nadiasayre · 3 years
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Sad and angry at the actions of VGP press that led to this (all within 24 hours, whew!), but glad it’s being canceled if the original author behind the idea was not being credited.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
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nadiasayre · 3 years
Save for some chapter combining and the subsequent renumbering, Part One Draft 1.5 is done! It's ready for readers, even though it won't be seen until Part Two is also done.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
how do you guys come up with titles for your stories?
— sincerely a writer who has come up with (2) titles in the span of (4) years and one of them was a complete accident
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nadiasayre · 3 years
"Leave notes about what you want to insert and then go back and add the details in later!" works great when you're writing but then the day comes when it's later and you're in absolute hell.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
Is it possible to somehow be all of them? But mostly a Mashup of the Pantsers
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Lawful Pantser
Writes everything in order
Uses flashlight method to get to the end
Ends up in strange places
Knows random details no one else cares about
Neutral Pantser
Writes things as they come to them
Not afraid to bounce around
Knowing the ending makes it boring
Chaotic Pantser
Writes completely out of order
What the fuck is a plot?
Loves side fiction and writes whatever they’re excited about
Lawful Plantser
Knows the ending, writes toward it
Loves to worldbuild
Uses character bios/has definitely taken personality tests for their characters
True Plantser
Starts an outline
Goes off script and ends up in unexpected places
But that’s okay because this is more interesting anyways
Chaotic Plantser
Has an idea of a plot when they start
who writes things down???
has to assemble scenes into a frankendraft
Lawful Plotter
Has detailed character bios
Multi-page outline organized by scene/chapter
Probably knows what colour socks their MC wears on Tuesdays
Neutral Plotter
Brief outline
Likes to use beat sheets
Modifies and updates as they go
Thinks about writing character bios, rarely does
Chaotic Plotter
Writes scene on little cards and tries to organize them on a board
Writes said scenes out of order
Copy and paste is your friend
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nadiasayre · 3 years
When you think a word is going to be too modern to use in your historical fantasy setting but actually it's old AF
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nadiasayre · 3 years
Plenty has been said about the flaws with the "you have to write every day" advice, so I won't waste time qualifying what I'm about to say- it's advice that doesn't work for a lot of people for a lot of reasons.
Unfortunately for me, it's the only advice that works. My writing success is based entirely on momentum. Sometimes "writing every day" looks like typing "the" and nothing else. Sometimes it's deleting a sentence but adding nothing. But it has to happen every day to keep propelling me forward.
The month of March has been so focused on preparing to move, then the actual move, and now we're unpacking. It's been a week in the new place but of course we're both still working full time, errands still need to be run, and there's a recovery period. The only time I've opened Scrivener in about a month was to make sure the files opened when I reinstalled the program in my new computer!
I'm filled with anxiety about how the rest of these edits will go. I was at a tricky point when life interrupted, it's going to be even trickier to jump back in and regain my momentum. I'm honestly afraid, and also frustrated that I'm still delayed but there are things that have to take priority!
I wish "write every day" wasn't the advice that worked for me. I can only hope diving back in after a brief hiatus hasn't harmed me too much.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
I feel like there needs to be an author alignment chart
Chaotic Evil is writing on your phone in the dark with no glasses on (me)
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nadiasayre · 3 years
My average chapter length is looking to be around 1500 words each. I’m not trying to hit that range, but it seems to be where natural breaks happen. That means I’m looking at around 70 chapters (as of now, some might be combined or more might be split.) I, personally, prefer shorter chapters as a reader. In addition to providing stopping points they also keep me moving and make the progress in a book feel more real. It also seems like that’s a high number of chapters. Trying not to concern myself with this too much, though. It’s only draft 1.5 so who knows what will happen during the next round of edits.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
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It’s not actually a self drag, but writing it felt a little ironic.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
The real measure of a writer is what oddly specific tropes show up constantly in their work and make you question What Happened
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nadiasayre · 3 years
I have ten chapters edited! Given how they keep splitting and growing I don’t know how many that ten is out of, but it seems to be at least 40! My revised goal is to have the Part 1 (or First Year, since the story is set at a university and the passage of time structured around a school year) finished by Valentine’s, as it’s not looking promising to have the whole book at draft 1.5 by then.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
Today’s the first day since I started this absolutely heinous editing process that I’ve had a net negative word count and there’s honestly something a little bit exhilarating to know that I’ve trimmed the fat and that the words left are better for it.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
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A new notebook to help me take quick notes as I work on edits, featuring the art of @musterni-illustrates (Amrit Brar). I know I could have gotten a pack of composition books cheap, but I'm glad I splurged on something distinctive.
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nadiasayre · 3 years
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Going through and cataloging assorted things while editing. Unsure why I chose this phrasing for this but here we are...
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nadiasayre · 3 years
Some nights my writing just annoys me. It’s not the plot, or the characters, or that there’s any kind of “writers’ block,” it’s just that I am painfully aware of the things that I overuse, the repetitive way I construct sentences, the amount of times I begin a scene with someone waking up, or someone starts a sentence with “oh.”
These are all things that can be fixed with edits so I try not to dwell on them and move past in the moment, but sometimes they just stand out so much I can’t help but fixate on these little things I do that I find annoying and it impedes my progress.
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