newletterstonate · 3 years
Thèse etc.
Là, je fais mon TER sur les émotions, les traits de personnalité et la tendance à croire aux fake news.
Je m’intéresse encore :
- au développement de l’attachement / au style d’attachement et à la tendance à croire aux fake news ou aux théories du complot. Faire une étude longitudinale? Regarder comment le style d’attachement a été mesuré par le passé.
- à faire une étude longitudinale sur le développement du scepticisme ou de la crédulité : voir Landrum etc. Depuis l’enfance, puis voir des liens avec les adolescents et adultes.
- à la surprise............ comme émotion épistémique.
- il y a moyen de mettre en lien curiosité pour la science, surprise et croyance aux fake news. Déjà, curiosité pour la science et croyance aux fake news n’ont pas été mis en lien! Aussi avec Ouverture d’esprit (Big 5)?
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newletterstonate · 3 years
Thoughts on politically motivated reasoning / Stuff between Kahan and Pennycook
So Kahan, in his studies, found that people adapt their understanding of numeric tables (quantities, quantitative reasoning) to their political opinions. 
Pennycook etc. then published a study about fake news and analytic reasoning, showing that people with better analytic reasoning (CRT) are better at identitfying fake news, even when they’re congruent with their political opinions.
So, Pennycook etc. used that as evidence against Kahan’s hypotheses, although Kahan’s work was about biased analyses of quantitative data, and Pennycook’s was about believing, or not, in new information. Believing in something or not leaves no room to interpretation. In Kahan’s studies, participants are asked to deduct something, to reason and interpret / infer, not to simply accept or reject.
Those are super different mechanisms, aren’t they? Interpreting data to get to your own conclusions, and simply believing (or not) in presented information?
Sometimes I feel confused by this “debate”. It seems to be about different mechanisms and findings that don’t contradict each other at all. Or do they?
Does it really seem illogical that a person interprets incoming quantitative data in a biased way, but rejects news titles that sound false?
Maybe it’s just me. But to me, they seem completely compatible.
So, my hypothesis would be that you have to distinguish :
A. Assessment and interpretation of quantitative data. 
The better you are at understanding quantitative info, and the more you are used to manipulating that kind of info, the more self-confident you might feel when you do so, which could lead to mistakes. Especially when you’re biased and thus distracted by your opinion. 
People who feel less confident might manipulate the info with more concentration and thus make less mistakes, independently of their opinions. In this case, their opinions would not be in present in their minds at the same time as the quantitative task, because the latter requires all their attention.
B. Assessment and belief / rejection of news (simple information).
Believing, or not, in new information is almost completely reactive. The only room for reasoning lies in the comparison between the new information and your prior beliefs. Naturally, you start assuming the information is true, and when you do reason and encounter too much conflict, it starts to feel false. 
But here the reasoning process, comparing the info to your prior beliefs, directly involves your political opinion (which is very linked to your prior beliefs).
The quantitative analysis of a table does not involve your prior beliefs in itself. Only the conclusion of your analysis does.
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newletterstonate · 3 years
“ Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Rˆmer's (1993) framework for the acquisition of expertise described deliberate practice (DP) as training most relevant for the improvement of performance within any domain. Central to Ericsson et alís viewpoint, developed with musicians, is that DP is extremely effortful and as a result is relatively low in enjoyment. “
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newletterstonate · 3 years
If I find the time : Read C.S. Carver
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newletterstonate · 3 years
conclusion de ce matin?
1 ) je travaille mieux en musique quand mon moral est à zéro ou moins
2) il faut que je revois mes hypothèses. 
3) j’avais travaillé de manière assez intuitive et rapide, sans avoir lu et analysé tout ce que je voulais prétendre avoir lu et analysé. c’est probablement notamment pour cette raison que j’ai eu autant de mal et douté de moi par la suite. détection de conflit cognitif quand on donne des réponses erronées sans les avoir analysées d’avance.
4) les hypothèses en question : h1: les informations plus surprenantes devraient être mieux discriminées comme étant vraies ou fausses et crédibles ou non-crédibles que celles qui ne le sont pas , h2 : il existe une différence de surprise face aux fake news par rapport aux vraies informations même dans les cas où elles sont considérées vraies ou crédibles, h3 : la sensibilité au conflit cognitif serait possiblement positivement correlée à la discrimination de la véracité et de la crédibilité d’informations, h4 : la détection de conflit cognitif pourrait être correlée à la différence de surprise ressentie entre des vraies et des fausses informations, h5 : la discrimination de la véracité et crédibilité s’améliorent avec l’âge, h6 : ainsi que la détection de conflit cognitif pour h1, il me faut des infos surprenantes en non-surprenantes (vraies et fausses)
comment créer des infos surprenantes et non-surprenantes ? partir du principe que la surprise vient du conflit avec les connaissances antérieures ? donc, des infos qui modifieraient les connaissances antérieures ? mais ca dépend des connaissances des gens... donc : qui modifieraient les connaissances supposées culture générale ? donc : trouver des infos qui défient la culture générale ? h2 trop compliquée pour moi là h3 : ok
h4 : ok h5 : ok 5 ) voir quelles variables il faut que je mesure, et définir comment
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newletterstonate · 3 years
if i’m good enough on my own, i don’t need to feel jealous or any other kind of rivality or envy ever again. just, being good enough / the best on my own? difficult.
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newletterstonate · 3 years
les derniers livres qui remettaient en question les personnes accusant les autres de mentir, expliquant que ces personnes étaient généralement les favorisés / populaires / riches : the people, No ; médecins et sorciers.
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newletterstonate · 3 years
what i learned today.
it’s a little difficult for me to actually take notes / to be able to talk about things i read, when it’s not a novel or other kind of story. so, i thought i’d try to write down some of the content in order to practice.
since 8:30 or so, i read an article about research philosophy, where researchers presented the core values they aim to follow in their work. i remember : interdisciplinarity, openness for new ideas and topics, adapting to student’s ideas and motivations, honesty to oneself and having a climate of trust. also, trying to have a positive impact on society, rather than just specific questions.
in wim de neys’ last publication, i read how he questions a new distinction that was being introduced between single and dual process theories, with a researcher named dewey apparently arguing that it could be better formulated in a quantitative vs qualitative way : is the process of intuitive thinking becoming deliberate of a continuous or discrete difference. wdn argued it wouldn’t make so much sense to change this formulation, since even then, researchers would have to decide on certain threshold values (e.g. decision time for deliberation vs intuition), and this decision seemed quite random in his description. furthermore, the measuring process itself would be difficult.
also, i read about the reactions of right-wing people in the us to the events in afghanistan. i didn’t read so much about it yet, but i understood that troops were leaving the country, which was now left to the taliban, and that some us right wing people thought it was the death of (neo)liberalism or so. and that they found it terrible. some extremists who had participated in january 6th capitol invasion found the taliban admirable.
about fake news specifically... 
did i actually learn anything there? argh.
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newletterstonate · 4 years
Tbt 2016, and how a jacket can be important.
Imagine you‘re a 17 year old teenager who‘s living on their own because everyone else left home. There are details to it – that there is no heating or hot water in the house, for instance, but it would take long to make a list. So you‘re just a teenager, 17, the only member of your family still living in the family‘s house.
It‘s february. You‘re depressed and have an eating disorder, so you‘ve been progressively isolating yourself since september and the people who used to be your friends are not surprised anymore that you skip school and that they never hear from you. They‘re used to it by now.
Your birthday comes. And goes. You never found birthdays very important and always told people they shouldn‘t worry about presents. To be honest, only getting a handful of facebook posts on your profile and an sms from each of your siblings sucks anyway. You‘re used to being lonely, but a birthday is the sort of occasion when it feels weird again (other candidates in the top 3: new year‘s eve, your graduation).
In the evening, it must be 8pm, your dad calls. He remembered and wants to meet up with you. You‘re not on good terms since he used to fight with you and insult you all the time for years, before leaving you alone, but you‘re still somewhat relieved that someone remembered you and you accept. When you meet, he doesn‘t have a present, so he buys you a zipper jacket.
It won‘t stay your only birthday present, of course; your sister will give you something the next day, and your mom also ends up realizing (in june) that she forgot your birthday.
But it stays sort of meaningful anyway.
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newletterstonate · 9 years
it will
some nights I wish that this all could end
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newletterstonate · 9 years
Hey Nate,
I ran again. It was good. I’ll really try to do it everyday. I’m listening to a playlist that E. made right now, it’s incredibly cute, there’s this song from the Les Misérables soundtrack at the moment, when Cosette’s still a little girl. Her voice is so cute. E. listens to a lot of girl singers, you know, I listen to guys most of the time, my favourite bands and artists are mostly guys, but her playlist is like, Shakira, Selena Gomez, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Emeli Sandé, Alicia Keys, The Scorpions, Les Misérables, One Direction. Mine was, like, Imagine Dragons, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, 5 Seconds of Summer, Birdy, Tom Odell, Linkin Park, Ed Sheeran. We have a quite similar taste, but not the same. It’s cool.
I’m reading a book by Andreas Eschbach, in german, the first one in a child series called “Das Marsprojekt”. As the title says, it’s about people living on mars. An utopian book, science fiction about the future. It’s quite nice, I like children’s books. 
Did I tell you that I deleted my instagram and facebook? I have a new instagram page now, that my friends don’t know. I post mainly lyrics and photos of people I like. Yeah, well, it’s alright. I like it better than the last one. No one can judge or comment and I post whatever I want. I don’t miss facebook, either. There were some groups I liked, but they were really unnecessary and kind of a waste of time. 
There was something I really wanted to tell you. That’s why I opened my laptop and tumblr in the first place, but I can’t remember. I’m sorry. I’m sure it will be back in an instant if it was important. 
I got new posters - Green Day, Guns n Roses, The Hobbit. They’re cool, but my room’s walls are totally full of posters now, there’s no place anymore, like, at all. 
E. reads books so quickly, ugh, I don’t want her to be so fast. I’m gonna leave you and read, too, so she doesn’t read too much compared to me. Gotta save my pride, haha.
Love you, Nate. I hope you’re good.
Love, C.
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newletterstonate · 9 years
an important piece of advice for future parents:
don’t insult your kid’s weight
don’t insult your kid’s weight
don’t insult your kid’s weight
just don’t even comment on it
your kid is well aware of their weight
just don’t do it
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newletterstonate · 9 years
Greenpeace and the Kitchen.
Hey Nate, it’s me again.
Running was great. Awesome. I was so proud even though I only ran for like, 30 minutes or something. I don’t care. I will try to run everyday, not for too long times or distances but just to feel good because it felt so good today. I’m still so proud. 
I ate too much today, but that’s okay. I’ll try not to eat too much for the rest of the week. I’m going to visit my best mates tomorrow, we never eat too much there, or at least I hope so. The thing is, E. and I baked vegan cookies today and they were amazing. She also made vegan pizza yesterday and seriously, I can’t stop myself from eating too much then. To be honest, I shouldn’t have to. I want to feel good and I won’t if I’m not thin, but I also won’t if I want to eat and don’t. So I’ll try to find a way. I think I will.
Note to myself: don’t eat too many cookies tomorrow. Go and run. RUN.
Greenpeace was awkward at first, but it got better. There was this know-it-all guy who was kind of strange, but alright, I mean, people are whatever they are and he wasn’t unfriendly or anything so it was okay. We’re planning something new. We’ll go to a demonstration against this nuclear power plant near to our city. We’ll go there by bike and stuff, it sounds like fun.
Oh, and I asked my sister to go to this kitchen with me. I don’t know how to describe it... Umm. It’s not like a bar or a restaurant, but close, as you can go eat there. It’s a weekly thing and people from different milieus meet there, like, us Greenpeace people, anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, communists or people who are more like... left, you know, then anarchists, WWF people, punks, hippies, no matter how old there are. Some of them help cooking there, nobody gets paid for it and you can get a meal for very little money, just enough so they can pay the ingredients for the next week. It’s awesome and I went there in autumn 2013 for the last time, so I was pretty nervous. I don’t feel like I belong there, but I want to. It’s because I don’t know the people there and they don’t know me, and I’m kinda socially awkward in those situations or places so I don’t know how to get to know any of them. They are really open, though, straight forward and nice, creative, different than everybody I know. I don’t know if my sister liked it or not. We got there early so we had to wait and as we didn’t know the people, it was awkward. We sat there, me writing, her reading a book (If I stay, the one with the Chloe Grace Moretz movie, you know?) and other people sitting there and hanging out in groups, having fun and not knowing us, but each other. Ugh. I hate awkwardness. I wanna be part of the group, but how? How? Get there more often? But what if I never talk to them because I’m too shy? I’ll never get in their group then. They’re too cool for me, right? But no, no, that’s not the way I wanna approach this situation. I want this to be different. Better. Make friends, cool friends. And who would go there with me if not E., and I really don’t know if she’ll go there again because it was so awkward, it’s not even the kinda place she looks like going to. So. I’ll think about it. Maybe if I help cooking there? But what if even that’s awkward? Aaah Nate, guys, no matter who. Help me, I need advice. I’m intimidated. They seem so nice but I’m just too shy, self conscious, not confident enough.
Then, there was this girl. This girl. Phew. She had dreadlocks, black or dark brown hair, the prettiest face I’d ever seen, beautiful eyes and lips and her nose and her neck and she wore a pullover that was kinda see-through because it was knitted with small holes and it was white, she wore brown timberland-style shoes and everybody knew her there, she was like, everybody’s darling. She was taking care of a little kid, a boy in a bright green jacket, who looked kinda mexican or something (no racism here, I just don’t know how to describe what he looked like and to me he looked kinda mexican, dunno). He walked everywhere and she seemed to look after him. She was thin, but not like too skinny or anything. Elegant. Beautiful, no, that’s not even enough. Gorgeous. I don’t know, I really don’t know. She took him on her arm when he cried. She’s the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I don’t know if I want to be her best friend and laugh with her or kiss her or take her in my arms and never let her go.
That’s so strange, I don’t know her at all, I don’t even know if I’m bisexual or whatever, I’ve never kissed anyone, never been in love either, not really been attracted to anyone. And she doesn’t know me and I’m galaxies away from being good enough for her, even though I don’t really know what she’s like. I’m sure that’s the situation right now. Ugh. My world sucks.
Still, I’m really happy since I ran today. And unhappy because I ate too many cookies, but oh well. I decided not to weigh myself for like a month or something, but to pay attention with calories, the usual. 
I have a crack on my iphone too, now. Just like all these idiots who let it fall to the floor. Yep, I’m exactly that kind of idiot. Whatever. I don’t really care. I got very annoyed first, but now I find it kind of funny and stupid, still annoying, but okay. 
Soooo. That’s it. I had a lot to say, didn’t I? 
I love you Nate. I love that girl, too. Ugh. I love you more.
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newletterstonate · 9 years
How to Fake Confidence
1. Hold your head high, and look others in the eye
2. Smile
3. Stop apologizing
4. Relax and be quick to laugh at yourself (but not at others!)
5. Dress in a way that indicates you have self worth
6. Use good manners (like saying please and thank you) as this is actually a mark of self respect
7. Expect other people to believe in you, and to see and appreciate your good qualities.
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newletterstonate · 9 years
Holiday activity, pressure, just stuff.
Hey Nate,
I’ve been on holidays for about a week now. It’s relaxing, although I feel like I should be more productive and work more, do more things that actually make sense instead of only listening to music and reading fanfictions. Walking around, whatever. The thing is, fanfictions aren’t being considered as real books and that’s annoying. I can’t say “I read six fanfictions during the holidays”, instead, it’s like, “oh, no, I, umm, didn’t really read a lot” even though I actually did. Just not physical books with well known authors. 
I’m also listening to music the whole time and I’m totally enjoying it. You know, I can’t do this on school days. I’m not allowed to use technology at school, so no ipod or phone during the breaks, and it gets annoying to put my headphones on and off the whole time. So I’m kind of discovering new bands. My favourites are the Arctic Monkeys, then, sometimes, Green Day and Pixies, My Chemical Romance, you know, this sort of stuff. I love Tom Odell and Birdy, also 5 Seconds of Summer, The Beatles, The Doors, Ed Sheeran, Hozier. I can’t tell what kind of “genre” I’m into, I just love them and yeah, that’s pretty much it. Now I listen to new things and I’m always adding artists to a mental list of music I should listen to. 
My sister and I played a game yesterday, when we were in the train back home, bored and listening to Green Day, 5 Seconds of Summer and... What else? I can’t remember. Anyway, it was just this question game, where you ask a question, the other one answers and asks something else. There were some things I need to remember, or to write down anyway. Her biggest wish - someone, besides her siblings, who cares about her for real. Who wants to know she’s alright, who wants to spend time with her and have fun with her. Like parents or a boyfriend, if those relationships worked out the way they should, which they don’t. An awesome idea for her birthday? A surprise, something that has been organized for her although she had no idea about it. Whatever it is, really anything cute and nice and surprising, with friends or family, maybe. 
I’ll plan something for her sixteenth. I have to, I owe her that. I mean, she’s practically the reason I’m still alive, the reason I want life to go on. Not the only reason, but the most important one. 
My biggest wish? A group of real best friends.
What activity does she think she should spend more time doing? For whatever reason? She actually does not think like this. She doesn’t think, hey, I should practice my instrument so much more, or, I should spend more time cooking or baking, doing things for school, this stuff. She doesn’t. Maybe, she told me then, she’d like to have more time only to herself, doing something without any second thoughts, not to achieve anything but just because she feels like it, and without the urge to check her phone or social networks or whatever there is that would get her back to reality, you know? Nate, I love my sister. She is so intelligent and lovely, beautiful even, she makes sense. 
I want to do this too. Never thinking stuff like “I should do this more”, not put myself under pressure. Why do I even do this? I don’t know. I should talk to my therapist about it, really. Because I didn’t even know you could not think like that. I thought it was normal. Honestly, this is all I ever do. 
“I want to learn the guitar. Why don’t I practice more? Ugh, because I read too many fanfictions and other things, because I’m on social networks. I should read more books. Plus, I should spend more time practicing the harp first, before learning a second instrument. But you know, there’s school and I’m already not good enough there, so I should spend more time learning and studying. But what do I do when I come back from school? Nothing useful, really. Not even cooking or baking. I want to learn that, but at the same time, I never do it, so if I did it more often... What hobbies do I even have, like, for real? Watching youtube videos? Ugh. That’s so me. And then I write about my feelings and my thoughts about the world instead of being productive. So useless. Instead of, like, actually writing stories or things like that, things I’ve been planning on doing for years. When was the last time I wrote a story? Everytime I go on instagram, there’s this awesome poetry account. I’d love to be a poet, but I never do it. Arts in general, you know, why do I never draw or paint the way I could? I never do this and I loved to do it as a child. Also, I’m never gonna meet people who share my interests if I don’t do it and go to the sort of places, milieus, where they meet...”
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla I’m useless bla bla I hate what I’m doing bla bla bla I’m not good enough bla I’m not enough anyway bla bla bla I don’t like myself bla bla I hate myself bla bla what do I even live for bla bla bla my thoughts get dangerous I should stop this bla bla bla let’s write something down to make it better bla bla bla oh I’m wasting my time again bla bla let’s do something useful bla until I don’t understand something and then the bla bla bla bla sets in again bla bla bla I hate the world this is all because of society no wait it’s my own fault ugh I hate myself and here we go again.
Welcome to my world. Am I the only one who’s like this? Is this some kind of disorder? I’m so thankful to E. for making me understand that this is not normal.
Not to this extent, anyway.
So, I want to go and run, run run run run run. Right now. First, because I didn’t work out for so long. Second, because I feel like it. Yes I do. I can listen to music while running. And there’s not much time left until I have to take the train because E. and I are grocery shopping later and then going to our Greenpeace meeting to save this effing planet. Then, we’ll go to some sort of public kitchen where strange people can eat cheap vegan meals that some of them helped cooking before. Hopefully we won’t be too out of place. I felt like that the last times I went there, but anyway, we’ll just see.
See you then, Nate. I miss you. I love you.
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newletterstonate · 9 years
Hey Nate,
I miss you. I miss having someone to do stuff with. Like, going out. I don’t even ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but for someone who would spend days with me in cafés, partly reading books and listening to music and actually talking about all of it, like, telling each other how much this story upsets us or how much we’re fangirling over it. Someone who would practice and study for exams with me while still having fun; someone who’d love to listen to all the stories I make up in my head at night when I can’t sleep, that are kind of my own unpublished book that I’m never going to write because the internet and school and family, basically responsibilities and distractions, exist. That person would encourage me and remind me of writing it down someday. When we don’t see each other, we spend lots of time on the phone or on skype. And don’t think I wouldn’t do the same for that person - that’s all I’m asking for. I want to be there for someone who actually appreciates it and does the same. That person would call me at impossible times and tell me about something that really doesn’t sound important nor interesting but I would care and answer if there’s something to say. I don’t care about looks. Really not. I just want to meet that person, one day. But I don’t even know how. Please. I’m losing hope. 
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newletterstonate · 9 years
About the responsible best friend.
//eerm I’ve never tagged anything as a trigger before so I don’t really know how to do it, but if you’re sensitive in self harm or suicidal topics, maybe you shouldn’t read it. I don’t know though. Whatever.
I really hate how in tv shows and books and stuff when someone self harms or worse there’s always this friend or enemy or whatever who’s made responsible for it like “it all happened because you didn’t care”, “because you were mean”, “because you weren’t there for him/her”, “because you didn’t appreciate him/her enough” though seriously, you can’t blame other people for such things. Okay, wait, you can if there are bully issues or stuff, but when a friend triggers you with suicidal thoughts - and seriously, that happens, this mentality is contaminous as fuck - so you try to take some distance because you know it isn’t good for you to try to solve the friend’s problems when there really isn’t anything you could do, and then the friend does something - it isn’t your fault. Seriously, it isn’t. No one can blame you for taking distance, okay? Everything isn’t always about your friend, you’re important too. Keeping your amount of healthy egoism is okay. 
I really needed to say this. Responsibility issues are no fun and I wish medias would get that too, instead of spreading the opinion that the best friend is the one to take care of real, big problems. Guys, it doesn’t work like that. 
Take care, okay?
I’m really scared of reactions to this post, but I really needed to get rid of that. Sorry if anyone takes this as an insult or in any other bad way. It isn’t supposed to upset anyone. It’s just really important to me.
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