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what an artful form of apartheid apologia. people are lapping this shit up in the notes. Even if we set aside the titanic amount of weaponry and equipment created and built by engineers and chemists, all the mapping software that guides missiles and drones and planes created by computer scientists and geographers for a second (science that the state is very much interested in!), zionist apartheid policy, administrative policies, planning and logistics, urban planning documents, you name it - that all apparently just popped into existence one day. for someone claiming to be concerned about social science academics you sure are dismissing all of their hard work! but if you just frame every academic in Israel as a poor little individual victim being randomly attacked for no reason then it’s easy to hide what’s actually going on, which is academics as a group experiencing the harsh end of a boycott. they are being targeted specifically because they are an intellectual class of a colonial state whose genocide is being live-streamed to the world, but if you obfuscate the academy’s role in training, educating, and providing intellectual architecture for the bureaucratic class and institutions that make up state governments, then you can frame a principled pro-Palestinian position (boycotting Israel) as misguided, stupid, overzealous, ineffectual, and most importantly, detrimental to the cause of freeing Palestine, all of which is of course so obvious to everyone but Palestinian activists. this is naked concern-trolling for the zionist project of annihilating Palestine and it is no less disgusting than any other zionist cheering on the mass murder of children
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nothing like new star wars media being revealed for me to realise me and many other people are getting VASTLY different enjoyment out of this.
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note: am v aware i have horrible taste lol
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I'm curious. what job would you do if money was no object (you just automatically had an income you could live comfortably on)? including work like volunteering, studying etc. please share in the tags :)
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children existing in public spaces is genuinely like. necessary for the continuation of society. it doesnt have to be your kids you dont have to volunteer at a daycare or whatever but you need to be able to tolerate the presence of someone who is learning how to exist as a human and interact with people
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What is Poly housing like? I already know of mono housing, so I am interested how Poly people would like to be housed.
I really like this question! There are as many housing 🏘️ situations as there are poly relationship dynamics! Off the top of my head, here's what I've heard of or experienced:
Cohabitating primary couple with another/others outside the home with their own place
Polycule living together but each person has their own room
Triad where everyone lives together and shares a bed
Everyone lives separately
Everyone technically lives separately, but sleepovers are every night and all that changes is who's hosting
Polycule is too expansive to functionally describe, so some are living together and some aren't
Lives separately, but purposefully got places as close together as possible. One group I heard of had a married couple living together and right across their back yard was their third!
Polycule lives together, with primary partners coupled up in rooms
And there's probably more! Let's try a poll.
Don't worry about people not in the polycule that you may be living with for the purposes of this poll. IE, you have a roommate that isn't your partner or something.
EDIT: please also vote on your ideal living situation
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Okay and spinning off from the last post (vote there too!), please only vote if you're in a poly relationship or ID as poly
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alright gamers i’m curious about something
basically i’m curious about how much of a correlation there is between being good at a game and enjoying it
the third to last one involves any game that you can’t really be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ at, that’s primarily based on luck, or patience, or just doing whatever you want with no real consequences, as opposed to objective skill that moves you toward a given end. but like even if so vote however you want
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according to wikipedia there are 44-50 countries in europe so i just went with 50. have fun!
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Hi cutie
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Isn't House problematic??
i live in one so i hope not
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If I ask nicely will people reblog this and tell me what their most common breakfast is? Not your favorite necessarily, just what you have for breakfast most frequently? 🙏🏽
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lets give it up for pleasures of the flesh !!
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i love weekend at barneys!
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