nekkochyan · 4 years
みなさん、こんにちは!LESSON 5
Negative and Past-tense of I-Adjectives
Hello guys! It’s been a while but today I’m going to talk about negating I-Adjectives and putting them in the past tense, so let’s get started!
可愛い「かわいい」 cute
寒い「さむい」 cold
暑い「あつい」 hot (weather)
高い「たかい」 expensive, tall
安い「やすい」 cheap
To negate we get rid of the last い and add くない!To make it formal we add です!
可愛くないです not cute
寒くないです not cold
暑くないです not hot
高くないです not tall, expensive
安くないです not cheap
Now, for past negative, change the い of くない into かった, making it くなかった. Then, add です for formality.
可愛くなかったです was not cute
寒くなかったです was not cold
暑くなかったです was not hot
高くなかったです was not tall, expensive
安くなかったです was not cheap
For past tense, get rid of い and add かった!Then add です
可愛かったです was cute
寒かった was cold
暑かったです was hot
高かったです was tall, expensive
安かった was cheap
Sample Sentences!
明るい「あかるい」 bright i-adj
星「ほし」 star
今朝「けさ」 this morning
朝ごはん「あさごはん」 breakfast
眠い「ねむい」 sleepy, tired
青い「あおい」 blue i-adj
赤い「あかい」 red i-adj
昨日星は明るかったです。Yesterday, the stars were bright.
今朝は朝ごはんはおいしくなかったです。This morning, breakfast wasn’t tasty
友達は眠くないです。My friend isn’t sleepy.
私の車は青くないです。赤いです。My car is not blue. It’s red.
Thank you guys so much for reading, sorry for the long wait! Recently I’ve been pretty busy butttt summer vacation is here!!! Atleast for me, so I’ll have lots of free time. ♡
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nekkochyan · 4 years
みなさん、こんにちは!LESSON 4
I like/I don’t like
Hey guys! Today we are going to learn how to say that you like something or don’t like something do let’s get started! I’m going to explain the grammar a little bit as well.
I like - <noun>が好きです
好き「すき」 Is a Na-Adjective so when we are talking about something we like/hate, we are basically saying that something is likable, dislikable. We are using the が particle here because it’s grammatically correct and it doesn’t really carry any significant meaning, it basically replaces the を particle (object particle) because it can only be used with verbs and 好き is an adjective. So yes! You can say 好きな人 to mean favorite person and more stuff like that.
動物「どうぶつ」 animal
映画「えいが」 movie
新しい「あたらしい」 new (I-Adjective)
アニメが好きです。I like anime
この車が好きです。I like this car
かわいい動物が好きです。I like cute animals
新しい映画が好きです。I like the new movie
Did you know you can say 大好きです!「だいすきです」 to say I love you!
I don’t like - <noun>は好きじゃないです
じゃないです is one of the negations of です there are more but this is the most common one. We’ll learn more about this as well. We use the は particle here because were kind of trying to say ‘as supposed to the thing I like’ sort of thing
大きい「おおきい」 big (I-Adjective)
怖い「こわい」 scary (I-Adjective)
でも but
あまり not really (used only in negative sentences)
大きい犬は好きじゃないです。怖いです。I don’t like big dogs. (They) are scary.
あまり和食は好きじゃないです。でも寿司が好きです。I don’t really like Japanese food, but I like sushi.
Next lesson I’m going to talk about adjective negation and it’s sort of complicated so here’s a smaller lesson for now じゃ、またね♡
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nekkochyan · 4 years
みなさん、こんにちは!LESSON 3
I-Adjectives + Na-Adjectives
Hello guys! Today I want to touch more on the I-adjective and I will also introduce Na-Adjectives. So let’s get started!
We have learned to say what something is like using <noun>は<I-Adjective>です, but how do we say <adjective>noun? For example ‘fast car’ or ‘big house’? Well let’s learn that today!
For I-Adjectives, it’s pretty simple! We just put the I-adjective before the noun we are describing!
〜new vocabulary〜 (All vocabulary in this lesson, except the ones I listed here are found in previous lessons)
速い「はやい」 fast
遅い「おそい」 slow,late
面白い「おもしろい」 interesting, funny
車「くるま」 car
自転車「じてんしゃ」 bicycle
人「ひと」 person
部屋「へや」 room
私の「わたしの」 my (I will talk about this when I discuss the の particle, but for now just remember it’s put before a noun)
おいしい寿司 delicious sushi
速い車 fast car
面白いアニメ interesting anime
遅い自転車 slow bicycle
Now, for Na-Adjectives! We use the same formula, when saying what something is like so, <noun>は<Na-Adjective>です
きれい pretty,clean (looks like an I-Adjective but it’s not, don’t worry though there’s not a lot of these exceptions, when saying this remember to ilongate the れ since there’s an い following it)
静か「しずか」 quiet
親切「しんせつ」 kind
有名「ゆうめい」 famous,popular
あの人は静かです。That person is quiet
この部屋はきれいです。This room is pretty/clean
このアニメは有名です。This anime is popular
私の犬は親切です。My dog is friendly
So now let’s learn how to say for example ‘friendly dog’ We have to put a な in between in the adjective and the noun (hence the name), so, <Na-Adjective>な<noun>
親切な犬 Friendly dog
有名なアニメ Popular anime
静かな人 Quiet person
きれいな部屋 Pretty/clean room
And that’s it for today! Thank you for reading! We’ll still be learning new adjectives with new lessons, so this is not the end. We also need to learn the past tense and such but that will come later. Bye for now and stay tuned for lesson 4. じゃ、またね〜♡
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nekkochyan · 4 years
みなさん、こんにちは!LESSON 2
Today we are going to learn how to say something is pretty, big, small! There are two types of adjectives in japanese. The I-Adjectives and Na-adjectives. Today we are focusing on the former. So let’s get started.
Obviously I-adjectives end with an い. These adjectives already carry a meaning of ‘is~~~’ but we are still going to add です to sound polite. Without adding です the sentence is informal.
So let’s learn some adjectives, shall we?
おいしい delicious
高い「たかい」 expensive
小さい「ちいさい」 small
つまらない boring
眠い「ねむい」 sleepy
かわいい cute
暑い「あつい」 hot
Let’s also learn more about これ、それ、あれ, as we touched on them on the previous lesson, but I’m going to teach you how to say ‘that cat, this dog’
We only use this form when describing a noun!
この this <noun>
その that <noun> you have, near you but not me, that existed in the past
あの that <noun> over there, far from both of us
この猫 this cat
その時計 that wristwatch (you have)
あの木 that tree
(All this vocabulary, except the ones I introduced in this lesson are in one of the previous lessons, so basically the first so go review that if you don’t know these.
Now let’s add some more vocabulary!
ビル「びる」 building
寿司「すし」 sushi
和食「わしょく」 japanese food/cuisine
お店「おみせ」 store
赤ちゃん「あかちゃん」 baby
とても very
げーむ「げーむ」 game
So all we have to do now to say what something is like, <smth>は<I-Adjecive)です, when talking about yourself, は can be omitted as it’s clear from the context, unless it’s not.
あのビルは高いです!That building is tall!
お店は小さいです。The store is small.
和食はおいしいです!Japanese food is delicious!
赤ちゃんはとてもかわいいですね。The baby is so cute. (I will talk about the ね particle soon + other particles but it’s basically like ‘right? don’t you think?’ and it’s often used when complimenting someone.)
このゲームはつまらないです。This game is boring.
寿司はおいしいです!Sushi is delicious!
あー暑いです。Ah- It’s hot.
眠いです‥ I’m tired
That’s it for now guys, thank you so much for reading! Please leave a note and stay tuned for lesson 3! じゃ、またね♡
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nekkochyan · 4 years
みなさん、こんにちは!♡ LESSON 1
It is/I am/That is
Hey guys! Today I’m going to talk about です!Which is the formal way of saying is/are/be. In Japanese, the verb is almost always at the end of the sentence. You use this verb with people you don’t know that well.
です - is/are/be
<name>です。= I’m <name> // so, です can be used to introduce yourself!
ねっこちゃんです。= I am Nekkochan
ジョンです。 = I am John
Let’s learn how to say ‘that is ~~’ or ‘this is ~~’!
これ - this (as a noun, never ‘this ~~’
それ - that, close to the listener but not close to you. Also can mean ‘your ~~’ indirectly which is polite, also can be used to talk about a thing which happened in the past
あれ - that, far away from both the listener and the speaker, something that’s far away in distance
は - pronounced wa, I’ll talk about this in more detail but for now remember that this marks the subject, it’s needed for formal speech.
これ/それ/あれ は <noun>です - This/that is <noun>
So, it’s time to learn some vocab!
猫「ねこ」 cat
犬「いぬ」 dog
水「みず」 water
牛乳「ぎゅうにゅう」 milk
時計「とけい」 clock, wristwatch
いいえ (formal) no
木「き」 tree
Sample sentences ♡
これは猫です。This is a cat
それは時計です。That (you have) is a clock
それは牛乳です。That (near you) is milk
あれは木です。That over there is a tree
By adding か and raising our intonation we can making a sentence a question.
A: それは牛乳ですか?Is that milk?
B: いいえ、水です。
Since we know speaker A is talking about それ, speaker B doesn’t have to repeat the subject and just says, no, it’s not.
Thank you for reading! Lesson 2 will be out soon♡ じゃ、またね〜♡
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nekkochyan · 4 years
Hey guys, I wanted to talk about all the materials I use to study Japanese, I might change this depending if I still use it or not, so yeah!
Misa’s Japanese Ammo! She’s a really good youtuber and her beginners guide are literally packed to the brim with vocabulary, USEFUL!!! vocabulary. She makes sure every sentence sounds natural. So make sure to check her out.
Tae-Kim’s guide to Japanese is basically a whole textbook online, so I recommend it but I don’t use it a lot because I find it very boring but whatever floats your boat. This can be a good option.
I use this dictionary on iPhone called ‘Japanese’, it has kanji stroke orders and basically all you need in a dictionary. It even gives example sentences and you can make your own flashcards, I heavily recommend this and I think it’s free but I’m not sure I might have payed for it.
Memrise/Duolingo are okay for hiragana and katakana but in the long run I don’t recommend it even though it did help me learn hiragana and katakana.
And that’s it! Because if I do learn grammar it’s mostly because of Misa’s Japanese ammo or just searching it up on the internet.
After I learn any grammar points I write them in my notebook, it’s important to have a notebook dedicated to a language you’re learning to just quickly look back and revise. I even decorated mine! So yeah, have fun while taking notes, it’ll keep way more motivated. I usually get that rush of motivation after watching anime lmao. And as for kanji, I’ll make a seperate post for that because it’s kind of complicated.If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
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nekkochyan · 4 years
みなさん、こんにちは♡ ねっこちゃんです!日本語といろいろな言語を勉強しています(フランス語/韓国語)。ポーランドに住んでいます。ポーランド語と英語が話せます。よろしくお願いします。
Hey guys! My name is Nekko! I study Japanese and lots of different languages(french/korean). I live in Poland and I speak Polish(obvs) and English fluently.
I’ll be posting my language journey on here I guess, this could be ranging from any sentence structures I find interesting in anime or just something I was wondering how to say. Please follow me if you would like to see such things!
I love Attack on Titan and Haikyuu!!, they’re probably my favorite animes but I’ll also make a list on every anime I’ve watched and recommend so keep an eye out for that uwu
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