it should have been. She noticed then, that her other companions, aside from Astarion, were all huddled around her looking worried. "What's with all the worried faces?"
"You weren't waking up, Ailis," Wyll said.
"What do you mean? I'm awake now," she replied.
"After a lot of effort in trying to rouse you," Shadowheart said.
"Normally, you're one of the first awake in camp. It was odd when everyone else was moving about and you were still asleep," Gale told her.
"Still asleep with the rest of us all moving around you," Wyll added.
"We tried calling you for breakfast, but you didn't even stir," Gale continued. "Lae'zel even shouted for you to wake up, but you slept right through it."
"Well, I'm awake now," she repeated, finally pushing herself to a seated position. "Is breakfast still..."
"Ailis, your neck!" Shadowheart gasped. Ailis' hand immediately flew to her neck and winced at the throbbing ache from the bruise left by Astarion's bite. She could feel dried blood covering a small expanse of skin.
"Oh...that," she replied meekly.
"That's all you have to say? 'Oh that'?" Gale cried. "Ailis, what bit you?"
"Not what. Who," Wyll growled and turned to the only member of the group who wasn't shocked by her state. "Astarion! I should have known it was only a matter of time before you attacked one of us." He moved to attack.
"No, Wyll! I let him bite me. I let him!" she cried, trying to lurch to her feet, but a dizzy spell landed her on her knees. Wyll turned back to look at her.
"You let him?" he questioned. He sounded shocked and maybe a little disgusted. Her pride ruffled at the tone and she raised her chin.
"Everyone is this group needs to be in top form. He looked a stone's throw away from death..."
"Well, technically as a vampire he is dead," Gale interrupted. She gave him an unamused look.
"Look, he asked and I said yes, okay?" she said. She left out the part that he hadn't originally intended on asking. "He's done nothing wrong." Wyll didn't look like he believed her. He turned to Astarion.
"You asked? You didn't just attack her and then scare her into lying for you?" he questioned.
"She's not your damsel in distress, Wyll," Astarion replied tightly. "I don't think anyone could bully her into lying for them. Of course I asked her. I'm not a monster."
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mystique-6 · 1 month
RIP Jaheira
Ugh! I'm just at the end of Act II in my first play through. I am so upset! That battle to get into Moonrise was rough. It took 4 attempts to finally win and unfortunately Jaheira died and I can't resurrect her. I was really looking forward to having her as a companion and I am sad and mad about this loss. Not enough to redo the fight though. I hated every second of it.
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mystique-6 · 1 month
Chapter Five: A Secret Revealed
Chapter Summary: Ailis struggles between her desire to help the tieflings but her group's tadpole problems first.
Author's Note: Here is the next installment. This work goes along with the excerpt for my WIP post. We finally got to bite night! The romance will start picking up more from here.
Warning 1: Slight mention of an eating disorder in this chapter. No character has one and it is really just mentioned but I wanted to give a warning about it.
Warning 2: I've heard recently of a problem in the fanfiction community of fanfics being printed and bound and then being sold for profit. It is illegal to sell fanfiction. I am not nearly popular enough for me to be very concerned about this happening to my own work but just in case I am asking everyone who reads this fic to not print and bind it. Fanfic needs to stay free to remain legal. This note will be added to end notes in all future posts.
Warning 3: This content is not for minors. Minors do not interact.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3. All rights belong to Larian Studios.
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mystique-6 · 1 month
Kinktober Day 8: Cock Warming/Rough Sex
Summary: Astarion punishes Ailis for a perceived slight by putting her in a very uncomfortable situation.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like this please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tag Warnings: Cock Warming, Rough Sex, Non-con/rape, semi-public sex, penis in vagina sex, domestic violence, abuse
Additional Note: This fic involves Ascended Astarion. He is mean and nasty in this one. Mind the tags and take care of yourself.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
Ailis sat naked and impaled on Astarion’s cock as he lounged on his throne reading.  He seemed to be enjoying himself, though she wasn’t sure if it was the book or her discomfort that he was amused by.  If she had to guess it was the latter.  He’d kept her this way for the last hour.  Every time he shifted caused her minor agony as she was forced to feel sparks of pleasure.  She didn’t know how he could stand it.  Each time he moved, her cunt squeezed around his cock, yet he never so much as made a noise.  She was tempted to do it on purpose to goad him into finishing this teasing, but she doubted it would work.
            Astarion didn’t have her warming his cock for either of their pleasure.  This was a punishment.  He was punishing her for questioning one of his plans for the city in a meeting with other nobles he’d allied himself with.  She had only done it so the holes in the plan could be fixed, but he only saw it as an insult.  So, in return, he was insulting her.  He knew she hated to be put on display.  For whatever reason it was a boundary he typically respected, but he was pushing it today. 
            In addition, besides the discomfort from his cock, he had also withheld blood for the past week.  He rarely starved her or any of the other spawn.  This was a testament to how angry he was with her actions.  He also knew she’d be more compliant if she thought behaving would earn her blood.  She hated that it was working, but her throat felt like it was burning and her stomach pained her in want of sustenance.  If this went on for much longer, she would lose her senses.  She had them now though and she tensed as she heard footsteps approaching the throne room.  She felt only minor relief when they passed by.
            “You needn’t be tense like this, pet,” Astarion said, not looking away from his book.  “I already told you the other spawn and servants have been warned away from entering here today.”
            “Unless there’s an emergency,” she replied.
            “There is very little likelihood of that occurring,” he replied with the first hint of annoyance in his voice.
            “What if a guest arrives?” she asked, squirming a bit at the thought.  For the first time, she heard him moan softly at the movement.
            “Then they will be turned away and advised to come back tomorrow,” he said cooly, and then stilled her hips with a crushing grip.  “Sit still, pet.  Honestly, I might think you don’t like warming my cock with the way you’re acting.”
            “You know what I don’t like,” she said through gritted teeth as she did her best to refrain from moving.
            “Which is why I took all precautions to make sure we won’t be disturbed,” he said.  “Now sit still, Ailis, or it will be another week without blood.”  She gritted her teeth and did her best to remain still.  At the mention of blood though the gnawing pain in her stomach became her focus.  He had set her up to fail.
            Still, she tried to do as he said, and after a moment he returned to his book.  She continued to stare anxiously at the door.  Her anxiety grew as his hand slipped from her hip to between her legs.  She gripped the arms of the throne to prevent herself from moving as his thumb began to circle her clit, though she couldn’t stop a breathy moan from escaping.  A clatter in the hallway outside the throne room made her flinch.  Astarion let out an angry sigh.
            “Get up, pet,” he ordered.  “I guess if I want you to sit still, I’ll have to wear you out.”  She lifted herself off his cock and then stood before him.  He raked his eyes over her for a moment before he too, stood up.  He moved to stand behind her and then she was shoved roughly towards the seat of the throne.  She only just managed to get her arms out to catch herself.  She felt shame and embarrassment seep through her veins at the position she was in with her face down and her ass raised prominently in the air.  She felt more like an object than a person.
            He grabbed both her hips in a cruel grip and then thrust into her cunt.  She cried out at the brutal treatment and felt a small bit of relief that she’d been prepped by warming his cock.  He set a punishing pace.  Each thrust rocked her nearly off her feet.  She was weakened from being deprived of blood and could barely hold herself up.  After a particularly brutal thrust, she fell face first on the throne.
            Astarion didn’t care and continued to pound into her.  His crushing grip on her hips kept her where he wanted her.  She adjusted her upper body so that her face rested on her folded arms and just stared blankly at the arm of the throne as he used her.  He moved one hand to cup her ass.  She winced as he squeezed harshly enough for his nails to pierce her skin, but she refrained from crying out.  Her eyes widened as a finger was pressed to her rim.
            “I could fuck you here, you know?” he contemplated.  “Just force my way in with no prep and truly have you.  It would be so much tighter than your sloppy cunt.”
            “No!  Please don’t,” she cried, voice cracking.
            “Shh,” he said.  “I wouldn’t do that to you.  I love you.”  Tears spilled down her cheeks.  He didn’t love her.  You didn’t do this to someone you loved.  Finally, his rhythm began to stutter and after a few more thrusts he finished inside her.  He pulled out after only a minute and pulled her into an upright position before he sat back on the throne and stared at her consideringly.  She forced herself to maintain eye contact with him.  Did he even feel bad at the sight of her tears?  She watched as he stroked himself.  His cock rose back up with interest.
            “Get back to warming my cock, pet,” he ordered.  “If you behave yourself the remaining time it takes me to finish my book you’ll get a cup of blood tonight.”  She felt her heart sink, but did as he said.  Her walls fluttered around his cock as she sank back down on it.  His hand settled on her hip and she tried not to flinch at his touch as she stared blankly at the opposite wall, pointedly not looking at the door, and waited for her torment to end.
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mystique-6 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Here's a little sneak peak at my next chapter of This is Me Trying. Hopefully, I'll be posting it in a week or two.
Ailis decided to search for Astarion in the inner grove since Shadowheart and Gale hadn't seen him in the hollow. She didn't have to go far before she spotted his perfectly coiffed hair. Unfortunately, Gale's teasing about his terrorizing the locals turned out to be true. He was currently taunting two tiefling children.
"What are you doing?" she cried, rushing over to them.
"He stole our ring and won't give it back!" one of the children cried.
"You're seriously stealing from children?" she asked disgusted.
"They stole from me first," Astarion replied petulantly. "I am holding onto this ring until they give me back my belongings. They're lucky this is all I've done for them. The proper punishment for thieving is to cut off one of their hands." The other tiefling child squeaked.
"No one is losing their hands," she assure the children and then turned back o Astarion. "Give them their ring back. Or pay for it. One of the two."
"Not until they return my belongings," Astarion said. Ailis raised a fist to her forehead as she took a deep breath. She lowered it and looked back at the children.
"Please return his belongings," she said.
"How do we know he'll actually give the ring back if we do that?" the first child challenged.
"Oh, by the Gods!" she sighed, praying for patience. "I will return everyone's items to them. Astarion, give me the ring." She turned to the second child. "You, give me his belongings." Astarion reluctantly handed her the ring. The children were more hesitant and she gave them a stern look. The first child sighed.
"Go ahead, Silfy. Hand it over to her," she said.
"Are you sure, Mattis?" Silfy replied. Mattis nodded. Silfy handed Ailis a pair of metal gloves and she handed everyone back their belongings.
"There," she said, "everyone has their stuff back." She glanced at Astarion. "Come on. We're leaving."
"Did you want to take a look through our wares, miss?" Mattis asked.
"I'm going to pass," she replied though she tossed the child a gold piece anyway. "Take that and some adive: Be more careful about who you steal from in the future."
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mystique-6 · 2 months
Kinktober (It's really Whumptober) Day 7: Spanking
 Summary: Ailis' unresolved trauma is triggered and she takes her feelings of guilt and remorse out on her companions. Astarion makes her pay a price for it.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like this please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tag Warnings: Spanking, Light BDSM, Safe, Sane and Consensual, Un-Resoled Trauma, Guilt, Survivor's Guilt, Nudity, Snuggling & Cuddling, Aftercare, Whump, No Sex, NSFW
Additional Note: This fic involves Spawn Astarion. I have stated that some of these prompts will be used in my main BG3 fic, This is Me Trying. This one definitely will be. This is actually a very important chapter for my OC and I saw an opportunity to have a practice run of the chapter. I'm glad I did it because I know now for sure that a flashback chapter will be needed. This ended up being too much exposition. Still, I hope there will be some people who enjoy this fic. If you are reading This is Me Trying and don't want spoilers though, you may want to skip this one.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
  Ailis felt her headache growing as her group argued over how to rescue the tieflings…again.  Two days ago, they’d entered the Shadow-Cursed lands.  Earlier this day they’d met a group of Harpers and had helped them in a battle against a batch of shadow monsters.  This had gotten them an invite to the Last Light Inn, the final sanctuary left in these lands.
            Once there, they’d been revealed as true souls.  The leader of this faction of Harpers, Jaheira, had made to attack her group, but thankfully the tiefling child, Mol, had convinced the woman to give them a chance.  It was clear now, though, that Jaheira just saw her group as a tactical maneuver.  She wanted them to use their status as true souls to infiltrate Moonrise Towers and find a way to kill Kethric Thorm; the person who had taken over these lands.
            She didn’t necessarily oppose to looking into Kethric Thorm.  He seemed to be involved with the Absolute Cult and they were in desperate need of answers about their tadpoles.  Looking into Thorm and getting information on the Absolute and their tadpoles aligned with each other.  However, Jaheira also wanted them to go on a rescue mission.
            While her team had scouted around the inn on their arrival, they found some of the tieflings they’d helped at the grove.  About half of the group was missing.  It turned out that the road they had intended to follow to Baldur’s Gate had been destroyed.  They had opted to travel above land through all the Shadow-Curse instead of cutting out most of it by going through the Underdark.  The group had been attacked by Absolute cultists.  Many had been killed or captured, but the rest had found their way here.
            Ailis was sympathetic to their plight.  She could feel the hopelessness, grief, and guilt from those who remained.  She couldn’t stop Rolan’s angry words towards her earlier in the day from playing on repeat in her head.  But they had their own problems.  They needed to start putting their whole attention on getting rid of these tadpoles.
            “This arguing is ridiculous!”  Wyll’s shout caught her attention.  He made eye contact with her.  “Chief, tell this lot we need to save the tieflings first.  Thorm can wait.”
            “If we go in and bust their prisoners out, we’ll make the cultists hostile towards us and we won’t be able to get the information we need,” Shadowheart protested.  “The tieflings have to wait.”
            “There are ways around that,” Gale said.  “We could use confusion spells or disguise spells.  Or we could make it look like the prisoners broke out themselves.”
            “That seems like a lot of effort when we can just rescue them after we take care of Thorm,” Shadowheart said.
            “I agree with Shadowheart,” Lae’zel said.  “Though it pains me to say it.”
            “This is getting ridiculous,” Wyll sighed.  “Ailis, come on.  Set this lot straight.”  She felt a surge of anger course through her.  She always had to be the one to solve all their problems or play mediator.  It was growing tiresome.  It was draining her.  It was too big of a job with this crew.  She could feel her skin crawl with anxiety over the overwhelming job of managing all their egos.  Her nerves prickled at their expectant stares.
            “We don’t have time to be wasting on the tieflings again,” she snapped as her emotions boiled over.  A part of her was horrified at what had just spewed from her mouth and her gut roiled with guilt from the shocked and dismayed looks on Karlach’s and Wyll’s faces. 
            “I’m surprised to hear you say that,” Gale said in a saddened tone.
            “As am I,” Lae’zel agreed.  “I didn’t think you had it in you to ignore people in need.”
            “Oh please,” she said.  “I’m hardly a hero.”
            “You are to these tieflings,” Karlach stated.
            She ignored a fresh stab of guilt and shook her head.  “We need to focus on these tadpoles,” she said.  “We don’t have time to spend on a group of people who are clearly doomed.”
            “Wow,” Shadowheart said.  “I would expect that level of callousness from Astarion, but not you.”
            “Well, that’s rather rude,” Astarion whined.  “I probably would have kept that thought to myself.  Probably.”
            Ailis sighed.  “Look, what happened to the tieflings is tragic, but we need to focus on our own problem,” she said.
            “Then it’s settled.  We’ll investigate Thorm, and then we can free the tieflings,” Shadowheart said sounding pleased.
            “Well, that depends on what we find out about these tadpoles while looking into Thorm,” Ailis replied.  “Don’t forget these parasites are time sensitive.  At some point we will transform into mindflayers.  If we discover that’s going to be sooner rather than later, we won’t have time for the tieflings.”
            “You’re seriously saying you don’t want to help the tieflings at all?!” Karlach cried angrily.
            “I’m saying, that our tadpole problem is more important right now,” she said.
            “I suppose if we take out Thorm, that would make it possible for the Harpers to help the tieflings,” Gale cut in.  The wizard was always trying to find the middle ground.  He wanted so desperately to be liked.  She usually found this endearing, but right now it only fueled her anger.
            “I suppose that’s an option if we need to take out Thorm at all,” she muttered.  More incredulous looks greeted her.
            “If we need to take out Thorm?” Wyll repeated, astonished.  “Ailis, have you not paid attention to these realms?  Look what the man has done!”
            “What he’s done doesn’t concern us,” she argued.  “Our focus is getting rid of these tadpoles and if we can do that without spending time killing Thorm, then that’s what we’ll do.  End of discussion.”
            “I think there’s a lot more to discuss,” Karlach snapped.  The floor around her began growing scorch marks.
            “Easy now,” Wyll soothed.  “There’s no need to get worked up.  This is just a disagreement.”
            “One that we’ll all work out,” Shadowheart added.  Ailis snorted and the cleric glared at her.  “And what did that mean?”
            “Oh, I just thought what you said was amusing,” Ailis replied.  “‘We’ll work it out’ Ha!”
            “What are you getting at, Ailis?” Shadowheart snapped.
            “I just think it’s cute that you think you all will figure it out,” she replied.  “What you really mean is I will figure it out because I am always the one to figure out what we’re doing.  I am always the one who manages everyone’s opinions to come up with a solution.  I am the one who manages everyone’s ginormous egos!”
            “Now, that’s not really being fair,” Gale tried to intervene.
            “Fair?” she shrieked.  “No!  What’s not fair is dumping all your trauma on me and expecting me to deal with it for you.”
            “Darling, I think you…”
            “Don’t ‘darling’ me,” she snapped at Astarion.  “I have to do everything for everyone!  And no one ever helps me.  No one ever checks in on me to see how I’m doing.  So the only one whose opinion matters here is mine.  We need to learn about these tadpoles.  If that leads us to needing to take out Thorm fine, but if not, our next step is whatever gets rid of these parasites.”
            “You’re out of line, Ailis,” Shadowheart growled.
            “Now, hold on,” Wyll intervened.  “Ailis did make some fair points.  We could put more effort into controlling our emotions and…egos.  However, Ailis, you are the leader of this group and it’s your job to…”
            “Yes, I am the leader and I’m doing my job,” she cut him off.  “I’ve told you what we’re going to do.  That’s the end of the discussion.”
            “So, we just have to do what you say now?  Our opinions don’t matter?” Shadowheart scoffed.
            “That’s exactly, right,” Ailis replied coolly.
            “And if we’re not willing to go along with that?” Shadowheart asked through gritted teeth.
            “Then you can leave,” Ailis said.  She knew she was going too far, but she couldn’t stop herself.  She couldn’t bring herself to back down.  The frustration of the last few weeks was bubbling over.  Still, her guilt increased at the look of hurt on her companions’ faces.
            “You’d really kick out any who disagreed with you?” Lae’zel asked in a tone of surprise.
            “Don’t tell me you suddenly disagree with that philosophy,” Ailis replied.  “You’d have had me kick out most of this group a few weeks ago.”
        ��   “I…”
            “You know what?  I’m done with this,” Ailis cried.  “Whoever decides to join me, meet back here in the morning.”  She turned and stormed out of the building.  She stalked angrily down to camp and began pacing the rocky shores of the lake nearby.  As she paced, she could feel her anger and anxiety turn inwards.  She shouldn’t have yelled at them.  They didn’t deserve that.  She just couldn’t stop thinking of Rolan’s words from earlier that day.  He was right.
            “You’re going to burn a hole in the ground if you keep pacing like that,” Astarion’s snide voice called out.
            Ailis glanced up at him and scowled.  “Go away, Astarion,” she said.  “I don’t want to talk right now.”
            “Yes, I gathered that,” he replied sitting down on a large boulder.  “Still, someone needed to check on you.”
            “And they decided to send you?” she asked.
            “I sent myself,” he replied sounding a little annoyed.  A stern look crossed his face when he noticed her look of disbelief.  “I’m not completely callous to your well-being, Ailis.  I care that something is clearly upsetting you.  Why don’t you tell me what it is?”
            “You don’t want to know,” Ailis replied bitterly.
            “Ah, but I do,” he said.  “It must be something big to make you go off like that.  Now go on and tell me.  It will make you feel better.”  She began to pace again.
            “You just want me to go back to being complacent,” she grumbled.  “You don’t care.  You just don’t like it when I’m a bitch, but it’s not my…”  She cut off when he stepped in front of her to stop her pacing, and gripped onto her shoulders.
            “You’re not a bitch, Ailis.  You’re just upset.  And yes, I do care,” he said.  “If you talk to me about whatever has you so upset, maybe you’ll feel better.”
            “I…I can’t,” she replied.
            “Yes, you can, darling,” he said.  “Just tell me what has you upset.  It was what Rolan said, wasn’t it?  You’ve looked agitated since that conversation.”
            “I can’t tell you.  You’ll leave if I tell you.  You all will,” she cried, tearing herself out of his grip.  She began pacing anxiously again.  This time, he didn’t try to stop her.
            “No one’s leaving, darling,” he said.
            “You would if you knew,” she said.  “You’d have never agreed to travel with me if you knew.”
            “Well, now I think I have to know,” he said, trying to teaser her to a lighter mood.
            “I’m serious, Astarion,” she replied, though she did stop pacing.
            Astarion nodded.  “I’m sorry, darling,” he said.  “Still, I think you better tell me.  I think it will help.”  She sighed and closed her eyes.  She opened them when she felt his arm wrap around her waist, and he led her over to the boulder he’d sat on before.  “Here.  Sit down here and we’ll talk.”  She gathered herself for a moment and stared out at the still water of the lake.
            “This isn’t my first time leading a group of people,” she said slowly.
            “I gathered that,” Astarion replied.  “You lead troops in the Espax War, didn’t you?”
            “Yes, and I have plenty of guilt over that, but that’s not what’s bothering me now,” she said, and then glanced up at him.  “How much do you know about the Espax War?”
            Astarion shook his head.  “Nothing,” he replied.  “I’d get bits of news when hunting targets, but that’s it.  Espax is a long way from Baldur’s Gate.”
            Ailis nodded.  “The war started as a rebellion against Espax’s government,” she began to explain.  “By all accounts, Espax had an incredibly corrupt government.  There were two factions running the rebellion.  Both wanted to take out the existing government, but their ideas for the future government differed.”
            “A recipe for disaster,” Astarion commented.
            “Exactly,” she said.  “The factions managed to overthrow the original government, but they couldn’t agree with each other enough to build a new one.  They began fighting and it turned into a full out war.  Both sides began recruiting soldiers, originally from their own people.  However, one faction was more popular than the other amongst Espax’s citizens and most went to fight for them.”
            “So, the faction you fought under had to resort to other methods of recruitment,” Astarion said.
            “By the time I was press-ganged into service most of the people fighting were doing so unwillingly,” Ailis replied.  “Even those who had originally joined freely had turned against this faction by that point.  They committed horrendous atrocities.  Many even said they’d rather have the old government back than continue to support this one.”
            “And you led people in attempts to escape?” he asked.  “Or overthrow?”
            “Escape,” she answered.  “When I first got there, I tried to escape on my own.  When that didn’t work, I started recruiting others who wanted to leave.  There were a few of these attempts.  They all ended with many of my group dead or tortured as punishment.”  Her hand came up to her face to worry at the deep scar running down her cheek to her jaw.  She had a smaller one below her right eye.
            Astarion gently moved her hand away from the scar and rested their intwined hands on his lap.  “Is that how you got those scars?” he asked.  “Trying to escape?”
            “Helping someone else to escape,” she said and then smiled bitterly at his incredulous expression.  “I had given up trying to escape by the time I got these scars.”
            “But you were still helping others to escape?” he questioned.
            “Not at first.  For a while I just gave up and did what they wanted me to,” she said.  “I’d accepted it as a just punishment for my previous crimes.  I proved to be a good soldier.  After a while they trusted me with training new recruits and then leading small groups in battle.  Eventually, I began to form friendships with others there.  The two relevant to this story were Nash and Marissa and her three kids…”
            “Kids?” Astarion said.  He looked surprised.
            She nodded.  “They recruited anyone they could,” she said.  “They’d take criminals being transported to the gallows like I was to travelers just passing through.  Many of the travelers had children.”
            “Is that what happened to your friend?” he asked.
            “No,” she replied.  “Marissa was in the war almost from the beginning.  Her husband was part of the rebellion and was a supporter of this faction.  Marissa had no idea until after he was killed in one of the first skirmishes.  The faction blamed her husband for the loss of so many lives in that skirmish and so did a lot of the dead’s’ families.  The faction told her if she worked for them, they’d forgive her husband’s failure and keep her and her children safe.
            “There was no choice for her.  She agreed.  She mostly did secretarial work for them.  She wasn’t thrown into battle until the last few years when things were growing increasingly desperate,” she explained.
            “They started putting the kids into battle, didn’t they?” Astarion guessed.
            Ailis nodded.  “When I first arrived, all children stayed in camp,” she said.  “The older kids kept the barracks in order and watched their younger siblings.  But the war wasn’t going well and they couldn’t get enough soldiers.  In the penultimate year of the war, they decreed sons that were fourteen or older would be put into battles.  They would ‘try and keep them off the frontlines’ they said, but we all knew they’d end up there eventually.
            “Marissa was beside herself with worry.  Her oldest son was nine months off from fourteen,” she continued.  “We all saw the war would be ending soon, but not soon enough for her son.  On a night off, me and our other friend, Nash, took her out for drinks to let her vent her worries.  She kept repeating that she had to do something.  That she couldn’t let this happen to her son.”
            Ailis closed her eyes and sighed.  “I was the one who suggested escaping,” she said.  “Marissa was hesitant about it at first.  Punishment for runaways by this point in the war was almost always death, and if they didn’t kill you, they’d make you wish they had.”  She worried at her scar again.
            “You got her to agree to the attempt though, didn’t you?” Astarion said.
            “She came around to the idea,” Ailis said.  “She didn’t like it though.  It didn’t sit well with her.  She didn’t think it was fair that just she and her kids would get out.”
            “Why would she care about that?” Astarion asked perplexed.  “She should have just worried for herself…and her kids, I guess.”  Exasperation and amusement settled across her expression.  The vampire spawn’s lack of empathy tended to reveal itself in inopportune times.  There was no point admonishing him, though.  She’d accepted by this point there were some things Astarion would just never truly understand.
            “Marissa wanted to get more people out,” she continued.  “After some convincing she got me and Nash on board.  Well, she got me on board.  Nash only agreed to it because I was going to be involved.”
            “You and him were involved?” Astarion asked.  She could see he was trying to just sound curious, but she heard a jealous note in his tone.
            “We had an arrangement.  Like ours, really,” she admitted.  “There weren’t any deep feelings.  We both got what we wanted out of the other.  And Nash wasn’t exactly hard to look at.”
            Astarion snorted.  “So, did it work?” he asked.  “Whatever plan you concocted to free people.”
            “For a time,” Ailis said, “but after six or seven months they were cracking down.  Nash insisted we had to stop, at least for some time.  But Marissa’s son would be turning fourteen in just over a month and there was already talk of lowering the age to thirteen.  I insisted that we do one last escape to get Marissa and her kids out.
            “Nash didn’t like it but he agreed if it was just Marissa and her kids I led out.  The night started like every other escape night, but…it all went wrong,” she said, closing her eyes against the painful memory.
            “Nash betrayed you,” Astarion said.
            “No.  Not Nash,” Ailis said.  “The night guard he bribed to ignore anyone he saw escaping.  He might not have done so willingly.  I’ll never know.  They killed him.  Guns went off when we breached the camp.  We ran off into the woods, but they knew our routes.  Marissa and I tried to gather the kids together and come up with an alternate route, but a soldier shot off a gun near us and her little girl ran off frightened right into the open and they…they shot her.”
            “We went back with them after that,” she continued through her tears.  “They brought us to the General’s tent to interrogate us.  They wanted to know everyone who was involved in the operation.  We did our best to conceal who’d been involved, but in doing so, Marissa incriminated herself by admitting it had been her idea to help families escape.  I tried to intervene; to convince them it was all on me.  I had the history of escape attempts, not Marissa.  All my attempts got me was a knife to the face.  They then forced me to watch as they killed Marissa.  They killed my friend right in front of me and her remaining children.  That was my punishment.  They wouldn’t kill me.  I was too useful to them.”
            “What happened to her two sons?” Astarion asked.
            “Nash got them out,” she replied woodenly.  “He was high ranking in the army.  One of the lead officers had a niece who couldn’t have children.  They lived away from the fighting.  They weren’t involved at all.  They were willing to take them in.”
            “Nash couldn’t have done anything for you or Marissa when you were captured?” he asked.  She could tell he was judging her old friend.
            “No,” she replied, harshly.  “He made it very clear from the beginning when we were planning the operation he wouldn’t lose his position for something he thought was foolish.  He did what he could for us when we were captured and that’s it.  What happened to Marissa and her daughter wasn’t his fault.”
            “It wasn’t your fault either, Ailis,” Astarion said.  “None of what you’ve just told me was your fault.”
            “It was though,” she insisted.  “If I hadn’t planted the idea of escape in her mind, Marissa wouldn’t have thought to include other people in it.  I should have insisted that night that we would only get her and her kids out.  Or I should have caved and agreed with Nash.  He had high rank.  There were things he could have done to keep her son safe.
            “I got Marissa killed.  I got her daughter killed.  I got all the people from my original escape attempts killed,” she said.  “I can’t help the tieflings.  I’ll get them killed.  I’m going to get everyone killed!”
            “Ailis, darling, look at me.  Look at me!” he repeated when she turned her face away.  She reluctantly turned and met his gaze.  He looked very concerned.  “Ailis, what happened to your friend and the others was not your fault.”
            “It was.  I…”
            “Did you force them to try and escape?” he asked.
            “What?” she cried, confused.
            “Did you force them to try and escape?” he repeated.  “Did you threaten pain or death if they didn’t follow you?  Did you blackmail them into joining you?”
            “No!” she cried, appalled.  “Of course not!”
            “Were they aware of the risks they were taking when they agreed to join you?” he grilled.  “Did you tell them the potential consequences?”
            “Yes.  I drilled it into them what could happen if we failed,” she replied.  “Astarion, why…”
            “I’m asking you, darling, because I’m trying to understand why you think you’re at fault,” he said.  “Based on everything you’re telling me, you only gave everyone an option to join you.  You didn’t force them.  You let them know the risks so they made informed decisions.  I’m failing to see how you bare any responsibility for what happened.”
            “I led the attempts.  I was responsible for all their lives.  I am responsible for their deaths,” she said.  “You should leave.  You should let the others know what a failure I am and leave.  Nothing good will come of following me.”
            “I’m not leaving, Ailis,” Astarion said.  “And neither is anyone else.  If you told the others what you just told me they’d tell you the same thing I am.  What happened was not your fault.”
            “I was responsible for all of them.  That makes it…”           
            “That does not make it your fault,” he said firmly.  He gave her a soft expression and gently wiped tears from her face.  “The burden of the failures may be ours, but what happened to those people…that’s not your fault.”
            “You’ll feel differently when I get you and our companions killed,” she whispered.
            “You’re not going to get us killed, Ailis,” he said.  “We’re all getting out of this alive.  We’re not like your previous groups.  You have a group of skilled individuals with you.  You’re not alone in defending everyone.  You have us to reply on.  Everything is going to be fine.”
            “You don’t know that,” she said.
            “No, but I have a feeling,” he replied with a smile.  She said nothing in return.  She just sat there and stared out at the calm waters.  He began to massage her scalp, probably hoping to help her relax, but she couldn’t let her failures go. 
            “Sometimes I think it would have been better if that wagon had reached the gallows,” she said.  His hand stopped moving through her hair.
            “You really think it would have been better if you had died?” he asked.
            “A lot of people would still be alive right now,” she replied.
            “You don’t know that,” Astarion said.  “They could have died later in the war.  They most likely would have.”
            “They’re not the only lives I’m responsible for losing,” she said.  “Trust me, Astarion.  I deserved to be brought to the gallows.”
            “You don’t think four years forced into a war that wasn’t yours was punishment enough?” he questioned.  “You don’t think your guilt is punishment enough?”  She shook her head.  “Well, I do.”  He stood up and she felt her mood plummet even further.  She had wanted to be alone when she came down here, but now it was the last thing she wanted.  She couldn’t blame him for wanting to get away from her though.  She’d just encouraged him to do exactly that.
            He didn’t walk away, though.  Instead, he turned back towards her and held out a hand for her to take.  “I think I know a way to help ease your guilt,” he said giving her a smile.  “Do you trust me enough to give it a try?”
            When they’d first met a few weeks ago, she wouldn’t have agreed to anything he proposed.  At least not without a detailed breakdown of what he intended.  Now though, she took his hand and let him lead her through their camp.  She was relieved to find it was still empty.  She didn’t want to face her companions yet.
            Astarion led her through camp to the abandoned building they’d found.  There had been a squabble over it as most of the group had wanted to take up residence there as it had a bed.  It was decided that no one would set up permanent camp there.  They would use it for group meetings or personal time only.  She guessed the latter was what he had in mind now as she looked at the clean sheets that had been put on the bed.  She felt a spark of irritation.  She should have realized he thought sex would make her feel better.  It was the last thing she wanted right now.
            Still, she would go along with it.  It would be easier than trying to explain why his action was insensitive to her feelings and the argument that would ensue.  It wouldn’t be the first time she endured sex to please a man’s ego and it most likely wouldn’t be the last.  And Astarion was very skilled in bed.  Maybe it would prove a good distraction from her thoughts.  As they approached the bed he let go of her hand and then sat down on the edge of it with his feet shoulder length apart.  He looked at her with a serious expression.
            “Remove your pants and undergarment, Ailis.  They get over my lap,” he ordered.
            Ailis blinked and stared at him dumbly for a moment.  This wasn’t how they usually did this.  “I…what?” she said confused.
            “You wanted to be punished, didn’t you?” he questioned and her face flushed a hot red as she realized what he intended to do.  He smiled wickedly at the sight of her blush.  “I do love it when you blush.  It’s such a rare occasion.”
            “I…I’m not a child,” she protested, though that statement certainly made her feel like one.
            “Only children can be spanked?” Astarion replied with a widening grin.
            “I…I’ve never…”
            “You’ve never received a spanking before?” he questioned, surprised.  “Your mother never had you over her knee?”
            “My mother didn’t believe in hitting children,” she replied, defensively
            “Well, as you’ve just pointed out, you’re not a child,” he said. 
            “I…”  She didn’t finish her statement.  She didn’t know what her statement was.  She squirmed where she stood and stared at the floor, trying to come up with something to say.  Astarion’s feet suddenly came into view, and then she felt his cook fingers caress her chin as he lifted her face so she was looking at him.  He brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ears.
            “You’re rarely this flustered,” he murmured softly.  “What has you concerned?”
            “I don’t know what you’re expecting to get out of this,” she said.
            “He frowned, puzzled.  “Get out of this?” he repeated.
            She flushed.  “I know some people do this for fun,” she said.
            He nodded.  “Yes, and you may find you enjoy this, but that’s not the intended purpose of tonight,” he said.
            “Then what are you getting out of this?” she persisted.  “My pain?”
            His eyes widened.  “Your pain?” he said shocked.  “Ailis, how hard do you think I’m going to hit you?”
            “I don’t know!” she cried.  “I’ve never done anything like this, except for that Loviatar priest.  I don’t know how this works.  I know you enjoyed watching that priest strike me.”  She expected him to get mad, but he just stared at her thoughtfully for a moment.
            “Hold out your wrist, Ailis,” he ordered.  Confused, she did as he asked, holding her arm out in front of her with her palm up.  His own hand struck her wrist before she even saw it coming.  She hissed and drew her arm back, cradling her wrist to her chest.  She gazed at him with a shocked expression.  His own was perfectly neutral.  “Did that hurt?”
            “Yes,” she replied in a tone that made it clear she thought he was crazy for asking.
            “Is the pain unbearable?” he asked in the same neutral tone.
            “No,” she answered, eyebrows furrowed.
            “That’s as hard as I intend to spank you, give or take a little,” Astarion said.  “I’m not going to beat you black and blue.  You’ll be able to sit down tomorrow.”
            “But when the priest…”
            “I didn’t know you very well when you let the priest beat you.  I hadn’t fully decided I trusted you.  I thought you must have been into that sort of thing and responded accordingly.  I was surprised you never asked me to do anything similar when we began having sex.
            “You’re not wrong that I get off on others pain.  I’m not going to lie about that,” he said.  “But the purpose tonight isn’t the pain.  You carry a lot of guilt over your past.  I just want to try to help you release some of it.  As for what I get out of it, well, control.  We don’t have to do this, though, Ailis.  I’m not going to do anything to you that you don’t want.”  She believed him.  Even before she really began to tryst him, she’d trusted him to stop if she asked.  He was always attentive of any boundaries set during sex.
            “Okay,” she finally agreed.  “What do I say if I need you to stop, though?”
            “Just say stop,” he told her moving back to his previous position on the bed.  She didn’t follow yet.
            “Don’t people use specific words for this sort of thing, though” she questioned, “because they might say stop on instinct?”
            “Yes.  A safe word is usually put in place for that reason.  However, due to our personal histories if you say stop, I’m going to take that at face value,” he said.  “So don’t tell me to stop, Ailis, unless you really want or need me to, okay?”
            She nodded.  “Okay,” she agreed.
            “All right then.  Remove your pants and undergarment and come here,” he ordered pointing to a spot right next to him rather than demanding she get over his lap right away like he had originally.  She moved slowly as she completed his orders.  A nervous anticipation had her heart racing, and she couldn’t help trembling a little.  Astarion noticed and took her hand in his, gently massaging her knuckles with his thumb.
            “Are you all right, darling?” he asked, giving her a soft look.  “We can stop.”
            “No, I’m all right,” she said.
            He nodded and his expression turned stern.  “Do you understand why you’re being punished?” he asked.
            “For failing to save…”
            “No,” Astarion said and she gave him a puzzled look.
            “You said this was to try to relieve my guilt,” she said.
            “It is, but I’m not going to punish you for something that wasn’t your fault or something you already received punishment for,” he said.  “Pick something else.  Something more recent.”
            “I shouldn’t have yelled at our companions,” she said after a moment.  “I was being unfair.”
            “You certainly were,” he said.  “You shouldn’t have taken your problems out on them.”
            “I know.  I’m sorry,” she whispered.
            “I know you are.  Still, you need to receive punishment for your actions,” he said.  “How many times should I spank you?  How many have you earned?”
            “I…I don’t…” she looked at him helplessly.  She had no basis for this.  She felt completely lost in the moment.  Luckily, he seemed to understand.  He gently squeezed her hand in reassurance.
            “How about I give you two options, and you choose what works best for you?” he suggested and she nodded her agreement.  “Option one: I give you ten harder strikes.  Option two: I give you twenty with fifteen being the same strength I slapped your wrist earlier, and the last five a bit harder.  Either way, you’re going to be able to sit tomorrow, Ailis.”
            Ailis thought about it for a moment.  Ten sounded more appealing than twenty.  She wouldn’t have to be in an embarrassing position for as long.  However, the slap he’d given to her wrist earlier had stung and the skin was still a little pink.  The skin on her ass would be even more sensitive.  She’d never done this and she wasn’t sure she was comfortable having him hit her any harder.  Getting through five hard strikes seemed better than ten and if she couldn’t handle it and had to tell him to stop, she’d have already taken at least sixteen.  She’d be able to say she gave it a fair chance.
            “Twenty,” she said quietly.  He nodded and gave her hand a final squeeze before letting go.
            “All right then, darling,” he said.  “Get over my lap.”  She awkwardly positioned herself over his lap.  He helped her maneuver so his one leg helped support her upper torso even as her head hung down just below his knee.  She held onto his one knee with one hand and the sheets on the bed with the other.  Her ass was completely exposed to him, and she trembled with nerves.  She jumped when he placed a hand on the center of her back.
            “Try to relax, darling.  You’re safe,” he soothed, rubbing her back a little.  She took a few deep breaths and slowly felt her muscles relax.  “That’s it.  Are you ready for me to begin?”
            “Y-Yes,” she said.  “Do I count them out loud?”
            “Hmm, that is an appealing thought,” he said in a teasing tone before growing serious again, “but not tonight.  We can examine that possibility another night if you decide you like this or find it helpful.  I don’t want to push limits tonight.  Now, take one last deep breath for me before I begin.”  She did as he said, and the first stroke came as she let the breath out.
            She let out a startled squeak.  It hurt.  It felt worse than the strike to her wrist had.  Still, it was not unbearable.  She hadn’t quite processed it, when the second strike hit, and then she stopped thinking as he continued to land blow after blow.  By the time he struck her ten times she realized she’d made a mistake in choosing twenty strikes.  Her skin where he’d hit her felt like it was on fire and the pain was increasing with each strike even though the strike’s strength hadn’t changed yet.  When he reached the fifteenth strike her tears finally spilled over and down her cheeks.
            He stopped after the fifteenth strike for a moment, but any relief she might have felt vanished when he shifted his leg so the seat of her ass raised to a higher position.  She whimpered as she thought of where the last five, harder blows were going to land.  He hushed her and comfortingly stroked her back.
            “It’s just five more, darling, and then you’ll be done,” he assured her.  “Do you think you’re ready to apologize now?”
            “Y-Yes.  I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!” she cried.  “I didn’t mean to act like that.  I couldn’t stop myself.  I…I…I…”
            “Shhh.  Shh, darling,” he soothed.  “Breathe for me.”  She tried to do as he said and took big gulps of air in until her breathing found a rhythm again.  “Good girl.  I’m going to give you the last five strikes now.  I want you to try and release your guilt with them, all right?”
            She nodded and then the first blow hit and any thought of trying not to cry anymore escaped her.  She started sobbing and it took everything in her to not ask him to stop as the next blow hit.  She had felt worse pain before than this, but this just felt so intimate.  She wanted to bare it for him.  Right now, she would do anything for him, so at the last strike, she tried to release some of her guilt.
            Astarion helped move her into a sitting position on his lap.  He managed to adjust her so her ass was mostly between his thighs so nothing rubbed against her reddened skin.  She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed ash she clutched to him like her life depended on it.  She stroked her back and hair and pressed a kiss on the top of her head.
            “Shh.  It’s all right now, darling.  All is forgiven.  You’re all right,” he soothed.  He repeated a variation of these words until her sobs turned to cries and then to whimpers until finally, she ran out of tears.  She rested, slumped against him, feeling more exhausted than she had in her whole life.  They sat like that for a few minutes and then she felt his hand slide between her legs and a cool finger split hear seam, running the length of it before brushing over her clit.  She let out a shaky gasp.
            “What do you think, darling?  Based on how wet you are, you seemed to enjoy that.  Should we move on to more enjoyable activities?” he asked.  She thought about it for a moment.  She was surprised to find she had evidence of arousal, but in the back of her mind she’d been aware of a stirring of heat between her legs that was different from the heat on her ass from the spanking.
            Still, she shook her head.  “No.  I’m sorry.  I don’t feel up to it,” she said, her resolve to endure it from earlier cracking.  She knew he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it.  “I’m sorry.  I know you were planning on having sex tonight, but…”
            “It’s all right, Ailis,” he cut her off.  “Don’t apologize.  We both have to want it, remember?”  She smiled and nodded.  He moved his hand back to a more acceptable spot on her thigh.  “So, what do you want, darling?  How are we spending our time tonight?”  She opened her mouth with an immediate response but then just as quickly clamped her mouth shut and looked down at her lap.  “What’s wrong, Ailis.”
            “Nothing,” she said.  “It’s just, what I want…you won’t like it.  I’m trying to think of something else.”
            “Ailis, darling, look at me,” he ordered and she raised her face to meet his eyes.  “You’re just tried something very new to you that had you completely out of your element tonight.  You’re going to get whatever you want.”  He grinned.  “Within reason of course.  So, tell me, what do you want.”
            “I just want to naked cuddle,” she said.  “And I want you to stay with me all night.”
            Astarion nodded.  “Very reasonable,” he said and kissed her forehead.  He slid her to sit on the mattress.  Her full weight was on her ass though and she felt the skin burn as it brushed against the sheets.  She jumped up from the bed and clutched her ass.  Astarion laughed and she gave him a hurt look. 
            “I’m sorry, darling,” he said as he stood up.  “The look on your face was just funny, that’s all.  Here.”  He helped slide her shirt and upper garment off.  “Stand there for a moment while I undress and then we’ll get you on the bed comfortably.”  He kissed her forehead again and she stood waiting as he quickly undressed.  When he was naked, he sat down on the bed and then moved until he was lying down on his back in the middle.  He held out his arms for her.  “Come here, darling.” 
            She climbed onto the bed and crawled over to him.  He pulled her down so she rested mostly on top of him.  Her head rested on his shoulder.  She hissed when he pulled the top sheet over them, but the sting only last for a minute.  He stroked her back and left gentle kisses to her forehead every few minutes.  Her eyelids grew heavy and she felt sleep trying to claim her.  She tried to fight it, but Astarion wasn’t having it.
            “Go to sleep, darling,” he ordered her gently.  “You need to rest.”
            “I want you to stay,” she murmured through a yawn.             “I’m not going anywhere, Ailis,” he promised.  “I’ll be here when you wake up.”  She smiled sleepily as he pressed another kiss to her forehead.  It was the last thing she felt before sleep finally claimed her. 
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mystique-6 · 3 months
Kinktober Day 6: Bondage
Summary: Ailis let's Astarion tie her up and finds out what happens when she is at his mercy.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like this please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
This particular chapter I got my inspiration from a post by @thedomesticanthropologist. I came across the posts months ago at this point. I had to wait until I got to this prompt. I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tag Warnings: Light Bondage, Rope Bondage, oral sex, rimming, anal play, P in V Sex, Vaginal Sex
Additional Note: This fic involves Spawn Astarion.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
            “So, that guy with the white raven is a complete freak,” Astarion commented as they entered the abandoned building of the Last Light Inn, where they’d set up camp.
            “No kidding,” Ailis replied.  “I can’t help but feel we wasted our time with that one.”
            “It might have been worth it if you’d stabbed the fellow,” he replied, peeling off his shirt.
            She gave him an unamused look as she slid off her boots.  “Why would I have stabbed him?” she asked.
            “He wanted that woman to be punished,” he replied, kicking off his own boots.
            “First of all,” she said, “that woman didn’t intend to cause anyone harm.  Stabbing her would have been a cruel and unusual punishment.  Second, he was only channeling her spirit so he would have really been the one stabbed.”
            “You didn’t have to stab him fatally,” Astarion said as he laid down on the bed.  “And he would have gotten a real revenge.”
            “Well, he seemed content with what he got so you’ll just have to deal with the fact that no one got stabbed,” she replied dropping her shirt on the floor.  She then crawled across the bed towards him until she rested half over him.  She tugged gently on a white curl and then leaned down to kiss him.
            His hands came up and wandered across her torso, first gliding along her back and then moving to her stomach.  His hands then slid up and pushed her upper undergarment over her breasts to free them.  She pulled the garment off and tossed it to the floor and then began to pepper his face with soft kisses.  He smiled and drew her in for a longer kiss as his hands cupped and kneaded at her breasts.
            She moaned when his hand tweaked a nipple and he used that moment to roll her over until she was underneath him.  He kissed and nipped his way up her jaw towards her ear while he played with her breasts, coaxing her nipples into hard, swollen peaks.  He bit gently down on one ear while simultaneously pinching one nipple and she cried out, arching her back so she brushed the other sensitive nipple against his chest.  She felt him smile and he released her earlobe, and then he…did nothing.
            Frowning, she glanced at his face and saw he was staring at something across the room with interest.  “What could you possibly find more interesting than me,” she pouted.
            He flashed her an amused smile and gave her an affectionate kiss to the forehead.  “Nothing, darling,” he purred.  “I just spotted something that might spice up our night.”  She sat up a little and craned her neck to look at what had his attention.  She raised her eyebrows when she saw the coil of rope left in a corner of the room.  It wasn’t very long, but it was long enough to tie her wrists to the bedposts.  She gave him an unimpressed look.
            “I’m not sure I should trust you to tie me up,” she said.  “You were just complaining about a lack of stabbing anyone today.”
            “The only thing I want to stab you with is my dick,” he replied.
            She snorted.  “That was terrible.”
            “It wasn’t my best line,” he agreed with a grimace, before flashing her a more enticing smile.  “Regardless, you can trust me to tie you up, darling.  What do you say?  Want to give it a go?”
            “All right,” Ailis agreed.  “Just don’t cut off my circulation, please.”
            “I would never!” he declared with fake hurt. 
            She laughed and slapped his shoulder lightly.  “I know,” she said.  “Just be careful.”
            “Fine, darling,” he replied as he got up to get the rope.  “I promise I won’t make it too tight.”  He grabbed the rope and came back to the bed.  “Arms above your head.  Clasp your hands together.”  She did as he said and he wrapped one end of the rope around her wrists and tied them together before tying the other end to the bedframe.  “How does it feel?  Is it too tight?”  She flexed her wrists.  The rope was snug, but she could move them.  The tugged on it next and felt the post in the headboard give a little.  If she needed to escape, she could.
            “It’s not too tight,” she said.  On instinct, she went to pull his face down for a kiss, but the rope stopped her.  She let out a sigh and Astarion chuckled before leaning down o kiss her.  He then kissed up and down her jaw before kissing down her neck, nipping gently at her skin periodically though he never bit her.  He littered kisses across her breasts and then kissed, nipped, and sucked his way down her abdomen.
            He then undid the laces on her pants before pulling them off.  He kissed his way down her legs as he did so.  When he had her pants and undergarment off, he wrapped his hands beneath her thighs.  She expected him to throw her legs over his shoulders, but instead he lifted them so her knees were pressed back against her shoulders and then he laid his left arm heavily down across the back of her thighs.  She realized with alarm and arousal that he had her completely pinned down.  She couldn’t move to escape him and he’d left her private part of her completely exposed to him.  He kissed her lips at her core and then licked open her seam.  She yelped and tried to buck her hips, but his arm held her down.
            “All right, darling?” he asked, raising up so he could look at her face.
            “Yes.  I’m all right,” she breathed shakily.  He observed her face for another moment before diverting his attention back to his previous task.  She felt his other hand spread her lips and folds and then his tongue was sliding along her core again.  He circled her clit and then dragged his tongue down and dipped into her core.  He speared her open with his tongue, going as deep as he could.
            “I guess you planned to stab me with more than just your dick,” she panted.  She felt him smirk against her and then she yelped when he pinched her ass, all while continuing to completely devour her.  She was soon a shaking and sweaty mess as he lapped at her like she was a five-star dessert.  However, he was ignoring where she wanted him most, and bound as she was, she couldn’t direct him.
            “Astarion,” she gasped and writhed at a particularly deep thrust of his tongue.  She felt the rope rub harshly on her skin at the jerking movement but she didn’t care.  “Astarion, please.”
            “Hmm?” he hummed against her and she moaned, but he didn’t stop what he was doing.
            “Please,” she repeated.  “Please.”  She couldn’t get the words out.  She was too strung out on pleasure to ask for what she wanted.  She gave another futile tug on the rope and moaned when she couldn’t get free.  “Please.”  Astarion just hummed against her again, but didn’t make any move to where she wanted him.  He kept her on the edge of release as he devoured her.  She was a sweaty, panting, trembling mess by the time he finally…finally…moved up to her clit.  He traced around it with his tongue, barely applying any pressure at all.  Just as she was about to try and beg him, he sucked her mound into his mouth and she screamed as her release finally hit her.
            He didn’t stop his ministrations though.  She didn’t get a moment to relax she he immediately worked her back up again.  She gasped and panted as she writhed on the mattress as much as the rope and his arm would allow until her second orgasm hit.  He stopped this time and she laid gasping for breath.  She almost felt as if she were floating.
            She expected him to release her legs and finally take her, but instead he moved his mouth lower and ran his tongue between the cheeks of her ass.  She mewled as her body jerked in surprise.  Her arms tugged on the rope yet again.  His tongue laved over her asshole and she shuddered with anticipation until he finally pierced her with it.  She moaned.  He drove his tongue into her as deep as he could and paid as much attention to her here as he had to her cunt.  Pleasure began to build in her again, but it wasn’t enough for her to get relief.
            “Astarion,” she breathed out.
            “Mmm?” he hummed.
            “Please,” she took a deep breath, determined to ask for what she wanted this time.  “Please.  I need you to touch me.  I can’t cum from just this.” 
            Astarion stopped what he was doing and moved so he could look at her face.  “Touch you where, darling?” he teased, and then cupped one of her ass cheeks in his hand and kneaded it.  “Here?”
            “No,” she moaned.
            He then pressed the pad of his thumb against her anus, though he didn’t apply enough pressure to breach it.  “Here?”
            “No!” she gasped.
            “Oh!  I know where you want me,” he exclaimed teasingly, and slid his thumb up to her clit and began rubbing tiny circles over it.
            “Ahh!” she cried out.  “Yes!  There!”
            “Well, all you needed to do was ask, darling,” he teased before going back to tongue fucking her ass, while continuing to play with her clit.
            “When I get my arms free, I am so getting back at you for this.  You’ll be…Eep!” she yelped when he nipped her in the same spot he’d pinched her earlier.  He then went back to his task of thoroughly eating her out.  She moaned and gasped from both his tongue and his talented fingers until she fell over the precipice of pleasure again, ad this time the world went black.
            Consciousness creeped back into her and she laid floating for a bit.  As she grew more aware, she could feel him stroking her waist and pressing gentle kisses to her shoulder.  She smiled and hummed to show her pleasure.
            “Back with me love?” he asked.
            “Mmm,” she hummed.  “Back with you.”  She went to brush back one of his curls, but found she was still tied to the bed.  She raised her eyebrows inquisitively.
            “Well, we’re not done yet,” he replied teasingly.  “I still haven’t had my needs met.”  He thrust against her and she felt his turgid cock glide against her hip.  She smirked.
            “I’m surprised you waited for me to wake up,” she huffed.
            “I did think about just taking what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure it would go over well,” he said, stroking her hair.  “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
            She considered his words and nodded.  “It’s probably best that you didn’t,” she admitted.  “I don’t know if I’d have reacted well.  Thank you for being considerate.”
            “Aren’t I always?” he asked.
            “You really want me to answer that?” she teased.  He snorted and then moved, spreading her legs so he could lie between them.  He then lifted her legs again and hooked her knees over his shoulders.  She could feel her muscles burn at the action.  He’d been abusing them all night.
            “You’re going to be the one to beg a healing potion of Shadowheart when I can’ walk tomorrow,” she grumbled.
            “Oh, you’ll be able to walk,” he told her as his cock lined up to her cunt.  “Just not without remembering every moment of tonight.”  They both moaned when he sunk into her.  She was so wet and ready for him he’d barely had to puh in as her cunt swallowed him.  Though typically not very loud during the act, she moaned as each thrust of his thrusts shocked her core with a pleasure/pain sensation.  She was so overstimulated by this point.  Astarion seemed to be similarly affected, grunting with each frenzied thrust.  Neither was going to last long.  He kissed her as he lost his rhythm and she felt his release inside her.  She followed right after.
            She remained conscious this time, though she was happy to rest.  She enjoyed the feeling of him on top of her, his weight not crushing, but soothing.  They laid there like that for a while, but she slowly felt a growing ache in her arms.  She shifted to try to ease the strain and then hissed slightly when the movement caused her wrists to burn.  She glanced up to look at her wrists.  The rope blocked most of her view, but she could see they looked red, and without the endorphins flooding her system, they were a bit painful. 
            “Astarion, I need you to untie me,” she said.
            “Mmm?” he hummed sleepily.
            She squirmed beneath him to try and get him moving.  “I need you to untie me,” she repeated more urgently.  He lifted off her and gave her a confused frown before gazing at her wrists.  His expression immediately shifted to concern and he moved urgently to free her arms.  She immediately moved her arms down to inspect her wrists and inspected the damage.  Her wrists were rubbed raw, and were bleeding in some spots.  Astarion gently too her wrists in his hands as he inspected then and frowned.
            “I’m fine,” she assured him.  “The rope was just too rough.  Next time we should find something else to use.”
            “I should have paid better attention,” he admonished himself.  “I should have smelled the blood.”
            “Hey,” she said, and held his face in her hands so he would look at her.  “I’m fine.  It’s just a little rope burn.  It happens and it’s not a big deal.”  She kissed his nose and he made a face.  She laughed and then peppered kisses over his face until he was laughing too.
            When they stopped laughing, he pulled her tightly against him.  “I’m sorry,” he said and kissed her head.  “Even if I don’t need to be.”
            “Forgiven, even though the apology is unwarranted,” she said squeezing him tightly, before pulling back.  “You are going to be the one who wakes up Shadowheart for a healing potion, though.”
            “What!” he exclaimed.  “Why do I have to do it?  She likes you better.”
            “I’m not waking her up over this!” she replied.  “She would have been frosty over just asking for a healing potion to deal with sore muscles when that could have waited for morning.  I’m not going to be yelled at for waking her up and wasting a healing potion on careless sex while also getting made fun of when she sees my wrists.”
            “Ugh!  Fine,” Astarion agreed reluctantly and got up and re-dressed.  “I hope you appreciate what I do for you.”
            “Always!” Ailis said smiling.  He shook his head but smiled as he exited the building.  Ailis waited and then winced when she heard Shadowheart’s voice carry through camp.
            “What do you mean you need a healing potion?!” the half-elf cried.  She couldn’t hear Astarion’s reply but Shadowheart didn’t lower her voice.  “So, you’re going to have us short one potion because you two decided to get freaky and weren’t safe about it.”  She heard Wyll try to smother a laugh from his tent.  She buried her face in her hands.  She couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation but Astarion looked pained when he came back in, but he had the healing potion which he handed to her.
            “I probably don’t have to tell you this, but everyone knows what happened,” he said pulling her back against him.
            “Hopefully they decide we’ve been punished enough and don’t bring it up in the morning,” she replied and then drank the potion.  Her wrists quickly healed up and she twisted in his arms until she laid across his chest.  “Thank you.”
            “For the getting the healing potion?  You’re…”
            “No,” she cut him off.  “For taking care of me.”
            He kissed her head.  “Yes, well, you’re welcome,” he replied awkwardly.  “Get some sleep, darling.”  She smiled and closed her eyes.  Sleep quickly found her.
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mystique-6 · 3 months
Chapter Four: Caught Vulnerable:
Chapter Summary: The group gains another member and a camaraderie begins to build(if you squint anyway). A personal question sends Ailis towards a spiral and Astarion is a pos.
Author's Note: Hello and welcome to another chapter. Hopefully you enjoy but just fair warning, Astarion is a total perv in this one. These two are off to a rough start. I've added some more tags on what will eventually be found in this fic. I'm not sure if enemies-lovers really describes Astarion & Ailis but I can't think of a better one.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
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mystique-6 · 4 months
Kinktober Day 5 Table Sex
Summary: Ailis tries to make the best of a bad situation. She manages to make it worse.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like this please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tag Warnings: Table Sex, Non-consensual Touhing, Non-consensual spanking, Impact Play, Non-con/rape, vampire bite, semi-public sex, penis in vagina sex, anal fingering, figging, domestic violence, abuse, gags, orgasm denial
Additional Note: This fic involves Ascended Astarion.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
Ailis paused before the large oak doors of the dining room and took a deep breath.  She loathed this hour of the day when she was forced to dine with Astarion.  On a good day, it was the only time she saw him.  Other days he required more of her presence and the meal usually ended up as a prelude before something unpleasant.  Today had been a good day.  It seemed aa shame to ruin it with his presence.  She took another deep breath, opened one of the heavy oak doors, and swept into the dining room.
“Ah!  There you are, my darling consort!” Astarion exclaimed.  “You look beautiful this evening.”  She watched him take in her form she had draped in a midnight blue, velvet evening gown.  Her dark, black-brown hair was worn up in a braided bun.
“Thank you, my Lord,” she managed to force out in a polite tone.  She took her seat across from him at the ridiculously long dining table.  When they had first started living here, the size of the table had annoyed her.  Now she was grateful for the distance.  She took in the spread laid out for them; two golden goblets full of blood for her and a plate of ham with roasted potatoes and carrots for Astarion.  He also had his own goblet of blood and another filled with a red wine.  She frowned at her own goblets.  It wasn’t so much that she missed food.  She just didn’t like the reminder that she couldn’t have it any longer.  Astarion noticed her pouting.
“Is there something wrong with the blood I provided for you?” he asked.  She heard the warning in his tone.
“No.  Nothing,” she replied quickly and took a sip.  It was never enough to satisfy her hunger.  She forced a smile on her face anyway and Astarion nodded his approval.  She felt relief that he let the perceived slight go.  They went through the meal in silence.  They were the only two in the room.  Astarion always just rang a bell when he needed something else brought in, rather than have the staff stay in the room during their meals.  This hadn’t bothered her in the beginning.  She had enjoyed the intimacy of just the two of them dining alone.  Now she thought having the servants in her would be a nice distraction from the loud silence between them.
She finished her two goblets of blood and gazed at the old grandfather clock that stood against the adjacent wall.  Only twenty minutes had passed.  She couldn’t stand the thought of spending another forty minutes of tense silence.  She turned to stare at Astarion but she knew he would never dismiss her early.  She saw him reach for the Baldur’s Gate news pamphlet he read every evening, and she knew she had to do something to end this agony.
“How was your day?” she cried out in a forcefully optimistic tone.  Astarion’s hand paused over the pamphlet and he looked across the table at her in surprise.  By his baffled expression one would have thought she’d suddenly grown two heads.
“I’m sorry, darling.  What did you say?” he asked.
“I asked how your day was,” she said.
The look of surprise changed to one of suspicion.  “If you were needed on one of my current plans for the city, I would have included you, darling,” he said.  “Don’t trouble yourself about them.”  He started to reach for his news pamphlet again.  Ailis closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she tried to force back a scowl.  It had been months since either of them had initiated a normal conversation during dinner.  She should have anticipated he’d be suspicious.  She tried again.
“I wasn’t asking how your plans are going,” she said in an even tone.  “I was asking about your day.  Was it a good day?  Anything exciting happen?  Do you have anything you want to discuss.  That is what I meant.”
The look of surprise returned to his face and then shifted to confusion, though she could still see a hint of suspicion in his expression.  “I’m not sure why any of that matters to you, my dear,” he said stiffly.  “How my day went had nothing to do with you.”
This time she couldn’t hold back a groan of frustration.  “I am trying to make conversation with you!” she exclaimed.  “We never just talk anymore!  We used to talk…”  She cut off as she realized just how true her words were.  She couldn’t even remember the last conversation they’d had that didn’t involve thinly veiled threats or barbs.
Astarion stared at her for such a long moment she thought he was just going to ignore her, but finally he answered.  “My day was rather tedious.  All meetings that made very little progress.”  He paused.  “How was your day?”
Ailis tried to stifle her surprise.  She hadn’t expected him to return the inquiry.  “Also tedious.  There’s nothing for me to do here.”
Astarion snorted in derision.  “You have an entire library at your disposal,” he said.  “Not to mention the gardens or you could go riding along the grounds.  You also need only advise the servants to bring you anything you like.  If it’s something we don’t have here they’ll get it for you.”
“I’ve done all that you just suggested numerous times before,” she said.  “Doing the same thing day after day gets tiring.”
“My you have become spoiled, haven’t you?  It’s unbecoming, pet,” he scolded.  She looked down at her empty goblets shamed.  She looked back up when he spoke in a gentler tone.  “Why don’t you interact with the other spawn?  You might not feel so bored if you had more companionship.”
“The other spawn don’t like me,” she said, and was surprised by the sad tone in her voice.  She often told herself she didn’t care that she was ostracized from the other spawn.  She understood why they didn’t care for her.  Although Astarion was awful to her, he was even worse to his other spawn and he often set her up on a pedestal he made sure the others knew they wouldn’t reach.  Of course, they didn’t like her.
Astarion considered her words for a moment and nodded.  “They’re just jealous of you, darling,” he said.  “And they should be.  You’re far above them.  You shouldn’t concern yourself with whether they like you or not.”  She forced back a groan of frustration.  She shouldn’t be surprised his suggestion was to force her presence on the other spawn and ignore her discomfort.  He was forcing her into that situation every day with their dinner arrangement.  She reminded herself she was trying to make the best of it.
“What I would really like to do, is get out of the mansion,” she said, and then added quickly.  “Find something to do in Baldur’s Gate.”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Astarion replied stiffly.
“Why not?” she challenged.
She watched as a flare of his temper appeared in his gaze, but he answered her calmy.  “There are numerous miscreants walking the streets of this city.  You are my consort.  It is my duty o keep you safe.  You are safe here in the mansion.”
“In case you’re forgetting, I helped save this city.  I don’t need your protection,” she said.  She was honestly surprised he kept control of his temper.
“That was before I became the vampire ascendent, darling,” he said, a dangerous tone to his voice.  “There are those who would see me brought down.  These wicked, ignorant fiends would gladly try to use you to get to me, or hurt you to hurt me.  I won’t risk your safety.”
“You could come out with me,” she persisted.  “We haven’t done anything together in a long time.”
Astarion paused, but ultimately shook his head.  “I’m far too busy, darling,” he said.  “And really, there’s nothing happening in Baldur’s Gate worth our seeing.”
“So, you’ll neglect me simply because you aren’t interested in any events?” she snapped, finally losing her own temper.  She paled at the rage filled expression he gave her.  She’d finally crossed a line.
“Neglect you?” he hissed.  “Darling, I provide for you everything a person could want.  Others would be envious of your position, and yet you’ve grown so spoiled you are incapable of being grateful.”  She opened her mouth to protest, but he held up a hand to stop her.  “I really think you ought to be taught a lesson.  Come here, pet.”  Ailis hesitated, but stood when he opened his mouth to compel her.  She walked over to stand in front of him on legs that suddenly felt heavy as lead.
He observed her for a moment and then said, “Remove your clothes, darling.”           
Ailis blinked, and then shot nervous glances towards the rooms two entrances.  “The servants could enter at any moment,” she whispered.
“Ungrateful consorts don’t deserve privacy,” he said.  “Remove your clothes.”  When she continued to hesitate, he reached out and ripped her dress off her.  She let out a startled cry and quickly removed her remaining garments until she stood naked before him.
“Now get on the table on all fours,” he ordered.  She tried once again to protest but his time he stopped her with compulsion.  “Now, pet.”  She unwillingly moved to the table and moved his dining ware and news pamphlet out of the way before climbing up onto the table in front of him.  He stood up and then pressed down on her back between her shoulders so her chest laid on the table and her ass was raised up in the air.  He then rang the servant’s bell.
“No,” she whimpered.
“Hush, darling,” Astarion scolded.  “And don’t move from that position.”  Her body reacted to the command and she was locked in place, unable to try to shield herself from anyone’s eyes.  Her face flamed when she heard the servant’s entry door open and an angry tear slipped down her face at the indignity of being put on display like this.  She heard a brief murmur of voices with words spoken too low to hear, the door closing, and then reopening a few minutes later.  Another exchange of words occurred and then the door closed.
She trembled as she heard Astarion walk up behind her and then cried out as he shoved two fingers into her anus with no warning.  She grimaced as he roughly pumped his two lightly greased fingers one or two times and then slightly scissored them inside her before he removed them.  His fingers were then replaced by a different object, she assumed a plug, at her entrance before that was slid into place.  She was relieved at least the toy was greased, considering how wet it felt. 
“All right, darling?” Astarion asked, stroking her hip.
“Y-yes,” she replied in a shaky voice as she adjusted to the intrusion.  She waited for him to continue, but he just continued to stroke her body from her hip down her thigh and back.  She had just begun to relax slightly when the inside of her ass began to burn.  She cried out in shock.
“Darling?” Astarion questioned, but she heard the smirk in his voice and she realized now what he had been waiting for.
“It burns!”  she cried.  “What is it?”
“Peeled gingerroot,” he answered and stepped up to where she could see his face.  His expression was smug.
“Take it out!” she ordered.
“I don’t think so, love.  This is a punishment, remember?” he said.
“Please take it out!” she begged.  “I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  Please!”
“You’re not sorry,” Astarion stated harshly.  “You just want me to do what you want, but I’m not here to give you what you want.  I’m here to give you what you need, and right now, you need a lesson on gratitude.”  He suddenly thrust an apple in front of her mouth.
“Open,” he ordered and she obediently opened her mouth.  “Bite down on the apple.”  She did and grimaced as the apple’s juice filled her mouth.  It tasted like decaying garbage left out to rot in the sun.  She looked up at him with watery eyes.  He was staring down at her with a stern glare as he pulled off his belt.  “I’m going to give you twenty lashes with my belt.  You are not to drop the apple until I say so.  If you do, I will give you five more lashes for each time you drop it.  Nod that you understand.”
She nodded and he moved behind her.  She trembled as she waited for the first lash and then cried out, the sound muffled by the apple in her mouth.  He had hit her with his full force and the sting from the leather made her skin feel like it was on fire.  Worse, when she’d clenched down to brace herself for the next blow, the burn from the gingerroot grew more intense.  She screamed and sobbed around the apple as she was forced to take the full blow from the belt or clench around the gingerroot.  She felt an overwhelming since of doom and panic as she tried not to bite down too hard on the apple and let it fall from her mouth.
Finally, the last blow hit and she heard his belt drop to the floor.  She rested there as she shook from her sobs and then flinched when she felt his hands grip onto her hips.  He pulled her ass and hips down so she was parallel to the table and then pulled her back a bit so she was closer to the edge.  She felt the head of his cock press to her cunt and she moved to rest on her forearms so she could brace herself.  He brutally thrust into her and then set a punishing pace.
His thrusts left her in the same situation as the beating, and she was once again forced to take the full brunt of his thrusts against her bruised ass or clench around the gingerroot and worsen its burning sensation.  However, it was slightly better as his cock dragged against a sensitive spot inside her with each thrust.  He made no move to touch her, however, so she started to move her hand down to do it herself.  His hand caught hers in a crushing grip and he moved it back to where it had been resting.  His other hand slapped her bruised ass harshly and she whimpered.
“You cum from my cock alone or you don’t cum at all, pet,” Astarion grunted as he continued to pound in and out of her.  “This isn’t about your pleasure.”  Tears streamed down her face as he continued to take his own pleasure from her body and left her wanting.  She could tell he was approaching his release when his thrusts lost their rhythm. 
Suddenly, one of his hands wrapped around her throat and she was lifted to a kneeling position.  He adjusted the position of her head to bare her neck and then roughly sunk his fangs into her neck.  Her scream was muffled by the apple and she writhed from the agony of his harsh bite.  She felt a cold numbness spreading through her body and then the room began to spin as he continued to drink from her.  Dark spots began to grow around the edges of her vision until finally the whole room went dark and she was lost.
She did not know how long she was out, but she felt very groggy and weak when she regained consciousness.  She was still on the table, though she was now resting on her side.  Her ass throbbed from the lashes of the belt and the burn from the gingerroot still inside her, though that had diminished.  Somehow, she still had the apple clenched between her teeth.  She shifted and tried to push herself up to a sitting position.
“Careful, love,” Astarion said, and gripped her hip gently before pulling the gingerroot out.  She whimpered and he shushed her as he helped her move off the table then.  “Go slowly now.”  She managed to raise herself up and he then lifted her off the table before setting her down in his chair.  The room spun and she felt an overwhelming sensation of nausea.  She lowered her head between her knees and took deep breaths through her nose, while Astarion gently stroked her hair.  After another moment, she raised her head to look back up at him.
“Here, darling, you can let go of the apple now,” he said taking it from her mouth and placing it on the table.  She flexed her jaw which ached from being held open for so long.  She glared at the apple on the table and Astarion chuckled.  “Did it offend you?”
“It tasted disgusting,” she grumbled.  “I used to like apples.”
“Tastes can change,” Astarion said.  “Let’s get you more blood.”  He grabbed the servant’s bell and then she watched in confusion as he moved towards the servants’ entrance before ringing it.  She tensed as she saw the door open, but Astarion stood directly in the doorway, blocking the servant from view.  No, she realized, blocking her from view of the servant.  She felt tears burn her eyes which had begun to spill by the time Astarion approached her with a new goblet filled with blood.
“Darling?!” he exclaimed placing the blood on the table and taking her face in his hands.  “What’s wrong?”
“The s-servant was never in here?” she questioned.  “They never saw me like…they never saw me?”
Astarion gave her a soft look.  “No, darling, they never saw you,” he said.  “You are entitled to privacy.”  His expression changed to be sterner.  “When you behave.”  She heard the warning.  He’d put her on display if she didn’t please him.  She should feel angry and disgusted but she only felt relieved.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
He stroked her cheek.  “Of course, pet,” he said and then handed her the goblet.  “Now drink this slowly.”  She listened to him and slowly sipped the blood from her goblet until it was all gone.  She felt her strength return to her and she placed the goblet on the table before glancing up at him.  He held his hand out to her and she took it and let him help her to her feet.  She grimaced when she felt his spend drip out of her and begin to slide down her thigh.  He laughed.  “Let’s get you cleaned up.”  He started to lead her towards the door but she held back.  He gave her a questioning look.
“You tore my dress,” she said.  She didn’t want to be paraded through the mansion naked. 
Astarion looked towards the torn fabric left in a pile on the floor and smirked.  “So I did,” he said.  She worried for a moment that he was going to make her leave the room naked but he then lifted his own shirt off his body and then helped her into it.  It covered her to mid-thigh.  She smiled at him and gave him a small kiss.  He stroked her cheek again and gave her a soft look.  “I’ll look into what events are happening in the Gate this weekend.  I’m sure I can find something that’s suitable for us to attend.” 
She felt her heart swell and she wrapped her arms around him.  “Thank you,” she murmured.
She felt him smile against her temple.  “This is was gratitude gets you, darling,” he said and then pulled pack and gave her a warning look.  “Don’t forget it.”  She shook her head quickly and followed him out of the room, all fuzzy feelings lost.  All she’d really learned is she would never get anything from him without a cost. 
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mystique-6 · 4 months
BG3 Act 2
Hello BG3 players! I am in Act 2 and I am worried I am moving too quickly through it and I'm not sure what my next steps should be so I am hoping I can get some advice. Here is what I have already completed quest wise or have started:
I have spoken w/ everyone at Last Light Inn. I have just finished speaking to Isobel and having that fight out of the way.
I have completed the Madeline quest.
I have played hide and seek with the creepy oliver kid.
The Harpers and I have taken out a creepy spider dude and his minions.
I have found Arabella and her parents.
I have taken out the mad doctor, a guy that had a serious drinking problem, and some tax collector.
I saved Rolan?(tiefling dude who's always fighting w/ his siblings)
Companion wise:
Gale has been told he needs to off himself which led to him asking me to join him in the middle of the night while he had a crisis. I think I talked him off the ledge(hopefully)
Mizora wants us to save someone. (I had to turn down Wyll. It was very sad)
Karlach can touch ppl again but Dammon can't fix her engine and she needs to return back to the hells.
I don't know what to do from here. I don't know if I should do Halsin's quest next? Go to Moonrise towers and get that done and save the tiefling prisoners. I have Raphael's request which is important to Astarion. I was going to do that but it seems that mauseleum request is also important for getting rid of the big bad so I am not sure if I need to do Moonrise first.
Can I please get some help? I don't want to miss anything. Especially towards my Astarion romance. I do not want to have to go back to previous saves later. TBH, I don't have the time for that.
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mystique-6 · 4 months
Chapter Three: Recruiting the Team
Chapter Summary: As Ailis begins her journey to learn about the tadpole she begins to gather other survivors from the ship. Can they work together to free themselves from their tadpoles?
Author's Note:
Author's Note: And this chapter is up earlier than expected! This is probably the last update for this fic for 2023. Not only am I working two jobs, but with the holidays my time is limited, but I am hoping to have the next chapter up in early January. Ideally, I want to post at least once a month. Also, please bare with me in these early chapters. I know they're feeling very dialogue heavy and are mostly just following the game. That will change as the story goes on. Right now, I just think it's the best and easiest way to get the group together. It will start to feel more balanced in the next chapter or two. If you have time please leave me a review. They keep me motivated. I hope you enjoy the chapter!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3. All rights belong to Larian. Congrats to them on winning Game of the Year!
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mystique-6 · 4 months
Kinktober Day 4: Thigh Riding/Sex Pollen/Forced Orgasm (it's really more like Whumptober)
Summary: Ailis accidentally drugs herself with an aphrodisiac. Not knowing if ignoring the effects of the drug are fatal, it forces a sexual encounter with Astarion when the two are barely on speaking terms.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s) that I'll be getting too when I have more time or they may be standalones. Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. The first fic I am listing below. I also have posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tag Warnings: Thigh Riding, Sex Pollen, Forced Orgasm, Dubious Consent, Hurt/Comfort, Fuck or Die, Crying, Whump
**** Important Note**** Okay this prompt really got away from me. It was not supposed to be this long and it definitely wasn't supposed to be angsty at all. This is part of kinktober but I think it's clear I turned this into a whumptober post. Please pay attention to the tags. Due to the fact that it's not really kink anymore I am not going to include it in the tags. I don't think it fits.
Also, these prompts are possibly going to be in my main fic for Ailis/Astarion. They were meant to be written so they could be read completely on their own but as I said...this prompt got away from me. There's something referenced that might be a bit confusing but I think you can probably guess a bit of Ailis' backstory from what is provided.
Additional Note: This fic involves Spawn Astarion.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
            Ailis and Astarion traipsed through the Underdark in a stony silence, both doing the best they could to ignore the other.  Ailis wished she’d been stuck with any other member of the rag tag group she’d been traveling with.  Usually, she didn’t mind being paired with Astarion, but he’d been insufferable from the moment they descended into the Underdark, being prickly and rude to everyone.  They had had words, and now weren’t currently on speaking terms.
            For the past day, if they had needed to pair off, they both opted to go with a different companion.  There hadn’t been an option this time.  They’d stumbled upon a set of timmask mushrooms and set off its confusing causing spores.  The confusion had separated them from the rest of the group.  It had been about an hour now and they still hadn’t found them.  She hoped the rest of the group had managed to stay together.
            “Do you hear or see any sign of them?” she asked, breaking their silence.
            “If I did, I would have said so,” Astarion replied icily.  He didn’t even look at her.  Ailis felt her anger rekindle and she stormed off ahead of him a few feet.  She had reached her limit with his attitude.  She understood he was upset over losing the sun again, but he had no right to take it out on her and the others.  She tried always to grant him grace and patience, but when he got like this, he made it so difficult for her.  She didn’t like the reminder of her more negative traits.  She was trying to be better.
            Suddenly, she felt something deflate beneath her boot and she became surrounded by a gold dust that puffed up into the air around her.  She began to sneeze and tried to back out of the dust cloud, but she ended up creating another cloud when she stepped on, what she now saw was, another mushroom.  She began to panic as she saw she’d stumbled into a field of these mushrooms, and she’d be unlikely to make her way out of it without stepping on another between her sneezing and the thick cloud of dust that was beginning to impede her view.  She took a hesitant step but felt another mushroom beneath her boot.  Just as she was about to call for help, she felt a hard tug on her arm and she was dragged out of the mushroom field, somehow managing to not burst another mushroom in the process.
            “You would think, considering what happened due to the timmask spores, that you would pay more attention to where you are walking,” Astarion scolded her harshly.
            “Well, if you weren’t being such an insufferable jerk…”
            “Don’t blame me for your missteps,” Astarion snapped.  “If I were you, I’d spend my time hoping those mushrooms aren’t poisonous.”
            Ailis felt her anger be replaced with worry.  She glanced back at the mushroom patch, but they looked just as foreign to her as everything else did down here.  She looked back at Astarion.  “Do you know what kind of mushrooms they are?”
            Astarion snorted.  “Why would I?  Too bad you didn’t get stuck with Gale.  The wizard would probably know.”  He frowned as he gazed down at her.  She must have looked pathetic because his expression softened slightly.  “Do you feel all right?”
            Ailis thought for a moment, taking stock of her body.  She didn’t feel sick or light-headed.  After the initial fit of sneezing, she had no trouble breathing nor was she in pain.  “I feel fine.”
            “Let’s get a move on then,” Astarion said walking on ahead of her.  “Try not to walk into any other mushroom patches, hmm?”  She scowled at his back and followed him, paying more attention to where she stepped.
            After a few minutes, she did start to feel strange.  She became warm and flushed.  Her heartrate sped up a bit and her breathing changed to quick and shallow breaths.  To her shock and horror, she felt heat pooling to in between her legs and she could tell she was already wet.  Feeling panicked she called out to Astarion.
            He turned back to her, clearly annoyed.  “What is it now?” he asked.  His expression quickly turned to one of concern though.  “Ailis, what’s wrong?”  He walked back to her and placed a hand on her waist to steady her when she swayed a bit.  She moaned.  They both stood there shocked for a moment.  “Ailis, what…”
            “I think it’s the mushrooms,” Ailis gasped.  “I..I want…I need…”  With no control of her actions her hand slipped into her pants and undergarment.  Her face became even more flushed.  She was appalled by her behavior.
            Astarion’s expression was both shocked and amused.  “Those mushrooms must have been an aphrodisiac,” he said.  He then grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand out of her pants, and began to lead her forward.
            Ailis whined.  “I need…”
            “I know what you need,” Astarion told her.  “We’re going to take care of that in a moment for you.  Let’s try to find a more secluded place first.”  She whined, but continued to follow him.  The intensity of her need only grew and she would have been lost if he hadn’t been holding her hand.  He finally led them over to a small alcove formed in the middle of a rock formation.  He sat down on a rock that time had leveled out.  He spread his legs to be shoulder width apart and then pulled her forward so she was straddled over one of his thighs, but made no other move to touch her.  She gazed at him in confusion.
            “Well, go on, Ailis.  Take what you need,” he said, raising his thigh to bump against her core so she would understand what he intended for her.
            She whined, from both the contact and dismay.  “I want…I want you to touch me.”
            “Well unfortunately for you, I’m a bit cross with you right now and I don’t want to touch you,” he snapped.  “You should consider yourself lucky that I’m letting you hump my leg like some common bitch in heat.”  Tears welled up in her eyes and she bit her lip to keep it from trembling.  She didn’t want to use his body to meet her needs if he didn’t want her, but her desire was too strong.  She lowered herself onto his thigh and then gently grinded herself against it.  It was barely anything at all, but she still groaned in relief and she slumped against his torse.  She was surprised when his arms came up around her and he began to stroke her back.
            “Come on now, darling,” he said much gentler than before.  “Take what you need.”  She moaned and moved again, pressing down harder on his thigh.  Her pace increased with her desperation.  “That’s it, darling.  Keep going.”  She whimpered and she rocked and grinded against him.  He continued to murmur words of encouragement and gently stroke her back.  She chased her need until finally her orgasm ripped through her so violently, she passed out.
            When she came back to herself, she found Astarion had moved her so she sat comfortably on his lap instead of straddling his thigh.  He was murmuring sweet words to her, but her foggy brain wasn’t taking them in.  She enjoyed the sensation of his hands rubbing soothing circles on her back, and sat there contently for a moment.  Her content didn’t last long.  She whined as her body began to beg for release again.
            Astarion pulled back so he could look at her.  “Ailis, what’s wrong?” he asked.  He looked and sounded very worried.
            “It didn’t work!” she cried.  “I still need…” She broke off with a groan and started rocking herself on his lap even though she was no longer straddling him and it brought her no relief.  She couldn’t help herself.
            “All right, Ailis.  Hold on,” he said.  He then lifted her up into his arms as he stood up and then laid her on the ground.  He quickly undid her laces and began to pull her pants and undergarment off.
            “What are you doing?” Ailis cried.
            Astarion met her gaze, continuing to remove her pants.  “Helping you.”
            She felt tears sting her eyes.  “But you don’t want to,” she whispered.
            He shrugged.  “It won’t kill me to have sex with you.”  He began to spread her legs as he said it.  She forced them closed even though she yearned for his touch. 
            “That’s not the point,” she said, tears spilling over now.  “I’m not going to force you into sex when…”  Astarion pulled her up into his lap and held her against him.  She buried her face in his neck to try and hide her tears.
            “Ailis, look at me,” he said.  She shook her head.  He stroked her back and she shivered at his touch.  “I know you don’t want to, but I need you to look at me, Ailis.”  She slowly sat back so she could look at him.  He cupped her face in his hands so she couldn’t look away.
            “You are not forcing me to have sex with you,” he said, wiping her tears away.  “I am choosing to have sex with you, to help you with a very unfortunate situation.  It does not hurt me to do this for you.”
            Ailis shook her head.  I can manage without sex.  I…”
            “I’m not sure you can,” Astarion interrupted.  “Ailis, your heart is racing and I can tell your blood pressure is too high just by how flushed you are.  I’m worried of what could happen if you don’t get release.”
            She felt panic begin to consume her.  “You think I might die?”
            “If we can’t get the aphrodisiac from those mushrooms out of your system it might be a possibility,” he said.  “We’re not going to let that happen though, okay?”  He laid her back down.  She must have still looked hesitant though and he kissed her forehead.  “I’m not going to force myself on you.  If you really don’t want to do this, we’ll do our best to manage this another way.  However, if you’re just saying no because you think you’re hurting me I promise you, you’re not.  Now, will you let me help you, darling?”
            She gazed up at him for a moment and then slowly opened her legs for him.  “Good girl,” he praised and she actually whined.  He wasted no time settling between her thighs.  He pulled her legs over his shoulders.  He parted her lips, exposing her core, and then licked from her perinium to her clit.  She nearly sobbed from the relief.  Her hands reached down and clasped onto his white curls, urging him to continue.  He kissed, licked, and nipped along her labia before dipping his tongue as deep into her cunt as he could.  She cried out and thrust her hips into his face.  She felt him smile against her, but he didn’t pull away.  He slowly dipped his tongue in and out of her, until she thought she would go mad.  Just when she was about to beg him to touch her where she truly needed him, he moved back to her clit and sucked.
            She screamed as she came.  Her back arched off the ground and her whole body shook from it, but she felt no release when it was over.  She sobbed.  “Astarion, I’m still…”
            “I know, darling.  I know,” he soothed and dipped two fingers into her.  She groaned.  His thumb rubbed tiny circles over her swollen clit as he pumped his fingers inside her.  He leaned over her for a quick kiss.  “I’m going to take care of you.  Don’t worry.”  She whined and pulled his face back down for a deeper kiss.  He broke the kiss and then nipped her gently on the jaw before soothing the sting with his tongue.  He trailed kisses down her throat and then across her breasts.  He slipped a third finger into her at the same time he sucked a nipple into his mouth.  He free hand moved to pinch and tweak at the other nipple.
            Ailis arched up into his mouth.  “Please,” she gasped.  “I need…I need…”
            “Yes, darling?” Astarion teased, continuing to play with her nipples.  “What do you need?”
            “I need to cum!” she cried as she thrusted down on his fingers inside her, trying to catch her release.
            “If you insist,” Astarion replied and applied more pressure to her abused clit while also thrusting his fingers deeper inside her to press against the spot he knew she was most sensitive.  She moaned at the assault of pleasure and tipped over the edge of her release, her body trembling violently.  When she regained the ability to think she realized Astarion was still moving his fingers inside her, though with less force.  She whimpered at the overstimulation, but couldn’t help but thrust down to match his tempo. 
            “Any better, darling?” Astarion asked, brushing a strand of sweat soaked hair off her face. 
            “It’s not as intense as before but I’m still…”  She let the rest of the sentence go.  It was obvious she was still affected by the aphrodisiac.
            Astarion nodded.  “I think one more time will do it.”  He removed his fingers from her and she whined at the loss, but she shook her head at his suggestion.
            “I can’t cum again,” she sighed.
            “I assure you, darling, with me as your partner you can.”  He gave her a wicked grin as he unlaced his trousers.  “Besides, at this point I could use the release too.”  She saw his erect cock as he shoved his pants and smalls down.  It was usually a welcome sight, but she only felt an increasing wave of anxiety from the sight of it now.  Astarion noticed and immediately stopped what he was doing.
            “If you really don’t want to do this, Ailis, I won’t force you,” he said.  “We can stop now and wait and see if the aphrodisiac will wear off.”
            “I…” she trailed off.  She didn’t want to have sex right now.  She was exhausted and overstimulated from her previous orgasms.  She was also scared.  She was scared that another orgasm wouldn’t work.  She was scared of what could happen if they couldn’t get the aphrodisiac out of her system.  She was scared of what this encounter could cost them both.  And she was scared of the darker memories that were pushing at the forefront of her brain.  She met Astarion’s eyes.  “Do you think one more will end this?”
            “I can’t promise you that,” Astarion said, “but the effects have seemed to have faded a bit after the last one.  I think it’s worth a try to go another round.  The choice is yours, Ailis.”
            Tears of frustration welled in her eyes, but she nodded.  “Okay,” she agreed.  “But just this last time.”  Astarion nodded and aligned his cock to her entrance.  He sank in easily; she was so wet and ready for him.  The sensation was overwhelming.  She couldn’t decide if the feeling was more pain or pleasure.  Her tears spilled over and Astarion kissed them away.  She stared up at the rock ceiling of the Underdark and began to drift.  Her mind shifted back to her time in the trenches.  She felt panic consume her, but before she could lose it completely, she heard her name being called.
            “Ailis!”  Pulled back to the moment she met Astarion’s gaze.  He’d stopped moving.  “You’re not there, darling.  You’re in the Underdark, right here with me.  You’re safe.  I’ve got you.”  She nodded.
            “Kiss me.  Please?” she pleaded.  Astarion smiled and then kissed her as he began moving again.  She anchored her mind to his presence.  She touched him everywhere she could reach so she would know it was him touching her; so, she wouldn’t drift back there.  It didn’t prove too hard.  The pleasure overtook the pain and her hips were rolling of their own accord to meet his thrusts.  She felt her tension pull tighter and tighter until finally it was released.  In the back of her mind, she could feel him find his own release inside her, but she faded to the void before she could be aware of anything else.
            When she came back to the world, she found herself cradled in Astarion’s arms.  She was sore and exhausted.  It felt like she had the world’s worst hangover and her groggy mind was having trouble bringing her thoughts in focus.  They slammed back to the forefront of her mind after a moment and she ripped herself out of his arms.
            “Ailis?” Astarion questioned.
            “How long have I been out?” she asked woodenly.
            “Maybe twenty minutes,” Astarion replied.  “Darling, are you okay?  How are you feeling?  Has the aphrodisiac worn off?”
            “Yes, it’s worn off,” she replied frantically pulling on her clothes.  She felt filthy and disgusted with herself for getting them both in this situation.  She just wanted to hide her body from his gaze.
            “Are you all right, Ailis?” he asked concerned as he stood up.  He’d already re-dressed.
            “We need to find the others,” she said without answering him.  She went to walk off but her legs wobbled at the movement and she would have gone down if Astarion hadn’t caught her.  Tears burned her eyes.
            “I know you don’t want to be near me right now, and that you don’t want to be touched,” he said, “but if you want to resume searching for our group, you’ll need to lean on me.”  She clenched her jaw to stop it from quivering, though she couldn’t stop an angry tear from spilling down her face, and she leaned into his side.  He wrapped an arm around her waist and they resumed their search.  About a half hour from when they started moving again, they saw smoke rising ahead of them.
            “Are you able to stand on your own?” Astarion asked.  She nodded and stepped away from him.  “I’m going to scout ahead and see where that smoke is coming from.”
            “You shouldn’t go alone,” she said.
            “I’ll be fine,” he told her.  “No one will see me if I don’t want them to.  Wait here.  I’ll be right back.”  She did as he said, watching him disappear around a rocky hill.  She waited anxiously until she saw him coming back toward her. 
            “Well?” she asked.
            “Our search is over,” Astarion said.  “The camp belongs to our companions.  Let’s reunite.”  He placed his arm around her waist again and they both stumbled their way into camp in their rush to get there.  Their companions looked up warily at their approach but looked relieved when they recognized them.
            “There you are!” Wyll exclaimed.
            “We looked for you for hours,” Shadowheart said sounding only slightly annoyed.  She then noticed Ailis was being held up by Astarion.  “What happened?”
            “Is she hurt?” Gale asked concerned.
            “She’s not hurt,” Astarion assured them while helping her down onto a bedroll.  “It’s just been a long day.”
            Ailis saw Wyll look at her for confirmation.  She forced a weary smile on her face.  “I’m fine.  Really.  Did you all have any trouble?”
            “We had the great misfortune to come upon two minotaur,” Gale said.  “It was hard to say who among us was more surprised, us or the minotaur, but needless to say we came out on top.”
            “If it was needless to say then you shouldn’t have said it,” Lae’zel remarked snidely.
            Gale looked taken aback but ignored the remark and continued speaking to Ailis.  “We only just set up camp.  We were hoping you’d find us so we waited on dinner, but finally had to get it started.  It will be ready in thirty minutes or so.”
            “Great,” Ailis said curling up on the bedroll.  “Someone wake me up when dinner’s ready.”  She was asleep before she even heard anyone agree.  When Wyll woke her up later she was feeling a little better.  The meal also had her feeling more herself and she made her normal rounds around camp, though she avoided Astarion.
            After checking in with everyone she decided to clean herself up a bit before bed.  She was exhausted, but she knew she’d regret waiting until morning to do so.  She slipped behind a rock formation blocking her from camp and used the bath supplies that someone had already set up there.  She was just relacing her pants when she heard someone clear their throat.
            “Are you decent, darling?” Astarion asked.  She felt her anxiety begin to peak again.  She really didn’t want to speak with him right now, but she knew they needed to discuss what happened and putting it off wouldn’t be helpful.
            “Yes, I’m decent,” she sighed.  Astarion came around the corner of the formation.  They both stared at each other awkwardly for a moment and then they both blurted out at the same time, “I’m sorry!”
            Astarion’s forehead furrowed in confusion.  “Darling, why are you sorry?” he asked.
            “I forced you to have sex with me when you didn’t want to,” she said.  “I should have dealt with the problem on my own.”
            “You didn’t force me to do anything, Ailis,” he said and then shut her down when she tried to argue.  “No, no.  Listen to me.  You didn’t force me to have sex with you.  You got drugged accidentally and I chose to help you.  That was my choice.”
            “But you said you didn’t want to touch me,” she whispered as she felt tears welling up in her eyes yet again.
            Astarion’s expression became pained.  “I know.  That’s what I wanted to apologize for.  You were right the other night.  I have been taking out my frustration of being out of the sun again on you and everyone else since we got here.  That hasn’t been fair of me.  It especially wasn’t fair of me to purposefully say something I knew would hurt you just because you called me out for my poor behavior.  I’m sorry.”
            “I forgive you,” she said.  “And I’m still sorry too.”
            “Not for forcing you into sex, but for getting us into the situation,” she said.
            “Ailis, you accidentally stepped on some mushrooms,” Astarion said.  “It was an accident.  You don’t need to be sorry over an accident, especially since you were only distracted because I was being an ass.”
            “Okay, fine.  I’m sorry we were both put into that situation in the first place,” she snapped.  “Can I be sorry for that?”
            Astarion smirked.  “I’ll allow it.”
            She rolled her eyes, but then gave him a softer look.  “I’m also sorry for what I said the other night.”
            “Why?” he questioned.  “You were right.  I’ve been an ass.”
            “You have,” she agreed, “but you’re also dealing with the loss of something important to you that you just got back after years f misery.  I should have given you more grace and showed more understanding.  It’s just…”
            “Just what, darling?” he asked when she paused.
            “I don’t like being down here either,” she said.  “All these dirt walls on every side of me, anywhere I look, it reminds me of the trenches.  It sends my mind right back there.”
            “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.  “I didn’t realize you were struggling.”
            Ailis met his sympathetic gaze and suddenly all the emotions she’d been trying to suppress hit her at once and she burst into tears.  “I promised myself I would never lose control of my body again!” she cried.
            “Ailis,” he murmured and immediately pulled her into his arms.  He then thought better of it and started to pulled away, but she clung tighter to him so he began to gently stroke her back.  “I’m sorry you were in a similar position today.  I know you didn’t want anything that happened today.  I’m sorry that I contributed to your trauma.”
            Ailis shook her head and looked up at him.  “You didn’t,” she said.  “I didn’t want to do anything that happened today, but that didn’t have anything to do with you.  You helped.  You let me choose whether you helped me or not.  I just wasn’t happy I had to make the choice at all.  I know if I said no would have stopped.  Thank you.”
            “You always have the option to say no to me, Ailis,” he said seriously.  “Now, come on.  Let’s get you to bed.  You’re practically dead on your feet.”
            “I know.  That’s usually just your thing,” she teased and then laughed when he lightly smacked her on the ass.  There was no sting to it.
            “That’s very rude you know,” he whined, but she could tell he wasn’t really aggravated.  “I’ve been so good to you today.”
            She smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.  “I know,” she said gently tugging on a white curl that fell onto his forehead.  “Thank you.”  He smiled and then leant her his arm.  She leaned heavily on him as he led her safely back into camp.
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mystique-6 · 5 months
Chapter 2: A Bumpy Ride
Chapter Summary: Ailis awakens to a damaged ship. On her way to the helm she meets Lae'zel. Can the two work together to escape the crashing ship?
Author's Note: I'm so excited I was able to get this chapter done so soon. I just want to say though that this probably won't happen often. I took advantage of the holiday weekend to be able to finish this chapter, but I work two jobs so my time to write is limited. The goal is to get a chapter a month done. Pay attention to the tags! I've added some more. They're nothing surprising or very extreme but check them out before deciding to continue or not.
Also, I realized I never gave a character description for my OC so I did my best to fit that in this chapter, along with Lae'zel and Shadowhearts' appearances. I'm not the best at describing characters' physical appearances though. Please be gentle. If you want to see my oc please follow the link below. I shared a picture on my tumblr page.
I hope you enjoy the chapter and if you have time please leave a review. They feed my motivation.
Disclaimer: I own nothing from BG3. All rights belong to Larian.
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mystique-6 · 5 months
Tumblr media
This is just a screenshot of my tav. I'm sharing it for anyone reading my fanfic who wanted to see exactly what she looks like.
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mystique-6 · 5 months
Fic Name: This is Me Trying
Summary: Ailis just wanted to start a new life and be a person again. Instead she was kidnapped by mindflayers and winds up in the position of leader of a very rag tag group adventurers who all want the same thing...to get rid of their tadpoles before they all become mindflayers. As the group journeys to Baldur's Gate friendships develop and Ailis finds herself drawn to a certain vampire spawn. While the relationship starts out of simple convenience it quickly blossoms into something more...but are either ready for that?
Author's Note: I have been invested in BG3 since YouTube first recommended a video for me to watch back in 2020. I quickly became obsessed with a certain vampire rogue. I was lucky to have a very kind and generous friend gift me the game in EA when I mentioned I planned to purchase the game when I was able to save up for it. And shortly after creating my tav, Ailis, I began plotting this fanfic. I decided to wait for the whole game to be released so I wouldn't have to have a long delay if I managed to finish Act I before the game came out and in case there were changes made to the characters and story. I am glad I made this decision.
A lot of this fic will follow the game exactly, but there will be slight differences to fit this fic, particularly with Astarion's story. I want to make one thing very clear, I love Astarion and his story. I think he is a very compelling character and I think he and his story are very well written. I know a lot of people really connect with both this character and his story and I think that is a great thing. However, I really liked his original corrupt magistrate story that was presented in EA that seemed to be dropped in the official game(or at least watered down). I thought that would make a compelling story and I also prefer more morally dark characters. All this is to say, some of Astarion's characterizations will be different than they are in game as well as some of his story.
For his character, I do intend to write him as a slightly darker than he is in game. Nothing crazy. He really won't be any worse than he is Act I but I don't intend to have him stray too far from how he is in Act I. He will have moments of softness, especially towards my tav, but he won't get as soft as he is in game. At least that's not my intent. This is mostly because I prefer vampiric characters to be a little darker. In D&D, Vampire Spawn have the same shift in personality as True Vampires based on what I have read so I am leaning into that a little more.
For his story, how he views and feels about sex is going to be different. SA is still going to be a part of his backstory but I am adjusting bits of that to fit this story. Honestly, though I think his story is great and well written some of it just doesn't make since with me on a narrative level.
I just wanted to mention this because I know people feel very strongly about his character and story and just want to give warning that both will be a little different in this fic and that might mean it won't be for every Astarion fan. That's okay. There a plenty of great fics out there. However, if you are still intrigued by this fic I really hope you enjoy it. I'm only one chapter in but I had a lot of fun writing it.
The tags will be updated as the story progresses so make sure you always check them before starting a new chapter. I normally include all tags that will be used when I begin a fic but this fic keeps changing directions a bit on me so I'm doing it this way for now.
I hope you enjoy and if you have time please review. I love getting feedback and they really motivate me to keep going.
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